This clip is of Ethel Klump of Johnson City, TN receiving the 20th anniversary gift from her husband Fred. It is also the last footage shot by Fred Klump.there are a few interpretations possible
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1. Not someone who is always griping and bitching - hear that a certain local sexpot!
What made you think I was referring to you?Griping, bitching and sexpot?
That’s three strikes and you’re out!
Reminds me of a performance evaluation I once received.Barb is on the warpath? Again?
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Just noticed. Did anyone give a definitive answer. I need to know, like now!!!
First Zippo Ad
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When you invite your date back to your place to see your etchings and the lights just happen to go out. (before you bring out the ropes)"The man sized flame is better than a flash light to locate keyholes (and etchings) in the dark."
Etchings? What kind of etchings?
Incredible how one's brain can be cheated by the context?As a male(?) with a higher register voice,
$2,39- for three books and the assurance of a safer future - thats a steal!
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