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The Interrogation And Punishment Centre For Girls

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Chapter III
'A Slave, a Branded Slave!'

I must have been driven to my limits by that last round of Torture and Zeta's enthusiastic fucking. Next thing I remember was waking and realising I was on a bed – a proper bed, for the first time for weeks, months probably! Not all that comfortable a bed, an ordinary basic hospital bed with a worn, hard mattress, and my still-shackled wrists and ankles were locked to the bars at the head and foot. Still, I could move about a bit, there was a good, soft survival blanket over me, a pillow behind my head, it was more comfortable than anything I'd experienced since I left home back in November before the coup, for what I thought would be just another weekend of Corrective Training ...

There were pads on my chest with wires, monitoring me now, not torturing me, and a drip-feed attached to me arm. I lay dozily, gazing at a white ceiling with a bright lamp in it. Eventually a male nurse came in, checked the monitoring apparatus, entered something on his tablet, and departed without a word. A while more, and he returned with a more senior man, presumably a doctor, who checked me over equally coldly. "She's okay," he declared, "It was shock mainly. Usual burns and bruises, a bit of bleeding in the genitalia, just superficial trauma. Normal feed by mouth for twenty-four hours, then they can have her back. Tell Zeta"

My heart sank at those words, "they can have her back." All too obvious, I was in the Medical Care Unit, so-called, really just a repair shop where victims are patched up and despatched, quick as pos, back to the Torture Chambers! My naked form wriggled under the blanket, no longer enjoying the comfort, feeling still the soreness and cruel sensitivity my ordeal had imposed on me.

The twenty-four hours passed all too quickly. The food was welcome, and a big jug of water which I could suck through a tube was blissful. Then the Orderly came and released me, still treating me as if I were a dumb animal of no use or interest to him – at least the Torturers get some pleasure from me, I thought! I stepped down to the floor. He clipped my wrist-shackles behind my back, and said the only words he ever spoke to me, "Out, turn left, keep ahead." I walked, unsteadily at first, through the door, into a corridor and along it as he'd instructed. A double door at the end brought me into the clinic where I'd been examined after the Torture Sessions, a white-coated man there, engaged in checking some other poor whimpering body, waved me down the ramp, back to the Console in the middle of the four Torture Chambers. I was sick with dread.

The Guard checked my ID on my wrist-iron, then to my surprise, pointed to the passage between the NE and SE Chambers, the one leading to the Waiting Area where we'd sat on the morning we were first admitted, and I'd been again when I was sent to be handed over to the SIS. What was this about?

I followed his instruction, in the Waiting Area I sat on the bench as indicated by the lanky Guard, still reading his comic. A couple of youngsters, still in sports clothes they'd been arrested in, started sobbing, pale with terror, at the sight of my naked, scarred and shackled body, a slightly older girl between them squeezed their hands to try to comfort them, she gazed at me with a look of fascination, there was even a hint of excitement in the quivering of her long, bare legs!

They were summoned upstairs one-by-one for processing. I was thinking, am I going to be tried now, and sentenced to death? But this is just the Civil Tribune, an ordinary Police Court, surely I'll have to face the Tribune Martial?

Another girl came along the corridor from the Console, she was still wearing pale blue briefs and bra, she was white, visibly trembling. She had to sit beside me, her still undamaged girl-skin rubbed against mine, sore and sweating. I glanced at her, trying to give an encouraging smile, but her flax-blue eyes were distended with terror – no doubt why she was here, she was about to be handed over for Torture.

She too was dealt with before me. At last, I climbed the stairs and stood, completely naked this time, at the ready, before the grey-suited magistrate. I felt conscious of the male eyes all around me, not only Court staff and Guards, even members of the public are allowed into the Courtroom, and the sight of a totally nude, shackled and Torture-scarred female was evidently of particular interest.

After reading a bundle of papers, he spoke. "Number and name?" I gave them. "I understand you've finally made the sensible decision to co-operate?" "Yes, Sir," I replied, sadly. "And you have confessed that you are an enemy of the State, right?" "Yes, Sir." "That means, of course, that you are automatically under sentence of death. When and how you die will be decided by the Court of the Tribune Martial." He glanced at me, I nodded, I knew.

"But," he went on, "I am informed by the Special Interrogation Service that they wish to investigate your case further, there may be other matters on which you will need to be interrogated." I sighed, dreading what that meant. "Your mother is still under Interrogation." God, I thought, they must be putting her through martyrdom! "You have at last given names and useful information about your accomplices and other female subversives. They of course have been rounded up and will be interrogated." I sobbed softly, feeling sick with shame. "And there's your sister, Laura. You still refuse to say where she is." I haven't the faintest idea where she is, but useless to say that. "She will be caught, and duly dealt with."

He paused, enjoyed my anxious breathing, my tearful eyes, my fearful tremor. "So, for the time being, at the request of Captain Zeta, you will be transferred to the Punishment Unit, where you will be put to useful work as a slave, undertaking rigorous hard labour. Do you understand?" "Yes, Sir."

I didn't understand, but at least it wasn't more Torture! I was directed out of the door from the Courtroom, across the Exercise Yard to the Foyer. There an office-slave emerged, and she escorted me through the Stripping Room, past the staircase and on into a room I'd not been in before, the Stores. She showed a paper to a Guard, "She won't need clothes, she can share her oppo's," he said; the office-slave took me to the end of the long, narrow room lined with large baskets full of different coloured slave-clothes, through the door at the end. "Wait here," she said.

Branding! He said it in such a matter-of-fact way. Of course, I'd seen the marks on the thighs of all the various classes of slaves, from the office-girls in their smart miniskirts to the naked Torture Chamber slaves like Rat and Piglet, a familiar pattern. Now I'm to be a branded slave too!

The area beyond the double door was a wide passageway, with light flooding in from open doors at the left-hand end. On the far side was a large alcove in which I saw a stove, a wooden rack on the wall holding a range of irons, and on the floor was a rectangular concrete platform the same as I'd experienced in the Torture Chamber.

I waited for a few minutes, then a group of men appeared from a door at the right-hand end of the passage, accompanied by a slavegirl. Their leader looked at up the paper which the office-girl had left clipped to a board in the alcove. "381152 Eulalia Merida?" "Yes Sir." "Over here!"

I crossed to the platform. One of the men, a Cadet, unlocked my wrist shackles, then tightened them with his key. "You know the procedure, slut, lie down!" Indeed, all too well I knew, I sat down then lay back, stretching out my arms and legs. Wrists and ankles locked to chains so I was X-stretched. The slave was busy already heating the irons. Two Cadets knelt down and took hold of my left leg, both gripping it very firmly. The fourth man, a Guard, knelt straddling my waist, grasping the top of my thigh and my groin. My female organs responded instinctively to this handling, he detected that reaction and began kneading and clutching at my pussy-lips in a way that had my pulse racing in excitement as well as fear.

The irons were ready now, the leading Guard took the first one from the stove and knelt down. My left thigh-muscles tensed, the three other men gripped even tighter. "Owwwwwww!" Although my inner thigh was already scarred by the cruelties Zeta and his team had inflicted, the skin on the front had been left intact, and it was here, near the top, that the first brand-mark was placed, the broken cross of the Military Security Commission, larger than the brands used in the Torture Chamber, about 10 centimetres across, and very, very painful.

I squealed and tossed my head back and forth, soaking in the pain, while the Guard selected the next iron. This had been prepared by the slavegirl with the digits of my prisoner number fitted into a clamp. Now glowing hot, they were pressed onto the front of my thigh so they read down from the broken cross brand nearly to my knee, 3-8-1-1-5-2.

They let go of my left leg and allowed me to kick and twist it for a bit, still shrieking as the heat burnt deep into my flesh, the succulent meaty scent filling the passageway. Now they took hold of my right thigh. On that, the brand was the lightning flash of the Special Interrogation Service, and beneath it the number M68A across (that, as I was soon to learn, was the number of my slave-squad), and the letters IPCG running down. They stood up and watched me kicking and squirming as the red of the tattoos deepened to a livid crimson. At last the leader smirked, "Right, Eulalia, you're a slave now – a branded slave!"
As always Eulalia your descriptions are very good , this is turning into a very good story and i think your fantasy. Keep up the good work:)

The Guard who'd branded me now led me to the door out of the building and pointed across a wide open ground to a long wooden building with a watchtower at one end, "The Director of Punishment's Office", he informed me, giving me the piece of paper with my details, "Hand this in there, they'll tell you where to go."

I ran, my instinct told me a slave mustn't hang about, and something soothing to my burning thighs, even exhilarating, in the feeling of free, athletic movement in the open air after so many weeks of confinement in stuffy cells and bondage in Torture Chambers. I didn't pause to look around, but knew I was in a very extensive, level, open area with the building of the Interrogation Centre along one side, other lesser buildings and stretches of barbed-wire fencing along the others. The office I was heading to stood alongside a gateway with guardposts either side, the wire gates shut.

I reached the DP's Office and mounted the steps. A Guard at a window took the paper, checked my identity, said," M68 you're in, that's hauling. Over to the gate in the far corner, the Guards there will direct you."

Off I ran again, this time noticing with a sharp knot of terror in my stomach a row of wooden crosses along the perimeter furthest from the Interrogation Centre. I remembered the horror of Anne-Michaela's death, I could see no bodies on these, but guessed if there were any they'd be on the far side, facing the fierce sun that was blazing on the gritty surface making it painfully hot to my bare feet.

At the gate, the Guard had already been told of my coming, he just checked my ID, opened the gate and pointed me onward, down a steepish, stony slope to a sort of railway halt, a platform with a wooden building on it. tracks like a narrow-gauge railway on either side, with small wagons parked on some, and various apparatus.

A Guard emerged, again evidently expecting me. "Right, Eulalia, you're on truck 9." He led me to one of the wagons, marked with a large figure 9 on its side, standing laden with some grey, dusty substance with a foul smell that was attracting a black covering of buzzing, pullulating flies. "Hold your arms up." He took a broad leather belt that was hanging in readiness over the front edge of the wagon, and fitted it round my waist, buckling it tight at the back. it was like the one I'd been made to wear in the Torture Chamber, when I was half-drowned in the shit bath, it had two rings on the front from which hung chains.

Now I had to stand in front of the wagon, with my back to it. He showed me a pair of bigger chains from either end of the front fender, and how I had to run the chains from my belt between my legs and clip onto these bigger chains, harnessing myself to my truck. "Now, my little donkey, your job is to haul your truck up to the top of the ramp," he indicated where the track ran up to some structure a great deal higher in the distance, "When you get to the top, you find bay 9 and stop there – this is the brake," he showed me a lever at the lower right side, "and this –" he pointed to a wheel on the end of the truck behind me, "is your control. Turn it to the right and it will empty, then turn it back up. Simple, eh?" "Yes Sir." "When you've emptied your truck, you take it down the other ramp, you'll have to stay upright of course, leaning back on it to support it. When you get to the bottom, you'll find bay 9 down there. Park the truck under the chute, find the lever by the chute, fill the truck and start up the up-ramp. That will bring you back here, where your load will be checked and weighed before you carry on. Understand?" "Yes Sir."

Yes, it was pretty straightforward, my 'rigorous hard labour', no intellectual strain, just sheer, relentless slog under the merciless sun, with Guards and Cadets posted and patrolling, whips in hand, to keep the constant procession of girl-hauled wagons creaking up the long, hard climb and rattling down again. I leant forward, felt the weight of the loaded truck tugging at my hips, bent my legs to press with my feet, and began to pull. He showed me the route to follow to join the main trackway, pausing to let a girl pass before I set off on my first haul up the ramp.

The main effort was of course concentrated in my pelvis, where the tight belt constantly tugged. I was still in some pain in that region, an after-effect of all the rapes and sexual Torture I had endured, I'd been bleeding a lot, my female plumbing still coming to terms with all that had been inflicted on it. I used my legs, especially my thighs, to press forward, so that my lower body didn't take unbearable strain, and grabbed at the sleepers between the tracks to give additional haulage with my arms and shoulders. So, crawling ape-like, hair hanging down over my lowered face, my bum constantly turning from side to side to the rhythm of my legs, my whole body worked at pulling the punitive burden.

As I at last approached the top of the ramp, there was some holdup, the girl ahead of me stopped, I pulled on the brake, sank to my knees and waited. After a minute or two, we moved forward, paused again, and, after two or three more stops, reached a wide platform covered by a metal roof that did nothing to diminish the heat. The track curved round and took us to a series of number bays, I found number 9, eased my truck cautiously onto a branch track that took me to the edge of the platform, overlooked an open HGV trailer parked far below. I pulled on the brake, turned and took hold of the control wheel. It wouldn't move, I was panicky, but saw a handle above it and guessed that was the release lever – luckily I was right, once I'd pulled that down, the wheel turned, indeed so sharply I couldn't stop it. With a loud whoosh the foul stuff cascaded down into the trailer below, a cloud of black flies and evil-smelling dust rising above it.

I returned the wheel to the top position, pushed back the control, and manoeuvred back onto the main track. Getting down was less strenuous but more tricky, leaning back against the still-weighty wagon, stepping with my bare feet from sleeper to sleeper as I tried to keep the thing steady, dreading what punishment I'd earn if I let it derail or capsize. Towards the bottom, we passed under a bridge only just high enough to allow our wagons through, and then into a tunnel where the gradient levelled and it became necessary to crawl again, hauling through a pitch dark, chokingly dusty, roastingly hot mine gallery.

At last there was light, then open air again, and we were in a kind of quarry, with a wide oval surface around which the track ran, taking us as expected to another series of numbered bays. At number 9, I positioned my truck under a chute, located the lever, pulled that down, and a mass of the smelly grey dust poured out, so fast I had to push the lever back urgently to avoid overfilling, doubtless a punishable offence.

Off I set again, through another hell-like shaft, then starting to climb once more, under another bridge, and up to the place where I'd begun. Here again there was some delay, before it was my turn to haul my load onto a weighbridge. During that pause, a little slavegirl came along with a water bottle, I drank it all with gratitude, I was already desperately thirsty, sweat streaming off my back – which the sun hadn't seen during the weeks of my imprisonment, it was burning red raw. When I moved onto the weighbridge, my identity shackle was checked, the weight recorded, a sharp cut of a whip flashed across my bum, and off I set, up the long, long drag once more.

The toil went on, hour after hour, unremitting, relentless. I don't know how many round trips a I managed during that first shift – and it wasn't a full stint by any means, I'd started in mid-shift, but I was quickly reduced to an automaton, plodding on mindlessly, only aware of the wagon in front of me, only just conscious enough to remember what to do at the top and bottom of the ramps.

At last, when I was approaching the weighbridge, I saw that something new was happening. After each girl passed across the weighbridge, she pulled her truck a short distance then stopped, so we formed a line. A team of other girls was waiting, naked, and as each of us stopped, one stepped forward to exchange duties. When I stopped, a dark-haired, petite girl came to me. "Hi!" she whispered – even here, we weren't allowed to talk – "I'm Paula, I'm your oppo." "Hi, I'm Eulalia," I replied very softly, "I'm new at this, what do I do?" "Quick, belt off, put it on me." She unclipped my chains and unbuckled the belt and I fitted it round her waist and connected her to the truck. She then pointed to a pair of blue knickers and a strap-top vest lying on the ground, "Pop those on – we share clothes!" As I pulled them on, she whispered, "Follow the others up to Parade. See ya!" The wagon in front was already moving, it was time for Paula to move off.

The other girls from my shift were running up the slope to the gate in the fence, I followed them. At the gate, we each had our IDs quickly checked, then set off across the wide open space. There were hundreds of girls assembling, from all directions. I caught the eye of the a bright-eyed Asian girl with long dark hair behind me from my squad, whispered "Where?", she beckoned and I followed her at a brisk run to a point where M68 was marked by bricks laid in the ground. There we all stood, in a row, at the ready.

In a matter of a few minutes, hundreds, indeed well over a thousand girls had arrived on this Parade Ground and positioned themselves in orderly rows. Our uniforms varied – a good many were like us, in blue knickers and white vests, but others were wearing shorts or skirts, or skimpy thongs, and while the top garment (if they had one, a few were topless) was always white, the lower ones varied between white, blue and red. The meanings of these various uniforms would become clearer to me in time, at this stage they just bespoke a highly ordered, regimented system in which I was one, small cog.

Cadets were patrolling between the rows of girls, equipped with portable scanners to check our IDs, one by one we held out our left wrists to be recorded. There was also a guards to each squad, ours was a gruff brute who flicked out thighs with his whip even if we were standing perfectly correctly.

We were facing the Interrogation Centre building. In front of it stood a series of platforms. There were was one at each end of the row with a Whipping-Scaffold like the one in the Exercise Yard where I'd seen youngsters like Caterina being flogged. In between was a long, lower platform with a balustrade, and this had another pair of stands with Scaffolds at its ends, so up to four victims could be lashed or otherwise tortured here. They were vacant at this time, as it happened, but I'd soon see them in use.

A couple of officers were on the platform with the balustrade observing the assembly. When the Cadets had all finished there checks and were stood alongside their girl-squads, one of the officers spoke. "Girls to the Gym for Punishment, numbers ...." He reeled off a list, as he did so, one girl after another left her position and scuttled across between the platforms to a doorway in the building. Then he commanded, "Parade, dismiss!"

At once every girl turned smartly to the left, and we filed off, briskly but orderly, through the now-open gateway by the Director of Punishment's Office, across a roadway, and through another gate to another flat, open area with a fairly large wooden building at the top end. We all lined up there, and busy slavegirls handed us each a bowl of stew, a piece of bread, and a mug of water. We took these and sat on the ground, eating and drinking. I stayed with the Indian lass who'd guided me to the correct place on the Parade Ground, learnt her name was Gejo. This was a place where we could talk without too much risk of punishment, but we were all too tired and desperate for food and water, so we didn't exchange any more.

We soon returned our bowls and mugs, tossing them into huge washing vats, then I followed Gejo round the side of the kitchen building to a series of wooden huts. One of these had an entrance marked M68, we went inside, stripped and ran through a very welcome cold shower, up one side and back down the other to retrieve our clothes. No towels, we pulled our vests and knickers on our still-wet bodies and made our way across to a wide bench down the middle of the building.

Girls were already lying on it, we joined them. Gejo explained, "You lie with your head on my thigh, keep your legs apart so the next girl can put her head on yours." Another row of girls was forming alongside us, running the opposite way. So we settled down, like sardines in a tin, nestling in the comfort of each others soft, tired, sweating, aching flesh. Gejo stroked my hair, I stroked her leg, and the pretty blonde curls of the youngster who was resting on my thigh. It was a strange way to sleep, but much more pleasant than the Interrogation Centre cell, and so weary were we, we were soon all fast asleep.

We were woken by a screaming alarm siren long before we'd had sufficient sleep. A quick visit to the primitive latrine – a long board with holes in it perched over an open drain – a scamper through the cold shower, and out we ran to the Canteen Yard, where we hastily gobbled down bland gruel, stale bread and water. It was still night, clammy and humid, big flies buzzed around us, crawling over our bare skin and foetid food. Harsh lamps exposed us to the gaze and the whips of our ever-present male custodians. Then up, our utensils tossed into the washing tanks, and we scampered across to the Parade Ground – slavegirls never walk, always run, flicked by urging whipthongs.

Two of the Scaffolds at the front of the Parade Ground were now occupied, the ones at either end of the officers' platform. A pair of girls, clearly twins, though one's hair was more golden and curling, the other's honey-blonde and wavy. Their faces both wore expressions of grim determination, yet all-too-obvious terror, like children trying to be big and brave but teetering on the edge of welling tears. Their well-formed naked bodies, X-stretched between shackles, twisted gently in acknowledgement of their helpless vulnerability, as Torturers stroking mighty sjamboks eyed their destined targets.

We slaves lined up in our appointed ranks, held out our left wrists for ID checks, then stood at the ready. A Lieutenant told us these victims' crimes – they'd lived with their parents on an estate in the mountains, they – or at least their parents – had been sympathetic and supportive to the hill-tribes people, whom the Military regarded as vermin, fit only for enslavement or extermination. For aiding the enemies of the State, Dionysia and Diana are to be beaten – not just a normal whipping, forty, sixty, perhaps a hundred – no, beaten to death!

Their bodies tensed as their sentence was repeated, Dionysia lowered her head, Diana glanced her way but found no comfort. The Torturers, two for each girl, began flogging, the writhing, yelping, shrieking began, as those expressions of courage soon melted into floods of despair. After a dozen apiece, we were dismissed to run to our work, the twins hung sobbing and twisting as they digested the first course of their long, long feast of suffering.

At the halting-place I stripped off the vest and thong and waited. Paula soon crawled up the track, hauling wagon 9, breathing heavily, her eyes glazed, body glistening. I quickly released her, she took off the belt and fitted it on me, then shackled me to the truck. With a flash of a smile on her bright white teeth, she patted my rump and I was off, up, up the long, long ramp. Such was to be my life, I thought grimly, from now until whenever they choose to torture me to death, sheer, relentless, exhausting physical toil. Feeling the chains chafing the tender flesh of my groin, still cruelly sore from the Tortures they'd concentrated there, I felt a strange longing for the thrills of the Torture Chamber and the intimate attentions of Major Zeta!

The rhythms of slave-life were soon engrained in me – eight hours labour, eight hours rest. I was in the A shift, my oppo Gejo in the B shift. Stints were from four in the morning until noon, noon till eight in the evening, and eight to four overnight. In the day, the sun would grow increasingly fierce until around noon and the early afternoon, when the only relief was that the Guards and Cadets were less active, retiring to their huts to smoke, drink and play cards instead of cavorting up and down the ramp whip-flicking us. Later in the day and into the night it generally became more humid and sultry, then the biting insects grew most vicious, crawling across our backs, nibbling at our tender parts and Torture-scars. Quite often there dark clouds, sometimes these broke in fierce thunder-showers, beating rain and sharp hailstones giving some refreshment to our scorched skin.

We were of course under constant pressure to keep moving, to go faster, to keep up with the girl in front. As well as the overseers' whips, the Punishment system enforced our quotas. Each time I came to the weighing station, my load was checked and electronically recorded. At the end of the shift, if the total I'd hauled was less than my quota, I earned one Punishment Point for each percentage point below the quota. Not that I had any real control, I could only fill my truck to the top – if I spilt any of the dust by overfilling, that would get me a whipping on the spot and more PPs – and then force my aching legs to drag me and my load up the ramp as close as I could to the girl in front. Often there were hold-ups at the top and bottom, then we just had to crouch, waiting to move on, knowing in frustration that we were losing valuable time to fulfil our quotas. Nor was there any reward for heaving above your quota – on the contrary, it just meant your quota was increased, as it was based on average performance.

You also earned PPs for disciplinary offences – Cadets could award up to five, Guards ten, Officers as many as they pleased. You were most likely to get them for "insolence", daring to look at a man (or at any of the few female Punishment Centre staff), failing to bow respectfully whenever you passed one, to fall on your knees in Submission posture if one spoke to you, to stand smartly at the ready (though with eyes still lowered, lips parted, legs wide, to signal availability of every orifice) when ordered up, to run briskly to fulfil every command....

At the end of each after-shift parade, an officer read the numbers of the girls who, at that point in time, had the highest number of Punishment points. It wasn't long before mine came up, and I learnt the procedure. We had to run into the main building by the doorway I'd come out after being branded, and along the passage past the Branding Area, through another pair of doors into a changing-room, where we stripped and waited, hearing sharp squeals and pained cries from each girl called into the next room, seeing their distressed expressions as they emerged, hugging their buttocks, to pull on their clothes and hurry out. When my number was called, I went into that room, which was, as it was called, The Gymnasium. However, it was not now a place for healthy exercise, most of its equipment was disused, only a vaulting-horse served to support us naked victims while we were punished. I had to jump up onto it and lie front-down along it, legs straddling its sides, feeling its worn surface stimulate my nipples and my clitoris. In a strange touch of care, a female Medical Inspector in nurse's uniform held my wrists, while a giant of a Torturer administered my Punishment with a cane – one stroke per Punishment Point, in my case twenty-six. Although I was well-used to being beaten now, this was a specially cruel, concentrated chastisement, inflicted with relentless efficiency, by the time it ended I was yelling lustily.

When he finished and snapped "Down!", I slithered off the horse, bowed respectfully to say "Thankyou, Sir!", then departed like the others had done, nursing my burning buttocks, yet aware of the excited warmth in my genitals and breasts – there are unexpected moments of delicious pleasure in the cruelty of being a slave!

But this was still to come when I toiled through my first full eight-hour shift. When I dragged myself and my cart, half-dazed, parched under the roasting sun, up to the weighing-station for the final time, I barely understood what the Guard meant when he snarled, "Under quota, three percent – three Punishment Points for you, turd!" and kicked me to prompt me to stagger forward to where Paula was waiting to relieve me.

When we reached the Parade Ground, Dionysia and Diana were still on their Scaffolds, still hanging helpless, the fronts of their bodies now vividly criss-crossed with crimson weals, blood splattering down from many open wounds especially to their shapely young breasts. Their heads were hanging, they were panting or gasping, but still clearly conscious. After we'd been checked, their Torturers administered another dozen lashes to each, they both rolled their heads deliriously as they absorbed further hurts, Diana was kicking wildly with her long, graceful legs, her sister's responses were more in sharp jerks and leaps of her torso. God knows how many lashes they'd been given while we'd been labouring, the brutes deliver the blows in carefully rationed quantities, leaving the poor victims exposed to the fierce sun and evil insects for hours in between inflictions, making sure they string out the agony as long as they possibly can before death comes to save them.

When we lay on the hard long benches in the dormitory hut and rested our weary heads on each other's aching thighs, we were too exhausted for anything but sleep, but the few seconds before we drowsed off were moments of pleasure, enjoying the musky scent and the taste on our lips of our workmates' sweaty skin. A pretty blonde truck-hauler once dared to lick me, very cautiously and discreetly, I stroked her hair, my loins quivering at the delicate sweetness. But the neon lights were always blazing, spy-cameras prowled over us. We knew if we were even spotted stroking we'd get at least ten Punishment Points, more intimate cuddling or sex-play would constitute a criminal offence to be reported to the Director of Punishments – at very least we'd be flogged on the Parade Ground Scaffolds, probably something much worse would follow ...

The Canteen Yard was a place where we could exchange a furtive encouraging smile, a few whispered words, though Guards were always hovering, eager to swoop. After a few days, I spotted Caterina, the unlucky kid who'd been renditioned with me. She said she was okay, though she looked deathly pale, emaciated and still trembling from the shocking trauma that had ripped through her happy girlhood. She was dressed in blue shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt, a little bit more than my knickers and vest, as she had only committed "minor" offences, though, like her flogging, her labour was scarcely any lighter and if she survives her seven years she'll only be sold off to end her life toiling for some private slave-contractor. I learnt from whispered exchanges that she was working on the Tip, a huge waste-heap below the cliff overlooked by the Crosses at the edge of the Parade Ground – I'd heard the steady stream of trucks rumbling day and night, delivering the garbage from some nearby city for hundreds of girls to sort for recycling, just as Laura and I had done on the Lod City tip when we were doing Corrective Training, before the Night of Fire – but this tip was much, much bigger.

Caterina said her job was picking out meat – usually foul, rotting pieces, joints, even whole carcasses – and carrying it to the big factory we could see from the Canteen Yard (beyond another row of Crosses), with a tall chimney constantly belching smoke and three funnels that poured out a foul, greasy steam whose sickly stench pervaded the whole Punishment Centre, especially during the humid nights. I guessed that was a clue to the smelly grey dust I had to transport in my wagon, the meat was boiled down, bones extracted and crushed in a mill (driven by girls on a treadmill) to make fertiliser for the over-cropped and chemically-poisoned soil of the "civilised" world. I was partly right, but – as I would learn in time – that wasn't the whole story, there were other trucks that sped along the road between the Canteen Yard and the Parade Ground, delivering loads I couldn't guess at ...

Dionysia and Diana were still alive when we'd come out to the Parade ground for the night shift, still alive when that ended. Each time we saw them, they were flogged again, two dozen lashes. No doubt they were also beaten in front of the B shift girls, and probably in between Parade times too. After twenty-four hours, their bodies were hideously swollen with oedema, completely covered with massive bruises and deep weals, blood cascading, yet they still jerked and twisted under the blows, still groaned as they were lashed. At noon, Diana was still alive, twitching as she was beaten yet again, but Dionysia had died, her body had been sliced open from her collar to her groin and her innards cleared out. By the end of the shift, Diana was dead and carved open too. Their butchered carcasses were to hang there for days, crawling with flies, pecked apart by crows, nibbled by huge rats that had free use of all the Punishment Centre by day, and even more by night, untroubled by crowds of slavegirls and their captors. Eventually, they too were removed to the Processing Unit. Nothing is wasted.

While their bodies were still displayed, another victim was presented for our attention on one of the outer Scaffolds. She was Farida, a tall, graceful, doe-eyed Near-Eastern girl whose only crime was being a Muslim, ironic that a faith that requires of its female followers precisely the virtues of modesty and submissiveness admired by the Military Security Commission should be perceived as a threat, its practice a form of treason. We learnt she was to receive sixty lashes, then, when she'd had a little time to recover and regain her strength, she was to be crucified.

The twenty-four Crosses – twelve on the Parade Ground, twelve more beyond the Canteen Yard (on what they call Death Hill) – are in more or less continuous use, always festooned with bodies, several of them usually still twitching and gasping for life. She took her lashing, administered with a many-thonged Scourge, with an instinctive grace, her body turning with increasing vigour until she was leaping and twisting in the air as her Tormentors forced her to dance in her chains. Although she naturally screamed and cried, there was a dignity and composure in the way she coped with her agony that I could only admire, it was as if she was fulfilling what she knew to be her true destiny.

It was a few shifts after I'd met up with Caterina that I felt a tug on my arm as I sat on the harsh gravel of the Canteen Yard supping my gruel. I turned and saw Marie, my little friend from the Interrogation Unit. She pressed herself against me lovingly, I glanced round to ensure no Guards were watching, and gave her a quick hug. From then on, she sought me out at each shift-change, we didn't communicate much, but I was evidently the "big sister" figure she needed it gave me pleasure to play a human role when most of the hours I was just a machine.

She'd been tortured. She didn't say much about it, but I could see the scars on her thighs, loins and small breasts. It was something about her real big sister, Justine, that they were trying to extract from her, though I couldn't make out whether Justine was still free or whether she was in the IPCG, or perhaps already dead. What sickened me even more was that the poor little creature was under a sentence of Punitive Hard Labour, even worse than the Rigorous Hard Labour I was enduring. This was signalled by her uniform, simply a red thong, nothing else.

I found out eventually that, because of her small size, she'd been given the job of sewer-rat, perhaps the most disgusting in the Centre. I'd been conscious while I'd been imprisoned in the Interrogation Unit of a soft, slithering sound of movement in the drain below the water-spout and latrine-hole in each of the cells I'd been in. I'd preferred not to even think about what it might be. Now I learnt. The sewer-rat slave had to spend her shift dragging herself through the drain (which of course was only flushed every four hours, when the water-ration was issued), using her body as a living lavatory-brush to clear the excrement that constantly accumulated in it, pushing it at the turning-point into a hole where it dropped into the IPCG cloaca (main sewer). Hauling truckfuls of crushed bone up the Ramp seemed to me a pretty light and healthy form of exercise compared to that!

Yet there was no hint of despair in the way Marie explained he duties to me in brief and halting phrases – she was quite matter-of-fact, her eyes were bright, the fact that she'd found me, her "best friend", seemed enough to let her cope with the worst these brutes could inflict on her. There's an iron-hard core to this kid, I thought, and gave her another surreptitious hug.
Chapter IV
The Experiments of Dr. Sheng

I don't know how many weeks, probably months, I plodded twelve hours of each day up and down that Ramp, how many times I was summoned for Punishment, how many girls I had to watch being flogged – sometimes prior to slave-labour, sometimes before Crucifixion, sometimes to death. The grilling heat of the daytime sun, the clammy closeness of the night with its biting insects and stench of simmering flesh, the constant attention of cruel, contemptuous Guards became normal life to me, punctuated by times of exhausted sleep, surreptitious intimacy with Barbara and other girls on the bed, brief whispered exchanges with Marie in the Canteen Yard.

At one shift-end, Paula had gone, I never knew what happened to her, girls frequently disappeared, to what fate it was better not to wonder. Her replacement was a freckle-faced, frightened, but athletic-looking youngster with long brown hair down to her hips, "Bonnie" she whispered her name. She'll cope okay, I thought to myself, reflecting as I trotted up to the Parade Ground that not so long ago I'd never have believed any human, never mind a slender young girl, could "cope" with the barbaric ordeal of haulage-slavery.

And then, one evening shift-end, it was my turn to disappear from M68A. After calling the girls for Punishment, the Lieutenant on duty shouted my number, "381152, report to the Commandant!" Scared at what this might mean, and not knowing where the hell I was supposed to go, I ran towards the entrance door. There a blonde slave in smart white shirt, skirt and trainers was waiting. She simply beckoned me into the Stripping Room, where she nodded to me to pull off my vest and knickers, then led me up the stairs to the first floor. She pressed a button outside a grand, polished oak door, a red light came on, we waited.

This was by far the finest part of the ICPG buildings, with a polished wooden floor and panelled wall. The door where we were waiting was alongside the stairs, opposite them a pair of large doors with shiny gold fittings was covered in tasteful green leather - I didn't guess then that it was girlskin. Across the landing was another oak door, and also a strange hatch-door low in the panelled wall.

The light turned to green, the smart slave opened the door and ushered me in. Behind a vast oak desk sat a small, plump oriental man with gold-rimmed glasses. The slave fell on her knees in submission pose, instinctively I did the same. I was kneeling on an exquisite, soft-piled, pale-coloured carpet, as fine as anything I'd seen in the days when my parents used to take me to official functions in the Presidential Palace – another world!

"Up!" His voice was not loud, but high-pitched and piercing, I winced as I jumped to stand at the ready. The slavegirl retired to the side of the room. "So, you are Eulalia Merida?" "Yes, Sir." "Come here, Eulalia, let me see what they've done to you." I walked around the huge desk and stood before him, as he swung to face me on his massive swivelling desk-chair. "Show me your hands." I held them out. My nails had grown again, but my thumbs were still distorted by the Torture they'd endured, and my skin hard and calloused from crawling up the Ramp.

He turned his close attention to my face, my scarred breasts, my whiplashed back, my buttocks, my thighs, my calves and feet, and finally examined with pudgy probing fingers those parts between my legs that has suffered the most evil torments. His touch was gentle, but thorough, more the touch of a doctor of a Torturer. I responded with inevitable jerks and twists of my body and little gasps of pain, though I tried to keep quiet – it was fear, a sense of awe, there was strange, ritual quality to what was happening that silenced my urge to cry out even when his fingering reignited the fires of agony my Torturers had implanted in my genitals.

"Hm, you've had a good taste of Torture, haven't you, Eulalia?" "Yes, Sir." "You've a nice body, it's a shame they've had to spoil it." I could only nod in agreement. "Major Zeta's a fine man, one of our most skillful Torturers, but his methods are still so crude, so primitive – come girl, I'll show you what I mean." He stood up and ushered me across to the corner of his large room, up a couple of steps to a bay with windows overlooking another room, a high, spacious hall. He sat on a chair looking through, with a range of controls on a counter in front of him. He signalled to me to sit on the seat beside him.

"Look, Eulalia, this is my private Torture Chamber. In here I have the most sophisticated Torture equipment in the world, the cutting edge of innovation in the Torture of nubile women! See!" He pointed to a gleaming steel frame, held horizontal by a pair of machines either side. I could just tell a naked girl's body was stretched out, held by cables between the four corners. With a touch of his controls, the frame slowly swung up to vertical, so I could see her more clearly. "That is my See-Saw," he purred, his squeaky voice gleeful with pride. "Look at this screen, you'll see more clearly." On a VDU in front of him appeared a close-up of the stretched woman, a long-legged, pale, blue-eyed blonde, of Scandinavian appearance.

"Dagmar!" he snapped. The girl's eyes glanced about in terror, but she did not speak. "Dagmar, answer me!" "Y-yes, Sir," she spoke hoarsely, anxiously. "How are you?" "I – I'm all right, Sir .... but please, p-plea .... aaaaah!" Suddenly her body was seized with merciless pain, her pelvis jerked up and hurled about as if some cruel monster were biting it. Several seconds it lasted, then subsided. "Do you want it to stop?" "Oh, yes, Sir, please, no more, please....ooohhh!" Again she was thrown into a spasm of writhing, this time twisting her upper torso, shaking her well-formed breasts back and forth. "You know how to stop it." "S-sir, I p-promise, I've told you everyth.... awwww!" Her head shook violently from side to side. "Don't lie to me, Dagmar, just tell the truth." She simply gasped, she must have bitten her tongue in that last spasm, blood trickled down her chin. "When you're ready, just tell me the truth, and the pain will stop." With another touch of the control, the frame swung back to horizontal. Immediately there was another shriek, her legs kicked frantically for a good thirty seconds.

I looked at the Commandant. How was he doing it, I wondered. There were no cables, no apparatus attached to the girl, apart from shiny steel manacles and the cables pulling them to hold her limbs taut. Reading my mind, he zoomed in so the screen showed her breasts and upper body in close-up detail. Then I saw that there were tiny needles stuck in several places up and down her trunk, though curiously not where I'd have expected some instruments to be, on the most sensitive points like her nipples – no, these were at seemingly random locations. Proudly he explained, "Combining the most advanced western technology with ancient Oriental medical wisdom, I can deliver precisely-measured doses of exquisite pain to the most receptive part of a female's anatomy at the optimum moment. And my machine has a mind of its own, I can trust it to go on monitoring my victim, hour after hour, day and night, inflicting the appropriate Torture exactly when and where it will be most effective!" As he spoke, Dagmar shrieked again. He grinned, a wide, toothy, triumphant grin.

I shuddered, my whole, wretched, torture-scarred, naked body felt sickened as if he were already exercising his power of pain over it. But he took my hand and we stood up. "Don't be afraid, Eulalia," he said in a gentle tone, "You won't need to experience the See-Saw. Life's going to get better for you now." I looked up at him, mystified. "First, let's get those nasty old irons off you, eh? Hold out your wrists." I obeyed, he took a tool from a drawer and unscrewed my shackles, which had bitten deep furrows into my wrists. Then he got me to put each foot on a chair so he could remove my ankle-irons. "And now you need a wash, something to eat, and a good rest. Cumin!" He addressed the white-clad slavegirl, "Show Miss Merida to her room!"

She opened the door and led me across the landing, in through the door the other side of the staircase. I led to a nicely-furnished bedroom, another luxurious carpet on the floor, all the furnishings one would expect in a good-class hotel. A door on the left at the far end led into an en-suite bathroom, she ushered me in, saying "Clean yourself up, I'll bring you some food."

It was a proper, warm shower, not like the cold spray in the slave-dormitory, there were plastic bottles of soap-gel and shampoo, in a choice of delectable aromas. I revelled in the refreshing play of water over my filthy, toil hardened, torture-scarred skin, and through my lank, greasy, insect infested hair. Again and again I washed myself, rinsed myself, washed again, it was a luxury I'd ceased even to dream of since I came to the IPCG. The wall alongside the shower was covered in mirror-tiles, so I could seem my body growing pinker and fresher with each wash. It crossed my mind that it might be a one-way mirror, the other side of the wall would probably be in a corner of the Commandant's office, but I didn't care – I was well used to men looking at my nakedness, and if he cared to view me enjoying this blissful bathe, I was happy for him!

At last I turned off the shower and looked for towels. Three huge, deliciously soft bath sheets were waiting on a warmed towel-rack, I wrapped them around me. I didn't find any electric hair-drier, but that was no problem, I happily towelled my hair dry, and took my pick from a range of scented body-lotions and creams to spread over my now-tingling skin, massaging them, pleasurably soothing, into the still deep and vivid scars of my Torture.

When I came out of the bathroom, I found Cumin – nice name! – had left a tray on the little coffee-table with a plate of egg, cheese and salad sandwiches, a generous mug of hot chocolate and a big bowl of fruit and ice-cream. I'd abandoned hope of ever eating anything like that again when I entered the IPCG. Ravenously hungry after my slavery, I plonked myself down on the plush armchair and consumed it all with relish – my stomach had grown unused to anything but salty soup or bland gruel and dry bread, but this meal was delicious and easy to digest, just what I needed.

I returned the towels to the bathroom and saw on the bed a simple but pretty cream nightdress, just a shortie one with matching pants, and a silky dressing-gown. I laid the gown aside on the chair, pulled on the night-clothes, and climbed in under a cosy duvet, snuggling on a pair of big, soft pillows, feeling clean, fresh sheets and a firm but yielding mattress under them, sensations of comfort I'd not experienced for months. I touched a switch beside the bed, the lights in the ceiling went out, I was asleep in seconds.

When I woke up from a long, deep sleep, I took minutes remembering where I was. As I came to, anxiety began to well up in me. Why am I up here, what game are they playing? Whatever, I decided I might as well enjoy yet another shower while I had the chance. I had a strong sense all this luxury wasn't going to last long.

When I came out, swathed in soft towels, Cumin had brought a tray of breakfast, fruit juice and fresh fruit, almond croissants and pains au chocolat, and a large steaming cappuccino. While I was relishing this, she returned with some clothes for me, brightly clean white briefs and bra, a schoolgirl blouse and short grey pleated skirt, ankle socks and pumps. I put them on, the touch of clean fabrics on my freshly-washed skin feeling strange after being filthy and more or less naked for so long.

I sat down at a dressing table in front of a mirror – I hadn't seen one since I was last at home, months back. I was shocked, barely recognising myself. I looked gaunt, my eyes hollow, restless and anxious, a set, determined expression on my lips and jaw that I'd never seen before. I picked up a brush provided for me, began trying to tame my now washed but tangled locks.

"He likes pigtails," said Cumin, breaking her silence at last. H'm, I thought, the nasty perv likes little girls no doubt, wants me to look like one. It was five years at least since I'd last had to wear plaits, never much liked them. I took the comb lying with the brush and began straightening out and trying to braid my strands of hair, that had grown in captivity long enough to touch my bum. I saw Cumin in the mirror, her solemn face at last breaking into a grin, "You want help?" "Mm, please." She set to work, patiently forming my locks into a pair of long, thick, neat plaits.

"Cumin's a nice name," I ventured. She giggled, "Yes, he calls me that 'cos of my grey-green eyes, they're the colour of cuminseed." Yes, her eyes were a striking feature of an attractive, characterful little face. "His other slavegirls are Cinnamon, she's Indian, Nutmeg's African, Chilli's an Irish redhead – we're all spice girls!" "Well, Cumin, I don't suppose you can tell me what the hell's going on – why am I here?" Her face stiffened, turned serious, she shook her head. "I'm just one of the Commandant's personal slavegirls," she replied, "I know I'm very lucky – lucky for now, but I know very well things could change..." Her voice tailed off, she fell silent. I heard a sharp cry of pain from the direction of the Commandant's Private Torture Chamber – surely poor Dagmar can't still be on the SeeSaw?

Cumin finished my plaits with a pair of bright red ribbons supplied with my clothes, and tied a red and blue choker round my collar. I stood up, the mirror showed a demure young schoolgirl, only the brand marks on my thighs, exposed by the high skirt-hem, still signalled my true status. "He'll call for you soon," she said, clearing away my breakfast tray and departing.

There was daylight coming through a blind over a window, I raised it and looked out – I could see across what I worked out was the Stores and the Punishment Gym, over the wooden Dormitory huts and the Canteen Yard, to the high wire fences, watchtowers and, of course, the row of wooden crosses on Death Hill. In the distance I could see what looked like a town on a hill, otherwise the landscape was bleak, barren, semi-desert. For all the sudden, mysterious change in my situation, I felt a matching bleakness of despair inside – I'm still a prisoner, still in the IPCG, abandon hope all girls who enter here!

Before long, Cumin reappeared and beckoned me to follow her across to the Commandant's office. Again we waited for the green light, then entered and knelt submissively before him. He ordered us up. "Good morning Eulalia, have you slept well?" "Good morning, Sir. Yes, thankyou Sir, I've slept very well." "Good. And now we've got some good news for you. Come and sit here." He pointed me to a chair facing a large screen, then ordered Cumin to carry his chair across so he could sit beside me. He clicked a remote and a picture appeared –Laura!

I gasped. My sister was sitting, facing the camera, dressed in what looked like the same clothes she'd been wearing when I last saw her, the night of the riot, the white vest and blue denim shorts she wore for Corrective Training, but they looked cleanly laundered. Her expression was surprised, presumably at seeing me, as I was at seeing her. Otherwise she seemed okay, a bit pale and tired perhaps, but no visible signs of ill-treatment. "You can talk to each other," said the Commandant, "say anything you want."

"Hi Laura," I said, "Are you all right?" "Lali! Hi, yes, I'm okay now. They're treating me well here." "Where are you?" "I don't know for sure, it's a nice house, belongs to an Army Officer." My heart paused at that, but I was careful what I said. "So you haven't been hurt?" "No, Lali, I'm fine – I'm fine now" "So what happened when you ran?" She grinned. "I had some adventures, I can tell you, but not now. In the end the cops picked me up for nicking food from a shop, then they tried to make out I'd been soliciting ... " "Did they torture you?" "No, I've not been tortured at all." I could see her thighs, where a girl who'd been tortured would surely show her trophies, there were no scars or burns, though there were some long purple bruise-weals across them; she explained how she'd got those. "The ISP cops just took me out to the Whipping Post, made me strip, chained me up and flogged me – sixty I think. But then these MSP men came up and said, 'We want this one,' and they handed me over. But where are you Lali?" I glanced at the Commandant, he just nodded, so I answered. "I'm in the Interrogation and Punishment Centre for Girls." "Oh God, Lali – that's dreadful – have they tortured you?" "Mmm," I replied, glancing down at my branded legs. The Commandant put his hand across and patted my bare thigh, I shuddered inwardly. "Yes, you've been hurt badly, Eulalia, but it's all over now, you two will be together again very soon!"

I looked at him, wondering. He pressed the remote and Laura vanished. "Yes, Laura's in safe hands, we've decided we'll let you both go. You'll be my guest until they bring her here, then I've got passports and exit visas for you both – he picked up documents from his desk and showed them to me – you'll be escorted to the northern border and allowed to leave Elmeda. Well?" he spoke sharply, "Aren't you happy?" "Y-yes Sir, th-thankyou Sir, that's wonderful news." "Cumin will take you back to your room now." I stood up, walked across to the door that Cumin was holding open.

"Oh, there's just one thing," I heard him say, I turned to look back. He held out a grand-looking red leather covered folder (it was doubtless girlskin, I wasn't to know then). "There's a few forms in there we need you to complete, straightforward questions, just to complete the formalities." I took it from him, my hand trembling, I had a sinking feeling as I carried it back to "my" apartment.

When Cumin had left, I sat down and opened the folder. As I looked at it, my innards tightened, I dropped it on the floor and ran into the bathroom, vomited up all my breakfast in the lavatory pan. Then I fell to my knees on the tiled floor, weeping, howling in despair.

After a long time, still retching, my head swimming, I crawled back to where the folder lay, looked at it again, burst into more tears. Now the charade was becoming transparent. The pages in the folder were indeed full of questions with spaces for me to respond, questions about Laura, questions like they'd asked me about myself while I was being tortured, going into every little nook and cranny of her life, asking me to betray every secret I knew about my sister...

Some of the questions I could answer, but would not, they would only be used against her. And many others I couldn't answer, some were hinting at absurd, disgusting allegations. There was a pen, a very smart pen, clipped in a pocket in the cover, ready for me to write my answers, but I was not going to use it.

I looked around what was now my prison of horror. I went to the window, beat on it with my fists. It was obviously armoured glass, it would need a power-hammer to break it. There was no handle on the inside of the door, only a keyhole for the keys that the Commandant and Cumin held, but I of course did not. No way out. I thought wildly how I might escape into the merciful arms of death, but there was nothing sharp in the room, no accessible electric points where I might electrocute myself, no hooks where I could loop a noose made from the clothes or bedclothes. Suicide opportunities had evidently been carefully eliminated. And in any case, I was sure I was being watched – there wasn't an obvious camera like in the Interrogation Centre cells, but small apertures in the ceiling and walls were no doubt eyes secretly monitoring me.

I threw myself on the bed, and lay there sobbing. I couldn't, I dared not, even think what will happen to me, and to poor Laura, if I don't answer the questions. I was in a state of utter panic and despair, unable to do anything but cry helplessly. After a long time, the door opened, another slavegirl – she must have been Cinnamon – brought in some food. I left it untouched. After a good while, she returned and took it away, speaking not a word.

Outside, the sun set, the floodlights that lit the Canteen Yard threw bright patches on the ceiling and walls. I lay gazing vacantly at them. Suddenly the door opened and the room-lights were switched on. It was the Commandant. "Well, Eulalia, have you done your little bit of homework? Are your answers ready?" I got up from the bed, visibly shaking, knelt down and picked the folder off the floor. "N-no, Sir. I – I'm sorry, I can't..." He took it from me and placed it on the table. "You can answer them. It's up to you. Tomorrow morning, I shall come back. If you've answered all the questions, you can be dressed and ready to set off with Laura to freedom. If you've decided not to answer them, you will be naked and ready for the consequences. You understand?" "Yes, Sir" My head was bowed, tears coursing down my cheeks. "The choice is yours. Goodnight, Eulalia."
I'm going to be gone much of the day (it's Saturdat, 8:42 CDT) so I won't get to work on stories today. On I am almost done with which I sarted a couple of days ago and allude to on another thread is eerily similar to Eulalia's dilemma above.

You'll have a good day and don't make me come back and whip and crucify anyone...


I sat glumly, looking at the red leather-covered folder. On the front, the binding was embossed with the familiar broken cross of the MSC, on the back the lightning flash of the MSC, same as the brand-marks on my legs. But then I noticed, in the very centre of each cover, a small, projecting bulge in the surface, surrounded by a ring of slightly darker colour than the rest of the surface. Disbelief gave way to horrified, sickening realisation, the cover was made from the skins of a pair of girl's breasts!

My stomach tight with terror, I opened it once more. Trying to think rationally, I resolved to follow my Torture Chamber tactic, answer every question I can answer truthfully so long as I don't say anything that endangers or incriminates anyone else –especially Laura!

But of course all the questions were about Laura, more or less obviously. I had to calculate what they certainly or almost certainly already knew, filling in those answers fully and accurately. A few I could answer in the knowledge that anyone implicated was already dead – Dad to begin with – or had almost certainly been captured already and probably interrogated under Torture. And even some about Laura I answered thinking, she's in their hands now, their going to pin trumped-up charges on her anyhow, best to admit to some of her "minor" offences and they might let her off with just a beating and "normal" hard labour.

I wrestled with the task for hours, my head pounding as I worried at it. At last I decided I'd written all I could without breaking my rules. I looked through once more. Well over half the questions still had blanks beneath them. No way is he going to accept it. I sighed and closed the breast-skin cover, laid it on the little table.

I got undressed, didn't bother with the nightie, it seemed a cruel mockery now, just lay naked on the bed, trying in vain to snatch some sleep, struggling to think of anything except the horror that was approaching.

For a time I gazed out of the window. A bright moon silhouetted the Crosses on Death Hill. Screams that always echo through the Interrogation Centre were constantly in my ears, they came most loudly now from a level above where I was. As I watched, girls of one shift suddenly swarmed out from the Dormitory Blocks like ants onto the Canteen Yard, ate their rations and quickly scuttled towards the Parade Ground, out of my sight. Half an hour or so later, the off-duty shift crowded onto the Yard, then vanished into their sleeping-places.

The sky began to get light. I roused myself to take one last pleasurable shower, soaping, rinsing and anointing my body with the scented creams provided, making my girlhood ready for the cruel enjoyment of my Torturers. I dried myself, then sat in the armchair, waiting.

The door opened, I jumped to my feet ready to prostrate myself, but it was Cinnamon, bearing a trayful of breakfast. She looked at me with sad eyes as she set it down on the table beside the folder. "Try to eat some," she whispered, "You're going to need it. He'll come for you as soon as you've finished."

I poured a glass of fruit juice and drank it, but couldn't face anything else. Again I waited, probably only a few minutes, but no minutes have ever felt longer. As I heard the door handle turn, a shudder seized my loins as if I were being penetrated. As the Commandant entered, I fell to my knees, arms stretched before me, forehead on the floor, submission posture.

He said nothing, picked up the folder, looked through it for some time, as I breathed heavily, heart sprinting. He turned, bent down, grabbed my left wrist and jerked me to my feet, twisting my arm up behind my shoulders. With his right hand, he held my right buttock and pushed me out through the door.

"Oh, please Sir," I pleaded, "Show some mercy – haven't I been tortured enough already, Sir?" He twisted my arm harder, so I leant back against his expensive white shirt, groping vigorously at my bum. Hardly any taller than me, but still in total control of my bare body, he was enjoying this. We were across the landing now, outside the big double skin-covered doors.

He pushed open the doors and thrust me into a large, brightly-lit , hall-like Chamber, with a high roof and gallery running around the walls. I glimpsed a range of gleaming metal apparatus and machinery, including the dreaded SeeSaw I'd watched from the window in his study, but a still more fearful sight was in front of me. "Here she is!" he snarled triumphantly, forcing me to stand in front of a pair of grinning men. They were stark naked, one a tall, magnificently-muscled black African with superb male equipment greeting me in a state of shameless arousal, the other a hideous dwarf, Oriental in appearance, with a half-sized, stocky but muscular body and limbs, though his head, hand and feet were of normal size or larger, and his genitals were almost as huge, and just as erect, as those of his companion. "Meet my Torturers, Shaga and Iso." The two bowed, mockingly, "They're delighted you've chosen to grant them the pleasure of your company – aren't you boys?" "Yes, Sir!" they both chortled.

"We'll take her in the Studio." He handed me over to the dwarf, whose left hand was big enough to grasp both my wrists in full-lock behind my shoulders, while his right one crawled round my torso, fingering my throbbing breasts. He marched me across to a room at the side of the Chamber, under the gallery. In it, by the far wall, was a low bed. He forced me across to it, swung me round and threw me onto it, so that I was lying on back across it with my feet down on the floor. He was still holding my wrists firmly behind me, as he knelt down and continued fingering my breasts. I was panting softly, undeniably aroused, in spite of my fear and disgust at this monstrous foreplay. He wasn't giving me pleasure, just demonstrating his total power over me, my head shook from side to side in helpless response, increasingly wildly, I began making little, involuntary sounds, yelps and gasps.

Suddenly he forced his legs brutally between my thighs, my head-shaking and squeaking ceased, I lay still, panting, experiencing the moment when a girl knows she's utterly mastered. My hole, softened instinctually by his ministrations to my breasts, opened wide to welcome his merciless, iron-hard weapon. For minutes he enjoyed me, pumping away as if to drive right through my unresisting body, vigorously and deliberately hurting me all he could with his massive hands, jagged fingernails, sharp teeth, by the time his semen erupted inside me I was yelling in ecstatic agony, my face, neck and breasts were livid with bruises, scratches and bites. He stood up, left me gasping for breath, I choked out a hoarse "Thankyou, Sir," as I knew I must – there was a ring of truth even in my strained humility, rape was an everyday experience for me now, but that fucking by Iso was one I knew I'd never forget till the day they finish me off!

No pause for rest, though, Shaga immediately leapt upon me for his turn. He rolled me over, made me kneel up on the bed, bracing my shoulders against the wall, curving my spine to show him a nice concave back and pert buttocks. He stood and took his pleasure with me in a more elegant way, sliding his cock up down inside me in rapid, rhythmic bursts, I felt it swelling and growing ever firmer as he did so. He too enjoyed inflicting pain while he had pleasure, using a small leather flogger to draw squeals from me as he flogged my flanks and shoulders. While he drove away with increasing vigour, I bucked and tossed under the whip and his rhythmic screwing, until I acknowledged his insemination with a shrill, orgasmic cry. Again, I duly thanked my conqueror with sincerity, another rogering of real quality.

The Commandant had watched these proceedings with evident satisfaction. Now he took charge again. "Get her shackled, on the Chair!" First I had to hold out my wrists for manacles – not the heavy standard-issue slave-irons, these were gleaming stainless steel, doubtless slave-polished daily! With these locked on wrists and ankles, I was made to sit on a dread-inspiring chair, formed of a framework of steel rods. A belt of the now-familiar kind, with a pair of chains hanging down from the front, was fitted round my waist and buckled behind a couple of the rods forming the back of the Chair. My wrists were pulled down behind the back, their shackles clipped to the chains from the belt which were threaded between my thighs and under the rod at the bottom of the back. My ankles were pulled back and shackled to the back legs of the chair. So I was sat, bolt upright, my shoulders tugged against the back of the Chair, my body firmly held in position, my thighs forced wide open, legs pulled back on either side.

I looked around anxiously, I could see arrays of tools, mostly surgeon's or dentist's implements, in trays on the furniture beside the Chair, as well as electrical equipment on the other side, and larger tools from an engineering workshop on a bench by the far wall. My poor naked body trembled in expectation of some new, highly advanced, mode of Torture.

But there was also a screen on the wall facing me, and a click by the Commandant brought that into life. What I saw brought a scream from my throat far louder and more despairing than the worst Torture his evil mind could have invented. Laura, not dressed and looking reasonably well and perky as she had been yesterday, but naked like me, shackled to a metal Chair like me, only she was wearing more metal bondage – the hook holding down her lower jaw, the chain from it running down between her breasts, under the belt, down her abdomen and between her thighs, the clamps round her neck and forehead hinged together at the back and linked to the chain from the hook, so that her head was forced back, her mouth wide open, the same equipment as I'd been made to wear when I was ducked in the shit-bucket in the Interrogation Unit Torture Chamber.

The camera played over her vulnerable body, her gaping mouth, her terrified eyes, her arms and legs pulling vainly at the restraining irons. There was a man in military uniform and another in a white coat beside her, but their faces weren't made visible.

"As you see," droned the Commandant, "Your sister is in good hands. She's enjoying the hospitality of Colonel Ioannides, head of the Military Security Police." Ioannides! God how I loathed that man. Dad had trusted him – when he was just a lieutenant, he'd been put in charge of our –Laura's and my – security. We were only little girls, ten and eight then, but already I sensed evil in the man, the way he used to look at us with those cold, calculating eyes. And as we grew through adolescence, I knew he was constantly observing us, not for our good but for his pleasure and his plans, assessing our budding breasts, our lengthening legs, our swelling bums. Why did Dad trust him? He was promoted – Captain, Major, Brigadier. And of course, when the coup came, he was in the forefront, could well have been the one who pulled the trigger that killed Dad. And now he's head of the MSP!

The full horror of the situation filled me, I burst into tears. "Torture me if you must, Sir," I sobbed, "But please spare Laura!" He slapped my face, viciously hard. "Nothing can save you now, Merida's brat – and only you can save your runt of a sister!"
[a footnote: in case you think it's just my febrile imagination, I assure you that human-skin bookbindings do exist, they're a (very) specialised branch of book-collecting. There's even a technical term for it, biblioplegy. And a a private owner somewhere is said to have a volume with de Sade's Justine and Juliette bound, just like I've described, in a pair of breast-skins with the nipples carefully preserved.]

The harsh voice of that female Interrogator came through speakers. There was a microphone above me ready to hear my answers. The questions were ones I hadn't answered in the red folder. They were focused on Laura's activities as a Bear Girl, one of the élite squad in the Libertarian Youth Movement. Yes, she'd been involved in more than discos and campfire sing-songs, I honestly didn't know all she'd done, but she'd certainly learnt how to use firearms, and a good bit about guerrilla tactics, even before the coup. I'd always been cautious, keeping my distance. When the network started to re-form after the coup, and the Bear Girls turned into one of the few seriously organised sources of trouble for the Military, I tried to urge her not to get involved, but she was an adult by then, had to make her own decisions ....

Seeing the situation now, I realised there was little point in denying all this, but I tried to answer cautiously. Not good enough, the Interrogator's tone grew sharper, the questioning more insistent. Then on the screen I saw the white-coated figure move towards Laura, holding what I realised was a dentist's drill. He put it into her mouth, her body tensed, the buzzing began, she started to squeal, soon growing louder and louder. The camera panned over her in close-up, showing the beads of sweat erupting on her skin, her eyes stretched wide in agony, her arms and legs tugging vainly at the restraints. The drill was running slowly. When a loud shriek proclaimed it had touched a nerve, it slowed even more. The cruel dentist continued, carefully playing the drill-tip over the nerve-end, extracting the maximum of pain ...

I was shrieking too, "No! No! Stop! Torture me, but leave her alone!" The Commandant was standing behind me, he just tugged at my hair and snarled, "Answer, cunt. That's the only way you'll stop her pain."

I did my best, but of course my best wasn't good enough, and Laura's agony continued. Her tormentors were totally silent, the only sounds transmitted from where she was were the buzz of the drill and the screams of the victim. I inferred that she couldn't see or hear me, she would have had no idea of the ongoing Interrogation, no way of understanding what was going on, beyond the appalling fact that she was suffering this sadistic Torture for no apparent reason, unable to say or do anything to earn relief from it.

The Dentist moved from one tooth to another, systematically exposing the nerves and torturing them both with the drill and with metal probes. He must have drilled half a dozen teeth, perhaps more. Laura's whole body was trembling, glistening, clammy with sweat. Now he turned to a different Torture technique. Instead of the drill, he pushed a pair of wires into his victim's mouth and – I could see in close-up – clamped them to two of the teeth he'd drilled. Then he stood back. I was questioned again. For a minute or two, my answers were accepted as satisfactory, but then, without warning, Laura's body jerked sharply and a piercing, high-pitched scream told me she was being electrically tortured.

Again the camera showed all of her violently shaking body, back and front, she was tugging so fiercely at her shackles now blood was oozing down over her hands. It went on for thirty seconds or so, paused, started again, and again, and again. I was desperate to help her, shouting out everything I could think of to try to satisfy the Interrogator, to win my sister a little relief.

In time, inevitably, I was confused, bamboozled by convoluted questioning, sometimes homing in on the events between the Coup and the Night of Fire, when the Bear Girls were so ruthlessly crushed, sometimes jumping back to our teenage years in the LYM, sometimes even back to our childhood together. They accused me of lying, that meant Punishment, Punishment for Laura.

Another Torturer appeared, with a pair of sharp-toothed steel pincers. He thrust them into her mouth and grabbed her tongue, pulling it out between her stretched lips. The Dentist applied a steel, pen-like implement to the surface. It wasn't visibly hot, but her saliva and tongue-meat sizzled at its touch, she howled in pain as it slowly penetrated right through to emerge from underneath. Welling blood hissed and clotted around the wound, as the instrument was twisted around then slowly withdrawn. I begged them to stop, "No need to be jealous of your little sister, Eulalia," the Commandant sneered, fingering between my wide-open thighs as we watched her tongue flicking against her pretty, soft upper lip, trying to ease her pain, "You'll get your turn soon enough!"

The questioning went on. The Dentist moved the wires to different teeth, ensuring the freshly sensitive nerves would not grow numb from repeated Torture. Laura's cries continued, her naturally pale face now pastry-white, her soft curls matted and thick with greasy sweat, her eyes rolling in a whirlpool of pain.

The next time she was punished, Laura's cheeks were branded, the familiar broken cross and lightning flash blazoned on her cheeks, pulled taut by the bondage equipment. Again the heat was not the glow of old-fashioned branding irons, but the invisible cruelty of electrically-heated steel pressed firmly into the subcutaneous layers.

At last the Dentist decided the teeth-torture must end, though not before he'd used pliers not actually to extract any of his victim's teeth, but to tug at them and twist them so she yelled in pain and coughed out gobbets of blood.

But her Torture was by no means over. Now they placed a heater under the Chair, and, as soon as my answers failed to please them, they began cooking my sister's most sensitive parts. As she writhed helplessly in increasing pain, I felt myself twisting on my Chair in automatic sympathy. Shaga and Iso, who'd been sitting on the rape-bed watching the whole proceedings with quiet pleasure burst out laughing at this, the Commandant groped my breasts in mocking encouragement, "That's good Eulalia, wriggle and writhe for us!"

Despairingly, I abandoned all caution in my responses, the only priority was to free Laura from her ordeal, no matter what consequences would follow. I told them everything, absolutely everything I possibly could, about my sister, her friends, her and their "subversive" activates. In the end I did as they wanted, and denounced her as an enemy of the State, like myself, thereby condemning her to a torturous death.

And now I was forced to agree that she deserved to be punished, and to watch the most sickening Punishment their sadistic ingenuity could devise. The assistant Torturer using a small pair of tweezers, took hold of the girl's top left eyelid and lifted it. I groaned in horror. Taking a scalpel, the Dentist sliced the eyelid away. Blood oozed down over the victim's eye, she was sobbing softly, too weak to scream now. They did the same with the lower eyelid, then stood back and watched as, deprived of the ability to blink, the eye dried and became increasingly sore, to the accompaniment of the victim's increasingly desperate moans. They sprayed some powder on the eye, her sounds and futile struggles became more violent, her head shaking frantically from side to side, curly hair tossing.

"No!" I shrieked, "No, no, don't! You're blinding her!" There was no response, either from the men around me, nor from Laura's Torturers, they just watched the light slowly fade in the victimised eye. "Please, Sir, please don't blind her, please spare her other eye!" "Very well," the Commandant spoke behind me, "We shall be merciful. Just the one eye." "Thankyou, Sir," I sobbed.

But that was not the end, there was worse to come. With surgical precision, the Dentist now extracted the destroyed eyeball, the assistant quickly staunching the blood with a dressing. The fleshy ball was threaded with a needle onto a nylon fishing-line. I watched, retching with horror, as the assistant held Laura's nose to ensure her gullet was open, and the Dentist slid the eye into Laura's mouth, down her throat, into her stomach, then slowly hauled it up again. He repeated the operation three or four times, while both Laura and I groaned and gagged.

At last, the screen went blank. I was hanging my head, vomiting up phlegm, there was little else in my stomach. I felt my ankles and wrists being released, the belt removed. They hauled me up from the Chair, led me out of the Studio. As I left, I heard the Commandant's quiet, steely little voice intone, "Your turn tomorrow, Eulalia."
it is a real woman old Oak, and thought you know women isn't:p
Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)
The Female of the Species
WHEN the Himalayan peasant meets the he-bear in his pride,​
He shouts to scare the monster, who will often turn aside.​
But the she-bear thus accosted rends the peasant tooth and nail.​
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.​
When Nag the basking cobra hears the careless foot of man,​
He will sometimes wriggle sideways and avoid it if he can.​
But his mate makes no such motion where she camps beside the trail.​
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.​
When the early Jesuit fathers preached to Hurons and Choctaws,​
They prayed to be delivered from the vengeance of the squaws.​
'Twas the women, not the warriors, turned those stark enthusiasts pale.​
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.​
Man's timid heart is bursting with the things he must not say,​
For the Woman that God gave him isn't his to give away;​
But when hunter meets with husbands, each confirms the other's tale—​
The female of the species is more deadly than the male.​
Man, a bear in most relations—worm and savage otherwise,—​
Man propounds negotiations, Man accepts the compromise.​
Very rarely will he squarely push the logic of a fact​
To its ultimate conclusion in unmitigated act.​
Fear, or foolishness, impels him, ere he lay the wicked low,​
To concede some form of trial even to his fiercest foe.​
Mirth obscene diverts his anger—Doubt and Pity oft perplex​
Him in dealing with an issue—to the scandal of The Sex!​
But the Woman that God gave him, every fibre of her frame​
Proves her launched for one sole issue, armed and engined for the same;​
And to serve that single issue, lest the generations fail,​
The female of the species must be deadlier than the male.​
She who faces Death by torture for each life beneath her breast​
May not deal in doubt or pity—must not swerve for fact or jest.​
These be purely male diversions—not in these her honour dwells—​
She the Other Law we live by, is that Law and nothing else.​
She can bring no more to living than the powers that make her great​
As the Mother of the Infant and the Mistress of the Mate.​
And when Babe and Man are lacking and she strides unclaimed to claim​
Her right as femme (and baron), her equipment is the same.​
She is wedded to convictions—in default of grosser ties;​
Her contentions are her children, Heaven help him who denies!—​
He will meet no suave discussion, but the instant, white-hot, wild,​
Wakened female of the species warring as for spouse and child.​
Unprovoked and awful charges—even so the she-bear fights,​
Speech that drips, corrodes, and poisons—even so the cobra bites,​
Scientific vivisection of one nerve till it is raw​
And the victim writhes in anguish—like the Jesuit with the squaw!​
So it comes that Man, the coward, when he gathers to confer​
With his fellow-braves in council, dare not leave a place for her​
Where, at war with Life and Conscience, he uplifts his erring hands​
To some God of Abstract Justice—which no woman understands.​
And Man knows it! Knows, moreover, that the Woman that God gave him​
Must command but may not govern—shall enthral but not enslave him.​
And She knows, because She warns him, and Her instincts never fail,​
That the Female of Her Species is more deadly than the Male.​
So be warned!​
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