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Waiting for Judicial Corporal Punishment

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Waiting anxiously for her prison birchingView attachment 1539977

“I’m so terribly sorry, Dean @windar . Really I am!”

“Sorry, doesn’t cut it Professor Moore. Research budgets are not to be exceeded.”

“But, my budget is only a little in the red.”

“$17,000 dollars can hardly be thought of as a mere accounting error, Moore!”

“It won’t happen again, I promise!”

“Damn right it won’t. That’s what you said last time, remember?”

“Alright! Alright! If you must (sigh), you must. Just go easy on my tight little, please!”

“You’ll get thirty, Moore, and you’ll keep the count, or there’ll be penalty strokes. Got it?”

“Yessir, I’m ready as I’ll ever be. Let’s get on with it then. This is very uncomfortable, bent over like this.”

“Not so fast, Moore. College protocol requires that all disciplinary corporal punishments should be administered before an audience.”

“An audience?”

“Yes, Moore … the rules call for two faculty from your academic department, in addition to two reps from the Student Council, one male, the other female.”

“That’s humiliating!”

“It’s meant to be, Moore! Just wait patiently. They should be arriving shortly.”

“Which faculty members?”

“Professors @twonines and @Eulalia .And the student observers, for your information, will be Martin Jones and Cindy Karlsson.”

“Oh no! Not ‘Randy Marty!” That guy gives me the creeps. Always sits in the front row during my lectures and ogles me. You’re certain we can’t negotiate? Surely there are other options!”

“Well, one does come to mind, Moore. You do offer, to my mind, quite an inviting alternative … lying bent over, your bare bottom spread wide and helpless, as it is.”

“You don’t mean?”

“Well …”

“Surely, if I accede to that, you’ll call off the audience, right?”

“Well, no, College protocol calls for … “

“Forget it, Windar! I’d rather take the thirty strokes.”

“As you wish, Moore.”
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View attachment 1522569

Alfred, the powerful Lord of the West, sent his blonde and sensual daughter Eleanor to court. He hoped she would make a well-connected match or even draw the eye of the handsome Crown Prince. One of Eleanor’s maids, Agnes, was selected to travel with her, much to the dark-haired girl’s chagrin. She had no interest in the capital city and wanted to remain close to her family.

Things went poorly, as Eleanor stupidly became embroiled in court intrigue and was charged with treason. Agnes watched in horror as her naked Lady was dragged to the platform after days of torture. A falling axe brutally ended Eleanor’s squeals for mercy.

Agnes would be sent back to the West with Eleanor’s head and a warning to the Lord, but not before thrashing and bleeding under forty cruel lashes across her own young back.
Interrogation? Time for my interrogation? What does that mean? Why have I been detained, left alone all night in this barren and unheated room? Why was I detained? I’ve done nothing wrong! No one would speak to me! You people must have me confused with someone else!

What? You want me to undress? Why? You’ve all already confiscated all my outer clothing. Now you want the rest?

Again, what kind of interrogation? You’re not going to hurt me, I hope! Surely that’s not allowed, right? Right?
I hope it's a mistake. I don't want to see you beaten. The guards are cruel though. I don't want to hear your screaming
“I’m so terribly sorry, Dean @windar . Really I am!”

“Sorry, doesn’t cut it Professor Moore. Research budgets are not to be exceeded.”

“But, my budget is only a little in the red.”

“$17,000 dollars can hardly be thought of as a mere accounting error, Moore!”

“It won’t happen again, I promise!”

“Damn right it won’t. That’s what you said last time, remember?”

“Alright! Alright! If you must (sigh), you must. Just go easy on my tight little, please!”

“You’ll get thirty, Moore, and you’ll keep the count, or there’ll be penalty strokes. Got it?”

“Yessir, I’m ready as I’ll ever be. Let’s get on with it then. This is very uncomfortable, bent over like this.”

“Not so fast, Moore. College protocol requires that all disciplinary corporal punishments should be administered before an audience.”

“An audience?”

“Yes, Moore … the rules call for two faculty from your academic department, in addition to two reps from the Student Council, one male, the other female.”

“That’s humiliating!”

“It’s meant to be, Moore! Just wait patiently. They should be arriving shortly.”

“Which faculty members?”

“Professors @twonines and @Eulalia .And the student observers, for your information, will be Martin Jones and Cindy Karlsson.”

“Oh no! Not ‘Randy Marty!” That guy gives me the creeps. Always sits in the front row during my lectures and ogles me. You’re certain we can’t negotiate? Surely there are other options!”

“Well, one does come to mind, Moore. You do offer, to my mind, quite an inviting alternative … lying bent over, your bare bottom spread wide and helpless, as it is.”

“You don’t mean?”

“Well …”

“Surely, if I accede to that, you’ll call off the audience, right?”

“Well, no, College protocol calls for … “

“Forget it, Windar! I’d rather take the thirty strokes.”

“As you wish, Moore.”
When I saw my name mentioned, I thought perhaps Dean Windar has bursitis and at last I`m going to thrash that pretty tight little with a whippy cane, but alas, it was not to be. Still, I will get to witness the event, and see Professor Moore`s erotic contortions and salubrious responses to her well deserved punishment, one must be thankful for small mercies!
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