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The Price I Pay (A dark, psychologically intense journey into the depths of human endurance and self-discovery.)

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Septimus (1)

While still looking at my face, her right hand now reached my already half-erect penis. Her touch is practiced and firm, her grip irresistible even in my vulnerable state. In her hand, my cock responds swiftly, thickening and lengthening with each racing heartbeat until it's fully erect, standing out proudly against the hollow of my abs.

The casual touch of her hand on my most vulnerable parts sends conflicting signals through my body—panic, pain, and to my horror, a potent wave of arousal. Her fingers, both soft and firm, manipulate my most sensitive flesh with an expertise that sends jolts of electricity through my nervous system.

I can feel every ridge of her palm, every subtle movement of her fingers as they explore my now fully engorged length, throbbing with a conflicting mix of trepidation and undeniable arousal. The warmth of her hand contrasts sharply with the cool air of the room, intensifying every sensation. My breath catches in my throat as I struggle against the overwhelming physical response, my heart pounding so hard I can hear the blood rushing in my ears.

As if reading my thoughts, Lia chuckles softly, her warm breath ghosting over my skin and sending a fresh wave of goosebumps across my body.

"Oh, don't look so surprised," she continues, her face merely an inch from mine, our noses and lips nearly touching, her warm breath entering my mouth. "The body often betrays the mind in situations like this. It's part of what makes this… you… so... good."

Her grip tightens around my fully erect cock, a reminder of her absolute control. Despite my best efforts to resist, my body responds to her touch, a physiological reaction at odds with my mental anguish. The scent of our mingled arousal fills the air, a primal undercurrent to the tension between us.

Lia's steely gaze fixes on me as she steps away, and goes to the steel table. I can hear the zipper of the duffel bags and she starts to unpack something. Each click and rustle of the black duffel bags fills the oppressive silence, making my heart pound louder. I crane my neck, lifting and turning my head to see what she's extracting from those ominous bags, but my view is obscured. The sound of metal clinking against metal sends jolts of apprehension through my veins.

She carefully extracts a smaller steel rolling wound dressing trolley and begins packing it with an array of ominous medical tools. The process is slow, each item methodically placed on the trolley—syringes, IV lines, antiseptics, clamps, and assorted vials. The shuffle of instruments and the occasional snap of latex gloves echo in the stillness, amplifying the tension.

Finally, she wheels the trolley next to me, and for the first time, I can see the tools clearly. My gut tightens at the sight of needles, tubes, and bags of fluid, all arrayed neatly and with purpose. The overhead light catches on the steel and glass, casting sharp reflections that send shivers down my spine. The mingling scent of antiseptic and sterile plastic fills the air, a harsh contrast to the faint, warm odor of the furnace.

Lia returns, carrying a meter-long metal pole. She inserts it into the right upper corner of the bed, the gentle scrape of metal against metal sending a shiver down my spine. The tension in the room is palpable, thick enough to taste alongside the metallic tang lingering in the air.

"Alright," she says in a steady voice. "I'm going to insert an IV line into your neck.” She taps the side of my neck. “Into the external jugular vein, to be precise."

"Wh-why?" I manage to stammer, my voice barely a whisper.

"So you don't get dehydrated," she explains calmly, almost soothingly. "Maintaining your body's fluid balance is crucial under stress."

Her reassurance does little to quell the fear coursing through me. I watch, wide-eyed, as she dons fresh gloves, snapping them into place with a smooth, practiced motion. The cold, sanitizing scent of alcohol permeates the air as she swabs the area on my neck, the swish of the wipes startlingly loud in the still room.

Her fingers search for the vein with skill, as if she has done this countless times. The needle's thin tip pricks my skin, followed by a brief sting that quickly subsides. Despite my fear, there's an odd sense of relief knowing it was done so efficiently. She tapes the cannula securely in place, ensuring it won't move or cause discomfort.

"Now, I'm going to connect this IV bag," she says, showing me Hartmann's solution. "This solution will help replenish your fluids and electrolytes quickly," her tone reassuring yet clinical.

She connects the IV line to the bag and adjusts the flow rate to fast drip. Almost immediately, I feel the cool fluid coursing through my vein, spreading throughout my body, seeping into my tissues, and bringing a soothing, refreshing relief to my parched, aching form.

The hydration ignites a burst of vitality within me, almost euphoric after the relentless stress and dehydration. The coolness spreads like a comforting breeze, calming my racing heart and easing the tightness in my chest. Each drop from the IV bag feels like a lifeline, a momentary respite in this nightmarish situation.

"See? That wasn't so bad," Lia murmurs, her voice soft and almost maternal. She pats the IV line gently, ensuring everything is functioning correctly before standing back to observe.

The cool fluid continues to flow, bringing waves of comfort and a strange sense of calm to my weary body. For the first time in what feels like an eternity, there's a fleeting sense of peace, an island of tranquility in an ocean of terror. When the bag empties, Lia attaches another to the line, then sits down on the steel chair near the furnace.

The fast, rhythmic drip of the IV and the distant hum of the furnace create a hypnotic lullaby, and I feel my eyelids growing heavy. My mind, exhausted from the constant state of alertness, begins to drift, teetering on the edge of consciousness. For a brief moment, I almost slip into a shallow slumber, my body gratefully surrendering to the pull of sleep.

The scrape of Lia's chair against the floor shakes me from my near-slumber, my heart immediately racing as adrenaline floods my system. My eyes snap open to see her preparing a syringe, her movements precise and unhurried.

"Wh-what's that?" I stammer, my voice hoarse with fear and fatigue.

Lia glances up, a small smile playing on her lips. "Just a little something to keep things interesting," she replies cryptically.

"Please," I beg, straining against my restraints, "tell me what it is. I need to know."

She approaches, syringe in hand, her eyes glittering with a mix of professional detachment and sadistic anticipation. "You'll see soon enough," she says softly, almost tenderly.

I try to plead one last time, my voice barely above a whisper.

She leans in close, her breath warm against my ear. "Shh," she soothes, her free hand gently stroking my hair. "Just relax and let it happen. Trust me, you won't want to miss what comes next."

With swift, efficient movements, she injects the contents of the syringe into my IV line. The cool rush of the new substance entering my bloodstream is immediate and startling.

Within moments, a surge of energy begins to spread from my chest, radiating outward through my body. The sensation is unexpectedly invigorating, as the mental murk evaporates, leaving a startling lucidity. My awareness sharpens, every sense becoming more acute and focused.

"What have you done to me?" I gasp, my words tumbling out in a rush as I struggle to coordinate my thoughts with my suddenly overactive mind.

She leans in close, her eyes sparkle with excitement. "I've woken you up," she smiles, her voice a mix of clinical detachment and satisfaction. "It's my own special stimulant cocktail. I want you fully awake and at peak stamina for what's coming."

As the drug courses through my system, I become acutely aware of a new sensation. My muscles, previously fatigued and aching, seem to tighten and define themselves, as if responding to an intense workout. The contours of my body become more pronounced, even pumped, every sinew and curve suddenly sharp and visible.

Lia's eyes widen slightly, a look of obvious pleasure crossing her face. She approaches me slowly, her gaze traveling over my newly defined physique. Her fingers trail along my arm, tracing the now prominent lines of my bicep.

"My, my," she coos, her voice a mix of clinical observation and undisguised appreciation. "Look at how beautifully you're responding. Every muscle, every fiber... it's like you're a living anatomy chart."

I can't help but look down at myself, surprised by the transformation. My abdominal muscles are clearly defined, my chest more prominent. Even my quads, stretched taut by my position, show increased definition.

"What's happening?" I ask, my voice a mix of awe and concern.

Lia's fingers continue their exploration, moving across my chest and down to my stomach. "It's enhancing your physical attributes. Increasing blood flow, tightening muscles, and fortifying nerves."

She pauses, her hand resting on my abdomen. "You're becoming a perfect specimen for what's to come. Every sensation will be sharpened, every touch defined."

The cool air of the room seems to caress my skin with newfound intensity, sending shivers through my overstimulated nerves. I'm acutely aware of every point of contact between Lia's fingers and my skin, each touch sending shockwaves of sensation through my body.

"How does it feel?" Lia asks, her eyes locked on mine.

"Intense," I manage to reply, my breath coming faster. "Everything feels... more."

She nods, a satisfied smile playing on her lips. "Good. That's exactly what we want. You'll experience everything I have planned for you with a penetrating clarity."

As she speaks, I notice that even my awareness of the restraints has changed. The pressure of the manacles, the stretch of my limbs, all feel more pronounced, more immediate. It's as if my body has become a finely tuned instrument, ready to register every nuance of sensation.

Her fingers trace the soft skin of my scrotum with an almost tender touch. "You already know what will happen next," she says softly, her voice a mix of sterile detachment and perverse curiosity. "Would you like to know how?"

I swallow hard, my throat dry with fear. "Yes," I whisper, dreading the answer but unable to resist asking.

Lia's eyes lock onto mine, a hint of amusement dancing in their depths. "Alright then, here's a question for you, little author," she says, her tone almost playful. "Do testicles become more or less sensitive to electrical torture following after being beaten?"

Horror floods through me, my mind reeling at the implications. I can't speak, can't even form coherent thoughts as panic threatens to overwhelm me.

"Well?" Lia demands, her voice hardening.

I struggle to find my voice, terror making it difficult to think clearly. "I... I guess... more?" My words tremble with fear and I hate how weak they sound.

A small smile plays on Lia's lips. "Perhaps," she muses. "but without proper empirical data, this is mere speculation."

As she speaks, she moves away, pushing the trolley back to the steel table with the duffel bags. I watch, heart pounding, as she discards the medical tools and begins packing new, more sinister items onto the cart.

When she returns, my breath catches in my throat. On the trolley sits a larger electrical device, its face covered in switches and dials. Multiple cables snake out from its back end, now facing me. I recognize it immediately - an electro box used for torture. Lia plugs the box into an extender cord, and the lights flicker to life, each illuminated dial a promise of pain to come. She continues talking as she sets up, her voice calm and measured, as if discussing something as mundane as the weather.

”You see," she explains, "torturers, interrogators, often hit, beat, or kick the balls of their subjects before moving on to electro torture. Some believe the swelling from the beating dampens the effect of the electricity." She pauses, meeting my gaze."I disagree, but we need proof. So I've designed an experiment."

My mind races, trying to process her words through the haze of fear. I want to protest, to beg, but I'm frozen, unable to do anything but listen as she outlines her horrific plan.

"First, I'll electrocute both your balls to establish a baseline," Lia continues, her tone almost enthusiastic. "I need to see what intensity, frequency, and pulse width results in what reactions to establish a taseline. It’s all a bit technical, but you needn’t worry about that.

“Then, I'll beat one of your balls with this." She holds up a firm leather tool, like a paddle, about twenty inches long. "After that, we'll reapply the electricity and compare the results."

I feel as my face grows deadly white as she describes the process. My breathing becomes rapid and shallow, panic clawing at my chest.

"For the other testicle," Lia says, her eyes gleaming with scientific curiosity, "we'll vary the strength and speed of the beating before applying the electricity again. You'll need to answer certain test questions about your pain levels throughout the experiment."

She leans in close, her voice dropping to a near whisper. "Make no mistake. If you don't cooperate, we may need to repeat the entire test. And I'm sure neither…okay, one of us definitely doesn’t want that, right?"

As Lia continues her preparations, I'm left with a profound sense of dread and helplessness. The night stretches ahead, filled with the promise of unimaginable pain, all in the name of Lia's twisted experiment.

The sheer weight of my impending ordeal seizes me, my mind fixating on the terrifying prospect of ball torture. In a puny attempt at “research” while writing my stories, I had experimented with inflicting pain on my own genitals. But those feeble attempts were laughably inadequate, barely scratching the surface of the agony I now face.

I recall the tentative taps I'd given myself, the slow, rhythmic strikes that had sent deep, dull waves of pain radiating through my balls. Even that minor discomfort had been enough to make me whimper, my resolve crumbling at the slightest touch. "Please don't," I had begged an imaginary tormentor, unable to continue even in the safety of my own room.

Now, faced with the reality of what's to come, I'm acutely aware of how unprepared I truly am. My amateur "research" seems almost comical in the face of the techniques Lia might employ - the cruel precision of needle insertions, the relentless compression of ball vices, or worse.

I shudder, remembering the descriptions I'd so cavalierly written - testicles swelling to the size of peaches after a beating, the excruciating pain of crushers tightened to the point of rupture. The distant, cold detachment with which I'd described the anatomy of torture now seems perversely naive.

Oh God, oh God. My stomach's doing backflips. Fuck, am I gonna scream like the people in my stories? What if I puke? How the hell am I supposed to handle what's coming? What if I can't take it? What if I beg and cry and it doesn't matter? She's really not gonna stop, is she? Well, not that I have a choice. This isn't some sick fantasy anymore. It's real. So fucking real. And I'm not ready for this shit. I thought I was in pain, but this? God, I'm such an idiot. Every breath feels like knives in my chest.

Lying here, totally exposed...The characters I wrote about were badasses. Me? I'm scared shitless. What was I thinking, agreeing to this? I'm no hero, just some loser amateur writer who got in way over his head.

The night stretches out forever. How long before I completely lose it? Lia's got that look in her eyes, like she's just getting started. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Lia walks back to the head of the bed, positioning the trolley with the electro box next to the bed upon which I'm stretched. Her movements are deliberate, almost ceremonial, as she arranges her tools. The stark light catches the sheen of sweat on her skin, highlighting the toned muscles of her arms and the curve of her breasts beneath her tank top.

"This is it, Mark," she says, her voice dripping with anticipation. "You've written about this so many times, yet you have no idea what it really feels like, do you?"

I shake my head, feeling a complex mix of shame, arousal, and dread churning in my core. The reality of my situation is far more intense than anything I could have imagined.

"Although your descriptions are fine," Lia continues, "nothing beats first-hand experience. So, in the next hours, you'll have every chance to catch up on that. A classic, well, almost classic South American parrilla torture."

Lia leans in, her proximity sending a shiver through my body. She lifts my flaccid penis, revealing my testicles. The wide metal ring, still tightened around the neck of my scrotum, hangs heavily between my spread thighs in the increasingly warm chamber. I feel her attach a wider wire to the ring, leading it along my perineal raphe. She tightens the cable, which digs into my scrotum, forcing my testicles to bulge out and apart.

Lia moves her fingers around my smoothly shaved balls, now tight as plump hens' eggs, and reaches for a white tube. With a deliberate squeeze, she extracts a generous dollop of gel, smearing it onto her fingers before massaging it onto my testicles. The initial shock of the cold gel quickly gives way to an enveloping warmth as her hands heat them up. She takes her time, massaging my balls tightly just below the pain threshold, every motion a dance of sensation that borders on torment.

After drying her hands with a towel, Lia fetches a pair of long black cables, which have four or five copper-colored metal hoops at their ends. She places each hoop with precision around my left and right testicles, adjusting the sliding locks to tighten them. The naked metal digs into my flesh, not painfully but with a firm insistence, reminiscent of how an egg slicer's wires sink into a hard-boiled egg.

The steamy chamber fills with an oppressive, electric energy as Lia's torture session unfolds. "All is set," she announces. "Here’s your first task: try to refrain from yelling or crying as long as you possibly can. I’ll know if you give in too early, and I’ll hurt you really badly if you test me. I need to know how much you can take without breaking. Don’t worry, we’ll do a few rounds."

I gulp, unsure of what to say, just trying to brace myself. Perhaps I can do this. It won’t kill me after all… I guess.


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Septimus (2)

Before I could react, I heard the click of a dial and then I felt it. As the first pulses of electricity hit both my testes, I'm shocked by how different it feels from anything I've ever imagined. My muscles convulse and spasm under the unrelenting force of the electric current. Pain courses through every vein, making my chiseled form twist in agony. My face contorts, sweat streaming down, eyes clenched shut in a futile effort to cope with the torment. It's a deeply penetrating, insidious, grinding feeling deep inside the tissue, even at this not-yet-painful level. I can't fathom what it might feel like in a stronger setting. It immediately becomes very uncomfortable due to its relentless nature. There is no pause, no relief, no accommodation. It is ceaseless. Only after a few seconds, Lia turns the dial a few clicks more.

The grinding becomes steely, sharper. If it were only for a few moments, I could take it, but within moments, I strain against the chains and manacles. With a pathetic, desperate attempt, I try to move my crotch sideways and up, to no avail. Lia turns another dial, and the pain just becomes duller and somehow stronger, like a grip squeezing my balls. I open my mouth and try not to cry, but my resolve dissolves, and I yelp. "No, noo, too much, please."

The pain stops immediately. The feeling and its backwash almost dissipates in seconds. My ass falls back onto the springs, and I pant in relief. I see Lia jot down something on a notepad with a pencil. Then she turns the dial again. I brace myself, expecting the pain to return, but nothing happens. Lia just smiles at my surprise, then flips a switch, and then the pain, maybe around the previous level or higher, hits at once with full force. This time it is much worse. I arch my back, not from the electric current—which remains concentrated in my balls—but from the sudden, intense pain. I cry out desperately, hoping she'll turn off the device, but she doesn't. Instead, she reaches for the dial and turns it, click, click, click, and then something inside me gives, and I let out a sharp scream.

Then it disappears. I drop back, bouncing onto the bedsprings, heaving, already feeling a fresh sheen of sweat covering my body in the ever-warming chamber. The pain, oh god, even the memory of it. I try to writhe, close my thighs a bit, but of course, it is impossible. All I can manage is a futile twist at best.

"Start to have an idea of it now, Mark?" Lia asks with her eyebrow raised.

"Please, don’t… please… the pain…"

"Wanna know how much that was? Of course, a lot depends on various settings, but it was 27. Out of a 100, Mark. Your nerve endings might develop some tolerance if I build the current up slowly, like I did in the first round, but if the same intensity hits you out of the blue… well, it is a whole different story. Let’s test this a few more times."

Click, flip, and I scream. Every time it takes a bit longer for Lia to turn it off. For the fifth round, she leaves it on for ten seconds. At least, that’s what I hear through the fog of pain and through the noise of my own ragged breathing. Ten. Seconds. It felt like an eternity. And I knew that she could leave that switch on, well, forever even. This is it. This is when I would normally panic, but my mind just keeps itself together somehow. The drugs. There is really no escape.

"Okey-dokey," says Lia as she sits next to me again, with one leg folded beneath her. "Let me set this clock." She does something on the box, and I see digital numbers on the backside: 00:60:00.

"This timer only counts down when the machine is active. Sort of like a net torture timer. I will administer one hour to your balls, then we move onto the next phase.”

"Please, Lia, I can’t, I am sorry, I am sorry for everything, please don’t do this to me, pleeease." I cry heavily, with fat tears flowing from my eyes. "I can’t take it, it hurts so much, please."

"Of course you can take it. You don’t have any other choice after all." Her smile wanes. "And you get this for a reason. A lesson, remember?"

"I want out, please. I am begging you."

Lia's hand darts to the dial, wrenching it clockwise in one brutal motion. I have no idea how far she turns it, but the current that suddenly bursts into my testicles is devastating.

I jolt up, and even my own ears hurt as I hear myself scream. The current keeps flowing; I don’t know for how long, but I still scream when it stops. This was way more than she had ever given me so far, I am sure of it. It was so much worse… oh my God…

"I believe we discussed the consequences of futile begging and useless talking." Her voice is like ice cracking.

I silently yell at the lights in a final act of desperation and grab the chains above my wrist manacles.

Lia waits, her stillness a stark contrast to my heaving chest. The silence lingers, punctuated only by my ragged gasps. Each second stretches, allowing her words to echo in my mind.

Then the pain hits me again. Not as horrid as before, but still enough to make me squirm, yelp, and scream eventually. Most of the time, the current evenly flows into both my balls. I keep thrusting myself into the air as that is the only way I can move, my back aching due to the extended arches. When Lia zaps one or the other ball, it somehow forces my hips to twist away from the pain a bit. I try not to look at the counter, but I can’t help it. Most of the shocks last from 5-15 seconds, followed by breaks of maybe equal length, I can’t be sure.

My body thrashes as the torture intensifies. Muscles flex and strain, limbs flail. My cock, atlhough fattened in the heat, remains stubbornly flaccid, flapping, jiggling like an eel out of water. Lia's flickering gaze dances between my tortured form and the electro box. With a sly smile, she runs a finger along the length of my shaft. I gasp, shuddering as pleasure mingles with pain.

"Oh, Mark," she purrs, voice dripping with genuine satisfaction. "You are such a delightful little toy." She leans closer, her breasts pressing against my chest. "But don't worry, I'll make sure you get your penance."

With a sadistic glint, Lia cranks up the dial on the electro box. A fresh wave of agony rips through me. I scream, my body arching from the bed, every muscle straining against the restraints. Lia watches, eyes gleaming with cruel anticipation.

In this nightmarish situation, I am nothing more than a plaything for Lia's demented whims. I can't control the screams that escape my lips, the way my body writhes under her relentless assault. Yet, even in this pit of torment, a dark, perverse thrill pulses through me, leaving me craving more despite the pain. How much longer can I endure before Lia's infernal pleasures break me completely?

The reality of my situation sinks in: there is no relief, no mercy. Only the unyielding, sadistic will of Lia, who revels in the power she holds over me.

At halfway, Lia pauses, reaching for a bottle of cold water. The chamber has become a sweltering inferno, and we're both drenched in sweat. She takes a long, luxurious gulp, her throat working as she swallows. I can't help but follow the movement, my parched throat aching at the sight.

"Mmm," she sighs, lowering the bottle. "That hits the spot. One hour down, little author. You're doing... well, you're surviving." Her lips curl into a wicked smile. "No water for you though. Can't risk you choking. That'd be such an anticlimactic end to our fun, wouldn't it?"

She takes another long drink, deliberately letting a few drops spill from the corner of her mouth. They trail down her neck, disappearing beneath her sweat-soaked tank top.

"You know," Lia muses, her tone conversational, "torture is generally worse in the cold. I know that. But God, I hate the cold. So I usually go the other way." She grabs a towel from the trolley, lifting the hem of her tank top to wipe her glistening skin. The movement reveals a tantalizing glimpse of her toned stomach and the lower curves of her breasts.

I hate myself for noticing, for feeling a spark of arousal even in this hellish situation. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Lia catches my gaze and smirks. "Like what you see, Mark? Even after everything, you can't help yourself, can you?" She stretches languorously, her body on full display. "Damn, I need a shower." She reaches down to the trolley and pulls out a tablet. She types for a few minutes, then connects the tablet to the electro box.

Lia's fingers dance across the tablet screen as she prepares for the next phase of my torment. "Time for part two, sweetheart," she says, her voice dripping with anticipation. "I need a shower, and then... well, let's just say I'll be having some quality time with myself while thinking about your screams." She winks, her eyes gleaming with perverse excitement. "Don't worry, I've set up a special playlist just for you. The machine knows all your limits now... and how to push right past them."

My heart races with renewed panic. "Lia, please—"

"Shh," she cuts me off sharply, connecting the tablet to the electro box. "No need to beg. Remember what happened last time? Or do your balls need another dose of extra reminder?" Her eyes meet mine, a mix of cruelty and amusement in their depths. "Besides, I thought you wanted this experience. To feel what you've only imagined. Isn't that right, little author?"

Before I can respond, she hits enter. The current surges through me with renewed vigor, and I arch off the bed, a strangled cry tearing from my throat.

Lia watches for a moment, her expression one of sadistic satisfaction. Then she leans in close, her lips yet again brushing my ear. "Enjoy the ride, Mark. I'll be back before you know it, probably glowing and very satisfied." She pauses, then adds with a chilling smile, "Oh, and don't forget to put on a good show. I'll be watching every second, and so will my vibrator."

The words hit me like a bucket of ice water. Cameras? My mind reels with the implications, but before I can process this bombshell, Lia is already walking towards the door, her movements exuding confidence and control.

As the door closes behind her, I'm left alone with the relentless, cruel machine and my own screams echoing off the walls. The program Lia set keeps varying the current's strength, frequency, and time, and I have absolutely no way of knowing when it will stop or restart.

The realization that I'm being watched adds a new layer of horror to my situation. Are they recording all this? Who else might be viewing my torment? The questions swirl in my mind, but the relentless assault of pain makes coherent thought impossible.

With Lia gone, the eerie silence of the chamber breaks only to the rhythm of my own pitiful whimpers. The sporadic, unpredictable bursts of electricity jolt my consciousness, casting me into a maelstrom of unadulterated agony and despair. The clock's relentless counting down mocks my hope, a beacon in an abyss where time itself seems to conspire against me. Each tick resonates like a death knell, echoing through the chamber and my fractured psyche.

Each pulse of the electro box is a new chapter in my descent. The machine's hum grows deeper. Every millisecond of reprieve is stolen cruelly by another shock, a fresh wave of suffering. My muscles convulse involuntarily with each shock, and the chains clink and sway, an eerie melody to my suffering.

My mind begins to fracture at the edges. Shadows play tricks on me, strange shapes flickering in my periphery. I see odd, drifting shadows in the corners of my vision. There is a voice, unfamiliar and genderless, its words indistinct. It sounds like the reverberating traces of someone talking in a distant wing of a museum. The current suddenly spikes without warning, transporting me into pure, unadulterated distress. My core spasms, my body tensing hopelessly against the restraints that hold me stretched.

The temperature in the room has risen drastically, the heat now oppressive. Sweat drips down my body, mingling with my tears to create a salty, stinging cocktail on my broken skin. The bursts of electricity seem to resonate with my very soul, igniting every nerve ending, every fiber of my being. I gasp for air, my breaths shallow and quick, each one a desperate bid for survival against this relentless onslaught.

I can feel the weight of Lia's absence pressing down on me—the dual torment of missing the sadistic comfort of her presence and the dread of her inevitable return. Each tick of the clock is a chime of doom, resonating in the silent hallways of my mind. The darkness around me grows heavier, thicker, almost as if it's seeping into my very being.

The currents vary—sometimes sharp, sometimes a dull, insidious throb that travels through my body like a relentless tide. The sensations blur the line between pleasure and pain, each jolt a reminder of my helpless state. My heart pounds in my chest, erratic and desperate, echoing the chaotic dance of the electric pulses. The pain radiates through my pelvis, cascading in brutal pulsations that make it hard to think, hard to breathe.

Pain is now my sole companion, interspersed with brief intervals of strained clarity where my mind claws at the surface of sanity. I think of Lia, her meticulous precision and the almost artistic pleasure she derives from my torment. The memory of her touch is a haunting specter, hovering at the edge of my consciousness.

Desperation grips me. I scream out into the void, my voice cracking and breaking, but there is no one to hear me. Only the machine, the room, and the oppressive heat. My pleas for mercy, for some semblance of relief, dissipate into the ether, swallowed by the walls of this chamber.

The clock, my only tether to reality, continues its slow, mocking countdown. My vision blurs as fresh tears form, mingling with the sweat and blood on my face. Each minute that passes feels like an eternity. My body, once an instrument of defiance, now lies contorted in a symphony of suffering. My once-strong and athletic frame is pushed far beyond what I thought were its limits.

Through the pain, the sense of absolute defeat and humiliation, I feel the faintest spark of something else; a vestige of defiance. However much she makes me scream, however many tortures she tries, surely I can hold out. The very thought of Lia's frustration when I refuse to break fuels the spark. It is not strength, but it is a thread of resistance I cling to.

As the merciless countdown continues, each passing second draws me closer to an uncertain fate. I cling desperately to the last remnants of my humanity, clutching it like a lifeline amidst the relentless assault of the machine. In this chamber of unending torment, under the unseen gaze of unknown observers, it's all I have left—a deep, dark, and seemingly incomprehensible desire lurking beyond the event horizon of my masochistic mind.

A thick tension permeates the air, crackling with an almost tangible electricity. Despite the overwhelming agony, my body betrays me, responding traitorously to the lingering memory of Lia's display. In the brief reprieves between shocks, and with increasing frequency, my mind conjures vivid images of her. I imagine her watching me on a screen, one hand expertly pleasuring herself while the other caresses her breasts. Her fingers dance in teasing circles around her nipples, sending waves of desire coursing through her body.

With each ragged breath and soft moan that escapes her lips, she savors every involuntary twitch and response my tortured body makes. This perverse fantasy plays out in exquisite detail, adding yet another layer to the surreal tapestry of sensations threatening to engulf me.

The dichotomy of pain and pleasure, suffering and desire, creates a twisted symphony that resonates through the very core of my being. I find myself suspended in a hellish limbo, torn between excruciating agony and an unwanted, shameful arousal that I can neither control nor fully comprehend. This internal conflict only serves to heighten the intensity of my ordeal, blurring the lines between torment and a dark, forbidden ecstasy.

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Just a slightly related image. In my mind Mark is leaner and younger, but I still find this image captivating.


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Nah I couldn’t stop reading
I felt the same way while writing. I literally couldn't sleep and had to take a few days off from work. I've never experienced anything like this before. Apparently, it's a condition called "writer's insomnia" (when you can't sleep or stop thinking about your writing). I'm flattered by your response, and I'll keep posting chapters daily—twelve in total. My stupid, overactive brain is already clicking away on a possible sequel.
Oh thank you. I don't get too many comments, so I'm, just like Mark, left in the dark to suffer. :D
I’m a little embarrassed to say precisely how much I am enjoying this, and that it has been a real highlight of my past several days. Needless to say my kinkbrain is set into overdrive by each new installment. And well? It’s been enormously, er, gratifying to read them?
I’m a little embarrassed to say precisely how much I am enjoying this, and that it has been a real highlight of my past several days. Needless to say my kinkbrain is set into overdrive by each new installment. And well? It’s been enormously, er, gratifying to read them?
Let's just say that writing was also... ahem, satisfying. And please don't be embarrassed. This is exactly why we write and read these things. I'm like a grandmother who delights in seeing her meal devoured.
Let's just say that writing was also... ahem, satisfying. And please don't be embarrassed. This is exactly why we write and read these things. I'm like a grandmother who delights in seeing her meal devoured.
You know how you generally post two installments at a time? I can’t seem to last the first installment

And of course my brain explodes with all kinds of segues too!
You know how you generally post two installments at a time? I can’t seem to last the first installment

And of course my brain explodes with all kinds of segues too!
Well, I had to cut Chapter 11 into five pieces to fit the character limit. It's massive. I am already worried about you - how will you manage?

Septimus (1)

While still looking at my face, her right hand now reached my already half-erect penis. Her touch is practiced and firm, her grip irresistible even in my vulnerable state. In her hand, my cock responds swiftly, thickening and lengthening with each racing heartbeat until it's fully erect, standing out proudly against the hollow of my abs.

The casual touch of her hand on my most vulnerable parts sends conflicting signals through my body—panic, pain, and to my horror, a potent wave of arousal. Her fingers, both soft and firm, manipulate my most sensitive flesh with an expertise that sends jolts of electricity through my nervous system.

I can feel every ridge of her palm, every subtle movement of her fingers as they explore my now fully engorged length, throbbing with a conflicting mix of trepidation and undeniable arousal. The warmth of her hand contrasts sharply with the cool air of the room, intensifying every sensation. My breath catches in my throat as I struggle against the overwhelming physical response, my heart pounding so hard I can hear the blood rushing in my ears.

As if reading my thoughts, Lia chuckles softly, her warm breath ghosting over my skin and sending a fresh wave of goosebumps across my body.

"Oh, don't look so surprised," she continues, her face merely an inch from mine, our noses and lips nearly touching, her warm breath entering my mouth. "The body often betrays the mind in situations like this. It's part of what makes this… you… so... good."

Her grip tightens around my fully erect cock, a reminder of her absolute control. Despite my best efforts to resist, my body responds to her touch, a physiological reaction at odds with my mental anguish. The scent of our mingled arousal fills the air, a primal undercurrent to the tension between us.

Lia's steely gaze fixes on me as she steps away, and goes to the steel table. I can hear the zipper of the duffel bags and she starts to unpack something. Each click and rustle of the black duffel bags fills the oppressive silence, making my heart pound louder. I crane my neck, lifting and turning my head to see what she's extracting from those ominous bags, but my view is obscured. The sound of metal clinking against metal sends jolts of apprehension through my veins.

She carefully extracts a smaller steel rolling wound dressing trolley and begins packing it with an array of ominous medical tools. The process is slow, each item methodically placed on the trolley—syringes, IV lines, antiseptics, clamps, and assorted vials. The shuffle of instruments and the occasional snap of latex gloves echo in the stillness, amplifying the tension.

Finally, she wheels the trolley next to me, and for the first time, I can see the tools clearly. My gut tightens at the sight of needles, tubes, and bags of fluid, all arrayed neatly and with purpose. The overhead light catches on the steel and glass, casting sharp reflections that send shivers down my spine. The mingling scent of antiseptic and sterile plastic fills the air, a harsh contrast to the faint, warm odor of the furnace.

Lia returns, carrying a meter-long metal pole. She inserts it into the right upper corner of the bed, the gentle scrape of metal against metal sending a shiver down my spine. The tension in the room is palpable, thick enough to taste alongside the metallic tang lingering in the air.

"Alright," she says in a steady voice. "I'm going to insert an IV line into your neck.” She taps the side of my neck. “Into the external jugular vein, to be precise."

"Wh-why?" I manage to stammer, my voice barely a whisper.

"So you don't get dehydrated," she explains calmly, almost soothingly. "Maintaining your body's fluid balance is crucial under stress."

Her reassurance does little to quell the fear coursing through me. I watch, wide-eyed, as she dons fresh gloves, snapping them into place with a smooth, practiced motion. The cold, sanitizing scent of alcohol permeates the air as she swabs the area on my neck, the swish of the wipes startlingly loud in the still room.

Her fingers search for the vein with skill, as if she has done this countless times. The needle's thin tip pricks my skin, followed by a brief sting that quickly subsides. Despite my fear, there's an odd sense of relief knowing it was done so efficiently. She tapes the cannula securely in place, ensuring it won't move or cause discomfort.

"Now, I'm going to connect this IV bag," she says, showing me Hartmann's solution. "This solution will help replenish your fluids and electrolytes quickly," her tone reassuring yet clinical.

She connects the IV line to the bag and adjusts the flow rate to fast drip. Almost immediately, I feel the cool fluid coursing through my vein, spreading throughout my body, seeping into my tissues, and bringing a soothing, refreshing relief to my parched, aching form.

The hydration ignites a burst of vitality within me, almost euphoric after the relentless stress and dehydration. The coolness spreads like a comforting breeze, calming my racing heart and easing the tightness in my chest. Each drop from the IV bag feels like a lifeline, a momentary respite in this nightmarish situation.

"See? That wasn't so bad," Lia murmurs, her voice soft and almost maternal. She pats the IV line gently, ensuring everything is functioning correctly before standing back to observe.

The cool fluid continues to flow, bringing waves of comfort and a strange sense of calm to my weary body. For the first time in what feels like an eternity, there's a fleeting sense of peace, an island of tranquility in an ocean of terror. When the bag empties, Lia attaches another to the line, then sits down on the steel chair near the furnace.

The fast, rhythmic drip of the IV and the distant hum of the furnace create a hypnotic lullaby, and I feel my eyelids growing heavy. My mind, exhausted from the constant state of alertness, begins to drift, teetering on the edge of consciousness. For a brief moment, I almost slip into a shallow slumber, my body gratefully surrendering to the pull of sleep.

The scrape of Lia's chair against the floor shakes me from my near-slumber, my heart immediately racing as adrenaline floods my system. My eyes snap open to see her preparing a syringe, her movements precise and unhurried.

"Wh-what's that?" I stammer, my voice hoarse with fear and fatigue.

Lia glances up, a small smile playing on her lips. "Just a little something to keep things interesting," she replies cryptically.

"Please," I beg, straining against my restraints, "tell me what it is. I need to know."

She approaches, syringe in hand, her eyes glittering with a mix of professional detachment and sadistic anticipation. "You'll see soon enough," she says softly, almost tenderly.

I try to plead one last time, my voice barely above a whisper.

She leans in close, her breath warm against my ear. "Shh," she soothes, her free hand gently stroking my hair. "Just relax and let it happen. Trust me, you won't want to miss what comes next."

With swift, efficient movements, she injects the contents of the syringe into my IV line. The cool rush of the new substance entering my bloodstream is immediate and startling.

Within moments, a surge of energy begins to spread from my chest, radiating outward through my body. The sensation is unexpectedly invigorating, as the mental murk evaporates, leaving a startling lucidity. My awareness sharpens, every sense becoming more acute and focused.

"What have you done to me?" I gasp, my words tumbling out in a rush as I struggle to coordinate my thoughts with my suddenly overactive mind.

She leans in close, her eyes sparkle with excitement. "I've woken you up," she smiles, her voice a mix of clinical detachment and satisfaction. "It's my own special stimulant cocktail. I want you fully awake and at peak stamina for what's coming."

As the drug courses through my system, I become acutely aware of a new sensation. My muscles, previously fatigued and aching, seem to tighten and define themselves, as if responding to an intense workout. The contours of my body become more pronounced, even pumped, every sinew and curve suddenly sharp and visible.

Lia's eyes widen slightly, a look of obvious pleasure crossing her face. She approaches me slowly, her gaze traveling over my newly defined physique. Her fingers trail along my arm, tracing the now prominent lines of my bicep.

"My, my," she coos, her voice a mix of clinical observation and undisguised appreciation. "Look at how beautifully you're responding. Every muscle, every fiber... it's like you're a living anatomy chart."

I can't help but look down at myself, surprised by the transformation. My abdominal muscles are clearly defined, my chest more prominent. Even my quads, stretched taut by my position, show increased definition.

"What's happening?" I ask, my voice a mix of awe and concern.

Lia's fingers continue their exploration, moving across my chest and down to my stomach. "It's enhancing your physical attributes. Increasing blood flow, tightening muscles, and fortifying nerves."

She pauses, her hand resting on my abdomen. "You're becoming a perfect specimen for what's to come. Every sensation will be sharpened, every touch defined."

The cool air of the room seems to caress my skin with newfound intensity, sending shivers through my overstimulated nerves. I'm acutely aware of every point of contact between Lia's fingers and my skin, each touch sending shockwaves of sensation through my body.

"How does it feel?" Lia asks, her eyes locked on mine.

"Intense," I manage to reply, my breath coming faster. "Everything feels... more."

She nods, a satisfied smile playing on her lips. "Good. That's exactly what we want. You'll experience everything I have planned for you with a penetrating clarity."

As she speaks, I notice that even my awareness of the restraints has changed. The pressure of the manacles, the stretch of my limbs, all feel more pronounced, more immediate. It's as if my body has become a finely tuned instrument, ready to register every nuance of sensation.

Her fingers trace the soft skin of my scrotum with an almost tender touch. "You already know what will happen next," she says softly, her voice a mix of sterile detachment and perverse curiosity. "Would you like to know how?"

I swallow hard, my throat dry with fear. "Yes," I whisper, dreading the answer but unable to resist asking.

Lia's eyes lock onto mine, a hint of amusement dancing in their depths. "Alright then, here's a question for you, little author," she says, her tone almost playful. "Do testicles become more or less sensitive to electrical torture following after being beaten?"

Horror floods through me, my mind reeling at the implications. I can't speak, can't even form coherent thoughts as panic threatens to overwhelm me.

"Well?" Lia demands, her voice hardening.

I struggle to find my voice, terror making it difficult to think clearly. "I... I guess... more?" My words tremble with fear and I hate how weak they sound.

A small smile plays on Lia's lips. "Perhaps," she muses. "but without proper empirical data, this is mere speculation."

As she speaks, she moves away, pushing the trolley back to the steel table with the duffel bags. I watch, heart pounding, as she discards the medical tools and begins packing new, more sinister items onto the cart.

When she returns, my breath catches in my throat. On the trolley sits a larger electrical device, its face covered in switches and dials. Multiple cables snake out from its back end, now facing me. I recognize it immediately - an electro box used for torture. Lia plugs the box into an extender cord, and the lights flicker to life, each illuminated dial a promise of pain to come. She continues talking as she sets up, her voice calm and measured, as if discussing something as mundane as the weather.

”You see," she explains, "torturers, interrogators, often hit, beat, or kick the balls of their subjects before moving on to electro torture. Some believe the swelling from the beating dampens the effect of the electricity." She pauses, meeting my gaze."I disagree, but we need proof. So I've designed an experiment."

My mind races, trying to process her words through the haze of fear. I want to protest, to beg, but I'm frozen, unable to do anything but listen as she outlines her horrific plan.

"First, I'll electrocute both your balls to establish a baseline," Lia continues, her tone almost enthusiastic. "I need to see what intensity, frequency, and pulse width results in what reactions to establish a taseline. It’s all a bit technical, but you needn’t worry about that.

“Then, I'll beat one of your balls with this." She holds up a firm leather tool, like a paddle, about twenty inches long. "After that, we'll reapply the electricity and compare the results."

I feel as my face grows deadly white as she describes the process. My breathing becomes rapid and shallow, panic clawing at my chest.

"For the other testicle," Lia says, her eyes gleaming with scientific curiosity, "we'll vary the strength and speed of the beating before applying the electricity again. You'll need to answer certain test questions about your pain levels throughout the experiment."

She leans in close, her voice dropping to a near whisper. "Make no mistake. If you don't cooperate, we may need to repeat the entire test. And I'm sure neither…okay, one of us definitely doesn’t want that, right?"

As Lia continues her preparations, I'm left with a profound sense of dread and helplessness. The night stretches ahead, filled with the promise of unimaginable pain, all in the name of Lia's twisted experiment.

The sheer weight of my impending ordeal seizes me, my mind fixating on the terrifying prospect of ball torture. In a puny attempt at “research” while writing my stories, I had experimented with inflicting pain on my own genitals. But those feeble attempts were laughably inadequate, barely scratching the surface of the agony I now face.

I recall the tentative taps I'd given myself, the slow, rhythmic strikes that had sent deep, dull waves of pain radiating through my balls. Even that minor discomfort had been enough to make me whimper, my resolve crumbling at the slightest touch. "Please don't," I had begged an imaginary tormentor, unable to continue even in the safety of my own room.

Now, faced with the reality of what's to come, I'm acutely aware of how unprepared I truly am. My amateur "research" seems almost comical in the face of the techniques Lia might employ - the cruel precision of needle insertions, the relentless compression of ball vices, or worse.

I shudder, remembering the descriptions I'd so cavalierly written - testicles swelling to the size of peaches after a beating, the excruciating pain of crushers tightened to the point of rupture. The distant, cold detachment with which I'd described the anatomy of torture now seems perversely naive.

Oh God, oh God. My stomach's doing backflips. Fuck, am I gonna scream like the people in my stories? What if I puke? How the hell am I supposed to handle what's coming? What if I can't take it? What if I beg and cry and it doesn't matter? She's really not gonna stop, is she? Well, not that I have a choice. This isn't some sick fantasy anymore. It's real. So fucking real. And I'm not ready for this shit. I thought I was in pain, but this? God, I'm such an idiot. Every breath feels like knives in my chest.

Lying here, totally exposed...The characters I wrote about were badasses. Me? I'm scared shitless. What was I thinking, agreeing to this? I'm no hero, just some loser amateur writer who got in way over his head.

The night stretches out forever. How long before I completely lose it? Lia's got that look in her eyes, like she's just getting started. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Lia walks back to the head of the bed, positioning the trolley with the electro box next to the bed upon which I'm stretched. Her movements are deliberate, almost ceremonial, as she arranges her tools. The stark light catches the sheen of sweat on her skin, highlighting the toned muscles of her arms and the curve of her breasts beneath her tank top.

"This is it, Mark," she says, her voice dripping with anticipation. "You've written about this so many times, yet you have no idea what it really feels like, do you?"

I shake my head, feeling a complex mix of shame, arousal, and dread churning in my core. The reality of my situation is far more intense than anything I could have imagined.

„Chociaż twoje opisy są dobre”, kontynuuje Lia, „nic nie pobije doświadczenia z pierwszej ręki. Więc w ciągu najbliższych godzin będziesz miał wszelkie szanse, aby to nadrobić. Klasyczna, no cóż, prawie klasyczna południowoamerykańska tortura parrilla”.

Lia pochyla się, jej bliskość wywołuje dreszcz na moim ciele. Podnosi mojego wiotkiego penisa, odsłaniając moje jądra. Szeroki metalowy pierścień, wciąż zaciśnięty wokół szyjki mojego moszny, wisi ciężko między moimi rozchylonymi udami w coraz cieplejszej komorze. Czuję, jak przyczepia szerszy drut do pierścienia, prowadząc go wzdłuż mojego szwu krocza. Napina kabel, który wbija się w mojego mosznę, zmuszając moje jądra do wybrzuszenia się i rozchylenia.

Lia przesuwa palce po moich gładko ogolonych jądrach, teraz ciasnych jak pulchne kurze jaja, i sięga po białą tubkę. Ściskając ją, wyciąga hojną porcję żelu, rozsmarowuje go na palcach, a następnie wmasowuje w moje jądra. Początkowy szok wywołany zimnym żelem szybko ustępuje miejsca otulającemu ciepłu, gdy jej dłonie je rozgrzewają. Nie spieszy się, masując moje jądra ciasno tuż poniżej progu bólu, każdy ruch to taniec wrażeń graniczący z udręką.

Po osuszeniu rąk ręcznikiem Lia przynosi parę długich czarnych kabli, które mają cztery lub pięć miedzianych metalowych obręczy na końcach. Umieszcza każdą obręcz z precyzją wokół moich lewego i prawego jądra, regulując przesuwane zamki, aby je zacisnąć. Nagi metal wbija się w moje ciało, nie boleśnie, ale z mocną natarczywością, przypominającą sposób, w jaki przewody krajalnicy do jajek zapadają się w jajko na twardo.

Parująca komora wypełnia się przytłaczającą, elektryczną energią, gdy rozwija się sesja tortur Lii. „Wszystko gotowe” – oznajmia. „Oto twoje pierwsze zadanie: postaraj się powstrzymać od krzyku lub płaczu tak długo, jak to możliwe. Będę wiedziała, jeśli poddasz się za wcześnie, i zrobię ci naprawdę wielką krzywdę, jeśli mnie wystawisz na próbę. Muszę wiedzieć, ile możesz znieść, nie pękając. Nie martw się, zrobimy kilka rund”.

Przełykam ślinę, niepewna, co powiedzieć, po prostu próbując się przygotować. Może dam radę. Jednak mnie to nie zabije… Chyba.


In masochism, I'm only terrified of testicular torture. Except for electros and needles. But digging and crushing are a nightmare for me  
In masochism, I'm only terrified of testicular torture. Except for electros and needles. But digging and crushing are a nightmare for me  
I'm not really into gore, mutilation, or snuff. And Lia already told Mark that she takes good care of her toys. But I get it, each to their own.
De gustibus non est disputandum.
In masochism, I'm only terrified of testicular torture. Except for electros and needles. But digging and crushing are a nightmare for me  
Also, me too. Testicle torture is the worst, without doubt. Like ball beating. The sheer horror. Based on lots of personal experience, I know perfectly well. :D
Ja też. Tortury jąder są najgorsze, bez wątpienia. Jak uderzanie piłek. Czysty horror. Na podstawie wielu osobistych doświadczeń doskonale wiem
Overall for this chapter, the story is 10/10 just right for me. as if I was experiencing it myself. But the testicles are not my fetishes. I am an extreme masochist with a lot of experience, but the torture of the testicles does not make me any pleasure. A lot of blood and death are my unfulfilled fantasies. Like a holy grail for Catholics
Overall for this chapter, the story is 10/10 just right for me. as if I was experiencing it myself. But the testicles are not my fetishes. I am an extreme masochist with a lot of experience, but the torture of the testicles does not make me any pleasure. A lot of blood and death are my unfulfilled fantasies. Like a holy grail for Catholics
I am putting up the next chapter soon, then in sort of 12 hourly another. You are welcome to stay and see how it unfolds.

Octavus (1)

The iron doors swing open, and Lia strides in, her presence immediately electrifying the atmosphere. Her short blonde hair, still damp from her shower, is slicked back, with a few rebellious strands falling across her forehead, giving her a refreshed yet slightly untamed look.

She's wearing a shorter, military-style green tank top that fits her form perfectly, the hem just grazing the bottom of her breasts. The fabric clings to her curves, leaving no doubt that she's foregone a bra. Her matching shorts are so short they leave little to the imagination, hugging her hips and thighs like a second skin.

As Lia moves, the tight fabric of her shorts accentuates every contour, revealing the unmistakable outline of her intimate anatomy. The absence of any visible panty lines suggests she's completely bare beneath the thin material.

As her eyes rake over my prone form, I notice her nipples hardening beneath the thin fabric, an undeniable physical manifestation of her cruel excitement in the heat.

Without a word, Lia bypasses the bed I'm strapped to and heads straight for a large bucket. The sound of rushing water fills the room as she fills it to the brim. A sense of dread washes over me; I know all too well what's coming next.

With a wicked grin, Lia hefts the bucket and approaches. In one swift motion, she upends it over me, unleashing a deluge of ice-cold water. The shock is immediate and intense. My body convulses violently, every muscle contracting in a desperate attempt to escape the frigid assault.

The water cascades over my head first, plastering my hair to my skull and sending rivulets down my face. It then rushes over my chest, causing my pectoral muscles to spasm and my nipples to harden painfully. As it reaches my crotch, I let out an involuntary gasp. The cold is so intense it's almost burning, causing my genitals to contract sharply.

The water continues its journey down my legs, leaving no part of me untouched. It flows off the bed and into the shaft below, the sound of its descent echoing in the chamber. Despite the discomfort, the cold water provides a strange sort of relief from the oppressive heat, and I find my senses sharpening, my awareness of my surroundings heightening once more.

Lia watches my reactions with undisguised glee. Once the deluge ends, she approaches and begins to detach the wires from my testicles. The removal brings both relief and a new kind of discomfort as blood rushes back to the sensitized area.

"You know, Mark," she muses, her voice smooth and melodic, belying the cruel intentions behind her words, "during that delightful testicle electro session, you were bouncing around far too much." A smirk plays at the corners of her mouth as she continues, "I must admit, I rather enjoyed watching you squirm while I... entertained myself. But it's not good for what comes next."

Without another word, she moves to the darker end of the room, her bare feet padding silently across the cold floor. She returns, carrying a heavy wooden beam balanced on her left shoulder. The weight activates her muscles, causing them to ripple and flex beneath her skin. Her left arm is raised, gripping the beam, while her right arm steadies it, the strain evident in the definition of her biceps and triceps. The effort of carrying the beam engages her core, her abdominal muscles visibly tightening beneath her tank top.

With her tank top ending just below her breasts, her well-defined abs are fully on display, flexing with each step as she maintains her balance. The load on her shoulder causes a slight tilt in her posture, accentuating the curve of her spine and the tautness of her obliques and lats.

As I see the beam, a chill runs down my spine. I immediately recognize its dark purpose. The beam is robust, with a square cross-section that suggests dimensions of equal measure. As I gauge its size with my eyes, the width and height each seem to span further than the length of my outstretched fingers, hinting at a measurement around 30 centimeters on each side.

"This should keep you nice and still," Lia says, her tone almost enthusiastic. Despite her slender frame, Lia's toned muscles flex as she maneuvers the beam with apparent ease.

"Alright, sweetheart, I need you to lift that pretty ass of yours," Lia commands, positioning the beam near the bed.

I hesitate, as I am now acutely aware of the potential horrors this beam might inflict. The dread of what's to come paralyzes me momentarily. Lia's eyes narrow, her patience wearing thin. "Don't make me ask twice, Mark. Or would you prefer I give your balls another jolt to jerk them up in the air?"

Swallowing hard, I comply, pushing my hips upward as much as my restraints allow. The strain is immediate, my abdominal muscles quivering with the effort.

"Higher," Lia commands, her tone brooking no argument.

Gritting my teeth, I arch my back further, creating just enough space for Lia to slide the beam underneath. As she does so, she mutters, "There we go. Wasn't so hard, was it?"

The cold, hard surface of the beam slides against the sweat-slicked upper side of my ass, the sensation is sharp and unforgiving. Its edge digs cruelly into the part where my lower back meets my bottom, feeling almost knife-like in its precision. As Lia releases her grip, my entire body weight presses down onto this single, unyielding line of contact.

Only now does Lia position the beam's ends to rest on the frames of the bed on both sides, creating a rigid support that spans the width of my body. This placement keeps the beam from sinking into the bedspring, effectively suspending me in this agonizing arch.

The effect is painfully immediate. My torso is thrust upward, creating a taut, convex curve from my shoulders to my hips. My ribcage expands, each individual rib standing out in stark relief against my stretched skin. The pain radiates outward from the point where the beam meets my flesh, a throbbing, insistent pain that deepens with each passing second.

The height of the beam forces my body into an extreme arch, the discomfort rapidly evolving into an obvious, searing stretch. My muscles quiver with the effort to maintain this unnatural position, every fiber straining against the unyielding pressure.

My hip bones protrude sharply, like twin peaks rising from the landscape of my lower body. The skin stretches thin over these bony prominences, adding to the sense of vulnerability that washes over me in waves.

Perhaps most distressingly, this arched position thrusts my genitals into an even more prominent display. My bound, plump testicles become the highest point of my body, sitting exposed and vulnerable. They're thrust outward, an easy target for whatever torments Lia has planned next.

Lia's eyes rake over my body, drinking in every detail of my suffering. "Perfect," she purrs, clearly pleased with her handiwork. "No more bouncing for you. And I must say, this view is... inspiring." She leans in close, her breath hot against my ear as she whispers, "Let's see how you handle what comes next.”

Lia's eyes gleam with scientific curiosity as she announces, "Now, we move onto the next phase of our experiment." She holds up the firm leather paddle. "Same speed, same strength beating before applying the electricity. This will help us determine if the sensitivity to electrical stimulation increases after blunt force trauma."

As she explains her twisted methodology, I go ashen with terror. My breathing becomes rapid and shallow, panic clawing at my chest. The weight of the unavoidable torture washes over me once more, pulling me into its depths, my mind fixating on the terrifying prospect of what is about to happen.

"Please, Lia, you don't have to do this," I beg weakly, my voice trembling with fear. "This is madness."

Lia smiles coldly, devoid of any compassion. "Science requires sacrifice, Mark," she says calmly. "And today, you are the sacrifice."

Lia gently cups my scrotum, her touch almost tender in contrast to her intentions. With her thumb, she carefully separates my testicles, cupping the left one in her palm. The right testicle sits exposed and vulnerable, isolated from its partner. "We'll start with the right one," she explains clinically. "The left will be our control group."

Without further warning, Lia begins her merciless assault. Each strike sends shockwaves of agony through my body, radiating outward from the epicenter of torment. The pain is unlike anything I've experienced before—a profoundly deep, throbbing, explosive sensation that overwhelms my senses in an instant.

“Please, stop! I can’t take it!” I scream, my voice cracking under the strain. "I CAAAN’T!!!”

The beam's unyielding presence ensures I can't move, can't escape, leaving me helplessly exposed to Lia's ruthless attack. My pale arms are drawn and taut, the muscles hard with strain. My chest heaves, streaked with sweat, rising and falling rapidly with shortened breath; my belly is protruded out by the strain. My hip bones almost tear through my taut skin, adding to the sense of vulnerability that washes over me in waves.

Sweat pours off me, my skin glistening in the bright light of the room. Droplets meander down the groove of my spine, on the nape of my neck, between my buttocks. I can smell the ripeness of my own armpits flanking my face, and feel the meandering trickles of sweat that navigate the corrugations of my ribcage.

“Oh GOD…please…PLEASE STOOOP!!!!” I gasp, my sobs punctuated by the relentless rhythm of the paddle.

Then as the pain keeps building and accumulating, my screams are no longer human; they are the raw, guttural cries of a creature in unimaginable agony.

My body tries to convulse, to escape the torment, but the restraints and the beam hold me firmly in place. Every muscle trembles with the strain and shock, creating a constant, visible quivering across my entire form. The sinews in my neck stand out as I throw my head back in silent screams.

The torture seems to stretch into eternity. My core spasms, my body tensing hopelessly against the ropes on wrists and ankles that hold me stretched. I rush air through my nostrils, dragged back to the present by each new wave of pain.

"Lia…please…just stop! STOOOP!!! PLEASEEE, NOOO" I cry out, my voice cracking, breaking under the pressure.

Then I feel warmth spreading across my abs and chest. To my horror and shame, I realize I've lost control of my bladder. The urine, a result of the IV fluids Lia had administered earlier, flows down my arched torso towards my neck. This final indignity only adds to the overwhelming sense of helplessness and degradation.

“NO, GOD, please, STOOP" I plead, my voice hoarse from screaming which turns into an incomprehensible, high-pitched scream.

Through the fog of suffering, I'm dimly aware of Lia's face, her expression a mix of concentration and sadistic pleasure. "Fascinating," she murmurs, her voice barely audible over the sound of the paddle striking my male organ. "You are truly a remarkable specimen. Don't worry, Mark. We're making progress.”

As she continues her relentless experiment, I feel myself slipping away, my consciousness threatening to fade under the overwhelming tide of pain. A strangled "Stop!" tears from my throat, but I know there will be no escape, no respite. This is only the beginning of Lia's twisted research, and I am her unwilling subject.

“Please, Lia, have mercy," I whisper, realizing how hollow the words sound in the face of such calculated cruelty.

"Mercy?" Lia repeats, almost amused. "You had your chance to leave. Twice." she smiles while she keeps hitting.

“Welcome to the bottom.” she adds in a monotone voice.

The reality that this ordeal is far from over crashes down on me like a tidal wave. I am stretched out in the depths of hell, with no hope of escape. All I can do is scream and hope for an ending—any ending—that will release me from this insufferable agony.

Lia finally ceases her merciless assault on my testicle. I'm barely clinging to consciousness, my body a canvas of agony and exhaustion. Through half-lidded eyes, I watch as Lia examines her handiwork, her fingers delicately tracing the contours of my battered right testicle.

The sharp light catches the sheen of sweat on her skin, highlighting the toned muscles of her arms and the curve of her breasts beneath her tank top. Her lips curl into a cruel smile, revealing perfect white teeth that contrast sharply with the darkness of her intentions.

I can feel my balls tensing, the swelling already evident. The right one is visibly larger than the left, a grotesque testament to Lia's cruel precision. She notices my gaze and a smirk plays at the corners of her mouth, revealing the dark satisfaction she derives from my torture.

"Admiring my handiwork, are we?" Lia coos, her tone a perverse mix of pride and clinical interest. "I do hope it hurts as exquisitely as I intended. But I must admit that your pain threshold is... remarkable."

She retrieves a towel and, with an almost tender touch, begins to clean the urine from my chest and neck. "Now, now, don't be embarrassed," she murmurs, her voice mockingly soothing. "A little accident is a part of this in our line of work. Though I must admit, you've shown remarkable bodily control compared to some of my previous subjects."

As she finishes cleaning me, Lia's expression shifts, a mix of amusement and twisted pride crossing her features. "You know, Mark," she says, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "you should be proud of yourself. Some men... well, let's just say they leave more than a puddle behind."

She continues as she meticulously dries my skin: "I've had grown men lose control of everything during this stage. The pain, the fear... it's too much for their fragile egos. But you? You're made of sterner stuff, aren't you, my little hero? Keeping it together despite everything. This is truly something, Mark."

"We'll wait a bit now," she says, her voice soft. "Let you collect yourself." She washes my face with a freshly dampened towel, the cool cloth a momentary respite from the searing pain. "After all, we need you to be alert for what comes next."

With a gentleness that belies her earlier cruelty, Lia reaches for the gel once more. She warms a small amount between her fingers before applying it to my testicles. Her touch is almost tender as she massages the cool substance into my sensitive skin, the contrast between the soothing sensation and the memory of recent pain sending conflicting signals through my body. Each caress serves as both a comfort and a threat of what's to come.

Lia then reattaches the copper loops of electrodes around my right testicle. The wires dig in more prominently than before, their cold metal a stark contrast to my swollen, inflamed flesh. The realization that she's about to electrocute the already pummeled organ sends me spiraling towards a breaking point. My breath comes in short, panicked gasps as the full weight of what's to come crashes over me.

"Please," I whimper, my voice barely above a whisper, "I can't... I can't take it anymore..."

Lia's eyes soften for a moment, but the underlying cruelty remains. "Oh, Mark," she says, cupping my face in her hand. "you can, and you certainly will."

Her voice hardens as she explains the next phase. "I will need you to tell me if it hurts more or less than before. Alright?" The mix of scientific curiosity and sadistic anticipation in her tone is chilling. "If you won't cooperate, I'll still proceed with your other testicle, but then I'll keep you here longer. I’ll wait until you recover fully and start over from scratch. So be a darling, and do your best."

The reality of my situation crashes over me anew. There's no escape, no mercy to be found in Lia's cold, determined look. I'm trapped in a nightmare of pain and degradation, with the worst yet to come. My body trembles uncontrollably, every nerve ending screaming in anticipation of the fresh torment that awaits.

But Lia is not about to start. She goes to the foot of the bed, her figure a silhouette against the harsh light. From my arched position, I can barely make out her features, but her voice slices through the silence with surgical precision. "Cat got your tongue, Mark? Usually, I can barely get you to shut up."


Octavus (2)

Although the impending electrocution of my testicle dominates my thoughts, I grasp at straws to buy some time by keeping the conversation going. I swallow hard, my throat dry as sandpaper. "The... the cameras..." I croak, the words barely escaping my lips.

A low, melodic chuckle emanates from Lia's silhouette, her form backlit by the harsh spotlight. "Oh, those little things?" She waves her hand dismissively, the gesture a disquieting blend of nonchalance and menace. "They're strategically placed, capturing every... detail...every moment." Her lips curl into a cruel smile, perfect white teeth gleaming in stark contrast to the darkness of her intentions. "Don't fret though, sweetie. From your... privileged position, they might as well be invisible."

I shake my head weakly, my face etched with disbelief and dawning horror. "You're lying," I whisper, the words barely audible. Denial is all that remained for me—my final refuge against the unbearable truth unfolding before me, a fragile shield against the relentless onslaught of reality.

Lia's eyes flash, a mixture of amusement and something colder, more predatory. "I have never lied to you, Mark. At least, not about things like this." She pauses, her voice dropping to a near-whisper. "And I won't start now. You see, honesty can be far more devastating."

With deliberate slowness, she reaches for her tablet. Her fingers dance across the screen, each tap resounding in the chamber like a countdown. Then, with a flourish, she turns the device towards me.

My eyes widen in shock, my breath catching in my throat. There, in startlingly high definition, I see myself—us—from multiple angles. The live feed cameras indeed capture every detail: my arched back, forced into an agonizing curve by the wooden beam; the sheen of sweat on my skin; the conflicting emotions playing across my face. Each twitch, each grimace, each involuntary shudder is broadcast in real-time, a brutal testament to my current predicament.

The reality of my situation crashes over me anew, a tidal wave of despair and disbelief. Lia watches my reaction with undisguised fascination. In this moment, under her scrutiny and the unblinking eyes of the cameras, I've never felt more exposed, more vulnerable.

My mind spins, desperately grasping for understanding. "But why... why?"

Lia's tone shifts, becoming tinged with a perverse pride. "It's all part of the process, Mark. Rest assured, only a very limited circle might have access. And of course," she adds, a cruel smile evident in her voice, "you'll receive your very own copy. “A keepsake of our” - she pauses - “time together."

The implication of her words hits me like a physical blow, leaving me gasping for air. The cameras aren't just recording; they're weaponizing my vulnerability, transforming my suffering into a perverse form of entertainment.

This isn't just humiliation - it's total annihilation of everything I am, and everything I could have been. My future career, my relationships, my very identity - all shattered by these digital ghosts that could haunt me forever. I feel naked in a way that goes far beyond my physical state, stripped bare to my very core.

And yet... there's something else. A dark, primal part of me stirs, awakening to this ultimate exposure. The masochistic desires I've spent a lifetime burying are surging to the surface, responding to Lia's cruelty with a sick, twisting excitement.

I'm disgusted with myself, horrified by my own reactions. How can I find any allure in this nightmare? But I can't deny the way my body responds, betraying me with every quickened heartbeat, every shaky breath.

Is this who I truly am? A pathetic creature who craves his own destruction? Or is this just another of Lia's torments, breaking down my sense of self until I don't know what's real anymore?

I'm lost, adrift in a sea of conflicting emotions. Terror and arousal war within me, leaving me dizzy and disoriented. Where does this path lead? How much deeper can I fall? And most terrifying of all - do I even want it to stop?

The weight of these thoughts crushes me, leaving me gasping for air. I'm trapped not just by Lia's restraints, but by the twisted labyrinth of my own mind. And I have no idea how to find my way out.

As if knowing exactly what is going through my mind, Lia steps closer, leans down, her hand reaching out to caress my sweat-soaked hairline with an unsettling gentleness. "You need to take this in, Mark," she says softly, her voice a blend of authority and intimacy. "This is happening. We. Here. Now. In this moment. There's nothing else—just you and me."

She strokes my forehead, her touch oddly soothing despite the circumstances. "Give. Up. Control." she whispers.

After a few silent moments,Lia asks setting the tablet aside and moving to the trolley with the electro box.

"Anything else?"

I nod, my face flushing. The words stick in my throat, but I force myself to speak, my eyes involuntarily darting to Lia's exposed shoulders and the curve of her breasts barely contained by her short top.

"Are... Are you... Do y–…" I stammer, unable to finish the sentence.

Lia seems to read my mind, a knowing smile playing on her lips.

"Am I turned on by this?" she finishes, her eyes suddenly widening with realization. She raises a hand to her mouth, a gesture of surprise quickly morphing into something more contemplative. As understanding dawns, she slowly lowers her hand, revealing a Mona Lisa smile that plays on her full lips. The sparkle in her eyes intensifies, a mix of newfound clarity and dark anticipation.

"Oh, Mark," she says, her voice a blend of warmth and newfound insight. "You have no idea. I mean, you must have noticed earlier when I, um, fucked myself silly with that coke bottle in front of you. That should have made it pretty clear just how much I get off on this."

Her gaze locks onto mine, a paradoxical mix of ice and fire burning in their depths. "Your pain, your fear, your confusion, and your endurance—it's inebriating. Every reaction feeds something primal, something elemental in me." She leans in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "You see, Mark, it's not just about control. It's the totality of your suffering, the way it all intertwines to ignite a blaze within me that nothing else can match."

She pauses, her demeanor shifting slightly as she adopts a pseudo-shy, almost girlish tone. "But it's more than that, isn't it? You're here, enduring all this, and do you know why? It's not just the physical sensations or even the psychological thrill. No, what you crave above all else is validation."

Her voice softens, almost tender. "It's about being truly seen, isn't it? Accepted for who you are, even the darkest parts. Your willingness to endure, to submit – it's a cry for recognition. For someone to look at all of you, the pain, the pleasure, the shame, and say..." She trails off deliberately, leaving the thought unfinished, hanging in the air between us.

I furrow my brow, a wave of confusion washing over me. Lia's words resonate somewhere deep within, but their full meaning eludes me, like trying to grasp at smoke. There's a kernel of truth in what she's saying, I can feel it, but I can't quite connect the dots. My thoughts churn, a maelstrom of half-formed ideas and fleeting realizations, as I try to make sense of her insight. All the while, my body remains helplessly spread-eagled on the bedframe, arched high.

Lia steps closer, her fingers trailing along my ribs, abs, and hip bone. The contrast between her gentle touch and the harshness of my position only adds to my bewilderment. I search her face for clues, hoping to understand, but her expression remains enigmatic, leaving me adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

"You'd go through all of this," she continues, gesturing to my stretched out form, "just to know that you are pleasing me. That I derive immense pleasure from your suffering. Isn't that right, Mark?"

My breath catches in my throat. Her last words hit uncomfortably close to home. I swallow hard, unable to meet her gaze. "I... I don't know."

Lia chuckles, the sound both comforting and unnerving. "You sweet, silly boy. I can only repeat myself: you'd do just about anything to feel seen, accepted. To know that you're pleasing… me."

Her words hang in the air, a twisted mix of innocence and depravity. The room feels even smaller, the reality of my situation pressing down on me with an unbearable weight. Lia's eyes glitter, relishing my discomfort, my helplessness.

The layers of her cruelty peel back with each sentence, revealing the depths of her perverse pleasure. I find myself both awestruck and envious, captivated by how unabashedly she can articulate her darkest desires with such openness and confidence.

I shiver, torn between fear and arousal. Lia's hand trails down my chest, leaving goosebumps in its wake. "And you, Mark? I think you too are more turned on than you'd like to admit."

A tremor ripples through my core, a mix of fear and undeniable arousal. Despite the terror, I can feel heat building in my core.

My body gives me away, responding to her touch. To my shame, I feel myself hardening. Lia notices, a knowing smile playing on her lips. She reaches out, her fingertip grazing the sensitive head of my growing erection. I gasp, my cock pulsates in her grasp.

With deliberate slowness, she traces a finger along my length, gathering the evidence of my excitement. "Your body speaks volumes," she murmurs, using that moisture to draw lazy circles around the sensitive tip. Her touch is expert, maddeningly precise.

She steps back, leaving me aching for her touch even as I dread what comes next. "We have a long night ahead of us, Mark," she says, her voice thick with promise and threat. "And I intend to explore every... single... aspect of your responses."

The implication hangs heavy in the air between us. My mind is flooded with the possibilities, torn between terror and a desperate, shameful longing. As Lia turns back to her instruments, I'm left suspended in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, my body trembling with fear and anticipation of what's to come.

Lia's attention returns to the electrobox, her slender fingers hovering over the controls. The sight sends a shudder through me, my muscles involuntarily tensing against the unyielding restraints.

A soft hum fills the air as she activates the device, the sound gradually intensifying like an approaching storm. The anticipation is almost worse than the pain itself, my heart pounding so hard I can feel it in my throat.

Without warning, agony erupts in my lower body. It's as if lightning has struck directly into my ball, radiating outward in waves of searing heat. A scream rips from my lungs before I even realize I'm making a sound, my vision blurring as tears spring unbidden to my eyes.

The pain engulfs me, transforming my world into nothing but white-hot torment. My swollen, abused testicle feels as if it's being crushed and burned simultaneously. For a terrifying moment, I'm certain something will rupture.

Long seconds pass, then, as quickly as it began, the onslaught ceases. But unlike before, a dull, throbbing ache remains – a cruel reminder of what I've endured and a sinister promise of what's to come.

Gasping for air, I struggle to regain my composure. Sweat mingles with tears on my face, my chest heaving with each ragged breath. Through my bleary vision, I can just make out Lia's form, backlit by the harsh overhead lights, giving her an almost ethereal glow.

"Well?" Her voice cuts through the fog of my suffering, sharp and expectant. "On a scale of zero to ten, how would you rate that?"

In that moment, a chilling realization washes over me. This isn't just torture – it's a weird psychological game, a test of wills. I know with sickening certainty that this torment could be far worse, a thought that sends ice through my veins. But if I give too low a number, Lia will undoubtedly intensify the current. Yet, consistently claiming a ten would be too obvious, and attempting to outsmart her that would surely backfire.

I swallow hard, my throat raw from screaming. Lia stands over me, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of scientific curiosity and excitement. The curve of her lips suggests a predator savoring the moment before the kill.

"I... it's..." I stammer, desperately searching for the right answer, knowing that each number could determine the course of my continued ordeal. "Eight," I finally manage to croak out, hoping it's enough to satisfy her without inviting even worse torment.

Lia's pen scratches across her notepad as she jots down observations, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of clinical interest and perverse fascination. She continues her gruesome experiment, each round more excruciating than the last.

The current flows through my body in agonizing waves, each pulse more intense than the previous. My muscles spasm uncontrollably, and I'm submerged in a tsunami of pain that threatens to drown my very consciousness. Sweat pours from every pore, soaking the restraints that bind me to this hellish apparatus.

After what feels like an eternity, Lia ceases the current. She taps her notepad thoughtfully, her gaze flickering between me and her data. Her voice, deceptively soft, cuts through the haze of my agony.

"Mark, this is crucial. First, answer me this: overall, is this worse than before?"

I manage a weak nod, my throat too raw from screaming to form words.

"I see," she sighs, a hint of satisfaction coloring her tone. "Now, were you consciously avoiding saying ten?"

The question hangs in the air, unanswered. I can't bring myself to respond, partly out of fear, partly out of a desperate hope that my silence might somehow end this torment.

Lia's lips curve into a cruel smile. "No matter. We'll discover the truth together."

The world explodes into blinding agony as Lia turns the dial. The relentless click-click-click of the mechanism echoes in my ears as she keeps turning, each notch bringing a new wave of torment. I'm no longer in control of my body - it's as if every muscle, every nerve, every cell is being ripped apart and reassembled in an inferno of pain. With each turn, each click, the agony intensifies, pushing me further into a realm of pure, unadulterated suffering.

My back arches violently, lifting me off the rack despite the restraints cutting into my flesh. I can feel my joints straining, threatening to pop out of their sockets. My fingers and toes curl inward with such force I fear they might break.

The smell of my own burning skin fills my nostrils, mixing with the sharp tang of ozone. Where the electrodes touch me, I see flashes of tiny electric blue lights dancing across my vision, though I can barely focus my eyes.

I try to scream, but my jaw is locked open so wide I can't make a sound. My tongue feels swollen, pressing against the roof of my mouth. I can't breathe - my lungs are paralyzed, caught in a spasm that feels like it will never end.

Every vein in my body feels like it's about to burst. My heart is hammering so fast I'm certain it will explode. The pain transcends anything I've ever experienced or imagined possible. It's as if my entire being is being unmade and remade with each pulse of electricity.

Just when I think I can't take anymore, that surely death must come, the current stops. I collapse, boneless, back onto the sharp edges of the timber. But the agony doesn't end - my muscles continue to twitch and spasm uncontrollably. Aftershocks of pain ripple through me, nearly as intense as the main current.

Through the haze of suffering, I'm dimly aware of Lia's presence. The scratch of her pen, her uncompromising focus. I want to beg, to plead for mercy, but I can't form words. All I can do is lie there, broken and trembling, dreading the moment when she might turn the dial again.

Just as the blessed darkness begins to envelop me, Lia's relentless determination shatters any hope of escape.

A sharp crack of glass shatters the silence, a sound that's eerily familiar. Once again, Lia wields her cruel awakening tactic. This time, the caustic fumes hit me like a freight train, more potent than before. The pungent cocktail of chemicals invades my senses, a noxious blend that seems to claw its way up my nasal passages.

My body, still reeling from the previous assaults, reacts violently. Every nerve ending screams in protest as awareness floods back, an unwelcome tidal wave of sensations. My eyes water, vision blurring as consciousness reasserts itself with merciless clarity.

The chemical mix, a scent I've come to dread, drag me back from the brink of oblivion. It's a jarring return, like being dunked in ice water after nearly drowning in darkness.

As the fog lifts, revealing the harsh reality of my surroundings, a fleeting thought crosses my mind: how many more times will I be forced to endure this cruel revival? The cycle of pain, near-unconsciousness, and forced awakening seems endless, each iteration more intense than the last.

The harsh fluorescent lights above seem to pulsate, intensifying the throbbing pain in my skull. As my sight clears, Lia's face swims into view. A sly half-smile flickers in the corner of her mouth.

"Well," she purrs, her voice dripping with a sickeningly sweet tone that sends chills down my already trembling spine. "How would you rate that one? Be honest now." Her fingers trace a delicate path along my sweat-slicked arm, the gentle touch a stark contrast to the agony she's inflicted.

The taste of copper fills my mouth – I must have bitten my tongue during the last shock. Tears stream freely down my face, mingling with the salt of sweat and leaving trails of fire along my raw, chafed skin. I can feel myself breaking, my resolve crumbling like sand through an hourglass.

"T-ten," I choke out between ragged, gasping breaths. The admission feels like defeat, but that pain was… I have no words for it. "God, oh God, TWENTY. Lia, PLEASE," I beg, my voice hoarse and barely recognizable. "I can't... I can't take it anymore. Please, not this, not this."

Lia's eyes light up, but not with the twisted glee I expected. Instead, there's a glimmer of genuine admiration, a look of surprise and respect replacing her usual cold calculation.

"Oh, you poor, stupid little thing," she whispers, her words caressing my skin like poisoned honey. But there's a new note in her voice – wonder, perhaps even pride. "You've been holding out on me all this time, haven't you?"

She pulls back, shaking her head with an exaggerated look of awe. "I would have stopped ages ago if you'd just said ten!" A small, proud smile plays at the corners of her mouth as she drinks in my anguish and apparent resilience.

"Oh, Bernard, Bernard," she breathes, the words barely a whisper, her voice carrying a note of excitement I've never heard before. "This boy really does have potential."

Her fingertips trace my jawline, the touch feather-light yet now almost reverent. I flinch involuntarily, confusion mingling with the ever-present fear and pain.

"You know, I do feel a twinge of... not regret, not exactly. Surprise, perhaps?" Lia muses, her tone almost conversational. "That last shock was..." she pauses, savoring the moment like a fine cognac, "well beyond what most could endure. And yet, here we are."

She leans in close, her hands resting on the edges of my pectorals, fingers lying in my armpits. "We have finally reached ten, my love. But more importantly, we've discovered just how extraordinary you truly are."

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