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The Knight And The Gnostic

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This should be good. The modern vs. historical perspective playing out simultaneously is a great idea. Nice start, Phlebas and Barb. Looking forward to this. :)

Thanks, give it time to develop :)

Episode 3

Such a beautiful place, Phlebas thought, looking out across the town and river. Such a weight of history. One of the oldest cities in France, picturesque, pleasant.
But it was not so pleasant in 1209. The crusader army camped around the walls. The city bursting with refugees, Catholic and Cathar alike. A tough job for their leaders, to keep spirits up and bellies full. The walls were strong, the people had hope, they had faith that their God would protect them from the greed of the northerners.
Looking at the skull at his feet, Professor Phlebas knew better.

"My Lord, another foraging party has returned with provisions". Yes, pickings are easy, most of the population hereabouts have fled behind the walls of the city. But I am uneasy. We are here to punish the heretics, to extend protection to the children of Holy Mother Church. At least, that is why I am here. I feel that too many of my companions are here for the pleasure of blood and slaughter, and the reward of worldly riches. No matter, the work of God proceeds, we are his tools however imperfect. I turn to the Papal Legate, Abbot Arnaud.
"Your excellency, I am vexed. There are so many people of all kinds in the city. How will we distinguish between the Catholics and the heretics?"
"My Lord de Flebas, do not be concerned. It is simple, we will kill them all. The Lord will know his own."
"Yes your Excellency."
Needless to say this answer does not calm my spirit! But I feel the blood lust of the army grow day by day, their greed and carnal desires likewise are directed towards the unfortunates behind those walls.
I tremble inwardly to think of what is to come, and what my own part in these events will be.

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Such a beautiful place

The town of BEZIERS ...;)

"My Lord de Flebas, do not be concerned. It is simple, we will kill them all. The Lord will know his own."

This sentence was certainly never said : it didn't appear in any historical document but it's Césaire de Heisterbach, a german friar who noticed it , 10 years after the facts in his book "Le Livre Des Miracles ", not reputed to be a real historical book ...;)
We can dream, but in reality, Cathars were non-violent and I doubt that they could have an army ...

OK !Well, promise ! I'll stop all my historical comments !:doh::confused:

Well done phlebas and Barb ! I'm waiting the following !:)


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Episode 3
...I turn to the Papal Legate, Abbot Arnaud.
"Your excellency, I am vexed. There are so many people of all kinds in the city. How will we distinguish between the Catholics and the heretics?"
"My Lord de Flebas, do not be concerned. It is simple, we will kill them all. The Lord will know his own."
"Yes your Excellency."
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The full quote puts Sherman in a better light:
"I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, for vengeance, for desolation. War is hell."

He believed that so-called "Chivalrous war" was bunk (as the Cathar story certainly shows) and that if it were made awful enough, people would give it up. Subsequent events have proved him wrong, but it was a reasonable idea at the time.
The full quote puts Sherman in a better light:
"I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, for vengeance, for desolation. War is hell."

He believed that so-called "Chivalrous war" was bunk (as the Cathar story certainly shows) and that if it were made awful enough, people would give it up. Subsequent events have proved him wrong, but it was a reasonable idea at the time.

Robert E. Lee was perhaps closer to the mark when he said "It is well that war is so terrible, otherwise we should grow to fond of it."

Far too many people over the centuries of human warfare have shown it is possible to grow addicted to armed conflict.
Robert E. Lee was perhaps closer to the mark when he said "It is well that war is so terrible, otherwise we should grow to fond of it."

Far too many people over the centuries of human warfare have shown it is possible to grow addicted to armed conflict.

OK, you Civil War buffs ... back to the south of France ... episode 4 coming in a few minutes here.
Episode 4.

With battle coming soon, I desperately need my rest. So, I repair to my private chambers near the top of the tower, shed my clothes and quickly wash my body ... pausing only to look down at myself ... at the soft sensuous curves of my feminine shape ... at the gentle swell of my breasts, looking nearly white in the pale moonlight coming in through the window, at my nipples standing erect in the night breeze that wafts in to dry the moistness of my bath water on my skin ... and further down, at the gentle slope of my belly as it plunges into the triangle of dark hair between my tapered thighs.

The body is a thing of beauty, I think. The Holy Spirit of the true God is about and within me. I can feel its presence. My body is pure ... not to be sullied by human desire and lust. How can these Catholic heathens from the North think they have the right to deny me the purity of my soul and spirit? How can they think, as they do, that it is rightful to suppress the role of women in the life of community and church?

As I continue to wash and rinse my naked body in the small basin at the foot of my bed, my thoughts run to the immense problems facing me ... a woman ... the highest Perfecti in Beziers. The Catholic populace is a constant source of worry. Can they be trusted? Won't some of them try to open the city to the crusading army in the hope that they will be spared in any ensuing sack of the city? Surely some will. They are after all caught in a hard place. They must be watched closely once the fighting begins.

madiosi 2016 - 165-KatG.jpg And as I stand naked at the window I wonder who out there in the gathered crusading host might be my equal ... worrying too about the coming struggle, about the fearful loss of life, and hoping for an outcome that might yet be honorable. Whoever this soul may be, he surely is not the Papal legate. That man is a despicable scoundrel who only worries about his own advancement and glory. Somewhere, though, there must be someone out there who is as reasonable, kind and good as myself. If only we could work things out without bloodshed, but alas I know it shall not be.

I fear most of all the more rapacious of the knights and routiers. They are undoubtedly here solely out of blood lust; only interested in plunder and rapine. If they are set loose on the populace within the city, the horror will be incalculable. And what will become of me and the other women Perfecti? What will they do to us should they take us alive? It won't be kind. We can expect nothing but the worst. We have no choice in the matter; we simply must, at morning's light, hold the city at all costs.

I slip on a light sleeping shirt, and take to my bed ... doing my best to drive my thoughts and fears from my mind and to welcome what little sleep may yet be possible this night.
Episode 4.

With battle coming soon, I desperately need my rest. So, I repair to my private chambers near the top of the tower, shed my clothes and quickly wash my body ... pausing only to look down at myself ... at the soft sensuous curves of my .....

I see the next part for new illustration.
Episode 4.

With battle coming soon, I desperately need my rest. So, I r

As I continue to wash and rinse my naked body in the small basin at the foot of my bed, my thoughts run to the immense problems facing me ... a woman ... the highest Perfecti in Beziers. The Catholic populace is a constant source of worry. Can they be trusted? Won't some of them try to open the city to the crusading army in the hope that they will be spared in any ensuing sack of the city? Surely some will. They are after all caught in a hard place. They must be watched closely once the fighting begins.

That is a bit mean of Perfecti Barb, I suppose it comes from her rejection of Earthly considerations though. The people of Beziers were loyal to their King, the King of Aragon that is and most certainly not that tempted by what they saw as a French invasion.
That is a bit mean of Perfecti Barb, I suppose it comes from her rejection of Earthly considerations though. The people of Beziers were loyal to their King, the King of Aragon that is and most certainly not that tempted by what they saw as a French invasion.

Perfecti Barb is enormously relieved to hear this from her advisor, Friar Rodent.
At this epoch, Messaline was travelling on the roads, searching , in return for money, a war where she could get some spoil ...
But, Religion'wars are generally not good for that ! ... and more if these Cathars were poor !:D

Sorry, Barbaria de Moore, I cant nothing for you ........
... excepted to read your nice story !!!:clapping::p


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At this epoch, Messaline was travelling on the roads, searching , in return for money, a war where she could get some spoil ...
But, Religion'wars are generally not good for that ! ... and more if these Cathars were poor !:D

Sorry, Barbaria de Moore, I cant nothing for you ........
... excepted to read your nice story !!!:clapping::p

tumblr_mc56gmVeFy1qcucr8o1_1280.jpg Ahh too bad you are not fighting with us ... the armor that you wear would smite any enemy!!!! Byt I can also see that you are a woman of peace, like myself. See how the sheep follow you!
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