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Training Ponys

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And here are some wonderful pony drawings by Montycrusto, who is unfortunately no longer active in our forum.
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The two ponies are being trained
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used as a bull​

I was a natural competitive bodybuilder back in my early 20s, and I would not complain if I were to be repurposed as dispensable muscle and horsepower for others. Does anyone else here believe they should be bridled or harness like a beast of burden ?
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Art by PrismarinePaint. “About to be tamed” a rather lovely pony girl picture. The girl is clearly new to this, her stance and facial expression radiates hostility towards the situation she now finds herself in. Soon her training will begin and the whip will be applied to her naked flesh until eventfully her spirit will be broken and she will become a good little pony all ready to perform whatever tricks are demanded of her.

Although there isn’t a vast selection more of this artists work may be found here:

about to be tamed by prismarinepaint.jpg
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