General John T Thompson began developing the gun prior to the US entry into WWI as a solution to the stalemate on the Western Front. The problem was that advancing troops couldn't carry machines with them to counter enemy firepower. Thompson intended the gun to be used as a "trench broom". Other countries had the same idea with varying degrees of success. However, the Armistice went into effect two days before the prototypes reached the front for field testing.Thought I’d move on from sexism to gun nuttery.
Just wondering how many cowboys needed Thompson Submachine Guns.
After the War, the Army mostly lost interest so the manufacturer, Auto-Ordinance Co., marketed it elsewhere. There were sales to the US Postal Service, the Marines, numerous police departments, foreign armies and - clandestinely - the IRA. It was also marketed to civilians. Because it was neither a pistol or a rifle, it wasn't covered by most gun regulations. Until 1934, anyone in America could buy, own or sell a Thompson.