Abby's Torture Part 2.
Abby lay in a heap after having run the gauntlet. Her whole body ached and throbbed with sharp pains from the brutal beatings. Through her tear-filled eyes she saw two warriors approaching. Panic stricken, she wanted to run from them but before she could rise, the two grabbed her arms, lifted her up and dragged her to a large wooden post standing in the center of the village. The two stood Abby up against the post and tied her hands behind her back and securely to the torture stake. On either side of her were two large campfires burning brightly, the pine logs crackling and sending sparks up into the night.
All the inhabitants of the village sat in a large circle surrounding her. Their eyes glittered in the firelight reminding Abby of wild beasts in the forest at night. Men, women and children were laughing, some pointing at Abby, others just leering at her nudity. She felt deeply shamed to be displayed naked before so many people, as if she were a slave girl for sale in the market place.
A tall man with graying hair walked over to the torture stake. He was obviously past middle age, but still muscular and seemed used to being in authority. He was Wolf Claw, the chief of the tribe. He began a long-winded speech. He spoke of how his tribe had traveled over mountains, forests and rivers, led by the Great Spirit, until they came to this land.
Here the land was fertile, game was plentiful in the forest and the rivers teemed with fish. Life was good. When other tribes tried to encroach on their hunting groups, their tribe fought back and defeated their enemies. We were always victorious, always. The Indians in the circler erupted into whoops and chanting.
But then came the white devils. They took the fish from our rivers, game from our forest and our land. Our land, our land, our land, he shouted. The tribe erupted into war chants.
Here, he said pointing to Abby on the torture stake, is the white bodied woman of our enemy. Tonight we will punish her.
If Abby had known the Seneca language she would have noted that he used the word “punish” instead of the more traditional word “sacrifice.” But Abby didn’t know a word of Seneca and to her his speech was malevolent and threatening, a long stream of gibberish.
Wolf Claw motioned to an old woman in the circle. She stood up and with a stooped back and shuffling gait ambled over to Abby. Wolf Claw left Abby alone with her.
In one hand she held a clay pot and in the other a large gourd.
She was the tribe’s medicine woman. In her long life she had cured many illnesses and treated many wounded and sick tribal members successfully. She was highly honored by the tribe and considered to possess supernatural powers.
The pot contained a great number of long pine sticks which had been whittled down to sharpened spears and dipped in black pitch. The large gourd uncannily resembled a young woman’s full breast and its long stem like a protuberant female nipple.
The old woman held the gourd against Abby’s right breast and chanted away in a sing-song voice. Abby shook her breasts trying to drive the old crone away but the woman and the rest of the tribe just laughed. The medicine woman than began to take the pine spears from the pot and push them into the breast-shaped gourd. After quite a while the gourd was festooned with the pine spears. The old woman took a burning branch from the campfire and touched the flame to the black pitch. The gourd burst into bright flames. She held the flaming gourd high over her head, dancing around while the village broke out into whoops and chants. Then she threw the flaming gourd at Abby’s crotch. Some of Abby’s silky blonde pussy hair was scorched before the gourd fell by Abby’s bare feet and burned out into a blackened lump.
The old woman then slowly made her way back to the circle. To Abby the old witch was a hideous creature and she was relieved that she was gone.
There was a long pause in the festivities and Abby grew increasingly fearful of what they would do to her. She didn’t understand the business with the gourd but it was still frightening. Finally an Indian came up and stood beside her. Abby stared at him. He was young, maybe middle teens. He gazed lustily at her curvaceous body, a tall erection evident beneath his loin skin. He said something and the crowd replied loudly. He then walked over to the clay pot, selected a pine spear and shoved into the top of her right breast. Abby was shocked and suddenly she remembered the flaming gourd.
A young woman came next. She spat in the captive’s face, the saliva running down Abby’s cheek. She then seized a pine spear and jabbed into Abby’s nipple on her right breast. One by one the villages came up to the torture stake and stuck pine spears into Abby’s breasts and pussy. Abby screamed continuously as the evil pine spears penetrated her tender breasts and pussy flesh.
When her breasts and pussy resembled pin cushions and Abby was screaming hysterically, a tall warrior ran around the torture stake chanting and shouting several times before he grabbed a burning branch and touched it to her breasts and pussy. The pine spears began to burn and blaze, the fire reaching down into Abby’s tortured flesh.
Wolf Claw stood up and summoned two warriors who carried buckets of river water. They doused it over the shrieking and wailing Abby, who was jerking and shaking violently against her torture stake.
Abby slumped against the post, her head hanging down, her blonde hair falling over her seared breasts. Smoke from the extinguished pine spears rose up from her burnt pubic hair and inflamed pussy lips.
As tribal tortures go, the Indians were well pleased with Abby’s degradation and suffering, although these affairs usually concluded with the naked victim turned into a burning torch in the night.
Wolf Claw told the medicine woman to heal Abby. He told Guyasuta, one of his bravest warriors, that he was giving him Abby as a slave. “She’ll make a find bed mate,” the warrior told Wolf Claw.
Abby was untied from the torture stake and dragged to the old woman’s lodge, where it would take over a month to restore the young girl to health. She was now a captive of the Seneca and a slave to Guyasuta.