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The Rise and Fall of Felicity

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Felicity spends her last night in the jail before she is to be put to death hanging naked nailed to the cross. She hardly sleeps dreading the day ahead of her. She is awake before the first rays of sunlight beam into her cell.

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It is well before breakfast would be served when the guard comes to Felicity’s cell. He tells her he would like one last time with her. Felicity asks him what his name is. The guard says “It won’t matter what my name is. Once you are crucified you can never have me again.”

He does not mention his woman will be at Felicity’s crucifixion and he is scared she might yell his name as she hangs from the cross and that would cause some problems after she expired.

Felicity covers herself the best she can and haughtily says “It is better I am pure when Brampton murders me!’

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The guard thinks about correcting her and reminding her she is being executed. A twang in his scrotum tells him to stay silent. The guard leaves to attend to the other prisoners. Felicity hears someone approaching her cell and is stunned to see Archer. She asks incredulously “Are you going to crucify me?”

“Naw, the Brampton constables are doing that. Tree let me come down to get one more fuck since I am one of the reasons they are doing you.”

Before Felicity can begin to protest he picks her up and throws her over her shoulder. She screams “I don’t want to have sex with you. You are why they are crucifying me.”

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“You should have said that weeks ago and you wouldn’t be getting nailed to the cross.” Archer takes her to a somewhat more private room and tells Felicity to suck his shaft. She refuses at first till he reminds her how much it would hurt if she didn’t wet it before he shoved it into her. Reluctantly, she gets on her knees and takes his hard shaft into her mouth.

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Once he is good and wet he turns her around and takes her from behind. Archer tells her to spread her lips and shoves his cock deep into her.

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Archer pumps copious amounts of cum into her. He binds her wrists behind her back and ties them high on the wall. Felicity groans “What are you doing to me?”

He grabs the lips of her sex and says “That ain’t hurting like being nailed to cross. Enjoy it, woman. It might be the last fun you have before you are on the cross.”

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He turns her around and pulls her arms higher. He puts his still-hard shaft into her pussy and says “I’m gonna miss you. You were the best white woman I ever fucked.”

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It was near seven in the morning when Sister Angel came to Felicity’s cell. She wanted to tie Felicity’s arms but she did not want to cooperate. Sister Angel says “Either you let me tie you or you will have to carry your cross to the hill.”

Felicity gave up and allowed the nun to tie her arms. Sister Angel cheerfully says “It will thrust you breasts out nicely.”

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Sister Angel leads Felicity from the cellar of the jail. She and Felicity are met by Archbishop Wragg from the Cruxton Abbey. His eyes bulge as he looks at Felicity’s bare body. Loudly he asks “Is this the woman they are crucifying today?”

“Yes, archbishop. This is Felicity that has been condemned to be crucified to death.”

Archbishop Wragg stammers “B…But she is naked!”

“But that is by your edict” Sister Angel says. She lifts her habit revealing her bare loins. “You said all condemned women should be naked when they are executed so everyone can see what worthless whores they are.”

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“But she is a noble woman” the archbishop exclaims.

“She was a noble woman. The courts have found her guilty of infidelity, fornicating with one of the hired hands, and adultery. So today she is to be crucified. She must be naked while she is executed!”

Felicity is led out of the building. She is shocked to see more than the whole town is there to see her crucified.

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A warmth fills Felicity. She thinks ‘Everyone came to see me crucified!”
Felicity is led out of the building. She is shocked to see more than the whole town is there to see her crucified.

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A warmth fills Felicity. She thinks ‘Everyone came to see me crucified!’

Felicity thinks she would be marched to her cross, nailed to it, and raised to hang from it until she was dead. The idea of having nails driven through her arms and legs frightened her almost as much as the thought of dying on the damn thing. Still, she had seen religious paintings and sculptures of the savior on the cross. He looked quite admirable and was sure she would present as well. What she did not know was that while Archer was having her for his last time, the cross was being disassembled so she could carry the crossbeam to the hill.

Her arms were untied and the wood was lifted onto her shoulders. Felicity complained “This thing is heavy!”

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The guards laughed and as her armed were uncomfortably tied to the wood, one of them said “It weighs about half of what you do. Did you expect us to carry it for you?”

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Felicity is marched through the courtyard where acquaintances she had considered friends were not shy harassing her. One woman huffed “Look at the whore Felicity! I can hardly believe I have shared dinner and drinks with the tramp.”

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Other women spat on the ground that she would carry the wood over to show their disdain for her.

Once she got to the avenue the abuse continued as she passed the commoners. They were quite vocal about how it was beneath even them to cheat on their husbands and with the hired help!

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With the spikes that she would soon be nailed to the cross with dangling from a cord around her neck, Felicity fought the urge to tell the common folk to fuck off.

As she walked the gravel path that led to the site of her crucifixion, things did not get better for Felicity. Her shoulders and back ached from carrying the beam. The stones that paved the road bit into her feet with every step she took. She was naked as she marched through the crowd and lewd remarks reminded her the crowd had noticed. Armed soldiers did their best to keep the crowd back so no harm could happen to her before they crucified her.

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And there was each step she took brought her closer to being nailed to the cross…
It was only what today would measure a kilometer walk from the jail to Felicity’s crucifixion site. An easy walk for a woman of her health and young age, it is difficult for Felicity. The beam her arms will be nailed to weighs half what she does and the way she is bound to it makes carrying it awkward. The stones ‘paving’ the road tear at her feet and the soldiers whip her when they perceive she is slowing. The last part of her march is up a hill. Not only does this make her walk more difficult, by she has tired of having the spikes dangling from neck rubbing across her bare breasts.

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Her imagination tells her they will hurt more once driven through her wrists and feet, but they are an annoyance she can do nothing about as she climbs the hill to her crucifixion.

She reaches the top of the hill and the beam is taken from her shoulders. Her relief is muted as there is a horde of soldiers and spectators there to either crucify her or watch it happen. She stands naked on the hilltop and covers her body the best she can with her arms. Before her stands the soldiers’ commander and her husband Tree. In a begging voice she says “You don’t have to do this to me. You can pardon me.”

Tree lowers his drink and takes a drag from his smoke. Coldly he says “Women are executed for the crimes you committed. Why should you be spared?”

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“But I am naked. Everyone will see me” Felicity moans.

“You were when you screwed Archer. You will be naked when you are dying on the cross” Tree declares.

During this time Felicity’s cross was assembled. In a cold voice the commander says “Soldiers, nail her to the cross.”

Always obedient, the soldiers grab Felicity’s arm. Indignantly, she demands “What are you doing to me?”

“Following orders, ma’am. The boss said to nail you to the cross” one replies.

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They drag her over to the now-assembled cross. Felicity says “You are not nailing me to that!”

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Her objection bears little weight as a stream of pee runs down her legs.

“Could have had it easy” one soldier says as they drag her over the stipe.

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With Felicity sitting on the stipe, the sergeant of the guards grabs a handful of her hair and growls “You cheap slut, you earned the cross. We are going to nail you to it and raise you up!”

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A pair of soldiers gang up on Felicity with one grabbing her arms and the other her feet.

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In a moment they have her stretched over the cross. Felicity begins to thrash, screaming “You can’t do this! It is inhumane!”

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A soldier holding a mallet kneels next to her and pulls her arm over the crossbeam.

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“Oh, we are. You have been sentenced to die crucified…”
“Oh, we are. You have been sentenced to die crucified” the commander growls. He raised his voice and yells “Nail this bitch!”

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The soldier kneeling by Felicity’s arm swings the mallet. It drives the spike though her wrist and into the cross beneath it.

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Never has Felicity felt such pain. She tries to pull her arm away but the spike holds it to the wood as the soldier finishes driving it into the wood.

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The soldier moves to her other arm. Felicity begs him not to drive the spike but her pleas stop as the mallet rams the spike through her wrist. A blood-curdling scream takes her begging’s place.

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Felicity tries to escape the torture, but her arms are securely nailed to the cross. She lifts her hips to flee but she is already one with the cross.

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With both wrists nailed to the cross, Felicity needs only her feet nailed to the cross and be lifted to serve her damnation. She squirms half on the cross and the ground. She cannot believe the agony she is in. The soldiers, having never crucified anyone before, look down at Felicity, amazed and pleased she is still alive!

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Being crucified naked is not the only torment Felicity experienced. With her arms nailed to the cross, several soldiers drop their trousers and take turns raping her. The crowd approves even as Felicity screams in horror and disgust.

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Tree walks up and takes a swig of his drink. He watches Felicity’s breasts rock with each breath she takes. He calmly says “I’ll nail her feet.”

The commander says “This is an execution. You can’t do that.”

Tree says “That’s my cheating wife. I have the right to finish nailing her.”

Felicity, between her gasps, begs Tree not to drive the last spike.

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“Should have read the fine print before you screwed around on me” Tree snarls.

Tree grabbed the mallet and nailed Felicity’s feet to the cross one on top of the other. The crowd is amazed at how Felicity thrashed as Tree nailed her feet, but they weren’t close enough to hear the spike’s shank splitting the bones in her feet.

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Now nailed to the cross, Felicity stares blankly skyward. She wonders what could happen next.

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She would soon find out…
Tree’s sister Joan walks up to Felicity. She looks down at the woman nailed to the cross. Seeing her breasts heave on her chest as she gasps for each breath, Joan is pleased that Felicity is already suffering the tortures of the cross. Joan knees above what will be the top of the stipe. She reaches her hand to Felicity’s face and with fake pity says “Damn, Felicity, that must have hurt. You know, I wrote the marriage contract you signed because I didn’t think Tree would. But when he killed your feet, I think he might have had the balls to write it.”

Felicity moans “I hurt so bad. Please let me go!”

“I’m sorry but this was only getting you ready” Joan says.

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“Now they have to raise you up. Then you have to up so you can hang naked from the cross until it kills you.”

Felicity groans “Don’t let them do that.”

But Joan saunters a few feet from the cross and says “Gentlemen, raise this bitch up!”

The soldiers gather around the cross and lift one side of it. Felicity slides to one side and cries “DON’T LIFT ME!”

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Her begging does her no good. Ropes are tied to the crossbeam, and they start lifting the cross. Felicity pushes her hips off the stipe and looks at the crowd cheering as they raise her. A pair of soldiers begin pulling on the ropes to raise the cross.

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Felicity’s body slides down the stipe. She takes a deep breath as she can see the base of the stripe about to slip into the cross’ mounting hole. She screams “Don’t! I’ll fall!”

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Felicity is right. The base of the stipe slides into its mount picking up speed as it drops. A loud thud marks it has reached its base.

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The air is knocked from her lungs. She looks down her naked body wondering what just happened to her.

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A moment ago she was lying nailed to the cross. The raising of the cross took less than a minute and now she hangs from the three spikes driven through her wrists and feet. She lifts herself against the stipe to get some air. She looks down at the crowd cheering her crucifixion.

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She tries to move her arms but the spikes will not let her. She slides down the stipe. With her eyes wide open in disbelief, Felicity cries out “What have you done to me?”

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Felicity was crucified early in the morning. As Brampton had not crucified anyone before it had been determined that despite religious writing that had their savior dying on the cross in several hours, he had been beaten and had to carry his cross to his execution. Tree had made sure Felicity did not suffer such tortures before she was nailed to her cross and raised. Such care for her made Felicity quite active as she hanged from the spikes.

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She cursed the crowd gawking at her. Being nailed to the cross was bad enough, but she was displayed naked, spread in a way she could not hide her private parts. Naked as she was, she still had the energy to shout vulgarizes down to the crowd. Tree stood behind much of the crowd, fearing becoming the target of Felicity’s wrath. Archbishop Wragg from the Cruxton Abbey came up to Tree, They exchanged pleasantries before the archbishop noted “Felicity had a foul mouth!”

Tree took a shot of his drink and said “She is a bit pissed off. I’ve never heard her talk like that, but she’s never been crucified before, either.”

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“How long will it take…” the archbishop asked.

“I don’t know. I have never crucified anyone before” Tree replies. “There are bets out there she could last till tomorrow or more.”

“I heard it might rain tonight” the archbishop says.

“Not my problem. I’ve got a roof at my estate” Tree says.

Tree soon bored watching Felicity suffering on her cross. He excused himself by telling the archbishop he had chores to do. The real reason was his drink was almost empty and he didn’t bring a bottle with him. The archbishop stayed a while longer saying it was his duty to be there. Archbishop Wragg was hardly celibate, but the sight of Felicity was better than the nuns he had laid, but he would eventually leave. Though Felicity looked better than any of the nuns in the convent, they could still screw him better than she can now.

It is mid afternoon and Felicity has been crucified for more than six hours. It would be safe to say the cross has taken its toll on her body. Her arms are stretched as far as they can be and her legs are exhausted from trying to push her body up the cross. But new torments bother her. The state’s governor walks up to the cross to see how the condemned woman is doing. Breathlessly she gasps “You have to let me go!”

The governor, in a polite tone, says “Felicity, the court has condemned you to death on the cross. Even as the Governor, I am powerless to overrule their judgement.”

“You don’t understand! I have to relieve myself” Felicity says in barely more than a whisper.

“Then I suggest you pee down your legs” the governor quietly says. “They have seen everything done to you so far.”

Angrily, Felicity hisses “You bastard, I have peed already! I have to shit!”

“Then I suggest you push your hips to one side and do so. You don’t want to crap on your feet” the governor says.

“I can’t do that! I am a lady- a noble lady- and I can’t do it before commoners” Felicity groans.

The Governor shrugs and says “I cannot take you off the cross and, honestly, I think you would be hell to nail back onto it. I suggest you relieve yourself and not worry what the people might think when you do.”

Getting desperate for her relief, Felicity pushes her rump out and forces her defecation.

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The crowd laughs and makes crude remarks. The governor asks “Don’t you feel better now?”

It is early evening. Completely spent, Felicity hangs from the cross near motionless. The crowd, except for a dozen or so hold-outs, has dissipated. The excitement of Felicity’s crucifixion has passed. Except for the few guards, the only people left are curious to see how long she will last.

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As the evening drifts towards sunset, dark clouds begin to drift in. Felicity watches the crowd thin further.

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The few guards that can’t leave pitch a tarp to stay dry. Felicity calls out to the last people leaving “Are you leaving? Don’t you want to watch the rain fall on me?”

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But soon, except for a pair of guards huddled in their make-shift tent, Felicity is left alone to die hanging from her cross. The rain the archbishop talked about came and soaked her as light faded into night.

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Felicity prayed to her gods they would take her during the night…
... A few days later, Felicity has more visitors. She stands in the visitors’ cell and met by two well-dressed French women. The blond woman says “Just look at her, Judith! It would be a crime to put her to death on a cross made of local wood!”

Felicity does not recognize the women and asks “Are you from around here?”

“Oh, non, we are from Anjou!” the light-haired woman declares.

“Arkansas?” Felicity asks.

“Arkansas? No, M’lady, France! I am Messaline and this is Judith. We got here just in time. They were going to crucify you on a cross made of local wood. We have stopped that” Messaline exclaims.

“They are not going to crucify me” Felicity asks.

“No, silly, they are not going to crucify you on a cheap cross! They are going to use one made of my premium French wood” Messaline proudly says....

... of course, what Messaline could tell otherwise ?

Felicity is not comforted by the news.
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Final chapter...

Felicity’s prayers went unanswered. She suffered the darkness of the night hanging from the spikes that held her to the cross. Hunger and thirst added to her agony. Her youth and health prevented her dying during the night. She endured the cross’s torture and the cold rains. The soldiers that had huddled in their tents woke to the morning sun peering through the remaining clouds from the night’s rain.

One looks up at Felicity hanging from the cross. He takes a drink of wine from his leather flask and says “The bitch is still breathing. I don’t want to spend another day watching her die.”

The other soldier, quite drunk himself, says “We have to stay on guard till she croaks.”

“Give me your spear. I can make that happen real quick!”

“But if Tree sees her stabbed…”

“Tree doesn’t get up this early. We can bury her body before anyone gets here” the first soldier says as he grabs the spear. He walks behind Felicity and asks “You ready to quit suffering?”

Thinking the soldier was going to take her off the cross, she gasps “Oh, yes, I am ready!”

Felicity’s body arched from the cross as the spear entered her back and tore out through her chest.

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She wanted to cry out but the spear had maimed her lung. The soldiers used their swords to pry the spikes from her feet and wrists, painfully breaking the bones around the spikes. She dropped to the ground, and she grunted as her breath was forced from her lungs.

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The one soldier said “She’s not dead yet.”

The other ties a rope around her ankle and says “She will be once she is buried.”

He drags Felicity to a nearby ditch.

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She looks up at the soldiers as they heap dirt over her body.

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She is too weak and exhausted to complain she is not dead yet…

It is midmorning when Tree is finishing his breakfast when Madeline comes out to the patio. Casually she says “Felicity died last night.”

Tree lights his smoke and says “I thought she’d have lasted a day.”

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“I was going to go up there and ‘commute’ her sentence…”

The End
Final chapter...

Felicity’s prayers went unanswered. She suffered the darkness of the night hanging from the spikes that held her to the cross. Hunger and thirst added to her agony. Her youth and health prevented her dying during the night. She endured the cross’s torture and the cold rains. The soldiers that had huddled in their tents woke to the morning sun peering through the remaining clouds from the night’s rain.

One looks up at Felicity hanging from the cross. He takes a drink of wine from his leather flask and says “The bitch is still breathing. I don’t want to spend another day watching her die.”

The other soldier, quite drunk himself, says “We have to stay on guard till she croaks.”

“Give me your spear. I can make that happen real quick!”

“But if Tree sees her stabbed…”

“Tree doesn’t get up this early. We can bury her body before anyone gets here” the first soldier says as he grabs the spear. He walks behind Felicity and asks “You ready to quit suffering?”

Thinking the soldier was going to take her off the cross, she gasps “Oh, yes, I am ready!”

Felicity’s body arched from the cross as the spear entered her back and tore out through her chest.

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She wanted to cry out but the spear had maimed her lung. The soldiers used their swords to pry the spikes from her feet and wrists, painfully breaking the bones around the spikes. She dropped to the ground, and she grunted as her breath was forced from her lungs.

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The one soldier said “She’s not dead yet.”

The other ties a rope around her ankle and says “She will be once she is buried.”

He drags Felicity to a nearby ditch.

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She looks up at the soldiers as they heap dirt over her body.

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She is too weak and exhausted to complain she is not dead yet…

It is midmorning when Tree is finishing his breakfast when Madeline comes out to the patio. Casually she says “Felicity died last night.”

Tree lights his smoke and says “I thought she’d have lasted a day.”

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“I was going to go up there and ‘commute’ her sentence…”

The End
At least there'll be no more swearing to offend the archbishop :rolleyes:

Yes , another great crucifixion from @thehangingtree ! :clapping:
Tree’s sister Joan walks up to Felicity. She looks down at the woman nailed to the cross. Seeing her breasts heave on her chest as she gasps for each breath, Joan is pleased that Felicity is already suffering the tortures of the cross. Joan knees above what will be the top of the stipe. She reaches her hand to Felicity’s face and with fake pity says “Damn, Felicity, that must have hurt. You know, I wrote the marriage contract you signed because I didn’t think Tree would. But when he killed your feet, I think he might have had the balls to write it.”

Felicity moans “I hurt so bad. Please let me go!”

“I’m sorry but this was only getting you ready” Joan says.

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“Now they have to raise you up. Then you have to up so you can hang naked from the cross until it kills you.”

Felicity groans “Don’t let them do that.”

But Joan saunters a few feet from the cross and says “Gentlemen, raise this bitch up!”

The soldiers gather around the cross and lift one side of it. Felicity slides to one side and cries “DON’T LIFT ME!”

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Her begging does her no good. Ropes are tied to the crossbeam, and they start lifting the cross. Felicity pushes her hips off the stipe and looks at the crowd cheering as they raise her. A pair of soldiers begin pulling on the ropes to raise the cross.

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Felicity’s body slides down the stipe. She takes a deep breath as she can see the base of the stripe about to slip into the cross’ mounting hole. She screams “Don’t! I’ll fall!”

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Felicity is right. The base of the stipe slides into its mount picking up speed as it drops. A loud thud marks it has reached its base.

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The air is knocked from her lungs. She looks down her naked body wondering what just happened to her.

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A moment ago she was lying nailed to the cross. The raising of the cross took less than a minute and now she hangs from the three spikes driven through her wrists and feet. She lifts herself against the stipe to get some air. She looks down at the crowd cheering her crucifixion.

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She tries to move her arms but the spikes will not let her. She slides down the stipe. With her eyes wide open in disbelief, Felicity cries out “What have you done to me?”

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that must be a shocking feeling hanging by the nails,, but horny too
that must be a shocking feeling hanging by the nails,, but horny too
I think it must give you also a "feeling of void:" being suspended in the air, with the impression like you are going to fall down at any moment.
Tree cannot picture the condemned feeling 'horny' when hanging by the spikes nailed through her arms and feet. She is stretched not on;y by the nails holding her to the face of cross, but by her body's own weight hanging from her arms.
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The heat of the day caused her to sweat and insects enjoy unfettered access to her flesh. She can do nothing to wipe the sweat of shoo the bugs. Remember those damn spikes holding her limbs.
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Of course, the spectators can enjoy her agony. Here Messaline looks up at the crucified women and purrs how sensuous the woman looks displayed so nicely on the cross. She moans "I can't wait for tonight when Judith takes care of how wet I am. Of course, you'll still be hanging from the cross wishing you were dead...
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Tree cannot picture the condemned feeling 'horny' when hanging by the spikes nailed through her arms and feet. She is stretched not on;y by the nails holding her to the face of cross, but by her body's own weight hanging from her arms.
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The heat of the day caused her to sweat and insects enjoy unfettered access to her flesh. She can do nothing to wipe the sweat of shoo the bugs. Remember those damn spikes holding her limbs.
View attachment 1479094
Of course, the spectators can enjoy her agony. Here Messaline looks up at the crucified women and purrs how sensuous the woman looks displayed so nicely on the cross. She moans "I can't wait for tonight when Judith takes care of how wet I am. Of course, you'll still be hanging from the cross wishing you were dead...
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that´s cruel ..but also horny:enamorado:
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