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Travel to Crucifixion Island

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It was already over, but we could no longer say goodbye to our friends. The guards put handcuffs on us and connected them with a neck leash, so we formed a row of four which was pulled to the new place.
Already here we were whipped so that we realized that the fun was over and we ran as fast as our feet would carry us over the stony path.

The new place had just been opened. Here workers were still digging stakes. We had to get to the middle square, there was a mighty frame and the first two of us were clamped in. Miriam and Sassia were the first. Tied at hands and feet, with stretched out limbs, they stood opposite each other at the slope. Two strong men with wet leather whips stood behind the two of them and started to whip them on command of a third.
Each side was to receive 20 lashes, but the chest was only to be given 19, we were told.
The first blow already made it clear that this was it, no way back from here. Miriam's skin tore open with the third blow, Sassia only with the ninth. Then it really went one blow at a time.
The change after the first 20 lashes was fierce. Both were trembling with pain when they were tied to the frame. Already it went off and the whips ate into the breasts of the sweet girls. I couldn't look away and watched every blow as it ate into the skin and tore open parts of the breasts. The worst blows were the last five. They all hit her breasts directly and were the worst blows, I thought.
They finally came off and were laid down on the side of a lawn. Screaming and crying they lay there trembling. Helena and I were fastened and we were no different. The sweet little Helena was almost torn apart by the violent lashes. I felt my lashes but only looked at Helena, who in turn wanted to devour me with her looks.
When then our chest side was affected, everything got much worse, these blows were brutal. Now I could only concentrate on myself and took one blow after the other. My attempts to cope with the pain failed and already after the fifth blow I cried out with full force.
At some point it was over and one lay down and briefly to the other two, only until the next ones were tied.
The patibulum was tied to the bleeding back of each of us and again we were led away tied in chains of four. The way to the crucifixion area led over an extremely stony gravel field and we cut the soles of our feet. Each one of us fell at least once and dragged all the others with us. With peic blows we were pushed further and finally we reached the outermost edge. There were the first new poles. We had the places 1-4 and came to a slight elevation, here the sun would still hit us full.
In front of us stood the men of the nailing team, eight strong men by the number we were laid on the ground one by one and our arms were stretched over the patibulum and pulled apart.
This time I was the first and my screams, when the first nail went through my wrist, were as loud as I could not imagine. The nailing was quick, they were not old square nails, but these 21 cm long carpenter nails, under each of which a large round disc was placed. So my other wrist was also nailed to the wood and I lost consciousness for the first time.
When I woke up again, strong man's hands tore me away from the ground and lifted me onto the designated pole. The men hooked the crossbeam and I hung freely. The pain caused by my weight on my hands was incredible. Below me Helena was already nailed to the ground. I looked into her eyes as my feet were nailed to the pole. Then it was over with the eye contact to Helena. Now I was fully with myself and tried to bear the blows. But the executioners knew exactly where they drove the two nails through.
I had no idea that one of the central nerves ran through the foot, but I experienced it through this pain, which was as incredible as the mixture of burning steel being pressed against you and a violent electric shock. And that with every blow of the hammer. I screamed and screamed and slowly my voice went dead. When the last blow came, the executioners were heaving Helena into her place, right at my side and we both looked at each other crying.
This little, tender Helena. She endured the blows much better than I did, I had to realize and we hung on our crosses. While Miriam and Sassia were still being nailed to the wall, Helena looked at me.
"Beate, I love you I loved you when I was with you for the first time. I am so happy that we are going this way together. I couldn't have done it alone."
"Helena, my dear Helena. I know that you are my love, I enjoyed every minute with you, and even now I want to endure with you this shared pain. I love you!"

Sassia and Miriam were nailed next door. We scream out our pain like on a spit. The executioners laughed at us. "Yes, scream, that way the pain is easier to bear at first. We have a break now, we'll be back in an hour, so have fun dying, sweethearts."
And so they left us. Just in time, because then the burning sun came over the clearing and brought us a hot glowing air in which we would hang and suffer for the next hours.
The weight of the stretched arms with the crucified wrists is horrible. I had not expected so much pain. But our first attempts had also been made with much less stretched arms. Here the forces tore at us and we could not find a point where we could find some relief. The foot block only brought a little bit, because as soon as the overloaded feet with the split nerves got pressure, we let up and we hung there again.

In between the first row had filled up, there were already 18 or 19 volunteers hanging on crosses. Many had chosen the classic Roman cross, others like us the T-cross and two others even wanted an Andreas cross version.

We hadn't been shouting for a long time, we hadn't divided our forces well and now we could only hang there suffering and watch one volunteer after the other coming up on the poles.

My skin felt as if it was going to break at any moment, that's how hot it felt. Helena still had her head in my direction and I almost consumed her with my gaze. So we hung there suffering for the next hours.

Opposite us the first ones had already died on the cross, the scourging had probably been too hard for them or they were unprepared. A side trip came with a long lance. At its tip was a saw, not unlike the tip of a saw, which he pushed into the bodies of the women hanging there and then began to tear apart everything in the chest with blows and pulling movements. When the tip was pulled out, blood started to run out. The woman was now dead in any case.
He came towards us, too, but since we were still alive, he nodded at us only appreciatively and went to the next. Now and then he found a crucified man and poked the saw lance into his chest to remove any doubt.
No one would get out of here alive, that had become clear to us now at the latest.

Sassia was the first one of us to collapse. She couldn't take it anymore and with a last cry she gave up her body. It didn't take too long and the side trip also came to her and drove the jagged steel into her chest. Stabbing from below, there were no chest bones to offer resistance and the sound of the tearing and stabbing in her chest was bestial.

Miriam left an hour later and she too was treated by the detour. My sweet Helena endured together with me much longer, but in the end my little Helena had a heart attack, which took her away from me. The side trip seemed to know about us and waited until I had my eyes open, rather he pushed into Helena's chest with a mighty thrust. Her face remained relaxed, she no longer had to bear the stabbing. Now I was the only one hanging there in our front row, suffering agony. The stabbing looked at me as when
Now I was the only one hanging there in our front row, suffering agony. The stabbing looked at me as it tore the steel from Helena's chest. Slowly blood dripped on her chest and the side trip looked into the row. All dead except me. As if he wanted to do me a favour he put the lance on me and his look was more questioning than demanding.
I nodded and he slowly pushed the lance into my chest. This was an incredibly painful experience, I felt as if I was being torn apart, but finally the heart was reached and the last thrust tore me out of life.

Now I was the only one hanging there in our front row, suffering agony. The stabbing looked at me as it tore the steel from Helena's chest. Slowly blood dripped on her chest and the side trip looked into the row. All dead except me. As if he wanted to do me a favour he put the lance on me and his look was more questioning than demanding.
I nodded and he slowly pushed the lance into my chest. This was an incredibly painful experience, I felt as if I was being torn apart, but finally the heart was reached and the last thrust tore me out of life.

Magnificent crucifixion but very fast!
Ja das war zu schnell - aber es gibt mehr Leute und noch eine andere Frau namens Beate :) :)

Ich kann es nicht glauben. Diese Insel ist unglaublich. Es hat Helena und mich in seinen Bann gezogen, aber nur Helena hatte die Kraft, gekreuzigt zu werden. Sie starb jetzt in der Nacht mit einem seltsamen Lächeln im Gesicht und ich knie mich vor ihr Kreuz und konnte nicht zurück. Was mache ich, habe ich die Kraft weiterzumachen oder schließe ich mich einer der Gruppen an, die hier immer wieder vorbeikommen?

Jetzt traf ich diese Gruppe von acht meist jungen Leuten und durfte mich ihnen anschließen. Sie scheinen mir zuversichtlich. Ich glaube, ich habe mich endlich entschieden, ich möchte einer von ihnen sein.
Wir haben alle den gleichen Wunsch. Wir wollen erleben, wie es ist, am Kreuz zu hängen. Wir gehen also an einer unglaublichen Anzahl von Kreuzen vorbei, die hier überall aufgestellt sind. Ich kann dir nicht sagen, wie viele von ihnen besetzt sind, aber es sollte das meiste sein.
Francis und Karine sind besondere Menschen, sie haben mir geholfen, den Mut zu finden und den Menschen am Kreuz zu gestehen. Ich habe mich bereits mit Kathy angefreundet, einer schönen Kanadierin. Ich hoffe, dass ich auch mit den anderen auskomme, es sieht gut aus.

Das Kreuz, immer wieder muss ich darüber nachdenken, was es für mich bedeutet. Schmerz, Leiden und doch auch die Erfahrung, alles in sich aufzunehmen. Ist das eine Art Schmerz des Vergnügens? Ich kann nicht sagen. Noch nicht.
Ich habe während einer kurzen Pause mit Aline und Pete gesprochen. Sie sind auch begeistert und berührt von dem, was wir hier sehen.

Diese Anzahl von Gekreuzigten um uns herum. Überall werden neue gekreuzigt. Dort drüben werden zwei ausgepeitscht, bevor die Nägel kommen. Ich fühle mich seltsam, irgendwie gefangen zwischen Lust, Schmerz und dem Drang, all dies zu erleben.

Abends lagen wir zusammen in einer leeren Zeltstadt und sprachen über den kommenden Tag. Sie zogen Lose, um zu sehen, wer zuerst an das Kreuz gebunden sein würde, und drei hatten das Glück, gezogen zu werden. Morgen nach dem Frühstück werden wir beginnen.
In der Nacht, in der ich aufgestanden bin, konnte ich nicht wirklich schlafen. Ich ging auf die Straße, um die vielen Menschen zu sehen und zu spüren, was dort vor sich geht. Überall die gefüllten Kreuze. Dort höre ich eine schwache Stimme neben mir in der Dunkelheit. Eine Frau am Kreuz fragte mich, ob ich sie ein letztes Mal zum Orgasmus bringen könne. Ein wenig verwirrt denke ich kurz darüber nach, was uns bevorsteht und nicke ihr zu. Sie sagt, was sie mag und braucht und ich versuche ihre Perle mit meiner Hand zu finden. Dann fängt sie schon an zu zittern und sie kommt. Ich habe sie nur für kurze Zeit berührt und sie spritzt mich schon nass, sie muss unter einer unglaublichen Last gewesen sein, ohne den Orgasmus genießen zu können. Mit leichten Massagen führe ich sie wieder zu dem Punkt, den sie sucht, und als sie sich zum zweiten Mal ergibt, wird ihr Körper schlaff. Ich kümmere mich um sie und sehe ein glückliches Gesicht.
What must have been going on in that woman that she spoke to me. It doesn't matter at first, but then I feel good, I have led her to her last lust. Now I feel a little better again and go back to the tent city. Francis looks at me and finds it good that I have helped the woman. Satisfied I lie down again with the others and fall asleep.

The next day I was taken with it, I was allowed to see how Francis, Kathy and Birgitt hung on the cross and experienced for the first time what it means to bear this pain. Karine must love Francis very much, because she gave him a wonderful orgasm. Naked, as we all are now, he hung there and was spoiled by her.
The cross does not tolerate lies, it is honest, when you hang there, there is no back or forth. It is only good that this is a first test today and no nails are used yet, but when I see the three hanging there, a spontaneous orgasm comes over me. I can't, I have to support myself and come before everyone else.
Exposed and unhidden, everyone sees what is happening, I don't know what drives me, my three new friends, the woman from yesterday, or the knowledge that I will soon be hanging on a cross there too.
A few hands help me up and I look into the questioning faces of the three hanging in front of me. I don't know what was driving me, but it was incredibly intense.
Wenn die drei nach ein paar Stunden vom Kreuz genommen werden, brauchen sie eine Pause. Ich fühle mich seltsam, wenn ich nicht weiß, ob ich das Leiden der drei genossen habe oder ob es etwas völlig anderes war. Ich versuche mich zu verstecken, aber sowohl Karine als auch Francis lächeln mich an und sagen mir, dass es gut ist. Die kurze Pause ist vorbei, es geht jetzt weiter, was wird noch kommen, bis wir alle an den Kreuzen hängen?
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It is a pity that we cannot attend the flogging which will take place on the agora but as it seems that it is facing the sea that they decided to be crucified we will be present to see them being nailed on their cross and witness the start of their agony!

I will be very attentive because I absolutely want to see their reactions when they feel the nails piercing their wrists and feet.
It is not by voyeurism that I want to lose nothing of this moment there but rather to realize my suffering because, in a few days it will be my turn to have to bear this pain.

On the seaside, our crosses await us and we will also witness the final torture of Mark and Rose who will have their legs broken.

I always had the impression that our bones were really very strong and resistant, but when a steel bar fell on them, they broke like dead branches.
In an instant and in horrible cries of pain it was done!
The bones of their legs emerge from the wounds caused by these metal bars, just below their knees, you can clearly see them.

And now it starts for our group!

Kathy is the first to be fixed on the cross!
This position makes her even more beautiful!
Then Francis joined her before Birgitt completed the trio.

Sexually, it looks exceptional because the vagina of the two women well exposed and clearly visible seems to drip while Francis offers us a sensational erection.

To see them, I also feel my pussy run down my thighs and suddenly want sex.

I approach Bjorn in admiration at the foot of Birgitt's cross, grabbed his already erect cock and begins to suck it under the benevolent gaze of Birgitt.
I lie in the water and draw it into me.
Its penetration directly makes me the effect and its first movements in me provide me with a certain well-being which only grows and bring me to enjoyment when I feel the jets of sperm invade my vagina.

Feeling guilty, he extricates himself from me and heads towards Birgitt to be forgiven for his "infidelity".

Me, I stay in the water and prepare myself psychologically for my first contact with my cross because time flies and my turn to be fixed on the cross will arrive soon.
Our hour on the cross to Kathy, Birgitt and I is already over and we are brought down!

Birgitt shows some reluctance and asks to be able to remain on her cross again but the guards do not take her prayer into account because the official program must be respected.

Once on the ground, it takes me a few minutes to recover because although having only remained an hour on the cross, I have already felt incipient cramps in my limbs and have all the muscles of my body stiff.
Kathy and Birgitt have the same problems as me!

The cross is thus made, as soon as she feels you against her, she attacks you directly, she shows you that she is the strongest and that, if you had been nailed, she would not have let you escape and would have pain until you die.

Quickly, Starbuckslut, Bjorn and Karine are installed in our places !
It is their turn to test themselves.

I see that Kathy goes directly to Rose, her neighbor of the cross while Birgitt stands at the foot of her Bjorn.

Personally, it is towards Karine who tormented me so well that I am heading!

The three look as comfortable as we do and I find them very beautiful!

I make a sign to Aline to join me and directly, at the foot of Karine's cross, I put her back standing in front of me and begins to caress her breasts and make her open her legs to allow me to introduce her a finger in the vagina all this under the astonished eyes of Karine who impatiently waits for someone to take care of her.
I tilt aline forward and suddenly brutal, I insert my cock into her ass.
I see Karine wet looking at us but I make sure to ignore her until Aline begins to enjoy!
I withdraw my cock from her and ejaculate on her buttocks and back under the envious gaze of Karine who realizes that I am trying to frustrate her to take revenge on her.
Good prince anyway, I push Aline towards her and push her head towards Karine's pussy so that she can give her the pleasure that I refused her.

Starbuckslut receives tributes from Pete and Bjorn is in very good hands with Birgitt.

Kathy comes back to us, looking sad, Rose went to find Mark, she just died.
Having spent her time on the cross and a little marked by the death of Rose, she staggers and is supported by a very pretty woman in her thirties that she presents to us directly!
It is a German woman named Beate who came to the island to follow in the footsteps of her sister who died crucified here a few months ago.
Alone, she is looking for a little and it is with joy that we invite her to join us which she gladly accepts.

So here we are nine.

Some relatively noisy animation occurs on the side of the path that comes from the hill!

The three crucified of the day have almost finished their "via crucis" and arrive on the beach where they are going to be crucified.
They seem very overwhelmed by the heat and visibly find it very difficult to advance their wrists linked to their patibulum which crushes their shoulders.
Around their neck hang on a rope the impressive nails which will soon cross their wrists and feet and fix them definitively to their cross!
The body very marked by their flogging, they are encouraged by the guards who push them to walk while still rewarding them with strong lashes.
Three stipes await their patibulum furnished with crucifieds!
Exhausted, they collapse on the beach!
They are detached from their patibulum, their crucifixion is about to begin and we are in the front row to assist their setting on cross.

It is with immense sadness that I must accept to be released from my cross!

I felt so united with her, against her, trying to find myself in complete osmosis with her.
I now understand better the impressive orgasms that the women I crucified in the Libyan desert went through!
There is to believe that the cross while making you suffer terribly multiplies the intensity of your orgasms.
The first one who crossed me left me in a state of fatigue not possible.

Finally, I am lying in the water recovering and thinking about tomorrow and especially the days that will follow because, at that time, the only way out will be death and I am determined to challenge it despite the fact that I know that my fight will be lost in advance, the cross always wins.

So here we are!
Seeing the determination off Beate, our new partner in the crucifixion, to spend an hour like us on a cross, I feel that she will very quickly integrate fully into our group.
She is very pretty and very sexy, her shaved pussy attracts me and I would be curious to discover what is hidden between her two magnificent thighs!
I will let her find her place on her cross then, afterwards, I will search her private parts and see if her reactions on the cross will be like mine, if the enjoyment I will inflict on her will be as strong as mine.

Now, we are going to assist to the crucifixion of these three presonnes who have just finished their "via crucis" and are lying there waiting for the beginning of their torture.
It will reopen in me wounds that have never closed, but I will not look away and face my ghosts from the front.

In a short time, it will be our turn and I look forward to being there, to finally find myself nailed to my cross.
Finally, it's my turn!
My impatience must be visible!
The hour that the first three have just spent on the cross seemed very long to me and it is with an unimaginable desire that I present myself at the feet of the platform!

I have been waiting for this for so long that I think I am now in love with the cross.
I feel between my thighs flow all the cum that escapes from my vagina, I wonder even if, in my life, I have already wet as much! None of my lovers, men or women, excited me so much before we even touched each other.

I climb the two steps, turn around, stick my back to the stipe, I'm about to enjoy so I'm happy to be there, I spread my arms and I feel that they grabbed me and that bind them to my patibulum.
I know that the guards know their job but I still ask them to tighten very hard so that I am really unable to move!
I do not know if they did this to everyone but they put so much force in tying me that I really feel that the strings will fit in my wrists.
I appreciate the pain it gives me.
They remove the platform and my body now hangs for a while before they take care of my feet!
They put so much force to tie my feet!

I am finally crucified and I am satisfied to be.
I'm here to test my cross and I start dancing, I keep gesturing, pulling on one side, pushing on the other, showing off my soggy pussy by spreading my legs as far as possible!
I would not have believed it but all these movements quickly exhaust me and cause stabbing pains in my arms and my legs.

Pete approaches me and feels me between the thighs that I open as much as possible to show him that I like his intervention.
He approaches the mouth and snatches my clitoris!
I did not need more and I start to enjoy in an exceptional way, my whole body responds to this huge orgasm!
I arch my arms and howl my pleasure.

I fall back exhausted by such a tornado of enjoyment and do not even realize that a few meters from me two women and a man will be nailed to their cross!

Like a time maybe different depending on what we do!
As much the wait before the cross seemed to me long as it seems to me that I have just climbed to my cross while one is in the process of freeing myself.
I collapse in the water, it hurts everywhere but I am really delighted by this first experience!

Strongly following, tomorrow.

I feel really comfortable on the cross as if I had always been there!

Of course, this is only an hour's contact and not nailed down, but I feel in myself a feeling of well-being despite the discomfort of the situation!
If someone could now come and whip me, I would be even happier, but the program is the program and we must respect it.

Francis believes to frustrate me by penetrating Aline in front of me and by making as if I did not exist but that does not matter to me,
I even believe that, so much I feel good, I could enjoy just by rubbing my thighs one against each other.

Besides, they finished, he just ejaculated on her back!
He pushes her towards me and she starts to caress me and to play the tongue with my clitoris!
It is very good and I wet more and more before shouting my enjoyment.

Here are the crucified ones of the day arriving, it is right next to me that their stipes awaits them,
I will probably be the best placed to contemplate all that will happen.

They just arrived near me and collapsed in the water at the feet of the poles that await them.
They are well marked by their flogging.
They detach them from their patibulum!
Their crucifixion will begin.
The guards remove from their neck the impressive nails which will soon cross their wrists and feet!

What's happening ?

The guards are already coming to remove me from my cross, the hour is already over!
Please, gentlemen, let me have a moment, I feel so good! But nothing helps, they have instructions and follow them to the point!

So here I am back, against my will, on my feet.

I did not realize it when I was on the cross but once on the ground, my legs waver and my arms hurt.

I don't care, I feel ready to go further and to suffer to realize my fantasy.

The first three of the group who climbed the crosses were great and the other three who succeeded them were just as great.

We are a beautiful group where we are, I believe at least, all decided to go all the way.

I just got fucked by Francis but I have the impression that it was more to taunt Karine than for my own pleasure!
In any case, it did me a lot of good!
Pushed by him, I found myself having to bring Karine to orgasm!
It was a task far from insurmountable because, excited as she was, it was a breeze to get it started and send it to seventh heaven!

Here is Kathy who comes back quite shaken!
She has just allowed Rose to leave satisfied as I did with her husband while Kathy was on her cross!

She is supported by a very pretty woman whom she presents to me directly!
Beate, since that is her name, would like to join our group!
I see no reason to refuse him and, in addition, directly offers her to take advantage of one of our crosses to spend like us an hour on it and test ourselves.

She readily agrees and will be very lucky because she will be able to attend the crucifixion of the three volunteers who have just arrived from a particular angle.

So I will have to go back through the office to add her to the program for tomorrow which I had, anyway, the intention to modify in order to make it a little harder because, in view of the wishes of some of us, a simple exhibition tied naked on a cross for three hours is a much too light torture !

It is not four but nine crosses that I will reserve so that we can all be together at the same time on a cross at the hottest hours of the day so that we have to face the blazing sun at the top of the hill.
In addition, during these crucifixion we will not receive any drinks which will be very painful and difficult to bear.
I find that our back is too healthy and intact to hope to come into contact with our stipes!
So, before being tied on our crosses, we will undergo a flogging on our backs and our buttocks, twenty lashes each.
After one hour of exposure to make our task a little harder, ten lashes will be applied to the front of our bodies and the same punishment will also come after the second hour.

I believe that these few additions will allow us to get an even more precise idea of what we will undergo when we will be nailed on our cross !

If all the members of the group pass this test, we will be ready for the next days when the real tortures will arrive and when our cross will welcome us definitively.

Now, the crucifixions of the day will begin and I guess each of us wants to not miss anything from the show.
I enjoyed my time on my cross but I was impatient to be able to take care of Rose one last time.

Back on the ground, I have my legs in cotton and my arms quite stiff, so I rush to Rose.

She is still alive but hardly breathes anymore!
I slide my arms under her buttocks and, with all my might, push her upwards to allow her to capture the oxygen necessary for her survival!

- It's the end, my pretty! she said to me in a breath, I feel myself leaving!
You just arrived, I did everything to wait for you.

In the position where I am, my mouth is just up to her pussy and can not help but introduce my tongue which directly comes into contact with her clitoris!
Directly, Rose arches and I feel her pussy overflowing with love juice and I feel her soften, being drawn into a spiral which brings her to a gigantic orgasm, a deadly orgasm because I see that she has just died.
I fall with my ass in the water, tears running down my cheeks.
I knew it was the end but I did not think that she was going to pass from life to death by enjoying in such a way.

- You helped her well, she just died in the most beautiful way possible, she died of pleasure!

The person who has just addressed me is a splendid woman who tells me that her name is Beate and that she is here to suffer the same end as her sister a few months ago, to die crucified!
But she is alone and, having noticed us, she asks me if she could possibly join us, that thus, the realization of her fantasy will be easier for her.
We join the group and I present her to the group who directly accepts that she joins us.

The crucifieds of the day have just arrived on the beach and I am happy to be able to attend a real crucifixion!

It terrifies me terribly and makes me want to make love.

We just lowered Starbuckslut, Bjorn and Karine from their cross and I ask Beate if, like us, she wants to test herself on a cross!
She readily accepts and very quickly, she finds herself on Karine's cross right next to the three volunteers of the day whose crucifixion will begin.

The show promises to be grand.
There are three people who will be crucified today to die. Around their necks hung the nails, and they were still properly forged, horrible square nails. Each of them has his own nails always with him. I get a shiver. As they passed me, I saw the whipped and battered backs of the three of them. Their skin hangs down in shreds and they carry the crossbar, the Patibulum on their shoulders.

Next to me in the water I see Rose having her orgasm for the last time and pouring all her lifeblood on Kathy, who is at her loins, before Rose dies. For the first time I see a woman die happy. Her eyes were open and her mouth relaxed when she left. Kathy looks at me delighted, she has just realised that Rose has poured her whole life into her mouth.

I’m already being pulled aside. My test run is coming up. The test that matters. If I don’t pass it, I can’t stay here with this wonderful group. I just have to pass the test and I want to pass it.

The three who have carried their Patibulum up to here are already tied to the wood, next to them is the fourth wood, the wood for me. I am trembling, but somehow not out of fear, it is the ignorance, coupled with the desire to experience this now.

The three are nailed to each other - for the first time I experience directly what it means to crucify a human being. They tie my arms tightly to the crossbar and I am ready to go.
A tearing and pulling goes through my hands, over my arms and I feel the pain. In front of me my new friends stand and watch me closely, what I experience, what I feel and whether I will survive this test.

Kathy and Francis stand by my side, they see exactly what the executioners do to me. My feet are tied and my suffering begins.
An unbelievable feeling of pain runs through my body. I don’t know how to classify it yet, naked, sweaty, I hang here and a first incredible orgasm overcomes me. What is it now, so early I cannot believe it and my friends see me coming.

Next to me they are nailed down and watch me squirm in a quake. One of the three smiles at me before the pain takes him back.

Pain tears at my cross and I suffer, but I get through it and I feel that I can do it, yes, I can stand it. Of the crucified ones next to me the first one has just collapsed and is hanging dead on the wood.

My pain comes and goes in batches, which I had never thought would happen. I can stand this pain, yes, it even drives my body to prepare for the next push. Once again I come close to an orgasm. My friends stand around me, they watch me, check and absorb the image.
For a moment I had my eyes closed, now I open them, a hand is in my crotch. Francis has touched me and his hand drives me on. Shaking and trembling, he chases me through the lust of the pain on the cross.

I can’t help it, I scream my orgasm out and that’s when I start to squirt. I have not experienced this on me for so long. Shaking and trembling, with a smile on my lips, I start the last part of my test run. I have no control over time anymore, I only have these incredible new feelings of pain, lust, pain of lust and all at the same time. I tremble and with a smile I hang on the wood that will soon take me in completely.

But there come the people who have pulled me up. Time is up. My friends tell me that I have passed and when I am freed and lying on the ground, they help me to get up.
Their look says everything, they laugh at me, they are satisfied with me. I have not disappointed them. My tears run into my eyes and all I see is two of my friends pulling me towards them in the high grass and I feel a tight limb, a couple of hands pull me up and I start riding. All pain and insecurities have disappeared, I ride the hard cock full of lust and absorb everything he squirts at me.

Still completely out of my mind I am back with my friends and go on with them. Wherever I go, I stay with them, I have passed and they are obviously happy with me. Now I will continue, the next ones will follow.

If I only knew whose cock I was riding...

The first woman to be crucified is a fairly strong woman in her fifties with very large, flaccid breasts like her buttocks.

Her body tired by age and surely by one or more deliveries is marked by the traces left by the whip.
Her arms are immobilized by ropes on her patibulum and the nails are directly positioned on her wrists!
In excruciating cries of pain, her two wrists are quickly fixed, pierced by the huge nails that she herself carried.

We are all there, speechless, realizing that nailing is a really painful ordeal and that we will of course all suffer it soon!

Grabbing the patibulum and the woman who is nailed to it, the guards raise it by climbing on ladders and fit it on the stipe.

The woman who did not stop screaming now hangs only held by her wrists but, quickly, they grab her feet, bend her legs, spreading them briskly and pierce her ankles which they nail on both sides of the spike!

The operation did not take three minutes and the woman was definitively and irretrievably crucified.
Her screams fell silent because she couldn't bear her pain and passed out!

A bucket of water brings her back to reality and her sufferings.

She must attend the crucifixion of the two others who are in fact her husband and daughter!
It is in fact a family crucifixion for which the reasons are unknown.

Meanwhile, Beate successfully passed her test!
She seems to have suffered a lot but also to have been crossed by several orgasms including one that I am responsible for making her benefit.
She is very receptive to oral caresses.
Earlier, I wanted to make her enjoy my cock.

The man joined his wife followed immediately by his daughter.
They form a very unusual trio, a very special family concept, a family united in pain, until death.

I see that our group is emerging from the state of prostration caused by the horrific spectacle that seems to have affected them.
In a few days, it will be our turn!
What they have just seen may cool some!
I hope not and that we will remain united until the end!

Before leaving for the villa in which we obviously invite Beate to join us, we don't want to leave these people in their pain without knowing their first crucified orgasm!

Starbuckslut takes care of the youngest, Karine of the man while Birgitt and Aline, together, move towards the woman.

Knowing the oral talents of my friends, I am not surprised that in a short time, the cries of pain of the three new crucified are replaced by groans of pleasure!

Exhausted, we take the road to the city and our villa!
We support each other because some of us seem more marked than others!
I have the impression that the thermal baths will be full this evening and that our masseur slaves are going to have a lot of work!

Aline leaves us for a moment to activate the changes for tomorrow and, finally, we will be able to recover!

At least I hope so because it reigns around us like an atmosphere, a certain aura of eroticism, a lingering smell of sex.
I wonder if Beate, our new friend, did not do a little too much by being tied on her cross because, if obviously we all felt muscle problems and pain, this hour of suspension on the cross did still not reached heights of suffering.

I personally felt much more excitement than pain.
When she found herself released from the cross, she was really no longer on her legs and Bjorn and I supported her and led her away.

The three of us fell and Beate found herself sitting on Bjorn!
His cock being erect, I grabbed it and brought it up to Beate's vagina into which it directly entered.
She enjoyed when it spread in her but, in her second state, I wonder if she even noticed.

But I leave them there because I really want to attend the crucifixion that is in progress!

The couple is already in position on their cross and the guards are about to nail the youngest!
She seems to be impatiently waiting for the nails to fix her to her cross because in her eyes shines gleams of envy and satisfaction. She screams of course while her wrists are pierced but, once the thing is done, she seems to regain her serenity and it is the same when her cross is nested and her feet also nailed.

It emanates from her a feeling of happiness and joy as if during all her life she had dreamed of it, as if her crucifixion was the logical outcome of her life.

I then learn from a guard that in fact, she suffers from an incurable disease and that her days were numbered!
In love since childhood with the cross, she wanted to end these days by realizing her fantasy and her parents since they lost their daughter decided to accompany her until the end and undergo the same torments as her.

I see that Starbuckslut will offer her her first orgasm of crucified and I am happy for her.

I have also just learned that our program has been changed and I am delighted because I want more and more to feel the real torments that the cross can make you suffer!

I think I am now completely in love with the cross and am impatient to offer my body to it definitively

I’m starting to come out of it. I felt as if I had lost my mind when they took me down from the cross. Three of my friends helped me to gather myself and to release me from the cross, but my legs were weak.

I collapsed and found myself on Björn. That I was riding Björn’s tail, I didn’t really notice that anymore, the pain of the cross still had an effect. But the two friends had already gone before they wanted to attend the new crucifixion of a whole family.

Lightly dazed Björn helps me up and we both go to our friends. They have already joined a family. Father, mother are already nailed to the crosses, their cries could be heard far away. Nevertheless, the two of them have caught themselves and we watch their daughter being beaten to the wood.

I arrived just in time to watch the nails being driven through the girl’s feet, but after she was hanging on the cross she seemed somehow satisfied. Something I can’t understand.
I can’t understand why the girl cries out in pain when she nails them, but seems satisfied afterwards. Only then do I learn about her illness and that her days were numbered. Now her parents rise in my respect, they actually accompany their daughter, together. They go together to meet this death on the cross.
Kathy gives the girl a hot orgasm with her tender hands.

I stand a little to the side and can follow this crucifixion very well, but I also see that the henchmen are already preparing the next crosses. Starbuckslut loses himself with the three of the family and I only see the Father’s hands writhing in the nails. What must be the pain.

Afterwards, we’ll go back to the mansion. We begin to wash and try to prepare for tomorrow. Kathy explains to me where the nails are driven through the hands and she makes it so figurative that I get goose bumps all over my back.

We all stand here naked, a few of us are pursuing erotic thoughts and I imagine Kathy hammering my nails through her hands. Next to me I watch Starbuckslut enjoying the breasts of another woman and I look to Bjorn for help. He looks at me and I know that he recognizes my plea. Knowing this, he gives me his hand and I go to him, he hugs me and I ask him not to leave me alone. So I spend the night together under one roof with my new friends.

Gradually it becomes light and I detach myself from the bodies that are around me. What was going on that night, was it just an orgy or were we and all of us so close that we touched each other. I can’t remember having sex with anyone but Bjorn, but whatever it was, it was wonderful.

The meagre breakfast is pretty puny, but let’s have another big meal. Not really. The next few hours are for preserves. We’ll go to our rallying point together. Past the family of three, who smile at us and with a burning feeling in our hearts we leave them.

That’s our next stop. My God, I’m so excited. In a few hours we will all hang on the cross.

So there will be changes tomorrow!

So we will finally start to feel the real effects of the crucifixion with a dose of flogging!
It will not be total yet but we will gradually get closer!
The whip on the back to feel that the stipe of our cross is very hard, the whip on the front of our body to remind us that we will be on the cross to suffer and finally the sun and thirst.
Only the nails will be missing!

Speaking of nails, this is the first time I have witnessed the actual nailing of crucifixes and I have come to realize that it is truly one of the most painful moments of all the ordeal.

When I saw these huge nails penetrate the frail wrists of the fat woman, I had the impression that it was mine that were pierced and now I know that my suffering will be endless but I am waiting for it because I want to feel it, it excites me more than it scares me and it is a necessary step towards the realization of my fantasy.

Then the feet also pierced, an extreme masochist as I am, I also dream of it because it is really after that that the crucifixion is effective.

Definitely, I am completely mad but the cross attracts me so much that nothing could prevent me from joining it, no torture, as awful and painful as it could be, will stop me in my desires to be crucified.

When it will be our turn, I hope that there will be people to watch us and that, in this crowd, people will be passionate enough to help us to support the beginning of our agony by providing us with our first pleasures as we l 'we did to the crucified ones today!

The man I took care of, despite the suffering he felt, reacted directly to my mouth caresses and his pleasure very quickly exceeded his pain.

Tonight, once well refreshed and massaged by the slaves, I have to try to resist my sexual urges and those of others to be able to enjoy a total rest and thus be in the best shape possible tomorrow to face optimally following the program.
I just learned that we will suffer tomorrow, that our second passage on the cross will be full-bodied and it gives me great pleasure that it is together that we are going to be exposed on our cross because we will thus be able to see if, in the crowd who will parade in front of us, some will come to take care of us!
In addition, since we arrived on the island, I miss the whip terribly!

But we are not there yet !

For now, we are busy watching very carefully the crucifixion that is taking place right in front of us!

Although, when it will be our turn, the course will be a little different because we will be completely nailed before our crosses are erected, the nails that will cross our flesh will be the same, as impressive.

When I see these spikes penetrating their wrists, I feel mine because, although the pain that must be experienced at that time must be unimaginable, I want to, I dream!

Then it is the turn of the feet, that too I want because it really marks the moment when the crucifixion is really effective.

I feel my ends of breasts harden to the maximum and my pussy run between my thighs so I imagine in their place, definitely crucified.

The three are now in place and seem to be looking for the best position on their cross but will not find it because it does not exist.

All we can do is give them a short break by turning their pain into enjoyment.

So I go to the youngest of the three, run a hand between my legs and bring it to her mouth to show her that I am terribly excited by the spectacle that she is busy showing us.
Her pussy is as wet as mine and her clitoris came out of her shell as if he wanted caresses.
I do not hesitate and a snooping finger begins to tickle it before replacing it with my tongue which it cannot resist for a long time and is carried away by a violent and noisy orgasm.

Her father and mother next to her are also shaken by a terrible enjoyment lavished by my friends.

I hope this orgasm is the first in a long series that will cross them for the duration of their voluntary sacrifice.

For us, it is now time to return to the villa so that we can prepare for what we are going to endure tomorrow.

When I think about it, I wet even harder.

Each hammer blow falling on the head of a nail which easily sinks into the flesh of people who are crucified resounds in my head and their screams of pain break my heart!

It all reminds me of Libya and makes me feel more guilty.
Soon, I will pay the debt I owe to these people whom I crucified by keeping the promise I made to them, by dying like them on the cross.

I look at this woman who has just been crucified in front of me and, I can't help it, I envy her, I would like to be in her place.

I go to her and I see that Aline, who must certainly, she as much as me, be as impatient as me to be two days older, take the same direction as me!
The woman, with tears in her eyes, comes in her suffering to witness the beginning of the torture of her husband and daughter, of their crucifixion!

I ask her if her suffering is bearable and she replies that what she feels physically is nothing next to what fills her head, she never imagined to be in the situation she is in today , nailed naked on a cross with her man and daughter right next to her, with death as the only way out for all three.

I understand her sorrow as well as her motivations and runs my hand over her face to wipe away her tears then takes one of her large falling breasts with the full hand!
I pinch the tip and it hardens very hard and lengthens.
She really has breasts to breastfeed and I start to suck her.

Meanwhile, Aline settled between her thighs which she spread before taking hold of her clitoris!
It is no longer a question of pain or sorrow now, but rather of sweet enjoyment which makes her forget her status as crucified, dead on suspended sentence.

Her enjoyment is very temperate at first, she wants to stay calm, manage the situation and externalize her pleasure as little as possible but, turning her head, when she realizes that her daughter and her husband are also busy enjoying, she does not retains more and lets go noisily exteriorize the orgasm which crosses her.

Now is the time for us to leave because tomorrow I will not have any sorrow but I will suffer.
I want to be able to enjoy it as much as possible and, I hope, also go through these moments of enormous pleasure that only the cross can achieve.

If I have not yet intervened since our arrival it is because I wanted to remain discreet and no longer wanted to be an obstacle for Birgitt who, by dint of insistence, managed to make me accept to let her die on the cross and thus being able to atone for the crimes which she considers to have committed in Libya and which pursue her day and night.

I must say that by hearing her a certain feeling of guilt has crept into me and accepting her crucifixion is also provoking mine.

My first passage on the cross was also very bearable but was only a test!

If I realized that the rest of the program will be difficult to bear, I now know that I will not escape it and that I must make up my mind,
I will die on the cross.
But it is not only that because when Birgitt came to give me a blowjob for which she is an expert, I enjoyed as I had never enjoyed and sent him in the back of the throat with jets of sperm a lot more important than usual!

The cross, and I have just seen it for myself, if it makes you suffer horribly, has the gift of making your moments of pleasure much more intense and violent.

Then there was this unexpected episode with Beate, this German with a fiery temper who has just joined us!
I think it was she who was most marked by her first cross because she looked a little lost on her descent from the cross and when we fell and Kathy gently introduced my cock into her welcoming vagina , I wonder if she really noticed!
Finally, in any case, I appreciated.

Seeing the selflessness with which parents accompany their daughter to suffer and die on the cross, I realize that I, so in love with Birgitt, can only accompany her and that confirms my decision, I am now certain to die soon with and for Birgitt.

Nothing and nobody will make me change my mind.
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