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The Trials and Tribulations of Lady Barbara Moore

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Day 24


Milady Moore was ordered to be whipped for her scandalous behavior and sharp tongue. She was spared public punishment, her sentence to be carried out behind the walls of the convent. She was to be secured to the whipping post where novices were disciplined, given four hours to contemplate her sins. Upon the conclusion of her penance, her arms would be raised, to force her up on tiptoes and position her for eighty lashes with a single tailed whip, bestowed by two especially sadistic sisters chosen by the mother superior.

Though her punishment was not public, the good citizens would still be able to gain some enjoyment as they gathered outside the walls below the open window, listening to the loud crack of the whips upon milady's bare back and bum, followed by her cries that steadily grew in intensity as the number of lashes grew. The loudest ones were when her tormentors chose to be especially cruel and wrap a lash around to strike one of Lady Moore's famously tumescent nipples.... followed by the uproarious laughter of the crowd....

Text by HarshMartinet
Day 24

View attachment 1513630

Milady Moore was ordered to be whipped for her scandalous behavior and sharp tongue. She was spared public punishment, her sentence to be carried out behind the walls of the convent. She was to be secured to the whipping post where novices were disciplined, given four hours to contemplate her sins. Upon the conclusion of her penance, her arms would be raised, to force her up on tiptoes and position her for eighty lashes with a single tailed whip, bestowed by two especially sadistic sisters chosen by the mother superior.

Though her punishment was not public, the good citizens would still be able to gain some enjoyment as they gathered outside the walls below the open window, listening to the loud crack of the whips upon milady's bare back and bum, followed by her cries that steadily grew in intensity as the number of lashes grew. The loudest ones were when her tormentors chose to be especially cruel and wrap a lash around to strike one of Lady Moore's famously tumescent nipples.... followed by the uproarious laughter of the crowd....

Text by HarshMartinet
The whip cracks and cries arouses the public that are close by
Day 24

View attachment 1513630

Milady Moore was ordered to be whipped for her scandalous behavior and sharp tongue. She was spared public punishment, her sentence to be carried out behind the walls of the convent. She was to be secured to the whipping post where novices were disciplined, given four hours to contemplate her sins. Upon the conclusion of her penance, her arms would be raised, to force her up on tiptoes and position her for eighty lashes with a single tailed whip, bestowed by two especially sadistic sisters chosen by the mother superior.

Though her punishment was not public, the good citizens would still be able to gain some enjoyment as they gathered outside the walls below the open window, listening to the loud crack of the whips upon milady's bare back and bum, followed by her cries that steadily grew in intensity as the number of lashes grew. The loudest ones were when her tormentors chose to be especially cruel and wrap a lash around to strike one of Lady Moore's famously tumescent nipples.... followed by the uproarious laughter of the crowd....

Text by HarshMartinet
Hey! I thought you weren't Catholic. Oh, never mind. All are welcome in the Church.

Eighty lashes seems excessive for the Tight Little (which is also a Cute Little). I hope it heals quickly for your next girlfriend.
Day 25


The sun is coming up, the town is awakening... Lady Barbara’s long wait will be over at last and the rest of her sentence....the worst part will be carried out...fifty lashes of the single tail whip wrapped around her naked body as she dangles helplessly, vulnerable and unprotected from the post. The long humiliating display will at last be over....but what is to come will be far worse....

Text by @Harsh Martinet
Day 25

View attachment 1522977

The sun is coming up, the town is awakening... Lady Barbara’s long wait will be over at last and the rest of her sentence....the worst part will be carried out...fifty lashes of the single tail whip wrapped around her naked body as she dangles helplessly, vulnerable and unprotected from the post. The long humiliating display will at last be over....but what is to come will be far worse....

Text by @Harsh Martinet
An oncoming snow storm is brewing but Barbara Moore will be left outside in the extreme temperature
Day 25

View attachment 1522977

The sun is coming up, the town is awakening... Lady Barbara’s long wait will be over at last and the rest of her sentence....the worst part will be carried out...fifty lashes of the single tail whip wrapped around her naked body as she dangles helplessly, vulnerable and unprotected from the post. The long humiliating display will at last be over....but what is to come will be far worse....

Text by @Harsh Martinet
The setting reminds me of some traditional German village. The smell of burning lignite for home heating in the a bit chilly, humid, misty morning air.
"It looks like it has been raining tonight?"
"Sure, not hard, but at least for half an hour or so!"
"She still looks good after so long at the post!"
"Indeed! And still standing on her feet! She will be in good condition for her whipping!"
"Very right! I hate it, when they fade way after the tenth stroke only, and just keep moaning for the rest of the duration! The sentence makes no sense then! They must take them standing up, and shouting loudly, being strong enough to show their pain!"
"Anyway, I was lucky, she stopped complaining before 11 pm, and did not disturb our sleep!"
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