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The Knight And The Gnostic

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Episode 27

"No! Not that! Please, not that!" I cried at the sight of the wickedly-large wooden phallus fastened to the top of Arnaud's Judas cradle.

It had only been a little over a day since I surrendered my virginity ... mercifully to the likes of Lord de Flebas rather than to that reprehensible toad of a man, Bernard. And in that first night in the dungeon, I had been brutally raped more times than I cared to remember. But as I stared wide-eyed at the immense size of that thing, my spirits sank. As "used' as I had become since falling into the Abbot's clutches, it was impossible for me to imagine how I would ever be able to take that wooden phallus inside me.

But I was given little time to contemplate the matter. Within minutes, I found myself hovering above it's threatening tip, arms tied over my head and weights attached to my ankles so heavy that I was unable to raise my knees or twist about. Then in little jerks, they lowered my naked, perspiring body. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and prepared myself for the worst.

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At first the bulbous head just pressed on my sore crotch and I balanced precariously, but then two of Bernard's brutes grabbed my legs and pulled them apart, so that it was just a matter of time until the phallus' eager point gained entrance.

Weighted down and pulled by gravity, I was slowly, inexorably impaled ... the immense girth of the thing stretching and tearing away at the tender inside membranes of my already battered vagina. Warm blood began, almost immediately, to flow copiously between my inner thighs and the sloped surfaces of the wooden cradle.

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I howled in anguish as I continued to sink, lower and lower, the thick shaft filling me entirely until it disappeared inside me and I found myself coming to rest, seated on the apex of the cradle.

Tears ran down my cheeks. I couldn't move. I was blubbering like a small child. The pain was unrelenting ... and then things only got worse. They began to raise me, and I quickly found that I had to endure not only the friction of the phallus slipping back out, but also an intense suction ... as though my insides were being sucked out of me along with it.

I howled and screamed, threw my head back, and then in resignation, I rested my chin on my chest and watched in dread fascination as the bloody thing slowly emerged into view ... then more and more of it ... until it finally left me with a popping noise ... but not completely ... they left the nose of it just inside my spread labia ... and then, to my horror, they began to lower me onto it again.

Down, down, down I slid ... until I hit bottom ... impaled for a second time ... and then I was raised and impaled for a third, a fourth, a fifth ...

That was it! I couldn't take another. I broke!

Amid sobs and groans, I managed to croak, "Stop ... please ... no more ... I recant ... stop ... I'll admit to whatever you say ... just stop, please!"
You know, why!
Episode 27

"No! Not that! Please, not that!" I cried at the sight of the wickedly-large wooden phallus fastened to the top of Arnaud's Judas cradle.

It had only been a little over a day since I surrendered my virginity ... mercifully to the likes of Lord de Flebas rather than to that reprehensible toad of a man, Bernard. And in that first night in the dungeon, I had been brutally raped more times than I cared to remember. But as I stared wide-eyed at the immense size of that thing, my spirits sank. As "used' as I had become since falling into the Abbot's clutches, it was impossible for me to imagine how I would ever be able to take that wooden phallus inside me.

But I was given little time to contemplate the matter. Within minutes, I found myself hovering above it's threatening tip, arms tied over my head and weights attached to my ankles so heavy that I was unable to raise my knees or twist about. Then in little jerks, they lowered my naked, perspiring body. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and prepared myself for the worst.

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At first the bulbous head just pressed on my sore crotch and I balanced precariously, but then two of Bernard's brutes grabbed my legs and pulled them apart, so that it was just a matter of time until the phallus' eager point gained entrance.

Weighted down and pulled by gravity, I was slowly, inexorably impaled ... the immense girth of the thing stretching and tearing away at the tender inside membranes of my already battered vagina. Warm blood began, almost immediately, to flow copiously between my inner thighs and the sloped surfaces of the wooden cradle.

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I howled in anguish as I continued to sink, lower and lower, the thick shaft filling me entirely until it disappeared inside me and I found myself coming to rest, seated on the apex of the cradle.

Tears ran down my cheeks. I couldn't move. I was blubbering like a small child. The pain was unrelenting ... and then things only got worse. They began to raise me, and I quickly found that I had to endure not only the friction of the phallus slipping back out, but also an intense suction ... as though my insides were being sucked out of me along with it.

I howled and screamed, threw my head back, and then in resignation, I rested my chin on my chest and watched in dread fascination as the bloody thing slowly emerged into view ... then more and more of it ... until it finally left me with a popping noise ... but not completely ... they left the nose of it just inside my spread labia ... and then, to my horror, they began to lower me onto it again.

Down, down, down I slid ... until I hit bottom ... impaled for a second time ... and then I was raised and impaled for a third, a fourth, a fifth ...

That was it! I couldn't take another. I broke!

Amid sobs and groans, I managed to croak, "Stop ... please ... no more ... I recant ... stop ... I'll admit to whatever you say ... just stop, please!"
You put up a great fight Barb! There is absolutely no shame in admitting to whatever that disgusting evil toad of a man has you say. You have been tortuted beyond belief, no mortal could withstand all that pain:eek:.....hopeful that evil little bastard:mad: will show you some mercy, and give you a quick execution. But I fear he will not, because he is pure evil:mad::mad:
Great writing Barb!:clapping:
That was pretty intense:peep::eek:
I pushed to the head of the queue to buy a front row seat, the Abbot's promised a protracted, excruciating execution.

So, the Abbot is in this for financial gain as well! How much did you have to shell out for a premium seat? :rolleyes:

I have to go and lie in a darkened room..... and try and remind myself it's a story.... :doh:

Barb always did wonder what went on when guys closeted themselves in darkened rooms. :rolleyes:

You put up a great fight Barb! There is absolutely no shame in admitting to whatever that disgusting evil toad of a man has you say. You have been tortuted beyond belief, no mortal could withstand all that pain:eek:.....hopeful that evil little bastard:mad: will show you some mercy, and give you a quick execution. But I fear he will not, because he is pure evil:mad::mad:
Great writing Barb!:clapping:
That was pretty intense:peep::eek:

Thanks for all the moral support Hondo! :)

Of course, it's only human. But still... First 'I yield' then 'I broke'... Eul was right, this story will stay in history :p :p

Yes, Eul has a way of always being right about the past. Me, I just try to stay out of trouble ;)
They all break in the end.
But the story is not over yet!

Episode 28

Such suffering. It was always going to end like this, they all break in the end. But such suffering! This good and noble woman reduced to a sobbing, bloody wreck, her body abused, her spirit crushed. The wooden shaft had done the final job of destroying her resistance, she would recant, confess, anything that Arnaud demanded to stop that dreadful violation. How had she taken it inside herself, again and again? It made me flinch to watch, but I suspect that every man here identified with that shaft, with that hard and penetrating wood. We are human, and fallen.

"Stop ... please ... no more ... I recant ... stop ... whatever you say ... just stop, please!"

"Do you recant?"

"Yes oh God yes!"

"Do you admit your guilt, your heresy? Do you freely admit that you have led others into error?"

"YEEEESS just stop the pain now oh God please!"

"Do you accept the punishment that will come to you now, the rightful cost of your mistakes?"

"Yes . . . yes, just stop please! What more can you do to me?"

"Barbara de Moore, with the authority I hold as Papal Legate and inquisitor in situ, I find you guilty of the charge of heresy. You will be taken from this chamber to the dungeon, where you will spend the night praying for mercy for your soul and asking forgiveness. Tomorrow you will be put to death, in a manner which I will reveal then, after I have spent the night praying for guidance. Perhaps you should be cleansed with fire? Or broken on the wheel and left for the birds to peck out your eyes? Or strangled slowly to death. I will seek guidance. Go, and make peace with your maker.
My Lord de Flebas, take this woman into your custody and guard her until the morrow."

Abbot Arnaud looked very satisfied with himself as he swept from the chamber, his retinue following.

It is left to me to have the poor woman taken down. I insist that she is washed of the blood and filth, although no garments are supplied for me to cover her properly, and ensure that she is treated gently and with dignity by the guards. Then I accompany her to the dungeon where she will spend her final night on this earth.

Must it be this way?

Is it possible that I could aid Barbara to escape this fate? She does not deserve it, and I would thwart the Abbot one more time if I could.

But how, how can I get her away from him without exposing myself to his wrath? I have no wish to find myself tied to a stake next to her, or bent and bloody on a wheel. Is there a way?

I will speak with her alone, and see what plans we may hatch together.

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They all break in the end.
But the story is not over yet!

Episode 28

Such suffering. It was always going to end like this, they all break in the end. But such suffering! This good and noble woman reduced to a sobbing, bloody wreck, her body abused, her spirit crushed. The wooden shaft had done the final job of destroying her resistance, she would recant, confess, anything that Arnaud demanded to stop that dreadful violation. How had she taken it inside herself, again and again? It made me flinch to watch, but I suspect that every man here identified with that shaft, with that hard and penetrating wood. We are human, and fallen.

"Stop ... please ... no more ... I recant ... stop ... whatever you say ... just stop, please!"

"Do you recant?"

"Yes oh God yes!"

"Do you admit your guilt, your heresy? Do you freely admit that you have led others into error?"

"YEEEESS just stop the pain now oh God please!"

"Do you accept the punishment that will come to you now, the rightful cost of your mistakes?"

"Yes . . . yes, just stop please! What more can you do to me?"

"Barbara de Moore, with the authority I hold as Papal Legate and inquisitor in situ, I find you guilty of the charge of heresy. You will be taken from this chamber to the dungeon, where you will spend the night praying for mercy for your soul and asking forgiveness. Tomorrow you will be put to death, in a manner which I will reveal then, after I have spent the night praying for guidance. Perhaps you should be cleansed with fire? Or broken on the wheel and left for the birds to peck out your eyes? Or strangled slowly to death. I will seek guidance. Go, and make peace with your maker.
My Lord de Flebas, take this woman into your custody and guard her until the morrow."

Abbot Arnaud looked very satisfied with himself as he swept from the chamber, his retinue following.

It is left to me to have the poor woman taken down. I insist that she is washed of the blood and filth, although no garments are supplied for me to cover her properly, and ensure that she is treated gently and with dignity by the guards. Then I accompany her to the dungeon where she will spend her final night on this earth.

Must it be this way?

Is it possible that I could aid Barbara to escape this fate? She does not deserve it, and I would thwart the Abbot one more time if I could.

But how, how can I get her away from him without exposing myself to his wrath? I have no wish to find myself tied to a stake next to her, or bent and bloody on a wheel. Is there a way?

I will speak with her alone, and see what plans we may hatch together.

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I do hope you two hatch a great escape plan. She does not deserve this fate.
Phlebas, good job:clapping:
Why do I have the feeling that his 'guidance' won't inspire him a quick death ??? :rolleyes:

Let's hope both of you will work out a good plan... :oops:

Great writing again, Phlebas, thank you! :goodjob:
I do hope you two hatch a great escape plan. She does not deserve this fate.
Phlebas, good job:clapping:

Awwwwwww... nice that you two have so much faith in de Flebas and me ... just wait till episode 29 to see what what kind of plan we have hatched.
Ok, as everyone is expecting, there is an escape plan being hatched, read on ;)

Episode 29.

They take me down from my phallic impalement on the Judas cradle, dumping me unceremoniously on the floor. I immediately curl up in a fetal position, cramped with pain, covered with blood, sweat and filth.

A guard is about to kick me when de Flebas, whom the Abbot has been given charge over me, steps forward to block the blow, knocking the man to the floor and admonishing Bernard and his men to treat me, now that I have recanted, gently and with a little dignity.

Grumbling under their breath and shooting de Flebas sullen looks, two of them stoop to pick me up ... one inserting his hands under my armpits, the other lifting me by the ankles, and doing so with exaggerated care. I groan and whimper as together they carry my limp body ... their heavy boots scuffling on the flagstones of the now empty torture chamber ... to the doorway leading to the stairway down to the dungeon below.

I sway from side to side as we descend, and wince each time my naked flank bashes into the hard stone walls of the narrow stairway. But at least we reach the landing below, where they toss me on the floor of a cell. Bernard kneels beside me and shackles my ankles together, withdrawing the key to the irons and dropping it in his pocket.

As Bernard rises, de Flebas wraps his arm around Arnaud's chief inquisitor and says with a genial air, "Come with me Bernard, there is something about which you and I need to have a few words."

"Yes, m'Lord,"

"And you two ..." continues de Flebas to Bernard's two henchmen, "clean her up, and remember ... be gentle about it!"

Then as he and Bernard turn to leave, I see de Flebas deftly slip his hand into the man's pocket, remove the key, and toss it onto a pile of straw in the far corner of my cell. They leave together, the sound of their footsteps receding as they make their way up the stairway to the chamber above.

The two brutes they leave behind wait patiently until the door at the top of the stairwell slams shut with a thud. Then, muttering darkly to themselves, they begin the task of cleaning me up, first by forcing me to kneel, shackled wrists tucked between my thighs and arms pressing my breasts together, while they toss buckets of cold water over me, one after another, until the last of the blood, sweat and filth have been rinsed away. I shiver and cringe between each icy cold blast.

Finished with their task, they look at each other, then look up the stairway, then at me with an expression on their faces that could only be described as malevolently threatening.

Working fast, one of them circles around behind me to grab a handful of my hair, while the other takes his place directly in front of me. Lowering his leather breeches, the second man takes his swollen member in his hand and begins waving it in front of my face.


On cue, the man behind me pulls my hair sharply and, as I cry out, the second man stuffs his rigid cock deep into my open mouth. I choke and gag as he pumps away and fills my mouth with his seed ... the excess running down my chin.

Then the man behind me forces me down onto my elbows. While his companion holds me firmly in place with an iron grip on my shoulders, the man behind places his large hands on both of my ass cheeks and, digging his fingers in, spreads them wide. Then I feel the blunt end of his engorged prick push hard on my anus.

"Please, no!" I cry. He laughs manically and continues to shove his massive erection hard up against the tightly puckered entrance to my hole. Bit by bit he begins to gain entrance.

I have little choice but to surrender, but the next thing I know there is a loud cracking noise and my assailant is lying on his side holding his head. An angry de Flebas stands over him, brandishing a stout wooden club. His companion cowers against the wall.

"I ordered you two fools to be gentle and treat her with dignity!" de Flebas explodes, glancing around, face red with wrath. But then he lowers his club. Reaching into his tunic he withdraws two full wineskins, and tosses one to each of them.

"Take these and get out of my sight! Get drunk, carouse, do whatever you want, but stay out of my sight until you come for her at dawn. Do so now, or I will have you both up on charges and flogged!" he growls at them.

The two of them are on their feet in a flash, beating a hasty retreat ... frantically pulling up their breeches as they stumble up the stairway.

Then de Flebas turns to me and removes his cloak, gently places it over my shoulders and tucks it around my body. He smiles, sits next to me on the floor and uses a corner of his sleeve to wipe the cum from my chin.

"Listen closely, Barbara de Moore," he says in a low but deadly serious voice, "Here is my plan. I have arranged to guard you tonight. Bernard has gone to bed. As you may have noticed ... I thought you did ... I filched the key to your leg irons as he left the cell earlier ... made it look like they must have fallen from his pocket. You and I will sit here together until the wee hours while you rest and regain your strength. See, I have even brought you some food and drink. Then, when you feel strong enough and are ready, I will feign sleep and you will take this club and give me a knock on the head ... not too hard, mind you, but hard enough to give me a lump. Then you will make your way to the top of the stairs, and go to the far side of the torture chamber. There you will find an outside door that is unlocked. It's only a short distance to the wall from there. Find a way through it ... that should be easy, as much of it was ruined during the sack of the city ... and go to the olive grove on the far hill above the river. Wait for me there. Once I convince Bernard and his men that you knocked me out and escaped they will want to run off to hunt you down. I'll tell them that I will join them as soon as I can do something for my aching head. Instead I shall find my way to the grove where you will be waiting for me and together we will leave this place. What say you?"
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