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Well!!!...that's The Last Time I

Go to CruxDreams.com
go to confession in that b****y church!!. I thought I'd get five Hail Marys and an Our Father.
Hmmmm,I guess forgiveness comes at a high price!!!
...Looks like she made the mistake of going to the Rev. Tree's Church of the Gooey Death and Discount House of Prayer...

He hopes to see more of you ladies there...

T :rolleyes:
...Looks like she made the mistake of going to the Rev. Tree's Church of the Gooey Death and Discount House of Prayer...

He hopes to see more of you ladies there...

T :rolleyes:
not enough of them punished already? old Oak:D
go to confession in that b****y church!!. I thought I'd get five Hail Marys and an Our Father.

Just an hour earlier...

“Ladies and Gentlemen, and the rest of you, also, welcome to the Church of the Gooey Death and Discount House of Prayer. I am the Reverend T. H. Tree.

“We are gathered here today to witness the penance of Lady Melissa, who by her confession, has admitted to impure thoughts and the sinful actions that accompany them. Lady Melissa penance for such travesties is to be nailed to a cross and hang crucified, naked so her sinful vessel of a body is exposed for all to see.

“We pray she suffers long so that the agony of her crucifixion may reflect the sinfulness of her soul. We pray that the mercy of death is slow to bless her and that she writhe in great pain and suffering.

“We gather not to console or comfort the Lady Melissa but to witness and enjoy the labor of her suffering. If there is one among us that objects to the Lady Melissa’s union with and death upon the cross, speak now or forever hold your peace…”

I look about the gathered throng. They tire of waiting.

“…Let the crucifixion commence!”

gooey death.jpg


....Of course I need a drink, this cassock is hot...
Folks...don't visit The Church Of Gooey Death...this is what you can expect for not making a big enough offering!

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most of the women here love it................... also it will be very busy and little offering but much punishment:rolleyes:
I have just calculated that the last time THT went to confession was 16 452 beers ago plus/minus 6 beers with a degree of confidence of 97%.
You are correct to the bottle! Did anyone really think someone in my congregation was going to spare poor Melissa from her penance.

Last time someone tried that stunt this is what she got...


The Reverend Tree, at that
Folks...don't visit The Church Of Gooey Death...this is what you can expect for not making a big enough offering!

That's what they call Happy-Slappy!​
"....and the line forms on the right, Dear, now that Mac is back in town..."

Mac the knife

...Yes, Ulrika, you have to wait your turn...."

"....and the line forms on the right, Dear, now that Mac is back in town..."

Mac the knife

...Yes, Ulrika, you have to wait your turn...."

is ulrika back in town? send her to mel she had to serve:D
how is that possible? thought You were on the hunt at waitress. That's why that old oak always called for you.
and That's why Connie was suddenly moderator.........................no new slaves, ship lost and now y're the old oaks slave ... ..........ggrrggrgrgr:eek: I want vengeance
I like the pot-plant! ;)
and the rope around ulrika's breast is made from the hennep? you rmmraamaflo treehammer:D
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