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The prosecution of women through history

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“Are you sure the number is still good? He might have gotten a cell phone” Maggie says.

Barb whispers in Maggie’s ear “He’s too cheap…”

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“…The number is still good.”
Tree to the rescue? Why not? It’s a Tree story, isn’t it? ❤️
Barbara made a special request to Maggie as their visit concluded. Maggie assured her she would try but couldn’t promise Barb any success. On Thursday, Barb is brought to a room she has not seen before. She stares at the pillory in front of her. The guard says “We don’t know the guy coming to see you. If he shows you gotta be locked in that.”

Barb says “He’ll show. How long do I have to be in that thing?”

“Till his visit is done. Of course, if he doesn’t show, you’ll spend the rest of the day in that” the guard says.

“He will show. Maggie- Ms. Healey said she would contact him. He will be here” Barb insists.

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Barb stands bent over with her neck and wrists locked in the pillory. After a few hours locked there, she hears a few footsteps approaching. The guard says to the visitor “You have an hour with her… and don’t forget the arrangement you agreed to.”

Barb cranes her head so she can look up and says “You made it. I was worried you wouldn’t show.”

He says “I hear you are getting hanged this weekend. I don’t know these folks and I don’t think there is any stopping your hanging.”

“There’s no way they are letting me off. I have special request” Barb says.

“What could that be?” he asks.

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“I want you to hang me, Tree” Barb says.

“WHAT? Are you nuts? I can’t hang you” Tree exclaims.

“Of course you can! I’ve written about you in my books” Barb says. “You might not like my books, but I have never had a bad word about how you have hanged women. Look Tree, I’m only going to be hanged one time and I want it done right. I want my hanging to be a work of art and not some fuck-job like the crew around here would do. So, are you going to hang me?”

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“Barb, you don’t understand! They have rules here about how someone gets hanged” Tree says. “It is not like hanging someone in Arkansas. They have rules of how much you can be dropped and there is no helping someone get it over with once they are hanged. When they hang you, you suffer having the rope squeeze your neck until you can’t breathe, no matter how much the rope tears at your flesh.”

“That’s been taken care of. Messaline donated one of her premium French nooses to hang me with. She swears it won’t scrape up my neck” Barb says.

“Yeah, but it will still kill you” Tree says.

“Right or wrong I have been sentenced to hang to death” Barb says. “So are you going to do it or trust these goons here to hang me?”

“Damn Barb, I’ll do it. I won’t like it but I’ll hang you” Tree hisses.

“And Tree, what was the arrangement you made with them to be able to see me?”

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“I… um…said I’d fuck you while you are in that thing” Tree admits.

“Well, you have to keep your word” Barbara says. “I’m not going anywhere. You just be a better fuck than the guards are here!”

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Considering her position, Barb thinks Tree was far better than the guards who had taken her. But she wonders if her opinion is skewed somewhat because she has never had sex the man who would hang her this Saturday…
I’ve written about you in my books” Barb says. “You might not like my books, but I have never had a bad word about how you have hanged women.
Oops … I think I may have told a fib there. But no worries. I doubt the guy can read. And besides, he’s too busy staring at my tight little to care,
Barb’s request causes Tree some problems. First, he never had a person sentenced to be hanged ask him to do the ‘honors’. First, he has nothing against Barb besides some of her ‘blue state’ idea. While he doesn’t agree with most of them, that is hardly a reason to hang her. Second, Brampton has an execution team. There is no reason for the government to push them aside so he can fulfill the condemned woman’s desire to allow a guest hangman drop her from the gallows.

Still, Tree promised Barbara he would pursue her request. That afternoon he told Assistant Warden Shortdrop of Barb’s unique request. To his surprise she was quite receptive to the idea (she thought he was going to ask Barb be spared the trip to the gallows) and even made a call to the Brampton Director of Penal Corrections who would have to approve such an unusual change. She informed Tree that the earliest the director could see him was 8:30 Friday morning. Tree was not used to getting up that early but thought it might not be wise to ask for a later time.

The next morning, Tree shows up on time at Director Woodbeam’s office. He finds the director an older but well-informed gentleman. He greets Tree with more respect than Tree is due. “Good morning, Mr. Tree. It is quite an honor to meet a famous hangman like you in person.”

“I’m not sure I am that famous and you can call me ‘Tree’. Mr. Tree was my father.”

The director grabs a cigarette from a fancy wood box, offers one to Tree, and lights it after placing the smoke in an elegant holder. “So tell me Tree, why would Professor Moore request you to perform her hanging.”

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“I have no idea. I hardly know her, and I can’t imagine why your team could not handle hanging her to death” Tree modestly answers.

The director puffs his chest out and says “I must say, the execution team is very polished at what they do. They treat every prisoner with the respect they do not deserve right up till the time the trapdoor opens beneath the condemned prisoner’s feet.”

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“And, if I might add, no prisoner has had a single complaint after they are hanged” the director says with pride.

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Tree is tempted to point out all the prisoners were dead after they were hanged but did not think pointing out the obvious would help him get his request approved. Tactfully he says “And that speaks well of your team. Not to brag but I have a similar success rate with my… um… clients.”

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Director Woodbeam gets serious and leans towards Tree and says “At the Brampton Women’s Institute for Incarceration and Termination these criminals have been tried and sentenced to be hanged by their necks until they are dead. This is not like those Arkansas lynchings where someone is strung up just because someone doesn’t like them… not that you would participate in anything like that… but they have gone through the court system and have been condemned to hang.”

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“And we have strict rules to follow. A convicted woman cannot be cut down because you think she has suffered enough. You see, their punishment is to hang by their necks. The ‘until dead’ part is to say when their punishment is done. Can you handle that, Tree?”

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Tree says “I would question your reasoning. You want her hanged until she’s dead. I noticed a crowd forming outside the gates. She’s not being hanged till tomorrow. Is it normal for a crowd to wait over a day to see a hanging?”

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“It is a little unusual. Usually they don’t show up much before the tickets go on sale” the director says.

“You sell tickets for people to see a hanging?” Tree asks in surprised voice.

“Of course we do. It helps pay the staff’s salary and keeps the bums from crowding around the concession stand.”

Tree pulls a flask from a pocket and pours himself a drink. He takes a long swig and asks “So what’s your answer? Am I hanging her tomorrow or should I catch a flight out today?”

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“Tree, it would be my pleasure if you hang Professor Moore tomorrow” Director Woodbeam says as he stands to shake Tree’s hand…
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“Tree, it would be my pleasure if you hang Professor Moore tomorrow” Director Woodbeam says as he stands to shake Tree’s hand…
What a guy!!!! Modest, polite, forthright, professional, capable, and kinda cute! ❤️

Tree, again I have to say … well written and illustrated, clever, funny … a great read.

Enjoyed it.
It is late Friday afternoon. Barb had asked Tree to be her hangman when Brampton executes her. She does not understand why it comforts her that someone she knows will open the trap and hang her. She doesn’t even know if he even bothered to see if he could. That was yesterday and she hasn’t heard a damn thing if Tree is going to hang her or if some damn stranger from Brampton is going to put het to death. All she knows is sometime tomorrow she is going to the gallows and be hanged before a crowd of spectators. She leans against the cell wall and looks down at her bare body. She watches her breasts bobbing with breath she takes and thinks it odd that after tomorrow they won’t be doing that.

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Barb hears noises from the prison courtyard. It is were she will be hanged tomorrow and does not bother to try to see what is happening. She guesses someone is making sure the gallows is in good working order. Brampton could not have a fuck-up when they are hanging a famous author in front of a crowd of people.

The sounds don’t stop and Barb wonders what they are doing out there. She climbs on the brick ledge under the barred window and looks at the gallows. She is surprised to see Tree on the deck checking things over.

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‘Son of a bitch, I guess Tree is going to hang me’ she thinks. ‘Why the hell didn’t someone tell me he is going to hang me?’

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She lies down on the cot and thinks ‘These people are animals. I guess it was going to be a surprise when I climb the gallows tomorrow and find Tree there waiting to hang me.’

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That night Barb does not get much sleep. She sits on the bench and wonders what it will feel like when she is hanging from the noose. For some reason she finds the thought of hanging naked by her neck in front of a crowd of strangers perversely erotic. In the dimly lit cell, she fingers her pussy wondering if everyone will enjoy watching her last dance.

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That night, Tree does not get much sleep either. He is on his second bottle of Seagram’s and wonders why Barb asked him to be her hangman.

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He lights up a cigarette and says to himself “Maybe she just wants someone she knows there for her last minutes. I don’t know why she asked me. I wonder what is going through her mind right now. Hell, she’s probably sleeping.”

If he only knew Barb lies awake in her cell. She does her best to satisfy the erotic thoughts filling her head.

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She says to the empty cell “I hope it is half as good as I imagine it to be.”
Saturday has arrived. By the sunlight coming in her cell’s window, Barb knows it is sometime in the morning. She does not know what time it is but she is well aware today she will be hanged. A guard comes and puts irons on her wrists. Barb asks “Is it time already?”

“To hang you? No, that is later today. They want to see you in the admin office. This is just to get you ready for there” he says.

“So you are the officer in charge here” Barbara says.

“More like what you’d call a sergeant in your country” he says. “You won’t be coming back here your meeting” he says. “I’ll miss you when you are… I’ll miss you.”

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“I’ll miss you, too. I think you are the only guard that didn’t fuck me” Barb says.

“I guess I am ‘old school’. If I want your respect, there is no reason I shouldn’t give you the same.”

Barb surprises him and gives him a kiss. In a kind voice she says “Thank you. Maybe we will meet somewhere else.”

Barb is taken to the prison’s administration office. The guard escorting her announces her arrival.

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The secretary tells him to take the irons off her and opens the door to the assistant warden’s office and waves Barbara in. Ms. Shortdrop walks up to Barb and with her face inches from Barb’s, she grabs Barb’s nipples and gives them a painful twist. Coolly she says “I cannot wait to see this tits shake while you are hanging by your neck.”

Barb sarcastically says “I certainly hope to please you.”

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Ms. Shortdrop orders Barb to kneel before her desk and hold a pair of handcuffs before her. “Here, put these on. We can’t have you grabbing at the noose while you hang from it…”

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“NO! Behind your back! You are going to be hanged, you stupid bitch!”

Barb locks her hands behind her back when Ms. Shortdrop presses one of her feet between Barb’s breasts.

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“Imagine that. We are about to hang famous author right here in this prison” Ms. Shortdrop says enthusiastically. She kicks one of her shoes off and rubs her foot between Barb’s legs.

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She asks “Are you going to do a special dance for us while the noose chokes the life out of you.?”

Barb cries out “Stop that! Isn’t it enough you are hanging me on fake charges?!”

Barb underestimates Ms. Shortdrop’s cruelty. The woman turns around and hikes her skirt up. With a cruel bark, she says “You owe me a favor. So kick my ass and we will call it even.”

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“WHAT? Are you crazy?” Barb cries.

“Listen bitch, I got you that fancy French noose to hang from and that Hoosier Tree to string you up” Ms. Shortdrop says. “You’ll be hanged from a standard Brampton rope and I get a real amateur to hang you instead of that Tree fellow. So kiss my ass if you don’t want it to be any worse for you!”

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Not wanting to find how being hanged to death could get any worse, Barb slips out her tongue and leans towards Ms. Shortdrop’s spread buns.

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“And lick it clean, you condemned bitch” Ms. Shortdrop says as Barb begins the vulgar task.

Joan Tree walks into Ms. Shortdrop’s office as Ms. Shortdrop is straightening her skirt. As Barb stands up, Joan says “You look ready to be hanged.”

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Barb glares at Ms. Shortdrop and says “You are all crazy here. Hang me now before I change my mind…”
After Barb’s rude and vulgar send-off by the staff of the Brampton Women’s Institute for Incarceration and Termination, she is turned over to the termination squad to prepare her for her execution. The men there are strict but courteous. It won’t be long before Barb is suffering the work of the noose she will be hanged with and there is no need for any rudeness. One of they takes the cuffs Shortdrop had her put on her wrists and replaces them with another pair. Barb, still not believing they are going to hang her, says “Was there something wrong with the other pair?”

“Probably not, but these are the cuffs we use when we hang a prisoner. Can’t take any chances something goes wrong because I didn’t do my job right. I hear you are famous. You must be. There is quite a crowd out there to see… your…” he says hesitantly.

“I’ve written a few books that sold well” Barb replies.

“I guess you are known then. We even hanged a woman to test the noose we’re going to use on you” he says as he locks one restraint around her wrist.

“You have volunteers to test your nooses on?” Barb asks in disbelief. She imagines a woman wearing a sheer nighty with her hands cuffed and a noose around her neck being readied to be hanged.

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“Well, they volunteer to be hanged in private- they are already sentenced to be hanged” he says. “It costs a lot of money to buy a private execution so it is mainly rich ladies that can afford it.”

“I wasn’t offered a private hanging” Barb says in an insulted huff.

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“It is only offered to condemned citizens of Brampton which you are not, and very few are granted” he says.

“I was only sentenced to be hanged last week” Barb says. “And you found someone to test the noose on already?”

“She was waiting for us to do her. She was sentenced a month or so ago. She had plenty of money to buy her private hanging, but she had to wait till there was a reason to do her” he explains. “And your foreign noose was the reason to hang her.”

“My premium French noose was the reason you hanged her?” Barb says in surprise.

“It was the reason we finally hanged her. We have never used a French noose before… hell, the French didn’t use nooses- they cut people’s heads off… so we figured it should be given a test” he says.

“So she got a private hanging to test the noose you will hang me with today?”

“I wouldn’t say it was really ‘private’. Her husband got to invite some friends and business associates to watch her get hanged. She wasn’t too happy about being brought to the noose naked and hanged in front of a bunch of half-loaded friends and acquaintances” he says. “But she won’t get caught driving drunk again!”

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Barb is left alone in a holding cell waiting for her execution. She is naked with her hands cuffed behind her- appropriately dresses for her Brampton hanging… except the noose but it waits for her neck dangling from the gallows’ scaffolding. It is half past four when Brampton’s leader, Governor Thomas Loungprique personally comes to take her to the gallows. He eyes her naked body and casually says “They said you were beautiful. I should have listened to them. I would have gotten here earlier and given you a farewell fuck.” He grabs Barb’s arm and drags her from the cell.

Barb defiantly says “You cannot be serious about hanging me.”

“Au contraire” he says. “With all the people that came to see you hanged and all the press coverage, I would look like a fool if you weren’t hanging by your neck once the clock hits six!”

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“No one hangs people for some pot and banned books” Barb protests.

“You are forgetting ‘reckless endangerment” the governor scolds. “You forgot your traffic infraction!”

They get to the end of the hall and a guard opens the heavy wood door. Barb and the governor step into the sunlight as the crowd lets loose an approving cheer. Barb asks “What the hell is going on?”

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“Your execution, Barbara. They all came to see you hanged!” the governor says proudly.

He leads her through the crowd, half who are cheering and the others yelling lewd things at the naked condemned prisoner. The get to the base of the gallows and the governor says “We can’t hang you while you are down here. Get up the steps.”

He half shoves her up the stairs as Barb looks around at the noisy mob.

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Her gut tightens as she realizes hanging her is not just some sick joke.

She gets to the gallows’ platform and sees the noose hanging before her.

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She almost shits and says “You are really going to hang me!”

In a surprised voice, the governor asks “Did you think we were kidding you? Very soon you will serve the punishment for your crimes. You will not enjoy the noose tightening around your neck but I am sure the spectators will revel in your suffering!”
Barbara Moore stands on the gallows’ platform. With her hands fastened behind her back, she knows there is no escaping the noose waiting for her neck. There is no telling what the crowd would do to a condemned bound and naked woman if she tried to run from the gallows. She is somewhat relieved(?!?!?!) when she sees Tree standing on the other side of the noose. She cannot hide the trepidation she feels when she says “You made it. I thought some stranger would hang me.”

“I am not happy to be here but I promised you I would if they let me” Tree replies.

“That’s a big fucking rope. I know it will hold me but how long will it take to close and… you know… do me” Barbara asks.

“I have no clue. I’ve never hanged anyone using a premium French noose.”

“Messaline said it won’t hurt my neck like the crap they usually use in Brampton” Barb says trying to sound confident.

“Well, let’s put it on an find out” Tree says making light of the situation.

Barb lowers her head and says “You are really going to hang me, aren’t you?”

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“Look, I have nothing in this. I didn’t sentence you to this. I didn’t ask to be here” Tree says somewhat angrily. “The point is, they are going to hang you. Whether I do or they send in their people, I can’t change what they are going to do. So if you have changed your mind and don’t want me to…”

“Tree, stop! I am still trying to get my head around they are going to put me to death” Barbara says. “It might sound stupid but I would rather have someone I know hang me than some damn stranger. I’ll let you put the noose on me and hang me. I don’t want one of them doing it. Does that make any sense?”

None whatsoever’ Tree thinks but it isn’t his neck on the line. He says “Turn around so I can put it on.”

He figures he has to move fast before Barb can change her mind. He pulls the rope over her head. Barb says “That feels strange. Do you think it will hurt when you open the trapdoor?”

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‘It will kill you, for god’s sake’ Tree thinks but says “Didn’t Messa say it would hurt?”

He looks at the short amount of slack in the rope. ‘She’ll wish she was dead long before she is.’

Governor Thomas Loungprique watches Tree tighten the noose around Barb’s neck and says “You can take your place by the lever, Tree. Mrs. Purehardt will read Ms. Moore’s charges and her sentence.”

A woman in some costume dress steps up next to Barbara and opens the scroll she carries. In a loud voice she proclaims Professor Barbara Moore, you have been tried and convicted driving with reckless endangerment, having illegal contraband, and attempting to distribute books banned by the state. You have been sentenced to be hanged by your neck until you are dead. Your sentence will be carried out on this gallows at six o’clock this evening. Do you have any final words to say?”

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“Do what you must. I do not deserve to be hanged” Barbara growls.

“Your opinion, but the court does not agree with you. I hope you suffer horribly while the noose closes around your neck” Mrs. Purehardt scowls.

Barb looks at Tree and says “I’m as ready as ever. Pull the lever and get this over with.”

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Tree takes a drag from his cigarette and says “Can’t yet. I have to wait thill the bell signals it is six o’clock. Barb almost pisses standing there as the prison’s bell tolls six times.

Tree knows he's one picture over for the day... Sue me- I'll see you in court!!!
He half shoves her up the stairs as Barb looks around at the noisy mob.

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hey!!! Not so rough! :confused:

She gets to the gallows’ platform and sees the noose hanging before her.

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She almost shits and says “You are really going to hang me!”

It takes me awhile to fully see things for what they really are. Hope springs eternal, as they say. :rolleyes:
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Tree takes a drag from his cigarette and says “Can’t yet. I have to wait thill the bell signals it is six o’clock. Barb almost pisses standing there as the prison’s bell tolls six times.
I absolutely did not piss myself! Don’t believe him !!!! :mad:
Barb almost pisses standing there as the prison’s bell tolls six times. This idea of stopping Brampton from hanging naked women has not gone at all the way she planned. She stands naked with her hands cuffed behind her and a noose around her neck with several hundred people waiting anxiously for the bell to stop ringing so her hanging can begin.

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These people can’t wait to see me hanging by neck. You would think they have bever seen a woman naked before. And I never was naked before a bunch of people before. Hell, I wore my bottoms even at the nude beaches I went to. And in a moment, I will be hanging naked before them. And they call this justice?

The bell rings its last. Barbara turns and says to Tree “Do it now and get this over with!”

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Tree pulls the lever. Barbara feels the vibration as the steel pins retract from the platform. The wood drops from her feet. She opens her mouth to scream as she begins to fall.

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The fall takes only a second. Behind her the small group on the gallows watch her drop. Their reactions vary.

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Joan Tree waits with great expectation for the noose to jerk Barb’s neck and break her fall.

Messaline prays Barb will appreciate how gentle the noose is as it squeezes her neck closed.

Maggie Healey, the matron from the city jail, remembers their intimate time together and hopes Barbara doesn’t suffer long once she is hanging.

Tree is taking a hard swig of his drink wondering if him hanging Barb really makes the ordeal easier for her to take.

And then the noose jerks Barb’s fall to a stop, bouncing her body and knocking her head to one side.

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For a moment hangs still from the noose. A stream of urine runs down her thighs as her legs start to search for something to stand on.

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Barb’s execution takes less than ten minutes. She wildly thrashes as she hangs by her neck. She tries her best to free her hands so she can grab the noose closing around her neck

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The prison chaplain is not impressed with Barb’s struggle. She cannot remember how many women she has seen do the same thing when they were hanged. She looks like she is reading a Bible, but it is book recounting medieval torture. She thinks how much quicker it would be if they could just make a woman confess. She sighs and thinks she’d be at home right now if Barb didn’t get her farce of a trial. Barb would have been long hanged instead of dancing around while the noose chokes her to death.

After five minutes of hanging from the premium French noose, Barb’s thrashing becomes involuntary jerks

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The laws of physics work the same on guilty or innocent women when they are hanged. A heavy weight- their body- will tighten the noose and end the torture.

The crowd cheers enthusiastically as Barb hangs lifeless from the noose.

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She will be left hanged by her neck until the crowd thins and the concession sales aren’t worth leaving the bar opened anymore…
Joan Tree waits with great expectation for the noose to jerk Barb’s neck and break her fall.

Messaline prays Barb will appreciate how gentle the noose is as it squeezes her neck closed.

Maggie Healey, the matron from the city jail, remembers their intimate time together and hopes Barbara doesn’t suffer long once she is hanging.

Tree is taking a hard swig of his drink wondering if him hanging Barb really makes the ordeal easier for her to take.
With friends like these who needs enemies??

Is that the end? Hopefully so?

Seriously, Tree, it was quite a ride. Nice story!
The conclusion

Barb was left hanged by her neck until the crowd thins and the concession sales aren’t worth leaving the bar opened anymore. There were four people still in the prison’s courtyard.

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Spike Sharp lit up a Pall Mall and said “She put on a good show. I’ll make a good profit even after my costs.”

He still is annoyed he cannot interview a woman after she is hanged.

Messaline comments “You see my noose didn’t tear up the skin of her neck. You don’t think it hurt before she was dead, do you?”

Tree takes a large gulp of his drink. ‘Hurt her? It killed her’ he thinks. He is mad he got dragged into this. He was never concerned what a woman thought when he hanged them, but Barb had asked him to do hers as if it was important to her that he did it. Fuck yes, getting hanged was important to her but why did she have to ask him to do it?

As for the fourth person, Barb hanged motionless, dead with the rope that took her life still around her neck.

Tree wishes to note the end of this story was quite hard to write. He never had been asked by someone to do their execution (and Barb did not really ask Tree to write it that way).

But thanks for your views… Tree
He was never concerned what a woman thought when he hanged them, but Barb had asked him to do hers as if it was important to her that he did it. Fuck yes, getting hanged was important to her but why did she have to ask him to do it?
It's your problem, Tree ... I doubt that, a day, you could understand women ... :cool:
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