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The Twisted Arena Chronicles Master Thread By Zaz

Go to CruxDreams.com
That one loaded for me almost instantly, your earlier ones were taking up to a minute
(my broadband speeds aren't brilliant but probably around average for folk here)
and the quality's good. Still loving the story, as well as good sexy imagery,
you're creating personalities with interesting interplay.
That one loaded for me almost instantly, your earlier ones were taking up to a minute
(my broadband speeds aren't brilliant but probably around average for folk here)
and the quality's good. Still loving the story, as well as good sexy imagery,
you're creating personalities with interesting interplay.

Thats great to hear :) and makes sense. What I can do is Zip up the High Rez images and give it as a full download once Im done with each tale.
And thanks ^^ . Yeh, I was debating if it was the right way to go, its still experimental. I mean I could go the way of "Miss-Tortures-A-lot" a very mechanical character too, like how depicted in the prologue. But it was viewers on another forum who requested a backstory and Small Character Bio's. The personality differences between Val and Sam should be evident in the coming set of images.

We'd certainly be very happy to have your tales in the Forum Archive
when you've completed them on public threads. Take a look in the Archive
(tagged on the bar at the top of this page), you'll see the way it works.
Madiosi also turns stories here into e-books, I don't know whether
your tales would be adaptable to that format.
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