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The Knight And The Gnostic

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Episode 8.

From the parapet over the gate, I watch the fearsome slaughter below. The crusading horde has managed to hack their way into the city now. Our situation is hopeless. There is nothing I can do to save the day.

The able-bodied defenders down in the streets are mostly dead or dying, and it's clear that the worst of the crusading army ... the rabble of thieves, cutthroats and highwaymen who have joined the crusade in hopes of plunder and rape ... will now have their fill at the expense of the unfortunate townsfolk.

And they waste no time ... the early morning air is pierced with screams of terror and pleas for mercy, as hapless men and women are dragged from their homes.

Unarmed and defenseless, the menfolk, young and old, are quickly dispatched in the street ... rivers of blood fill the gutters as they are put to the sword or beheaded with a battle axe.

The women, especially the younger attractive ones, are pushed about ... mocked, taunted and ruthlessly stripped of their clothing before being carried off, kicking and screaming, to any convenient place where their tormentors can lay them down and begin the raping.

The brutal taking of the town's women goes on in doorways, on wagons and carts, even in the middle of cobble-stoned streets. Everywhere queues of soldiers can be seen, waiting impatiently to take their turn.

Meanwhile, the fighting for control of the walls and towers rages on. The knights ... professional soldiers ...carry the fight to the parapets where the last of he defenders are attempting to make a final stand.

On the parapet above the main gate, I have gathered around me for safety as many of the young women perfecti as I can. A detachment of soldiers loyal to me defends our little group against the advancing crusader knights, who slowly mount the steps to the section of the parapet where we are gathered, pressing our brave but outnumbered defenders back and steadily diminishing their number. The clank of swords on shields, grunts, groans and the screams of the wounded and dying, assault my ears as the fighting draws closer and closer.

I am determined to fight the attackers myself once the last of our protecting detachment of soldiers gives way. I am armed with a sword. I have protective armor over my tunic. I am prepared to die protecting the other perfecti, who are unarmed and who cower behind me, gripped by fear.

Our band of defenders is down to just half a dozen now, and falling back. The crusader knights will soon be upon us!

I notice that there is one among the knights who stands above the others. He seems invincible. I watch in horrified fascination as he slays three of my men in quick succession and takes the lead among the knights ... climbing the stairs to the parapet two at a time, as the remaining defenders flee before his swift sword.

He comes on like a mad man! Even one of his fellow knights, unfortunate enough to get in his way, falls victim to his slashing sword. I take a deep breath and prepare myself physically and mentally to take him on, hoping to catch him off balance just as he reaches the top of the stairs.

He is close now, stabbing one of the now fleeing defenders in the back, sweeping the poor soul over the side to join the heap of bodies piled on the flagstones below. This is my best chance! I take my sword in both hands, step forward, slipping momentarily in the pooled blood covering the stone at the top of the steps, and swing its blade at his neck ... just as he turns to look up at me.

But he is unbelievably swift. He parries quickly, bringing his sword up to meet mine with such force that mine is easily knocked away. It flies off to the side to land on the parapet with a ringing clunk that signals my doom.

I am alone and defenseless. I stagger back with nowhere to go as the knight advances on me . I stumble, fall to my knees and an quickly surrounded by him and a few of his fellow knights.

Barbara de Moore 003b.jpg The bloody points of several swords threaten my throat. "Yield," he commands through gritted teeth.
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Please put 'yield' in BOLD print to be sure de Moore hears it!!!
One of the (few - at least for the time being) things that tell you you've crossed from Northern Ireland into the Republic,
is that UK road-signs (the old-fashioned ones with words on) say HALT


But the Irish ones say YIELD :D

One of the (few - at least for the time being) things that tell you you've crossed from Northern Ireland into the Republic,
is that UK road-signs (the old-fashioned ones with words on) say HALT

View attachment 393750

I would have thought that would be a remnant of the German occupation of the Channel Islands.
Episode 8.

From the parapet over the gate, I watch the fearsome slaughter below. The crusading horde has managed to hack their way into the city now. Our situation is hopeless. There is nothing I can do to save the day.

The able-bodied defenders down in the streets are mostly dead or dying, and it's clear that the worst of the crusading army ... the rabble of thieves, cutthroats and highwaymen who have joined the crusade in hopes of plunder and rape ... will now have their fill at the expense of the unfortunate townsfolk.

And they waste no time ... the early morning air is pierced with screams of terror and pleas for mercy, as hapless men and women are dragged from their homes.

Unarmed and defenseless, the menfolk, young and old, are quickly dispatched in the street ... rivers of blood fill the gutters as they are put to the sword or beheaded with a battle axe.

The women, especially the younger attractive ones, are pushed about ... mocked, taunted and ruthlessly stripped of their clothing before being carried off, kicking and screaming, to any convenient place where their tormentors can lay them down and begin the raping.

The brutal taking of the town's women goes on in doorways, on wagons and carts, even in the middle of cobble-stoned streets. Everywhere queues of soldiers can be seen, waiting impatiently to take their turn.

Meanwhile, the fighting for control of the walls and towers rages on. The knights ... professional soldiers ...carry the fight to the parapets where the last of he defenders are attempting to make a final stand.

On the parapet above the main gate, I have gathered around me for safety as many of the young women perfecti as I can. A detachment of soldiers loyal to me defends our little group against the advancing crusader knights, who slowly mount the steps to the section of the parapet where we are gathered, pressing our brave but outnumbered defenders back and steadily diminishing their number. The clank of swords on shields, grunts, groans and the screams of the wounded and dying, assault my ears as the fighting draws closer and closer.

I am determined to fight the attackers myself once the last of our protecting detachment of soldiers gives way. I am armed with a sword. I have protective armor over my tunic. I am prepared to die protecting the other perfecti, who are unarmed and who cower behind me, gripped by fear.

Our band of defenders is down to just half a dozen now, and falling back. The crusader knights will soon be upon us!

I notice that there is one among the knights who stands above the others. He seems invincible. I watch in horrified fascination as he slays three of my men in quick succession and takes the lead among the knights ... climbing the stairs to the parapet two at a time, as the remaining defenders flee before his swift sword.

He comes on like a mad man! Even one of his fellow knights, unfortunate enough to get in his way, falls victim to his slashing sword. I take a deep breath and prepare myself physically and mentally to take him on, hoping to catch him off balance just as he reaches the top of the stairs.

He is close now, stabbing one of the now fleeing defenders in the back, sweeping the poor soul over the side to join the heap of bodies piled on the flagstones below. This is my best chance! I take my sword in both hands, step forward, slipping momentarily in the pooled blood covering the stone at the top of the steps, and swing its blade at his neck ... just as he turns to look up at me.

But he is unbelievably swift. He parries quickly, bringing his sword up to meet mine with such force that mine is easily knocked away. It flies off to the side to land on the parapet with a ringing clunk that signals my doom.

I am alone and defenseless. I stagger back with nowhere to go as the knight advances on me . I stumble, fall to my knees and an quickly surrounded by him and a few of his fellow knights.

View attachment 393729 The bloody points of several swords threaten my throat. "Yield," he commands through gritted teeth.

Look on the bright side, at least the Abbot didn't get you.... :rolleyes:

I'm not sure that would be much worse, but it might have been a teeny weeny itsy bit worse. :cool:
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Episode 9

"Yield! Are you the lady Barbara de Moore? Yield, and I will offer you what protection I can. My lady, the Pope's man is here and he desires to make an example of you. Become my prisoner and I will try to shield you from him."
I see in her eyes that she trusts me, she who a moment ago wished to take off my head. She looks straight at me without fear.
"I yield Sir Knight. I pray you extend your protection over my people here with me."

My men have caught up with me now and secure this part of the wall, turning away threats. Can I take them prisoner, will the code of paratge force the Abbot to uphold honour and treat them with dignity? I can only do what I can, what chivalry demands, to protect the weak.

"Is there somewhere we can go, somewhere safe we can hold you?"
"Yes, there is a tower in which I have my chambers. It is not far, and it can be defended. I will show you."

As a group we moved swiftly off the wall and through the streets. I could see how much the despoiling of the city and the agony of its people affected the noble lady. She and her companions were lucky, they did not find themselves skewered by lance or sword, or by the hot member of some northern peasant soldier. Fair and unblemished they were still, 'perfecti' indeed, but it will be difficult for me to preserve them in the face of the Abbot.

I know his men had seen us, I knew he would not be far behind me, with his demands for access to the ladies under my protection. As we arrived at the tower one of his men was waiting for us, an evil smirk on his face.

"My Lord, you have done well! The Abbot will be pleased that you have taken so many of the heretics alive. Will you give them into my keeping on his behalf?"

"I am sorry My Lord Thibault, these women have surrendered themselves into my keeping and I have pledged to guarantee their safety from the slaughter around us. I cannot hand them to your keeping as I am honour bound to protect them.

"Come now my Lord Flebas. You know what their fate will be. These heretic whores are to be put to the question. They will taste the irons, and the rack, and sing like no choir you have ever heard. Why postpone what is inevitable, eh? Why risk the wrath of his Excellency. You must desire to see what they have beneath those robes, I see the glances you cast over their bodies. Give them up, and we will uncover the treasures that this city has to offer."

I see fear in the eyes of the lady's followers, though she herself holds brave and firm before Thibault's lecherous gaze. I must do what I can for her.

"Inside my lady. Take your people inside and we will do what we can. Pray for a miracle!"
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"I yield Sir Knight.
The world has waited a long time to hear those words from those lips! :D
Great yarn, all of you, very enjoyable.
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