Oh, I already know this terrifying instrument Mr Smith, but I thought it served to skewer the victim with some iron spikes inside.
At a sign from the rich man, one of the executioners opened the bronze chest. The terrible spikes appear at sight.
This is designed more as an instrument of torture than of execution, explained Mr Smith. The metal spikes leave a space between them where the victim has enough room and when closed it is not skewered. If the volunteer is careful and does not move, she does not prick. Besides it is also practically impossible to skewer and die because they are not sharp enough and are very close together. They work in a very different way.............you see.... said with a sadistic smile.
Now you will see, ah, here we have the victim.
The executioners brought Shonta naked and handcuffed with a shibari. The poor girl was terrified of stepping on that place of horror again. The girl still didn't know the horrific torture that awaited her.
Put her inside, Mr Smith ordered his executioners looking at her with sadism.
MMMMMHHH, the girl said no with her head when she saw the horrific statue about to give her a deadly hug
Without listening to the poor girl's pleas, the executioners introduced her to the iron maiden and closed the doors.
Shonta's moans grew louder when the spikes scratched her skin but also became somewhat deaf inside the metal chest. The only part of her body that was seen now were her eyes and her mouth through the hollow holes of the lady's head.
What an excellent craftsman! The sculptor has managed to give expression to the bronze face because the statue shows a spooky gesture of terror and suffering.
The general did not take long to understand why.
Now you will see general, you may want to put your terrorist in one of these torture coffins. Put the brazier under the iron maiden!, ordered to the executioners.
And a low brazier full of embers was put below the iron sculpture to heat it slowly with the victim inside.
Sadistic general felt his penis got hard.
Meanwhile and considering that Sybil was about to lose consciousness, Sanchez finally pushed the young woman away from that powerful source of heat. The torment had been very hard but when he thought they were going to stop torturing her, something even worse came.
Hey baby, althought the torture you seem to be really horny!
Well as I promised you we are going to spend a while piercing your tits with needles. I start with the little ones.
The sadistic executioner showed the young woman a box of pins and lighting a candle began to heat the first pin in the flame.