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Training Of A Slave

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er - what exactly am I being trained for? :p
er - what exactly am I being trained for? :p

If those images are to be trusted. You'll be trained for wearing heels.
...holy cow, that's a perversion too far out even for me to consider.
Oh I don't know I like a good heel....or maybe I just am a heel, either way :D

Oh you're one who understand what the heck it is that go on here then? So what the bloody heels doing there, some kind of fashion statement? :confused:

Fashion for a slave should IMO that she wear a potato sack. Ooops Marilyn already did that. :D
Those Vibrators with the big ball drive a girl wild, we had one but it broke and Jimmy won`t take it back to the shop he say`s it`s embarrassing , he was`nt embarrassed when he was making me yell
Here`s a solution ----------- Why don`t you take it back, then you can explain to the lovely young man how after only a couple of weeks , wore it out and caused it to stop working !
I Would take it back if the young good looking man would test it out on me but it was a girl behind the counter when we bought it. i bought it, he went and stood in the street, but he was quick to use it when we got home
I Would take it back if the young good looking man would test it out on me but it was a girl behind the counter when we bought it. i bought it, he went and stood in the street, but he was quick to use it when we got home
a real man:eek::D
Reminds me, I once promised a girlfriend I would bring a vibrator with me only about half way into the journey I suddenly realised I had completely forgotten about this.. Fortunately I was changing trains at Bromley and there was an Ann Summers (for non-Brits our main sex toys provider;) ) in handy distance of the station.

So I hopped off the platform ran down to the shop asked for vibrators, grabbed a disco dick and some batteries and then as soon as I paid stuffed it in my ruck sack and ran off to make my connection. I am not sure what they thought of me but since it had been bucketing it down I was wearing an anorak and inevitably by the time I got to Bromley it was brilliant sunshine so I must have looked the classic pervy young man :D
well I see from a quick Google, the motto of the Borough of Bromley is​
Servire Populo, 'serve the people', or maybe 'service the people'
Did your Girl Friend enjoy the experience though

Oh she was thrilled when I got to hers :D....however I did not quite dare tell her the tale of how I had acquired that particular device...she was bit uptight about anyone actually knowing about her sex life or even that she had one. On the plus side she was very limber ;)
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