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The Pit Of Shit

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I don't think Dorothy does 'revulsion and disgust' :p
It`s not romantic it`s about the total humiliation of a
naked female ducked many times in a pit of hot animal
shit, much better than romantic.
Euuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, I don't think so!!!!!
HOLE 19 (episode 4)

Watching a rollercoaster from the ground is a safe feeling.

But when you are in, getting towed up, looking from above on the trajectory of loops and corkscrews you will soon be running through! And no way back! And then, the chariots are launched… Down on the ground, you had to courage to step in it, but once up, your heart gets very small…

That, I imagined, was the feeling Dorothy was about to face now.

James came back from the barn where Dorothy was being prepared. Actually, he did not look very sure about himself, passing through the crowd of spectators, feeling their eyes on him, knowing he had just left behind his wife in the for being the next.

James knew – and he knew the spectators knew – that, inside, she was being pulled off her crème summer anorak. She would step out of her pastel pink high heel shoes, take of her pale pink short dress, and finally her undies. All under the surveillance of the marshals. Meanwhile, James was explained the use of the lever of the hoist, and I hoped he kept his mind on it.

He got her so far, but nevertheless, Dorothy had sought a last advice from me.
“Dorothy!”, I had said, “I may call you Dorothy? Just go for it! It looks scaring, but all those who did it, found it exciting!”
“Are you sure, Mister Loxuru?”
“Yes! And, Dorothy, keep your mouth and eyes closed down there!”.

Suddenly, the onlookers all turned their attention to the barn. Dorothy stood in the doorway, all naked. The crowd started cheering, whistling, shouting. It clearly overwhelmed her completely. Still trying to catch up what was happening to her, a black marshal grabbed her arms and cuffed them behind her back, creating even more excitement among the crowd. Then they put a leather manacle on each of her ankles.

One of the marshals gave her a little push in the back. Reluctantly she stepped, or rather, she uneasily shuffled forward, anxiously looking around, trying to ignore the humiliating crowd. But there was no way out. Flanked by three marshals, passing between two rows of excited spectators, she crossed the tarmac. There was even more hesitation when the crowd opened in front of her, and she faced the hoisting device. There she came. With her hands on her back she looked vulnerable, fully exposed. There was a remarkable contrast of her gold blonde hair, her pale white skin, and the intense pinkish blush in her face, in her neck, and all over her shoulders and her breasts. As she entered the hoisting area, she hesitated, took a step backward, but the disapproving shouts of the spectators and the gentle force of the marshals pushed her further forward.

She stood there naked under the hoist, surrounded by yelling crowd. Damn, she was gorgeous! I bent to James, who was standing next to me and said :
“James! You are a damn lucky bastard!”
He did not answer. Had he heard me? He stared to his naked and restrained wife at the other side of the pit, the target of all these looks and humiliations.
“James!”, I said “the only right answer here is : ‘I know Lox!’”
“Yes, Lox, yes!”

There it was! I recognized it! Vicarious humiliation! It was his wife there who was publically naked, who was, under more cheering, put on a belt around her waist where the wrist cuffs were attached to! It could be that he felt even more humiliated than Dorothy! Most likely, he was the only guy here around the pit, who had no hard-on at this moment. He was even more due to run away than she was! Despite the distance between them, they shared a common chemistry of humiliation and fear, that they had to be overcome.

Dorothy uttered a little scream when the four marshals grabbed her arms and legs, pulled her up and attached her ankle cuffs to the hook of the hoisting device. Next, she hung upside down, her eyes and mouth wide open, shaking her shoulders. In an attempt to cope with her unusual position, she twisted her head, trying to lift it up, looking around between the legs of the marshals and uttering ‘huh’s and ‘ow’s” all the time. James looked still uncertain, but at least their line of eye contact had been broken up, and with it, their bond of fear. He and Dorothy were in their own struggle now, he with his reluctance, she with gravity and fearful anticipation. While Dorothy hung upside down, a new wave of enthusiasm engulfed the crowd. Dorothy, already influenced by the champagne and the blood rush to her head, was lifted up until her eyes were at the level of the marshal’s signs of huge excitements, drawing her attention to her immediate environment. James stood alone now with his doubts. I hoped he would remember my advice. He could be the man to fail now. If he would give up, he would let down the crowd. If he would let down the crowd, he would let down Dorothy, because in that case she had undergone all the humiliations up to now for nothing! That would be her greatest humiliation of all! And the crowd was sensing his doubts and taunted and defied him as much as they did Dorothy. Particularly when one of the marshals grabbed Dorothy’s hips and twisted her around, to show her completely powerless, naked, exposed and restrained body the crowd. She was totally humiliated, but Dorothy had completely surrendered to it. While the crowd enjoyed her being displayed, James, standing at the lever, stared at infinite, paralyzed, sweating, unable to take action. There was no way back… for him in the first place!

Next, the hoist moved Dorothy over the brown reeky mass. Powerless, she swung back and forth by the motion. An exciting sight it was, with her hair hanging down, her fearful, anxious look, her breasts hanging down to her shoulders. She was hanging with her head just half a meter above the damping surface. Now it was up to James. Silence fell. Dorothy was hanging nearly motionless, only moving her head. The pressure on James must have been immense now. Dorothy was completely surrendered to the situation. She could do nothing than undergo it all. But anyway, if James took too long to let her hang above that stinking mass, while her body was being stretched out, her discomfort would increase. His hesitation still could spoil it ultimately.

From behind James’ back, I made a discrete wink to one of the marshals. He stepped towards James.
“Shall I help you, Sir!?” he said.
The arrival of the marshal suddenly awoke James from his lethargy.
“No, no!” He said.

As a sign that he took control, James moved the lever. Dorothy, suddenly frightened, dropped some twenty centimeter and them came to rest again. Was that all….?
“James! On second thoughts I think I….” Dorothy tried to draw his attention.
The marshal stepped further forward to James. So did I!
James, suddenly pressed from two sides, took a deep breath and moved the lever again.
“James, nooo!”

(to be continued)
Loxuru, don't worry about Dorothy- she was wet when you bound her wrists!!!
bondage 093.jpg
She was almost enjoying herself until she was hanging like a side of off beef and stench of the pit wafted up! As James hesitated she was torn between not wanting to be lowered and the thought that when she was she at least wouldn't have to see the crowd. At one point she thought 'just do it and get it over with!'
hang invert 009.jpg
That is really wonderful writing, i was there i was hanging naked over that
steaming mass, i was just waiting to read, James pulled the lever,but it never
came. does he love me too much to give me a humiliating dunking, i have
surrendered to my fate but will my husband chicken out, he is the only
one without a stiffy,lot`s of men around him would be only too willing
to pull the lever, James do it,i will still love you my darling but dunk me
there is no way back,i have to go into the pit of shit.
God I love you Dorothy!

You're such an incredibly dirty bitch!

This scenario is so gross and disgusting that I shouldn't get even slightly aroused by it but sitting hear reading about your naked body being covered in shit has made me soaking wet!

I guess that makes me a dity bitch too :)
God I love you Dorothy!

You're such an incredibly dirty bitch!

This scenario is so gross and disgusting that I shouldn't get even slightly aroused by it but sitting hear reading about your naked body being covered in shit has made me soaking wet!

I guess that makes me a dity bitch too :)

Ever since i thought it up in bed it has had an incredible
effect on me Dark Princess. i keep trying to forget about
it but some little thought about punishment and humiliation
and that is the first thing that always comes to mind.
I wrote the original story with my brother in law having
me dunked. then Riwa took it up and i have lost count
of how many times i have screamed his name as i was
dropped into the pit, Tissues i have used hundreds ,it
is such a disgusting way to be punished and then that
makes it erotic and exciting,it has been pointed out to
me that done in real life it would be fatal, so give me a
choice of deaths, say crucifixion or the pit of shit i
would choose the pit.i was hanging on reading the last
episode of this current story , i am upside down head
just hanging above that stinking mess,my husbands
hand on the lever and had a hell of an orgasm even
though i did`nt go down,but when i do i will scream
the place down in orgasm, i just can`t help it,for
me it is one amazing turn on.
HOLE 19 (episode 5)

I could see the terror on Dorothy’s face, when she started to be lowered. She cried out her sudden fear. Her hair touched the surface and spread out over it.
Her eyes went down – darkness, her ears – silence, her nose and her mouth – muted and isolated.

Dorothy’s head disappeared. With a bubbling sound, the brown blubber closed over her chin and engulfed her neck. Her shoulders splashed on the surface, pulling the last of her still floating hair down. Her breasts, hanging reversed, touched the surface and floated upward while she went down, but inevitably they were pulled in too. The base of her rib chest disappeared, then her belly button, followed by her nervously writhing hands. Next, her hips pushed away the blubber. Then, James stopped lowering her. Her feet, her legs, her buttocks and loins were still emerged. The crowd was breathless, staring at Dorothy’s pale skinned lower body standing upside down in the middle of that brown mass. We saw her knees rubbing against each other, her hips twisting. The whole crowd exploded in excitement! James had done it! And he had given the crowd an extra bonus by stopping her halfway! I could see on his face he got turned on now by this unbelievable sight! Then he moved the lever again and Dorothy went down further. The mass crept between her thighs and her still rubbing knees disappeared. Finally, James stopped when only her feet were left emerged. He had followed the advice : leave the feet emerged. No bigger turn on than imagining what was going on below these feet, what was triggering their writhing : a tied, naked woman, hanging helpless upside down deep in brown blubber. In a pit full of warm shit!

Dorothy was pulled out! She emerged out of the brown shit. The stinking stuff dripped from all over her body. Finally her head showed up. She uttered a cry that I could only qualify as animal like. She loudly gasped to air, struggling to open her nose, mouth and eyes while preventing the stuff from entering her body. She tried to look around, seeking for help. Instead, James lowered her again. This time she uttered a loud cry of protest and despair! I had been told that the second dunking was the worst. Being emerged from the first time felt as a relief, they had told me, because the experience was terrible. Once up, they all hoped it would be over. James lowered Dorothy again down to her ankles, then up again. And before she could recover, James dunked her a third time. Excited, I watched again the writhing feet. I had heard how it was like down there. Pitch dark, but on the other hand, there seemed to be a strange greyish or grayish yellow light (in their mind?). It was suffocating but hallucinating at the same time. The feeling of being restrained, desoriented and totally helpless was terrible, but in the meantime, they experienced a strange relaxing weightlessness. It was a terrifyingly frightening hell own there dbut on the other hand it felt like a warm, cozy world.

After the third dunking, James had satisfied the crowd very well. But to everybody’s surprise, Dorothy shouted : “James ! Again!”

James hesitated, but under the pressure, he gave her a fourth time.

Finally! The hoisting device was pulled back. The marshals cleaned Dorothy’s body with hoses. Soon, her skin emerged again. Her hands were released. She kept dangling her arms, while still hanging upside down. She was visibly and audibly excited. It even looked like she could not get enough of it. The onlookers applauded. I had heard that at the end of the experience they feel like reborn as never before. It seems to be an incredible feeling of ecstasy. Maria had told me.

“James!? Where are you?” Dorothy cried out, still hanging upside down.
Time for James to join his wife again.

For me, it was time to return to the castle. James and Dorothy were to get there too. In the afternoon, they would get an initiation to golf at the practice ranges. But James had also booked the Persian Room on the third floor for a night, a last surprise. Dottie had more than earned it.

From the golf course, I suddenly heard a familiar outcry of warning. It drew an anticipating attention from the crowd on the tarmac. A golf ball landed on the tarmac, bounced up a few times and rolled straight to the pit. After a last bounce over the brick edge, it came to a rest in the mass of shit. For a moment, it remained half emerged, but then it went down, as a white dot getting smaller and smaller. Only a pit in the surface of the shit marked the place where it had vanished. The event caused hilarity and laughter among those gathered around the pit. Especially when two men, dressed in golf outfits and a club in their hand, showed up from the bushes. One of them was clearly agitated. It was immediately clear to him, that his ball had gone and that he faced two penalty strokes, unless he would retrieve it from the pit.
“Looks like, you made a hole-in-one in the Nineteen, Jim!” said the other golfer.
“Oh shit! It isn’t true! Not again!”
“Would you please mind respecting the golf etiquette and control yourself, Sir?”, I addressed him stoically.
“Golf etiquette? Come on, Mr. Lox, this is ridiculous! That shithole is an insult to golf! And all the time that smell over the fairway!”
“On the contrary, Sir! The Very Ancient and Very Venerable has approved it! They even have insisted to keep it when we rebuilt the course. And I do not have to remind you that the opinion of ‘The Very Ancient and Very Venerable’ matters in the world of golf!”

For me, there was one problem now. The picture of naked Dorothy and her ordeal kept haunting me. I had urgently to scrub off some energy too. No doubt Maria was impatiently waiting for my report. But in my job, discretion is a highly esteemed value. Shall I report her then privately? In the Japanese room perhaps?

Great female staff!

Oh if James did that to me for real
i would fuck him to death,oh that
was SO, SO, wonderful. i did open
my mouth accidentally while i was
submerged and got to chew on
something nasty,all the more
exciting, now just watch my box
of tissues disappear very quickly
and i have applied to join the
golf club. on the practice driving
range they have set up a target
and every time a ball hits the
bullseye they hear screams of
delight as i plunge naked into
the beautiful Pit Of Shit.
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