A short epilogue...
Tree sits outside his rented LA Tree house having
his fourth Seagram's and water breakfast when he gets a surprise visitor. Tash says "Mind if join you, sailor?"
He looks over and see the Olympic Crux athlete. She too has a drink in her hand. He waves her in...
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She hobbles over and sits down.
"You seem to be doing pretty well getting around so soon" Tree observes.
"The doctors aren't to happy with me moving about but fuck them" Tash says.
"You gave it a good try" Tree says.
"Finishing fourth isn't crap" she scowls. "The heat got me. That and Thessela saying she had no choice and fucking nun who thought it was a higher calling were going to get Bronze and Silver. I have to hand it to you and Barb. You trained her well and she wasn't going to denied. Oh, the new
Crux Chronicle is out!"
"Yeah, it came today."
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"They didn't give a shit about her training or her effort. They thought I broke the spirit of the rules so I'm out. I might be retired by the 2028 Olympics in Kartomga anyway..."