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Venus Verticordia

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Repertor spun the wheel, the car lurched across the pavement, heading at speed towards the front entrance of a shop.
Cautiously, Tree opened an eye. Then both eyes opened wide in total surprise. He was no longer sitting in a limousine, but in a carriage, drawn by a pair of black horses.
A carriage! Thank God! A carriage drawn by horses! When Repertor speeded towards the front entrance of the shop, leaving us then behind with a cliff-hanger, a feared during twenty-four hours that Repertor and Tree would continue their journey by flying away in a blue Ford Anglia!:devil::):D
A carriage! Thank God! A carriage drawn by horses! When Repertor speeded towards the front entrance of the shop, leaving us then behind with a cliff-hanger, a feared during twenty-four hours that Repertor and Tree would continue their journey by flying away in a blue Ford Anglia!:devil::):D
Sorry to disappoint, Loxuru. And the horse and carriage don't even fly! :doh:
For a few moments he gazed upon the lovely Eulalia. Then his eyes were inescapably drawn to a painting of her, nearing completion on Rossetti’s easel.

Painting 2.jpg

He stared at it, his mouth slightly open. With an effort, he remembered not to drool. Eulalia lay on a rocky pavement, her arms stretched above her head, her delicate wrists clasped in unforgiving steel, affixed to a chain. Her body, thus stretched in all its feminine glory, was nude save for a strategically positioned fold of a garment that she had presumably worn before being stripped and restrained in this manner. Yonder, through the mouth of a cave, one beheld a terrifying landscape of rock teeth, their bald savagery in stark contrast to the soft curves of her gentle, vulnerable femininity. A landscape that could only contain dreadful creatures, entities that would tear that milky-smooth flesh to bloody shreds. Yet her face betrayed not fear, but a serene acceptance of her unfortunate position.

“Like it?” enquired Rossetti.

“You bet I do! How much do you want for it?”

“I’m sorry, Senator, it’s not for sale. It has been commissioned from me by a Lord Jollyrei, as a gift for his wife, Lady Thessela Threepwood.”

“Lucky Bastard!”

Repertor discreetly cleared his throat. “Pardon me, Mr Rossetti, but Senator Tree and I were discussing your work as we, ah, proceeded along New Bond Street. He expressed an interest in Venus Crucifixa Est.”

“Ah yes, we enjoyed that, didn’t we, Eul?”

You enjoyed it!” retorted Eulalia. “I thought my shoulders would dislocate!”

Nevertheless she stretched her arms out, crucifix style. Tree tried to picture what was under her gown.

“Can I…..can I see it?” he asked, weakly.

“Oh, dear, there again I must disappoint you. I sold that to Roland Rattington, Esq. of Pimlico.”

“Shhh! Phlebas!” admonished Eulalia! “He asked you not to tell!”

“So he did…..gentlemen, I would be obliged if you could keep that information confidential.”

“Sure, his secret’s safe with me. But….why the secrecy?”

“There are those about who consider it blasphemous! Mr Rattington would be shunned by society were his possession of the painting to become common knowledge, and the repercussions would doubtless involve Miss Wilding and myself.”

“Shunned? Poor Mr Rattington. No, that would be bad. Would you….err….consider painting another one?”

“Not bloody likely!” Eulalia looked horror struck. “No way! I’m not going through that again!”

The three men looked at her in silence.

“No! Read my lips! N. O. Once was plenty! Put any such thoughts from your mind. How about a nice picture of me holding a flower?”

Rossetti merely cleared his throat, and picked up a large whip. “Your last word?”

She looked at him, those deep blue eyes boring into his.

“You bastard, Rossetti!”
oooh I'm loving this! (but you know me, I'm only doing my Woman in Peril act to lead you on and get the visitors horny too ;) :devil:)
It is very important for those of artistic temperament, however, to firmly believe they are being persuasive and bending the model to their artistic will.:rolleyes: The "woman in peril" ploy is very effective. And as you say, it has its other "spinoff" benefits. :D

“You bet I do! How much do you want for it?”

“I’m sorry, Senator, it’s not for sale. It has been commissioned from me by a Lord Jollyrei, as a gift for his wife, Lady Thessela Threepwood.”

“Lucky Bastard!”
Indeed. But not a word to Thessela, eh? Supposed to be a surprise. ;):D
Artists, eh!
Antisocial bastards who can think of nothing but their own work
Now come over here my dear and let us discuss this new commission . . . . . . . .

"She looked at him, those deep blue eyes boring into his."
Two can play the eye game :)

(portrait by Holman Hunt)
It has been commissioned from me by a Lord Jollyrei, as a gift for his wife, Lady Thessela Threepwood.”
"Their pet names are Jolly and Holly."Holly_GaryLouisSmith3.jpg Holly_GaryLouisSmith2.jpg
"Lord Jollyrei was so kind to allow me to compete with this painting for the the London National Portrait Gallery’s BP award."

You enjoyed it!” retorted Eulalia. “I thought my shoulders would dislocate!”
"My arms nearly fell off."Venus-de-Milo.jpg

Tree tried to picture what was under her gown.
“Can I…..can I see it?” he asked, weakly.

“Shhh! Phlebas!” admonished Eulalia! “He asked you not to tell!”

Mr Rattington would be shunned by society were his possession of the painting to become common knowledge

How about a nice picture of me holding a flower?”

Rossetti merely cleared his throat, and picked up a large whip. “Your last word?”
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It was the moment when Tree offered Rossetti his American Express card, and Rossetti had gazed at it with complete non comprehension that Tree had realised that he might have something of a cash flow problem during his stay in the nineteenth century. The ever capable Repertor stepped in to save the day with a cash loan (the ever capable Repertor had long since figured out how to maximise the value of money by shifting it back and forth across the centuries, and if Tree had calculated the interest on a 140-year loan he showed no sign of being concerned by it.)

In fact, the only thing that was concerning Tree at that moment was how to minimise the delay before he could be seeing Eulalia stripped and stretched out on her cross. He’d agreed Rosetti’s asking price of £192/17/6 (a hundred and ninety two pounds, seventeen shillings and sixpence) without blinking, a price that had delighted Rossetti , who’d been beaten down to £110/0/0 by Jollyrei for the chained up Eulalia painting, and the Racing Rodent (Mr Rattington) had carried off Venus Crucifixus est for a mere ninety pounds! Yet Senator Tree had just paid $4,000,000 for his last Rossetti, to get one for less than $300 was little short of miraculous!

Tree’s frustration increased when Rossetti informed him that he had just a few more touches to do on Lord Jollyrei’s painting, and if he would perhaps like to return in three weeks he could view the work in progress. Tree tried everything, including offering to double the fee, in order to observe the execution of the painting, but he was politely assured that Rossetti and Eulalia worked only in private, and that he was an artist, not some sleazy peep show proprietor!

Gloomily, Tree trailed back down the steps and across the yard to the carriage, with Repertor in attendance.

As soon as he was out of earshot Eulalia squealed with delight and threw herself into Rossetti’s arms. “Oh Phlebas, you clever boy! Nearly £200! I can’t believe it!”

“Well done yourself! There you were, positively itching to get your kit off and get on your cross! ‘Read my lips! N.O.’” he mimicked. “That little piece of theatre was well worth £50!”

She giggled with delight. “He really, really, wanted to see my tits!”

Phlebas slid his hand under her gown. “These tits? I don’t blame him!” He felt her nipples responding to his fingers……

A frowning Tree, meanwhile sat down with a heavy thump into the leather seats of the carriage. “Bugger!” he said. “I was hoping…..”

“To see more of Miss Wilding?” ventured Repertor, who had a fine understanding of human nature.

“You could say that.”

“Your wish, Senator, is my command.” Repertor reached in front of Tree and opened a panel. On a screen in front of Tree, in glorious colour, Rossetti was just slipping off Eulalia’s gown.

“Well, will you look at that!” smiled Tree, “He’s one lucky bastard, but you, Mr Repertor, are well worth your weight in solid gold!”
Oh Jolly, you're buying me a painting. How lovely!
:rolleyes: As it turns out, yes. Er, surprise! :p:cool:
Will it give you ideas, like the last one did? :rolleyes:
Oh, probably. I'm quite suggestible, after all.
But you know, it's not just having ideas, it's what you do with them. :devil:

... beaten down to £110/0/0 by Jollyrei for the chained up Eulalia painting, and the Racing Rodent (Mr Rattington) had carried off Venus Crucifixus est for a mere ninety pounds!

Well, quite. Nice even numbers you know. Who wants to carry around all that fiddling small change, eh, m'dear Mr. Ratterson? Anyway, it's a present for a lady. Mustn't be caught skimping.:cool:

Do you know where I can get a set of chains like the ones in the painting, Rossetti, old boy?:devil:
Tree offered Rossetti his American Express card, and Rossetti had gazed at it with complete non comprehension
American Express.png 11846767-cartoon-illustratie-van-grappige-verwarde-baas.jpg 3059.jpg "What do I need a train ticket for?"Am_Express_train2.jpg

If Tree had calculated the interest on a 140-year loan he showed no sign of being concerned by it.

Tree had just paid $4,000,000 for his last Rossetti, to get one for less than $300 was little short of miraculous!
2016-02-12_110624.jpg 2016-02-12_110215.jpg 2016-02-12_105932.jpg
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He was an artist, not some sleazy peep show proprietor!
kinetophone2.jpg 11356717_982230491810576_1649861763_n.jpg 11230735_1_l.jpg peepshow.jpg

As soon as he was out of earshot Eulalia squealed with delight and threw herself into Rossetti’s arms.

“Well done yourself! There you were, positively itching to get your kit off and get on your cross! ‘Read my lips! N.O.’”

“To see more of Miss Wilding?” ventured Repertor, who had a fine understanding of human nature.


Repertor reached in front of Tree and opened a panel. On a screen in front of Tree, in glorious colour, Rossetti was just slipping off Eulalia’s gown.
Repertor is wonderstruck by his own abilities, until he remembers the meaning of his name.12253446-Inventor.jpg

Rossetti was just slipping off Eulalia’s gown.

Who wants to carry around all that fiddling small change
Small change.jpg
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Repertor dropped Tree off at the Prince of Saxe-Coburg Hotel in Mayfair. In those days, long before the Ritz, the Savoy, or the Dorchester, it was one of the best hotels in London, and Tree had to admit it was OK, once you got used to not having a multi-channel TV, or a wi-fi connection, and once you’d figured out the plumbing, which may have been state-of-the art for the time, but still had a long way to go…. On the way they’d stopped to buy some necessary items, not least of which was a proper 19th century dining suit for Tree, so that he wouldn’t look out of place in the dining room. And a top hat. Tree had always wanted a top hat, every gentleman in London was wearing one, and he was keen to follow fashion.

(Repertor, once he’d dropped Tree off, had a little errand to run. He nipped through to 2086 to get himself a new micro camera to replace the one he’d left in Rossetti’s studio.)

That evening, he was forced to dine alone. He watched the other diners in their pairs, and sighed. Then he saw Rossetti and Eulalia conducted to a candlelit table for two. He wondered about going to join them, but thought better of it. The waiter placed a bowl of steaming hot soup in front of Tree, which was delicious, but he was overcome with the realisation that he was quite alone in London and that his dearest friends would not be born for nearly a century.

He finished the soup and sipped at a most acceptable claret while he waited for the waiter to remove the empty bowl and bring his main course.

He smelt her perfume before he saw her.

“Hi!” A vision of loveliness, slim, long, black satin hair, deep brown eyes, and a figure to die for.

“Good evening, ma’am!” Ever the gentleman, he stood up and bowed slightly. “Theodore H. Tree, at your service!”

“Glad to meet you!” The accent was unmistakeably American. “I’m Barbara. Barbara Moore. May I?”

“Be my guest!” He drew back a chair, and she sat down.

“I couldn’t help hearing your accent at reception when you checked in! I was just so glad to hear another American voice amidst all these awful Brits!”

He laughed. “What brings you to London, Miss Moore?”

“’Barb’, please! You’re as bad as they are! You’ll be calling me ‘dear girl’ next! And, to answer your question, today I may be plain old ‘Miss Moore’, but this time next week I shall be the Countess of Cruxton! I am looking for a wedding present for the Earl, and he’s rather taken with the work of that guy Rossetti, do you know him?”

“I surely do! I was at his studio this afternoon! I’ve just commissioned a painting from him! Don't look now, but he's over there in the corner, having dinner with his model. ”

“Really?" Of course she did look. "God! She's a beauty! I hope he gives her a good cut of the profit from his paintings! So, when you say you commissioned a painting, do you mean….he doesn’t just have paintings there, so you can choose one you like, and buy it?”

Tree pondered. “Well, there were a few about, but the one I liked best was destined for a guy called Jollyrei, so Rossetti agreed to paint one for me. For a price.”

“Mind if I ask how much?”


“Good God!” she looked visibly shocked. She looked at Tree with renewed interest. “You could buy a village for that price! You must be a very wealthy man, Mr Tree!” He felt her foot rubbing his leg beneath the table.

“You’d better stop that, Miss M…I mean Barb. I wouldn’t want the Earl of Cruxton to cut my head off.”

“Wraggie? No, he’d never do that. Don’t worry about him. All he wants me for is an heir and a spare. Ideally his, but if he doesn’t ask, he won’t be told lies. You seem a lot more……interesting than him.”

Tree wondered if she’d still think him ‘interesting’ if he told her he’d travelled here this afternoon from 2016. And that all his considerable money was accessible only in 2016, and right now he was existing on a loan from his chauffeur?

He decided against it. He leaned across the table and gently drew a finger down her cheek. “I’d say you were the interesting one, Barb!”
It was the moment when Tree offered Rossetti his American Express card, and Rossetti had gazed at it with complete non comprehension that Tree had realised that he might have something of a cash flow problem during his stay in the nineteenth century. The ever capable Repertor stepped in to save the day with a cash loan (the ever capable Repertor had long since figured out how to maximise the value of money by shifting it back and forth across the centuries, and if Tree had calculated the interest on a 140-year loan he showed no sign of being concerned by it.)

In fact, the only thing that was concerning Tree at that moment was how to minimise the delay before he could be seeing Eulalia stripped and stretched out on her cross. He’d agreed Rosetti’s asking price of £192/17/6 (a hundred and ninety two pounds, seventeen shillings and sixpence) without blinking, a price that had delighted Rossetti , who’d been beaten down to £110/0/0 by Jollyrei for the chained up Eulalia painting, and the Racing Rodent (Mr Rattington) had carried off Venus Crucifixus est for a mere ninety pounds! Yet Senator Tree had just paid $4,000,000 for his last Rossetti, to get one for less than $300 was little short of miraculous!

Tree’s frustration increased when Rossetti informed him that he had just a few more touches to do on Lord Jollyrei’s painting, and if he would perhaps like to return in three weeks he could view the work in progress. Tree tried everything, including offering to double the fee, in order to observe the execution of the painting, but he was politely assured that Rossetti and Eulalia worked only in private, and that he was an artist, not some sleazy peep show proprietor!

Gloomily, Tree trailed back down the steps and across the yard to the carriage, with Repertor in attendance.

As soon as he was out of earshot Eulalia squealed with delight and threw herself into Rossetti’s arms. “Oh Phlebas, you clever boy! Nearly £200! I can’t believe it!”

“Well done yourself! There you were, positively itching to get your kit off and get on your cross! ‘Read my lips! N.O.’” he mimicked. “That little piece of theatre was well worth £50!”

She giggled with delight. “He really, really, wanted to see my tits!”

Phlebas slid his hand under her gown. “These tits? I don’t blame him!” He felt her nipples responding to his fingers……

A frowning Tree, meanwhile sat down with a heavy thump into the leather seats of the carriage. “Bugger!” he said. “I was hoping…..”

“To see more of Miss Wilding?” ventured Repertor, who had a fine understanding of human nature.

“You could say that.”

“Your wish, Senator, is my command.” Repertor reached in front of Tree and opened a panel. On a screen in front of Tree, in glorious colour, Rossetti was just slipping off Eulalia’s gown.

“Well, will you look at that!” smiled Tree, “He’s one lucky bastard, but you, Mr Repertor, are well worth your weight in solid gold!”

Hey, I caught a mistake here ... Tree would never have said "Bugger" ... the closest they have to that term in Missouri is "bug her", which means to pester some poor girl. His Arkansas relatives are famous for doing that. ;)
"Wraggie? No, he’d never do that. Don’t worry about him. All he wants me for is an heir and a spare"

What??? I thought he wanted me for my mind. If good old Wraggie thinks all I am good for is breeding, he has another think coming tonight when he finds a very frigid wind in the old four poster. Did he really say that about me???? Geeze! :spank:

Now, Tree darling, tell me what you mean when you say I am "the interesting one" ... and while you are at it, order me a drink will you sweetie .
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