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Visiting The Jackson Plantation

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a torrent of curses and oaths such as would have done the roughest sailor on the docks of New York proud.

Gosh, she does seem to be a bit miffed! :eek:

“Orders? I take orders from no-one,” she spat.

“That is about to change, my dear.

Uh oh...

both of them managing to get a good handful of breast in the process.
Job's got to have some perks! :)

“Enjoy,” I told her, then walked out of the shed, followed by the other three men.
Chapter 8 Breaking Alicia Part I

The next morning, over breakfast, Bill and I plotted strategy. “She’s yours, Bobby, you won her fair and square,” he told me, “So the final call is yours, but I think you’re going to need some help. I know her and she’s a wild one, not broken and compliant like Lizbeth and Patsy. That’s why I’d like to suggest that George and Philip be there.”

“George is the one who met me in Charleston, right?” I asked.

“Yessir, and Philip is of a similar size and strength. She will be intimidated by their size and by their being Negroes. White Southern girls are raised to be afraid of black men.”

“Can we trust them not to talk?”

“Yes, they’re slaves and if it ever got out that they messed with a white girl, they would be in for some serious unpleasantness. They will have every reason to keep quiet.”

That all sounded reasonable to me, especially since Bill knew the landscape down here better than I did. I finished the last of my ham and biscuits and considered whether I was ready to take on this task. There was no question Alicia was beautiful and my cock was already stiffening just thinking about how she would look naked and how exciting it would be to break her will until she begged me to fuck her. I also knew she was a bitch, ready to have a slave whipped over some trifle, so I could honestly say she deserved a taste of her own medicine. So why should I feel squeamish about causing her pain when I had hurt Lizbeth and Patsy, who were quite undeserving?

But most of all, I kept coming back to the ache in my loins. I wanted her and I was going to have her and she was going to beg me to have her before I was done. I stood up and wiped my mouth on a napkin, then wrapped a couple of biscuits in the napkin. “Alright, let’s go,” I said. I led the way this time, with Bill following behind me.

As I opened the door of the shack, I saw her sitting on the floor in her nightgown, her back against the beam that her ankles were chained to. As I approached her, I could see that her eyes showed a mixture of fear, anger and puzzlement as she looked alternately at me and at Bill. A low muffled sound came from her mouth as she tried to talk through the gag.

I decided that the first thing I should do would be to remove the gag and see if we could have some kind of conversation. As soon as I did, I was met with a torrent of curses and oaths such as would have done the roughest sailor on the docks of New York proud. I let her go on until she exhausted herself. “That’s quite a way for a Southern young lady to talk,” I said when she had finished her tirade.

She glared at me. “You’re that goddamned Yankee bastard that was playing poker with my step-father last night, aren’t you?”

“I was playing poker at your step-dad’s place and I am from New York, but I am no bastard. I know my parents very well,” I replied.

Ignoring me, she continued, “And that other bastard is Bill Jackson, biggest horse’s ass in this county. Now what the hell is going on here? Where am I and why am I chained like this? I demand you release me this instant!”

“You are chained because you are a slave,” I told her. “And as such, I suggest you mind your mouth.”

“A slave?” she yelled. “What are you talking about? I’m no Nigger. Look at this skin,” she said pointing at her pale freckled arm, “I’m whiter than you, I should say.”

“Be that as it may, you are my slave now. This contract says so.” I brought the contract between her step-father and myself over and held it front of her face so she could read it. “I am Robert Owens and that is the signature of your step-father, Paul Robertson. He was your guardian and he has signed you over to me now as payment of the debt he owed me. So, white or not, you are my property now to dispose of as I see fit.” I couldn’t swear that my interpretation of South Carolina law was strictly accurate, but I stated my case with firm conviction and I doubted the girl was versed enough in the law to dispute me.

Nevertheless she made a valiant attempt to argue her case. “I don’t give a damn what that horse shit piece of paper says. I am a free white woman and no one owns me. Now I demand you unshackle me and let me go.”

“My dear Alicia, there are four of us and one of you,” I said, sweetly indicating Bill and the two Negroes. “I suggest you stop making demands and start obeying orders or things may not go well for you, I fear.”

“Orders? I take orders from no-one,” she spat.

“That is about to change, my dear. Now stand up,” I told her in my firmest voice. She sat there unmoving. I reached down and grabbed hold of her left arm and, none too gently, yanked her to her feet. She was a vision of loveliness, her nightgown riding low enough on her chest to hint at the delights beneath, her legs bare below the knees, her arms shackled behind her, her ankles chained to the post.

“Bill, would you undo the young lady’s arms, please?” I asked. Bill extracted a key from his trouser pocket and approached behind Alicia and undid the wrist shackles. No sooner were her hands free, then she turned and reached to try and grab Bill’s hair. However, he was too quick for her and slapped her hand away with his left hand, then, with his right hand, he administered a sharp backhanded slap to her right cheek.

“Bastard!” she yelled shocked and enraged. She lunged forward, arms extended. Bill jumped back nimbly as she reached the limits of her ankle chain, the metal clanging as it went taut. The sudden pull on her ankles caused her to almost lose her balance. “How dare you slap, me you dirty son of a whore!” she screamed.

“Slapping is the least of what we do with disobedient slaves on my plantation,” Bill said, sneering at her. “You will find that out soon enough,” he told her.

“Yes,” I said, joining in to assert my authority, “Slaves on the plantations around here are whipped for any transgressions, as you well know, since I heard you with my own ears demanding such a punishment for one of the young female slaves on your own plantation and I think it’s time you got a taste of your own medicine.”

I strolled over to the cabinet where Bill kept his instruments of chastisement and examined my choices. There were long bullwhips, a bit tricky for a novice such as myself to manage, especially indoors. There were riding whips such as I had used quite effectively on Lizbeth and Patsy, but I wanted to try something different. Then, my eyes lit on a whip with a wooden handle and a number of attached cords. I believed this was what they called in the British Navy a cat o’ nine tails. If such a device could manage hardened sailors, surely it would be effective against this mere girl.

I picked it up and swung it against the door of the cabinet. It made a satisfying smack. Alicia turned to see what had made the noise. I strolled back over to her, showing her the fearsome instrument. I saw a flash of fear pass over her face, before she resumed her normal expression of defiance. “Yes, I think a good half dozen with this should make a small start towards altering your ill temper and showing you your place. Now take that nightgown off,” I ordered sternly.

“What?” she asked, incredulously. “I certainly shall not. I am not in the habit of stripping in front of men and most assuredly not in front of black men,” she spat bravely, if foolishly, looking over at George and Philip.

‘Very well,” I replied. “George, Philip, would you please help the young lady out of her nightgown?” They looked over at Bill, not sure whether they should comply with this order. He nodded his approval, and they advanced on the stunned girl.

Alicia raised her arms, ready to defend herself. However, the two Negroes were too strong for her, especially since her ankles were still shackled and she was unable to use her feet to aid her struggle. She screamed loudly, “You niggers better not touch a white woman,” she warned angrily. The two slaves stopped in their tracks.

“You had best not call them that, my dear. They are slaves and so are you, no better and no worse. You would be better advised to call them by their names, George and Philip,” I told her. Bill signaled them to proceed and it took only a few seconds for them to wrestle her night gown over her head, both of them managing to get a good handful of breast in the process.

And there stood Alicia, totally naked, her pale breasts looking utterly adorable, as they heaved up and down as she panted from the struggle. The rest of her pale freckled skin was lovely as well, as was the tuft of red hair above the delectable slit between her legs. After a moment, the girl recovered from the shock of being so unceremoniously stripped and draped her left arm across her bosom and her right hand over her crotch.

“Hands, by your side,” I ordered. “I paid a pretty penny for you and I have a right to inspect my purchase.” She didn’t move her hands. I shook the cat o’ nine tails. “Very well, your disobedience has earned you a full dozen.”

“Tie her hands over her head,” Bill interjected. He went to the cabinet and brought a rope, tossing it to Philip, who tied one end securely around Alicia’s wrists and then yanked hard on the other end until she was pulled up on her toes. Then he tied the other end around a ring attached to the beam.

Alicia looked back at me with a mixture of fear and defiance. I swished the whip through the air, the cords making a satisfying hiss. “You wouldn’t dare,” she said.

“Just watch me,” I replied. “You may learn something.” I gripped the handle of the cat hard, pulled my arm back and threw the tails forward, snapping my wrists as they approached Alicia’s shoulder blades. They hit home with a satisfying crack and an impact that sent a good feeling radiating through my arm. Alicia yelped several times and twisted her body delightfully as much as her stretched position permitted. Several bright red lines sprang up on her back. I felt a good feeling somewhere lower down as well.

I struck again, a bit lower. She turned around. “You Yankee pig!” she spat. “I will see that you rot in hell.”

“Good luck with that,” I replied and struck again. She howled in pain, and shook her upper body. Even from behind, I could see her breasts swaying back and forth. I suspected Bill and the two slaves were enjoying the front view. The fourth lash landed on top of one of the earlier ones. Falling on already abraded skin, it started a small upwelling of blood. The fifth and sixth elicited further agonized shouts and gyrations, as well as a few small trickles of blood that ran down her back and onto her lovely ass.

Now halfway through, I had a decision to make. Should I administer the remaining lashes to the girl’s back or to her ass? The first would doubtless cause her severe discomfort and exacerbate the bleeding. That might help to break her strong will, which, as yet, showed few signs of diminishing. On the other hand, we had plenty of time and it might be more entertaining to break her more slowly. And besides, her ass was most attractive and the thought of watching those globes jiggling under the lash was quite enticing.

Thus, I chose the second course of action, cracking the tails across those two pale, freckled cheeks. My decision was greeted by a loud wail from the shocked girl who cast further aspersions on my ancestry, which caused me to strike extra hard on the next lash, and follow that up with another vicious blow across her charming buttocks.

She was sobbing now and I thought this would be a good opportunity to test how much progress we were making against her will. I walked over to her and said in a low voice. “Beg me to stop now and I may. Say ‘Master Robert, I am truly sorry and will obey you as a good slave should.’ Go on, say it.”

She turned her head. I could see the tears rolling down her cheeks. The cheeks of her face that is. She shook her head. Her will was obviously still strong. “Very well, my dear,” I told her and struck her buttocks once more. She shook it madly, trying to manage the agony. That erotic spectacle now had me at full erection. I delivered the final two lashes in quick order. There were now some spots of blood on her ass to go with the ones on her back.

I was tempted to take her right then and there, but I knew if I waited, it would be all the more delicious when I did. Also, it was lunch time and my exertions had given me a powerful appetite. “Take her down,” I ordered. Philip and George rushed to comply, getting a few good feels of her breasts and thighs in the process. This time she didn’t complain about being manhandled by slaves.

“It’s lunchtime and you haven’t even had breakfast. You must be hungry,” I said. She looked away, but I could tell she was. I extracted the biscuits I had brought with me from my pocket and waved them in front of her nose, then carefully placed them on the floor just beyond where she could reach by stretching her ankle chains to the maximum. “Enjoy,” I told her, then walked out of the shed, followed by the other three men.
This must be a most humiliating event for the pampered Alicia to be stripped against her will but to presented before slaves that she holds as inferior to her!
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Chapter 9 Breaking Alicia Part II

After lunch, I had George bring a large jug of water, a metal bowl and some rags with us as we returned to visit our captive. We found her lying on her stomach on the floor, presumably because the wheals and cuts on her ass made sitting too painful to bear. I was pleased by that.

Nevertheless, I thought the time had come to mix firmness with a bit of tenderness. The carrot and the stick, as it were. “Alicia, stand up when your master and his friends enter.” I ordered, wondering whether she would resist or comply. Moving gingerly, clearly in pain, she started to get up. “That’s some progress,” I thought.

“Are you hungry?” I asked. She nodded. “You address your master as ‘Yes, Master’ or ‘No, master’. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Master,” she said meekly. I reached out my boot and kicked the biscuits that lay on the floor just out of her reach towards her. She bent down, picked one up and devoured it, then did the same with the second.

“Would you like some water?” I asked her.

“Yes, Master, please,” she replied. I handed her the jug of water and she took a long drink.

“What does a slave say when her Master gives her food and drink?” I asked

“Thank you, Master,” she said. Despite the meek act, there was still some defiance in her eyes. I decided to test her a bit.

“I have paid good money for you, forgiving your step-father’s debt and I need to examine you to see what I have purchased. Will you allow me to without resisting or would you rather I gave you another dozen lashes?”

She looked down at her feet, then up at me. “You may examine me.”

I went towards her, still a bit nervous that she might turn on me like a wildcat, but I got right next to her without her putting her hands up. She was really quite lovely. I reached out and stroked her hair, letting my hands stray down to her cheeks. “You see how it works, my dear? I don’t want to hurt you.” That wasn’t strictly true, but at that moment, I really didn’t. “If you are a good slave and obey, then things can go rather pleasantly. If you disobey, it can go otherwise.”

I let my hand trail down her neck, enjoying the soft skin against my fingertips, until they reached her breasts. Touching those lovely round orbs was absolutely delightful. I reached up with my other hand to hold them up and bent my head down so I could inspect them properly. They felt perfect, firm, but soft, capped with delightful buds.

I reached out my tongue and licked the left one around the tip. It tasted salty; the room was warm and she had been sweating. I sucked the nipple into my mouth. Alicia moaned. “You see, I can give you pleasure as well as pain,” I told her. Then I took the other nipple in my mouth.

As I nuzzled Alicia’s tits, I felt a surge of desire at the idea of being able to assert my will over this divine creature. I lowered my hand to her groin, feeling the soft downy hair, probing below that into the sweet slit, inserting one finger inside, then a second. As I gently moved my fingers inside her, I felt them becoming wet. I brought my hand to my nose, inhaling her sweet odor, then I licked them, adding her salty taste to the remains of lunch. Alicia moaned. My cock was now at full attention.

Had I continued, I could have brought her to the peak of pleasure, but that was a reward she would have to earn and she still had some way to go. Her job as a slave was to satisfy my pleasure and hers was secondary at best. “Alicia,” I said, “I am very excited and I need you to provide me some oral relief. In the future, I will expect you to anticipate this and provide the service without my asking, but since you are new, I will excuse this.”

I saw a look pass over her face as she considered what to do. “You are free to say no, of course, but such disobedience will earn you another dozen.” That seemed to help her make her decision. She knelt and began unbuttoning my trousers, then lowered them to the ground. A mere few hours ago, I would have been afraid that she would bite my cock off, but now I was confident that the whipping had impressed upon her the awful consequences of such an action.

She reached her hand up to grasp my flesh. It felt soft and looked very delicate against the monstrous erection. She guided the tip between her adorable lips; her tongue felt wet and a bit rough, but in a most stimulating way, as she licked around the head. I pushed my hips forward, sliding into her mouth, filling the space with my bulk. As I did so, I felt the delicious pressure of her tongue against the ridge on the underside of my penis.

I slid in and out, enjoying the delicious sensations, made all the more delightful by the knowledge that Alicia’s submissiveness had been won with my own whip hand. Soon I felt the swelling that was a precursor to my climax. “Take it out and rub it on your face,” I ordered. She complied, holding the organ in her hand and rubbing the underside against her pursed lips.

The sensation was too much and I felt the contractions beginning. The first massive spurt shot all over her face and into her hair. The shocked girl screamed in horror and let go of my cock, raising her hands to wipe the sticky substance off her face. Meanwhile, my penis continued spurting, some falling on her breasts and some onto the floor. But the sensation, with the physical contact with Alicia missing, was not nearly as pleasurable, even when I reached my hand down and stroked myself.

When I was spent, I looked down at her, still trying to wipe the secretions off her face. I slapped her hand away. “Don’t you ever do that again, you worthless bitch. George, Philip, seize her up again. She needs to learn another lesson.”

As the two slaves stepped forward, Bill interrupted. “Bobby, may I make a suggestion? You can certainly whip her some more if you choose, but would you be willing to try something else?”

I decided it would be worth listening to the counsel of someone with considerable experience dealing with female slaves. “Sure, Bill, what did you have in mind?”

“Have them shackle her hands behind her and I’ll be right there.” I indicated to George and Philip that they should do as Bill suggested. As they were doing so, I pulled my pants up and buttoned them.

Bill went to the cabinet and returned with three small metal objects, which he showed first to me and then to Alicia. “These are thumbscrews, tiny, but very effective. Two go here,” he said touching each of her nipples, “And one goes here,” he continued feeling inside her slit.

“Now you boys keep a good grip on her,” Bill instructed George and Philip, “She may try to move just a bit.” He grinned, as George put her in a bear hug from behind, while Philip knelt and grasped her thighs. Bill took one of the thumbscrews in one hand and with the other gently stroked the nipple of Alicia’s left breast until it stood out prominently. Then, carefully, he positioned the nipple between the serrated edges of the metal.

Holding the device in his left hand, he began tightening the screw, pinioning the nipple in between the metal teeth. As he tightened more, Alicia began hissing and bucking, trying to escape, but the two Negroes held her almost immobile. Bill continued tightening. Alicia now was beside herself, begging him to stop, promising to be good the next time. Bill ignored her and continued tightening until a bead of blood welled up on the nipple.

He held up the second thumbscrew. “Please, don’t,” Alicia implored, looking desperately back and forth between Bill and me.

“Sorry sweetie, you need to learn a lesson,” he said and repeated the procedure on the other breast, drawing more shrieks of pain from the girl. “Now the last one,” he told her, kneeling in front of her and spreading her lower lips and pushing her thighs a bit further apart to give him access to the nub that lay in between the folds.

If I had thought her screams when the screws were applied to her nipples were loud, they were as naught compared to those that came from her mouth when Bill tightened the teeth on her clitoris. Philip and George had to strain to keep her from moving. Finally, the task was completed and Alicia’s screams died down to a low wail.

“Now we have other business to attend to.” Bill said. “You think about what proper behavior for a slave is and we’ll be back later and see how you’re doing.”

And what with one thing and another that came up, it was the cocktail hour and then it was dinner time and by the time we returned to check on Alicia, it had been several hours. The poor girl was lying on her left side, one of the few positions that didn’t cause her distress, because to sit or lie on her back would irritate the whip wounds, while to lie on her front would push the thumbscrews deeper into her nipples and clitoris.

As we approached, she picked her head up, looking almost pleased to see us. “Please,” she whined piteously, “Please take them off. They hurt so much. I’ll be good, I promise, you’ll see. You can shoot all over my face, but please take them off.’

“How does a slave address her master?” I asked.

“Please, Master Robert, please.” When I didn’t respond immediately, she turned towards Bill. “Please, Master William,” she begged .

I looked at her. “If you repeat your performance from earlier, they will go back on and I will make sure they are even tighter. Is that clear?”

“Oh yes, sir, Master Robert, very clear.” Satisfied, I walked over to her and began loosening the thumbscrew on her left breast. She winced and yelped, as any motion of the inflamed tissue was distressing, but soon the screw was off. I imagine the nipple throbbed as the blood returned, but she kept quiet. Soon, I had the other two off as well.

“Gentlemen, I think we will have a much more obedient slave girl now, but I think we need to test her out. Let’s see if she can control herself this time.” Bill approached Alicia and unshackled her hands from behind her back. The girl began rubbing her tits with one hand and her pussy with the other to relieve that throbbing caused by the returning blood circulation. “I have wanted you for years, Alicia and never dreamed that I would have you as a slave. But here we are,” Bill told her.

“It is a pleasure to serve you Master William,” she said, ceasing her self-comforting and reaching up to unbutton his trousers and free his semi-erect penis. She quickly had it in her mouth and once there it firmed up quickly. She continued working on it until Bill began groaning,” I’m close now.” Hearing that signal, Alicia took his cock out of her mouth and rubbed the glans on her lips as Bill came in several large spurts all over her face and hair. She continued licking the underside until he was fully spent, finally letting the softening organ fall away from her face. Bill smiled broadly at me.

I noticed that Alicia made no effort to wipe Bill’s secretions off her, letting the sticky liquid congeal in place. It seemed that this part of her training had been successful. But, now would be the true test. It was one thing to provide pleasure to a white slave owner, but generations of Southern culture had made a white woman pleasuring a Negro slave taboo. Would the training she had endured so far overcome that? Would she pleasure George and Philip if I ordered her to do so?

There was only one way to find out. “Philip and George,” I said. “You have both done good work here and deserve a reward. Which one of you wants to go first?” George stepped forward and approached the kneeling Alicia. Would she refuse to service him? I resolved if she did to flog her with another dozen lashes and put the thumbscrews back on and leave them on overnight.

However, my worries were unnecessary. Alicia played her part as a well-trained slave. Her Master had ordered her to satisfy a black slave and that was what she would do. She lowered George’s trousers. He was already hard at the prospect of being sexually pleased by a white woman, something he likely never imagined would happen to him. It is said, even up North, that black men are all well-endowed, but George didn’t seem any larger than Bill or me.

Nevertheless, he appeared to enjoy himself greatly, choosing to spend inside Alicia’s mouth. Seeing that, I ordered her to swallow his male secretions and she did so gallantly. Philip took his turn, electing to shoot on Alicia’s face, adding his juices to those of his Master. I debated having a second turn, but elected to save my strength for what would undoubtedly be a busy day tomorrow. I warned her not to try to wipe any of the secretions off and returned to the main house and to bed.
George seems to be a disaster , go collect one from Detroit
he will make her eyes water, she will actually scream in
terror when she see`s the size of him ,but she will squeal
with pleasure once he is inside her
Sorry to disappoint you Dorothy. Statistics say that black men aren't any bigger than white men, even if the porn industry manages to find some very large ones. But then they find some white guys who are well above average also. I had to cut my career in the movies short due to an unfortunate injury to a partner which I won't get into here.:devil:

Detroit was an important stop on the Underground Railroad, being right across the river from Canada so you could have visited there even back then.
I Got Into The Detroit Fantasy looking at pictures of a very run down city
especially Mack Avenue. Streets running off from there are run down and
derelict. So my mind get`s going and has me walking down one of those
streets predominantly black. short tight skirt, close fitting top making my
boobs stand out, black holdup stockings and heels i could walk on. That
has to lead to forced sex , bundled into one of the derelict buildings, thrown
onto a filthy mattress ,stripped naked and used . normal sex, bum invasion
and a sex sandwich one in each hole,one in my mouth and one in each hand
in a filthy stinking building . Used for hours once the word got round there
was a white,willing chick in town. when they finally let me go i can hardly
walk . It has to be grotty surroundings for that kind of sex ,partly forced
and partly loving it ,and of course those guys had to have cocks that make
a girl scream with joy. real life black cock is no bigger that white cock and
i could get a terrible disease , but this is fantasy boys so here i go again
Mack Avenue here i come.
Last edited:
I Got Into The Detroit Fantasy looking at pictures of a very run down city
especially Mack Avenue. Streets running off from there are run down and
derelict. So my mind get`s going and has me walking down one of those
streets predominantly black. short tight skirt, close fitting top making my
boobs stand out, black holdup stockings and heels i could walk on. That
has to lead to forced sex , bundled into one of the derelict buildings, thrown
onto a filthy mattress ,stripped naked and used . normal sex, bum invasion
and a sex sandwich one in each hole,one in my mouth and one in each hand
in a filthy stinking building . Used for hours once the word got round there
was a white,willing chick in town. when they finally let me go i can hardly
walk . It has to be grotty surroundings for that kind of sex ,partly forced
and partly loving it ,and of course those guys had to have cocks that make
a girl scream with joy. real life black cock is no bigger that white cock and
i could get a terrible disease , but this is fantasy boys so here i go again
Mack Avenue here i come.

If you can just hold on for a short while Dorothy ..... RR has got a new video camera on order ..... Ultra Slow Motion with High Definition recording .... we already have advance orders sufficient to cover the cost of the new equipment ......
Chapter 10 Alicia Plays Some Games

“I would like to see how she does at the games we played with Patsy and Lizbeth,” I told Bill over breakfast the next day.

“I think that would be an excellent test of how far along we are. They have been slaves all their lives and if she can play like them, then you’ve done well, Bobby boy,” he replied. “It’s time we took the shackles off her ankles anyway. We can’t keep them on forever, so we might as well see sooner rather than later how things go without them. We best keep George and Philip with us, just in case.”

“I intended to have them there anyway,” I replied. “I think that making her fuck them will be useful to impress upon her what her new status is.”

Bill poked me in the arm, as he liked to do to show approval. “I like the way you think, Bobby. You may be a Yankee, but I think you’d do great as a Southern slave owner. Have you given more thought to the Marston plantation?”

“To tell you the truth, Bill, I’ve been preoccupied with Alicia. I probably want to get back to New York before deciding. I hope that’s alright with you.”

“Don’t worry, Bobby. I don’t think anyone around here can raise the cash they’d need until harvest, so the ball is in your court.” That matter taken care of, we got up and made our way to the outbuilding, bringing a plate of biscuits, ham and gravy for Alicia. She was obviously starving, as she devoured everything on it in about 30 seconds. It was hard to tell whether she had wiped her face against our orders or if the semen had simply been absorbed. There were a few traces left in her hair.

“Thank you, Master Robert,” she said when she was finished. “Would you like me to suck your cock?” she asked. The fact that was offering sexual service without being asked was an excellent sign of progress in her slave training.

“No, Alicia, not at the moment. I had something else in mind. But asking was the right thing to do. As a reward, we are going to unshackle your feet. Any trouble though, will be severely punished.”

“Thank you, Master Robert,” she replied. “I am not looking to cause any trouble, only to serve you.” She smiled sweetly at me. I removed the shackles from around her ankles, leaving her completely free for the first time since her she had arrived here. She rubbed her ankles, soothing where the metal had chafed.

“Now, Alicia, Bill and I have played some fun games with a couple of the slaves here. We were wondering if you would like to try them.”

“I don’t know, I guess so.”

“Come on girl,” Bill interjected. “Your Master wants to play. That means you show enthusiasm or risk punishment.”

A look of fear passed over Alicia’s face. “Oh, Master, I would be honored to play a game with you,” she chirped. I didn’t quite believe she meant it, but I was pleased she made the effort.

“Very well,” I told her. “Wait here a moment.” I went to the cabinet and retrieved the jockey whip that I had had so much fun tormenting Lizbeth and Patsy with. When Alicia saw what I held in my hand, her eyes momentarily flashed fear and defiance before she resumed her submissive demeanor. “The game is very simple, my dear. You raise your arms above your head and I whip your tits with this. You will take six lashes. If you lower your arms or fall over, the lash will be repeated. Do you understand the rules?”

“Yes, Master.”

“What do you think of this game?” I asked her.

She had to think carefully before answering. If she indicated displeasure, I could add extra strokes to punish her for her resistance. If she was too eager, I could punish her for trying to deceive me. But Alicia was a smart girl and came up with the right answer. “I want to please my master by doing as he wishes.”

“Good answer,” I replied. “Now hands over your head.” She raised her arms. I raised the whip over my head. “Stick your tits out a bit more.” I waited until she complied, then slashed a vicious downward stoke on the top side of her beautiful orbs. Immediately she scrunched up her face in pain, then took a deep breath and moaned “Ohhhh! Oh my God!” I could see that she desperately wanted to lower her hands and rub the bright red stripe across her tits, a line that looked even more fiery against her pale skin than the ones that the whip had produced on Lizbeth and Patsy’s darker skin.

Alicia continued squirming madly for quite a while, but managed to maintain her balance. Finally, when her delightful gyrations diminished, I struck again, another slashing blow that set the fatty udders to bouncing madly. Alicia screamed in agony and her entire body shook wildly, leaving her barely able to stay on her feet. My cock was rapidly hardening at the sight of her anguish and the sensuous movements it provoked.

I backed up slightly and aimed the next blow at her areolae. I wasn’t sure I connected fully, but the howls that came from her mouth suggested I had come close. As the burning agony mounted to its crescendo, the girl’s will broke and she lowered her right hand to caress the poor throbbing buds in a vain attempt to relieve the terrible pain. “You lowered your hand, so that one doesn’t count,” I informed her. She looked at me like she was going to attack me, then thought better of it. She continued hopping from foot to foot several more times until she finally ceased her motions. I felt my cock throbbing in my pants with the excitement of this battle between her will and her body’s powerful reaction to the pain.

I struck again, the fourth lash, though because of the girl’s inability to control herself, it only counted as three. She screamed like a banshee and gyrated her entire body wildly, but managed both to keep her footing and keep her hands in the air. “You’re halfway, my dear,” I told her. She glared at me but, wisely, resisted the temptation to say anything.

She bore the next lash as well as one could hope, but the following one, which should have been the fifth, opened a small cut on the nipple of her right breast and the agony brought her to her knees. “That one doesn’t count,” I told her coldly.

Sobbing, she begged me, “Please, Master, have mercy on a poor girl. Let me please you again, but please don’t whip me anymore.”

I was so aroused that I considered taking her up on her offer, but I knew it was a good idea to finish what I had started. I knew she would agree to please me anyway, and if she was reluctant, a threat to give her another half dozen lashes would likely overcome her resistance.

Nevertheless, my excitement was such that I decided it would be best to finish up quickly, so I struck the two she had remaining one after the other, giving her little time to do more than scream and twist madly, while willing herself to keep her arms in the air. “I am finished,” I informed her. “You may relieve yourself if you wish.” She lowered both hands to soother her burning tits, tears running down her face from the pain and perhaps also in relief that the ordeal was over.

Feeling the urgency of my desire, I began undressing, removing my shirt, then opening my trousers. Alicia stared attentively at my raging erection. I wondered if she would remember her new role as one whose task was to anticipate her master’s needs. If not, I might have to punish her after I fucked her. But the training had had some impact. She knelt and took my cock in her hand.

“Good girl,” I said, patting her on the head. “But I want to fuck you. I lay down on the floor, my cock pointing straight up. Needing no further hint, Alicia lowered herself onto me, guiding my cock inside her. Like a good slave girl, she moved up and down, the walls of her cunt gripping my penis and sending the most delicious sensations up and down my spine.

I grasped her tits, the contact with the recently whipped flesh causing her to wince in distress and wriggle her torso in pain, which only added to my excitement. Despite her distress, Alicia bravely kept going, riding me until I felt the surge of pleasure and shot deep inside her, heedless of everything except the delirious feeling. As I came down, I pulled her face towards mine and kissed her hard on the mouth. After all, just because she was my slave and I had whipped her tits, was no reason not to be friendly. All in all, she had done rather well at the game for a beginner.

Despite that success, I thought it would be worthwhile to see how far Alicia would go in following my orders. We still hadn’t fully explored the area of the Southern taboo about sex between black men and white women. Alicia had given oral pleasure to Philip and George, but hadn’t yet had sex with them. That, carrying the possibility of her being impregnated by a Negro, would be a real test of how truly she saw herself as a slave.

“Philip,” I asked loudly, “What do you think of Alicia.”

“She be a very fine woman, Massa Robert,” he replied.

“If I gave you permission to have sex with her, would you do so?”

“Indeed I would, Massa Robert,” Phillip said, a big grin crossing his face.

“What about you George?” I asked.

“Oh, my, that would be something to have a beautiful girl like her.”

I turned to Alicia. “And what about you Alicia? Would you allow these men to have their way with you, if I ordered you to?”

“Are you ordering me to do that, Master?” she asked, looking doubtful.

“Yes, I am, Alicia. Will you obey your Master or must I punish you?”

A look of abject terror passed over her. Clearly she was not up for suffering another whipping or whatever other painful thing I might have in mind. “Master, I am a slave and must obey.”

“Gentlemen,” I told the two slaves, “You heard her. You aren’t going to keep a lady waiting, are you?” That was all they needed to begin stripping off, revealing muscular bodies covered with skin the color of a moonless night. A mere glance was sufficient to show that the prospect of disporting with the forbidden fruit of a white woman and a most beautiful one at that had aroused them to full manhood.

George took the lead in arranging the encounter. “Miss Alicia, please get down on all fours.”

“George,” I interrupted, “There is no need to be so polite. Though white, she is a slave, no better than you. You may treat her as you do any of the slave women on the plantation.”

“Yassuh, Massa Robert” he replied, then turned to Alicia. “Get on all fours like a dog, woman, aforn’ I whups yo’ ass.” The threat was enough to cause Alicia to quickly arrange herself on all fours, her ass up in the air, her well-flogged tits hanging down from her chest. George took his place behind her, rubbing his erection up and down her slit to lubricate it, before positioning it against her vaginal opening and driving his erect penis into her pussy.

Once inside the girl, George began rutting away quite vigorously, causing Alicia’s tits to bounce most alluringly, which seemed to cause the girl some anguish, due to the fresh whip wounds on them. Philip knelt in front of Alicia and pushed his swollen cock into her mouth. Thus, the girl was pinioned between the two slaves, driven alternately forward by George’s thrusts into her vagina and backwards by Philip thrusting into her mouth.

Soon, desirous of variety, the men switched position. They continued to alternate every few minutes until Philip, who was pounding the girl from behind, reached his limit, and, with a loud groan, grasped hold of Alicia’s ass and emptied himself into the girl’s pussy. As soon as he was done, George took his place and reached his climax shortly afterwards.

As the two Negroes were recovering from their exertions and slowly dressing, I asked Bill if he wanted a turn. “That’s OK, Bobby, I have some plans for later and will wait. It’s time for lunch anyway.” Alicia appeared dazed, sitting on the floor not moving.

I asked George to chain her ankle to the beam. “Relax,” I told her, “We’ll be back later.” Then Bill and I left the shed headed for lunch, followed soon after by George and Philip.
Chapter 11- More Fun and Games with Alicia

As the lunch plates were being cleared away, I turned to Bill and asked, “How do you think the slave training is going? I’ve never done this before, of course, so I must defer to your experience.”

“Bobby boy,” he replied, “For a Yankee who’s never owned a slave before, you are doing terrifically. I am pleased as punch by how that girl has submitted to your will. You have it in you to be a great slave master, which is why I think you should give strong consideration to buying the Marston place.”

“It’s tempting, Bill, absolutely,” I replied. “Though for now I’m going to concentrate on Alicia. Is there something missing from her training? What should we do next?”

Bill smiled. “Well, Bobby, there is one thing I can think of that we haven’t covered. A slave girl must be totally submissive, totally open to her master’s desires. And that means every hole that she possesses must be available for her master’s use and that of anyone else he wishes to share her with.”

“I’m not entirely sure what you mean, Bill,” I said, a bit puzzled.

“Pardon me, Bobby,” Bill said, “I forget sometimes that you live in a different place from me and have different experiences. Your organ has tasted of the delights of Alicia’s mouth and cunt, but not of the other place. In fact, I suspect you have never experienced that, since even the loosest barmaids of Princeton or whores of New York may resist offering that. But slave girls don’t get that choice.”

As he spoke, I figured out what he meant-the rear passage. And he was right that I had never inserted my member into that most private of spots on any woman. In fact, I had never even given much thought to doing so. “And you think that we must initiate Alicia in such regard?” I asked.

“I think it an essential part of her training, Bobby,” he replied.

“I must confess to a complete lack of experience in that area,” I said, a bit embarrassed to admit that in front of a man of the world such as Bill.

“Then we must fix that and break the girl in without further delay,” Bill insisted.

“And you,” I asked, “You have taken women in that manner?”

“Yes, often enough,” Bill said. “After all, I have had access to slaves for most of my life, other than my years up North.”

“Have you been with Lizbeth and Patsy in that way?” I asked, trying to imagine myself doing that with those two beauties.

“Yes, certainly among others, Bobby. It’s how things are between masters and slaves on many plantations. Just follow my lead and everything will go smoothly, I promise,” he assured me. That seemed like a good idea, so I followed him back to the shed where Alicia awaited.

The girl looked up as we entered. George and Philip had brought her lunch and were there watching her, though they would not, of course, have touched her without our permission.

“Well, Alicia, did you enjoy lunch? Bill asked her.

“It was wonderful. Thank you for feeding me, Master William. And you too, Master Robert,” she replied, the model of submissiveness.

“Alicia, has any man been inside your rear passage?” Bill asked her, a bit out of the blue.

“I’m sorry,” she said, “I don’t understand.”

“Do you not speak English, girl? Has any man stuck his penis into your asshole?” Bill asked annoyed.

Alicia looked terrified now, though whether at the prospect of being anally penetrated or at the prospect of being punished for appearing reluctant, I couldn’t say. “No, Master William, I have not had any man in there.”

“Well, I think it’s about time we fixed that. Don’t you agree Bobby?” I nodded, leaving things to Bill as we had agreed. “Good.” He walked over and unchained her ankle, then took her and turned her body so that she was facing me. “Spread your legs,” he ordered. She shuffled her feet such that they were some distance apart. “Wider, unless you want that ass whipped,” he said. Alicia shuffled her feet more, until they were well separated.

“Now touch those toes,” Bill ordered. Alicia hurried to comply, as Bill began stripping. I walked around behind the girl. He ass cheeks were spread apart by her unaccustomed posture, exposing the puckered hole between them, which seemed to be winking at me. The sight of the girl spread open and vulnerable before me caused my penis to begin stiffening,

By this point, Bill was naked, standing in front of Alicia, his semi-erect penis pointing at her face. “Go on girl, get me hard with your mouth,” he ordered. The girl began licking the proffered organ, which quickly stiffened. “Bobby, would you mind doing me favor?” he asked.

“What is it, Bill?” I replied.

“Go to the cabinet and get me some cottonseed oil. It’s a small green glass bottle with a cork.” I found it easily and brought it to him. “Thank you, Bobby; it is most gentlemanly of you to help a friend.” He pulled out of Alicia’s mouth, his cock now at full erection and walked behind her. He poured a small amount of the oil onto the index finger of his left hand and guided the lubricated finger between Alicia’s cheeks and onto her rear hole, circling the opening to coat the muscle with the oil.

Then, he slowly began pushing the oiled finger inside. Alicia craned her head to try to see what was going on, looking very displeased. She shuffled her feet as his finger entered. Bill slapped her buttocks, making them jiggle. “Hold still girl, I’m getting you ready. Any more trouble and I’ll take the whip to that ass, you hear?”

“Yes, Master William,” Alicia said meekly. Bill now had the finger inside up to the second knuckle and was moving it slowly in and out. Finally, he withdrew the finger and picked up the bottle of oil and poured a bit of the liquid onto his erect penis, rubbing it a few times for good measure. He grasped his cock with his right hand and maneuvered the tip against the girl’s hole. “Alright, girl, I’m going in,” he announced.

Bill rose up a bit on his toes and leaned his weight forward. I could see the tip of his erection disappear inside Alicia’s anus. The girl began moaning, “Oh, it hurts. Take it out, please.”

“Bobby, would you mind bringing me the jockey whip?” Bill asked. I hurried to the cabinet to retrieve it. “Thank you,” Bill said as he took it from me, raised it and slashed it down on the top of Alicia’s ass.

“Owwww!” the girl howled.

“That’s what you get for complaining, you bitch. You’re a slave and slaves get fucked when and how their masters want. Now shut up.” Bill leaned in even more and I saw the glans of his penis stretching the muscle of Alicia’s anal sphincter. The girl had stopped howling and was just blubbering helplessly now.

Finally, the thickest part of the massive organ slipped past the sphincter. “OK, bitch, that’s the worst part,” Bill announced. He began slowly advancing until most of his penis was inside her. “Bobby, you are in for a treat after I’m done,” he said. “This girl is tight as a glove.”

Now he was moving slowly in and out, a look of bliss on his face. I could only catch a glimpse of Alicia’s face, but it didn’t seem that blissful would have been the right description for the pained look she bore. Soon, Bill was accelerating his motions, grimacing from the effort and from the approach of his climax.

At last, he growled and pushed all the way in, breathing hard, his hands gripping the girl’s butt cheeks, until, finally, he relaxed, a big smile on his face. “Damn, Bobby,” he said, “That was spectacular.” He slowly pulled his softening cock out of her passageway. It was covered with a mix of secretions.

Alicia started to straighten up. Bill raised the whip and slashed it down on her ass, eliciting a loud scream. “Who told you to get up? You’re not done until your master says you’re done and I suspect he’s got some plans for that ass of yours, right, Bobby?”

Having seen the pleasure that Bill had gotten from being inside Alicia’s ass, I was certainly not going to miss out on the experience. My cock was quite hard and yearning for relief. In fact, I found I didn’t need the oral stimulation that Bill had requested. “Hand me the oil, would you please Bill?” I asked. Taking the bottle I poured some on my cock and spread it around.

Well prepared now, I took the matter in hand, and, following Bill’s example, placed the tip of my penis against Alicia’s well-lubricated sphincter. It felt a bit odd, but I leaned my weight forward and felt myself sliding past the muscle. It was tight, much tighter than her vagina, or indeed any vagina of my experience, had been.

Within a short time, my cock was buried deep inside Alicia’s back passage, my groin pushing up against her ass cheeks. “Was I right Bobby boy? Is that not the best feeling in the world?” Bill asked.

“It’s damn good, Bill,” I replied, as I began moving in and out.

“Just for fun, would you like me to give her one with the whip so you can feel her squirm?” Bill asked. I nodded, concentrating too hard on the pleasure to speak. He came over, raised the whip and slashed it down on the top of Alicia’s ass. The poor girl howled and shook, which, I must confess, only added to the pleasurable feeling, as did watching the lines develop on her skin.

The combined stimulation soon overcame my will power and I felt myself losing all control. I slammed into Alicia, gasping for breath, oblivious to her mewls of distress until I felt the delicious contractions as I shot a large load inside her.

My head was still spinning as I withdrew and I had to sit on the floor for a moment to catch my breath. Finally, coming down, I reached up and slapped Alicia’s delightful butt, which had been the source of such pleasure for both Bill and me. “You can get up now,” I told her, as I began dressing.

She slowly raised her torso into a standing position. Her hair was quite disheveled, both from having been in her face and from the movements she had made in her distress. Her eyes were red from having been crying from the pain and the shame of having been treated like a vessel for the male pleasure. But, to be truthful, all that made her more attractive, in my view, than she had been as the mistress of a plantation.

Fully dressed now, I took her chin in my hand and stroked her hair with my other hand. “I know that was a new experience for you, Alicia, but you performed well. You are a good slave. We will be back to check on you in a while.”

On the way back to the plantation house, I asked Bill how he thought it had gone. “Capital, Bobby boy, absolutely splendidly. I could use a bath and I bet you could too. I’ll have Lizbeth draw one for you.”
Chapter 12- A Final Test for Alicia

At dinner that night I raised a topic with Bill that I had been avoiding. “I have been having a wonderful time here, Bill, and it’s been great to renew our old friendship, but I fear that I am imposing on your hospitality.”

“Nonsense, Bobby,” he replied. “You are splendid company. Are you not enjoying the fun and games? Should we whip Alicia more severely? She is your property and if that is what you wish, then it will be done.”

“No, no, Bill, not at all. That is hardly the problem. The thing is that I really need to get back to New York rather soon. Van Vliet was kind enough to allow me to make this journey, but I am his top trader and my absence will at some point soon be detrimental to the business. And I don’t know what to do with Alicia when I leave. Should we return her to her step-father?”

“Possibly,” Bill replied, “But since he lost the bet fair and square he doesn’t have to take her. Plus, it seems a shame to have broken her and then send her back to be a plantation mistress. I’m not sure that would work out well.”

“I can’t take her to New York,” I said. “There is no slavery there, of course, and the contract would be void. She would be free the moment she stepped off the ship.”

“You could have her as your hired serving wench, couldn’t you?”

“I suppose I could,” I replied, imagining spending nights with her in my bed in the city. As a free woman, I could only beat her if she consented, but it was possible that the slave training had permanently broken her will. “That’s risky, if she isn’t fully broken, isn’t it?” I asked. “She could revert to her old self and cause problems.”

“That’s true,” Bill said. “Why don’t you go talk to her and see how she reacts? That should give you some indication.”

Following Bill’s suggestion, I went to see Alicia in the shed. She looked beautiful, naked as she had been during her whole time here, lying on the floor, looking like she had been thoroughly tamed. “Alicia,” I said. She lifted her head up to look at me and began trying to stand up as she intoned, “Yes, Master Robert.”

“That’s OK, stay as you are,” I told her. “I have to return to New York in a few days and I would like you to accompany me. You can’t legally be my slave there, of course, since slavery is forbidden, but you could be my hired servant. You would have room and board and clothing and other incidentals taken care of. How does that sound?”

She looked at me; it was hard to read her expression, as even in the short time she had been here she had learned to hide her feelings as slaves do. “If you will have me, Master Robert, I will be most pleased to serve you.”

“Then we are agreed,” I told her. “In New York, you will call me, Mr. Owens, of course.”

“Yes, Master Robert. I mean, Mr. Owens.”

I returned to Bill to tell him the good news. “I do see one possible problem, however,” he warned me. “We always shackle slaves when we move them and you can’t do that with her, because she isn’t a slave once you leave South Carolina. So you have to be sure she won’t escape during the voyage or when you arrive in New York.”

“How can I be sure of that?” I asked. “She seems quite broken, I will admit, but it’s hard to know how she will react when we leave here.”

“Well, there’s a test that slave owners sometimes do with a newly broken slave just to be sure. They put them in situation where it looks like they can escape, though the owners make sure they can’t really, and see what they do.”

“Can we do that with Alicia?” I asked.

“I don’t see why not,” Bill replied. He asked that George and Philip be sent in. They appeared a few minutes later, standing beside the table awaiting instruction. “I want to set up a test for Alicia,” Bill began. “I want one of you to go in and chain her ankle for the night like you usually do. Except I want you to neglect to close the hasp completely, so that when she pulls on it, it comes open. I also want you to forget to lock the door. Then, we’ll all four of us hide in the woods near the shed. If she escapes, we’ll grab her quickly and she’ll be punished of course. If she doesn’t try to flee, then you should be alright for the voyage, Bobby.”

“Oh, that sounds like a good idea, Massa William,” George said.

“Can you take care of that, George?” Bill asked.

“Oh, yassuh, that won’t be no problem at all, Massa William. Just leave it all to George.” He and Philip disappeared, and George returned a few moments later to tell us that the task was accomplished. We all trooped out to the area of the shed and took well-camouflaged positions in the bushes nearby, where we waited to see what would happen. Fortunately, it was a clear evening with a quarter moon, light enough to see the area around the shed door, but dark enough that Alicia would think she had a chance for a successful escape.

We waited for a considerable time, long enough that I considered telling Bill that I was convinced Alicia was sufficiently cowed by the punishments she had received that she would forswear escape even if the opportunity presented itself. However, before I could relay that message, I heard the creak of the shed door’s hinge. I looked up and saw a wondrous apparition, Alicia, completely naked, poking her head out of the door and looking anxiously around to see if the coast was clear.

Slowly, she crept out or the doorway and began crossing the cleared space in front of the shed, treading carefully and almost soundlessly on her bare feet. Seeing no one and hearing nothing, she suddenly turned right and made a dash for the woods. Unfortunately for her, the direction Alicia chose had her heading straight for Philip.

No sooner did Alicia reach the first trees, when the large black man leaped out and grabbed the naked girl in a bear hug, lifting her feet off the ground. She yelled, “Let me go, you black bastard,” and began kicking wildly, but Philip was much too strong for her and soon all of us were there to lend a hand. Alicia was quickly subdued and dragged back into the shed, where her ankle was chained to the post, this time securely. She stood there panting for breath, glaring at us.

“I am very disappointed in you, Alicia,” I told her. “I offer to take you to New York, to give you a place to live and a job, and this is how you repay me? You will be severely punished in the morning, I assure you.” I stormed out, perhaps not quite as angry as I pretended, followed by the others.

As we walked back to the plantation house, Bill told me, “Good move, Bobby, making her wait until morning. The anticipation will make it all the worse for her.” The anticipation of watching the lovely Alicia receive her well-deserved punishment in the morning made me quite excited and I asked Bill if Patsy could join me in my bed, a request to which he graciously agreed. It was a most enjoyable night.
Chapter 12- A Final Test for Alicia

At dinner that night I raised a topic with Bill that I had been avoiding. “I have been having a wonderful time here, Bill, and it’s been great to renew our old friendship, but I fear that I am imposing on your hospitality.”

“Nonsense, Bobby,” he replied. “You are splendid company. Are you not enjoying the fun and games? Should we whip Alicia more severely? She is your property and if that is what you wish, then it will be done.”

“No, no, Bill, not at all. That is hardly the problem. The thing is that I really need to get back to New York rather soon. Van Vliet was kind enough to allow me to make this journey, but I am his top trader and my absence will at some point soon be detrimental to the business. And I don’t know what to do with Alicia when I leave. Should we return her to her step-father?”

“Possibly,” Bill replied, “But since he lost the bet fair and square he doesn’t have to take her. Plus, it seems a shame to have broken her and then send her back to be a plantation mistress. I’m not sure that would work out well.”

“I can’t take her to New York,” I said. “There is no slavery there, of course, and the contract would be void. She would be free the moment she stepped off the ship.”

“You could have her as your hired serving wench, couldn’t you?”

“I suppose I could,” I replied, imagining spending nights with her in my bed in the city. As a free woman, I could only beat her if she consented, but it was possible that the slave training had permanently broken her will. “That’s risky, if she isn’t fully broken, isn’t it?” I asked. “She could revert to her old self and cause problems.”

“That’s true,” Bill said. “Why don’t you go talk to her and see how she reacts? That should give you some indication.”

Following Bill’s suggestion, I went to see Alicia in the shed. She looked beautiful, naked as she had been during her whole time here, lying on the floor, looking like she had been thoroughly tamed. “Alicia,” I said. She lifted her head up to look at me and began trying to stand up as she intoned, “Yes, Master Robert.”

“That’s OK, stay as you are,” I told her. “I have to return to New York in a few days and I would like you to accompany me. You can’t legally be my slave there, of course, since slavery is forbidden, but you could be my hired servant. You would have room and board and clothing and other incidentals taken care of. How does that sound?”

She looked at me; it was hard to read her expression, as even in the short time she had been here she had learned to hide her feelings as slaves do. “If you will have me, Master Robert, I will be most pleased to serve you.”

“Then we are agreed,” I told her. “In New York, you will call me, Mr. Owens, of course.”

“Yes, Master Robert. I mean, Mr. Owens.”

I returned to Bill to tell him the good news. “I do see one possible problem, however,” he warned me. “We always shackle slaves when we move them and you can’t do that with her, because she isn’t a slave once you leave South Carolina. So you have to be sure she won’t escape during the voyage or when you arrive in New York.”

“How can I be sure of that?” I asked. “She seems quite broken, I will admit, but it’s hard to know how she will react when we leave here.”

“Well, there’s a test that slave owners sometimes do with a newly broken slave just to be sure. They put them in situation where it looks like they can escape, though the owners make sure they can’t really, and see what they do.”

“Can we do that with Alicia?” I asked.

“I don’t see why not,” Bill replied. He asked that George and Philip be sent in. They appeared a few minutes later, standing beside the table awaiting instruction. “I want to set up a test for Alicia,” Bill began. “I want one of you to go in and chain her ankle for the night like you usually do. Except I want you to neglect to close the hasp completely, so that when she pulls on it, it comes open. I also want you to forget to lock the door. Then, we’ll all four of us hide in the woods near the shed. If she escapes, we’ll grab her quickly and she’ll be punished of course. If she doesn’t try to flee, then you should be alright for the voyage, Bobby.”

“Oh, that sounds like a good idea, Massa William,” George said.

“Can you take care of that, George?” Bill asked.

“Oh, yassuh, that won’t be no problem at all, Massa William. Just leave it all to George.” He and Philip disappeared, and George returned a few moments later to tell us that the task was accomplished. We all trooped out to the area of the shed and took well-camouflaged positions in the bushes nearby, where we waited to see what would happen. Fortunately, it was a clear evening with a quarter moon, light enough to see the area around the shed door, but dark enough that Alicia would think she had a chance for a successful escape.

We waited for a considerable time, long enough that I considered telling Bill that I was convinced Alicia was sufficiently cowed by the punishments she had received that she would forswear escape even if the opportunity presented itself. However, before I could relay that message, I heard the creak of the shed door’s hinge. I looked up and saw a wondrous apparition, Alicia, completely naked, poking her head out of the door and looking anxiously around to see if the coast was clear.

Slowly, she crept out or the doorway and began crossing the cleared space in front of the shed, treading carefully and almost soundlessly on her bare feet. Seeing no one and hearing nothing, she suddenly turned right and made a dash for the woods. Unfortunately for her, the direction Alicia chose had her heading straight for Philip.

No sooner did Alicia reach the first trees, when the large black man leaped out and grabbed the naked girl in a bear hug, lifting her feet off the ground. She yelled, “Let me go, you black bastard,” and began kicking wildly, but Philip was much too strong for her and soon all of us were there to lend a hand. Alicia was quickly subdued and dragged back into the shed, where her ankle was chained to the post, this time securely. She stood there panting for breath, glaring at us.

“I am very disappointed in you, Alicia,” I told her. “I offer to take you to New York, to give you a place to live and a job, and this is how you repay me? You will be severely punished in the morning, I assure you.” I stormed out, perhaps not quite as angry as I pretended, followed by the others.

As we walked back to the plantation house, Bill told me, “Good move, Bobby, making her wait until morning. The anticipation will make it all the worse for her.” The anticipation of watching the lovely Alicia receive her well-deserved punishment in the morning made me quite excited and I asked Bill if Patsy could join me in my bed, a request to which he graciously agreed. It was a most enjoyable night.
Alicia has an 'oops' moment:eek:
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