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Waiting for Judicial Corporal Punishment

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Father? … Father? Is that you? … come to rescue me at last, to convince them of my innocence? To tell them of my devotion to the Church? … of my faithfulness? … of the scrupulous truthfulness of my weekly confessions in your holy presence?

Father? Father, no! Please father! Please! Do not turn your back on me in this time of need.

I’m innocent! You know I am! You could intervene on my behalf, convince the inquisitors!

Father! Don’t allow them to parade me naked, shamefully through the streets! Don’t let them hang me in the town square! Don’t let them make a public spectacle of me!

Think of the family. Think of the fact that I am your dear brother’s daughter … that my condemnation and public humiliation brings embarrassment, even condemnation down on the family’s good name!

You are a man of the Church, Father! Use your good office, your influence. I beg of you!

Father? Father? Why are you shedding your robe?

Father? What are you doing ,,, ???

Oh, Father! …. No! … Not here … not now … in this cell … No!

Seems so cruel, positioning the gallows with its fresh noose in place just outside the window of the condemned’s cell where she can’t miss the sight of it at first morning’s light.

Terror is their game! The waiting, my enforced nakedness, the maddening stillness and loneliness of my spartan cell.

What bastards they are! All so carefully orchestrated to heighten my ‘fear before’.
Not only can the condemned Barbara see the gallows where she will be hanged, they even tested the noose with an unfortunate 'volunteer' to be sure it would securely hold Lady Barbara when they hang her that night.
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After bringing Barb to the gallows and placing the noose around her neck, the hangman assured her they tested the noose. He laughingly added "But you watched us do that!" right before he opened the trapdoor...
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Because Christmas is about to begin, all penalties imposed will be carried out quickly. Therefore, the waiting time is a little longer. Time to imagine the worst pain.
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