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What are your limits (males)?

Go to CruxDreams.com
  1. Flogging: A) yes B) no
    • Not particularly interested in receiving this, but if some light recreational flogging was a requirement, I'd be okay with it. The more I think about it, the more I'm okay with it, though it's still not my preference.
  2. Displayment: a) Lioncloth b) nude (limb dick)c) nude (erection, would even take viagra for that) d) whatever
    • I think the undressing process is important and should be included. It can be done by force, which impresses upon the subject their powerlessness, or it can be demanded and performed "voluntarily," which demonstrates the psychologically broken state of the subject. I prefer the former. Quick and forceful, before the subject can process and accept what's happening. I also like the idea of the loincloth being kept in place until the subject is displayed on the cross; let him keep a last bit of dignity, then take even that away from him. But since we're discussing limits, nudity would be the limit. The penis will do whatever it wants to do. It's not important.
  3. Audition: a) Only friends. b) Whoever passes by
    • I imagine this would be a controlled environment with spectators who are into this kind of thing. Would those be considered friends, or whoever?
  4. Team: a) crucified alone b) crucified in a group
    • A light preference only. I imagine everyone crucified is alone, in a way.
  5. Rape: a) no way. b) raped by males before crucifixion
    • I don't really see this as part of the scene. For recreational crucifixion, the cross should be the summit of the experience. I feel this might be a distraction. If the subject is stripped before being attached to the cross, uninvited touching or even digital penetration may be expected. That would draw out the feeling of shock and deepen the sense of helplessness. But actual intercourse seems like a premature climax in the drama.
  6. Cross: a) Ropes. b) Nails c) just standing
    • I'd prefer to survive with no major injuries. I'm not even really into pain. I'm more interested in the ritualistic process and the loss of control.
  7. Cornu: a) no. b) small butt plug. c) oversized, with the danger of sphincter damage
    • Maybe? Knowing a bit about Roman sexuality, I understand the purpose of penetrating the condemned in this way, making them ride up and down on it. I don't know how well that attitude transfers to a modern setting where everyone present will be kinky in some way. But it contributes substantially to the loss of control, a kind of control that's fundamental, so I guess it has a purpose.
  8. Fotos/Videos: a) yes. b) no

Being crucified what would you allow?
  1. Flogging: A) yes B) no
  2. Displayment: a) Lioncloth b) nude (limb dick) c) nude (erection, would even take viagra for that) d) whatever
  3. Audition: a) Only friends. b) Whoever passes by
  4. Team: a) crucified alone b) crucified in a group
  5. Rape: a) no way. b) raped by males before crucifixion
  6. Cross: a) Ropes. b) Nails c) just standing
  7. Cornu: a) no. b) small butt plug. c) oversized, with the danger of sphincter damage
  8. Fotos/Videos: a) yes. b) no

Me would be: 1B, 2C, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6A, 7C, 8B

Being crucified what would you allow?
  1. Flogging: A) yes B) no
  2. Displayment: a) Lioncloth b) nude (limb dick) c) nude (erection, would even take viagra for that) d) whatever
  3. Audition: a) Only friends. b) Whoever passes by
  4. Team: a) crucified alone b) crucified in a group
  5. Rape: a) no way. b) raped by males before crucifixion
  6. Cross: a) Ropes. b) Nails c) just standing
  7. Cornu: a) no. b) small butt plug. c) oversized, with the danger of sphincter damage
  8. Fotos/Videos: a) yes. b) no

Me would be: 1B, 2C, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6A, 7C, 8B
1. Flogging: yes, before being led to crucifixion: backside, buttocks and thighs, 40 lashes; later on the cross as well 10 lashes on the front
1. Flogging: yes, before being led to crucifixion: backside, buttocks and thighs, 40 lashes; later on the cross as well 10 lashes on the front
2. Displayment: nude, without loincloth, my male organs visible, feeling more vulnarable and helpless towards onlookers, even when get an erection due of the hanging and gasping
3. Audition: for all to see, perhaps feeling some shame due of the comments from the onlookers about my body reactions and anatomy
4. Team: together with someone else, so I can hear his moans
5. Rape: yes, in form of sexual assaults (touching my privates and other body parts in shameful gestures) and mocking words about my body
6. nails: yes, starting with bounding my body to the cross, so I must helpless follow when the nails are driven in my hands and feet, perpaps nails can be used for more pain, only driven into my palms and between Metatarsis because to prevent to bleed to much; but no matter how: hanging is better than standing, so I have to make some effort for breathing which takes me to the limits of resilience
7. cornu: it would rub in the ass, while slighty going up and down with my body on the cross for easier breathing, so forced to fuck myself
8. Fotos, Videos: yes, it would be my fate to be seen by many people, which would like to see my crucified body for their fun and satisfaction
Being crucified what would you allow?
  1. Flogging: A) yes B) no
  2. Displayment: a) Lioncloth b) nude (limb dick) c) nude (erection, would even take viagra for that) d) whatever
  3. Audition: a) Only friends. b) Whoever passes by
  4. Team: a) crucified alone b) crucified in a group
  5. Rape: a) no way. b) raped by males before crucifixion
  6. Cross: a) Ropes. b) Nails c) just standing
  7. Cornu: a) no. b) small butt plug. c) oversized, with the danger of sphincter damage
  8. Fotos/Videos: a) yes. b) no
Me would be: 1B, 2C, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6A, 7C, 8B

Cruxgirl Hiliary sex For me:
40 lashes...2 Floggers...12 back...6 each...buttocks get 2 on top from each side, 2 upwards from below, 2 directly across cheeks.
Front same with 6 to breasts as done to buttocks.
8 to upper thighs...2 from each flogger front and ditto back...if genitals hit start over from back.
Crotch...1 from front and ditto back.

Displaying: C...NUDE
Audition: B...whoever passes by.
Rape: B...if carnifex chooses females can also do so with a double dildo strap-on...males also must do me orally/anal/than oral again to be cleaned off...ring gag a must hare.
Team: Crucified...alone or in group as carnifex chooses.
CORNU: C....OVERSIZE AND ENTERS AT ANGLE WITH Base attached to stipes.
Photos and Videos...A...YES. POSTED HERE.


  • p57-1.jpg
    274.8 KB · Views: 148
Cruxgirl Hiliary sex For me:
40 lashes...2 Floggers...12 back...6 each...buttocks get 2 on top from each side, 2 upwards from below, 2 directly across cheeks.
Front same with 6 to breasts as done to buttocks.
8 to upper thighs...2 from each flogger front and ditto back...if genitals hit start over from back.
Crotch...1 from front and ditto back.

Displaying: C...NUDE
Audition: B...whoever passes by.
Rape: B...if carnifex chooses females can also do so with a double dildo strap-on...males also must do me orally/anal/than oral again to be cleaned off...ring gag a must hare.
Team: Crucified...alone or in group as carnifex chooses.
CORNU: C....OVERSIZE AND ENTERS AT ANGLE WITH Base attached to stipes.
Photos and Videos...A...YES. POSTED HERE.
Is Cruxgirl Hillary disappointed that all the males she is crucified with don't care she has a cornu rammed up her ass and none of them have a hard-on looking at her crucified body???
Is Cruxgirl Hillary disappointed that all the males she is crucified with don't care she has a cornu rammed up her ass and none of them have a hard-on looking at her crucified body???
That is the reason those bastards are crucified the first time: "You don't get an erection when beatiful cruxgirl hillary is fucked up the asss? On cross with you! But without cornu!"
Cruxgirl Hiliary sex For me:
40 lashes...2 Floggers...12 back...6 each...buttocks get 2 on top from each side, 2 upwards from below, 2 directly across cheeks.
Front same with 6 to breasts as done to buttocks.
8 to upper thighs...2 from each flogger front and ditto back...if genitals hit start over from back.
Crotch...1 from front and ditto back.

Displaying: C...NUDE
Audition: B...whoever passes by.
Rape: B...if carnifex chooses females can also do so with a double dildo strap-on...males also must do me orally/anal/than oral again to be cleaned off...ring gag a must hare.
Team: Crucified...alone or in group as carnifex chooses.
CORNU: C....OVERSIZE AND ENTERS AT ANGLE WITH Base attached to stipes.
Photos and Videos...A...YES. POSTED HERE.
very realistic picture, this is my idea from a roman crucifixion
men and women should be crucified together

the scourging must be done over the complete body, frontside and backside, don"t spare the genital area of the body, pain would also serve for sexuell stimulation
It is one of the best hanging versions I've ever read. Not only would like to see that... I would like to be part of the execution team :)
1. Flogging: yes, before being led to crucifixion: backside, buttocks and thighs, 40 lashes; later on the cross as well 10 lashes on the front
2. Displayment: nude, without loincloth, my male organs visible, feeling more vulnarable and helpless towards onlookers, even when get an erection due of the hanging and gasping
3. Audition: for all to see, perhaps feeling some shame due of the comments from the onlookers about my body reactions and anatomy
4. Team: together with someone else, so I can hear his moans
5. Rape: yes, in form of sexual assaults (touching my privates and other body parts in shameful gestures) and mocking words about my body
6. nails: yes, starting with bounding my body to the cross, so I must helpless follow when the nails are driven in my hands and feet, perpaps nails can be used for more pain, only driven into my palms and between Metatarsis because to prevent to bleed to much; but no matter how: hanging is better than standing, so I have to make some effort for breathing which takes me to the limits of resilience
7. cornu: it would rub in the ass, while slighty going up and down with my body on the cross for easier breathing, so forced to fuck myself
8. Fotos, Videos: yes, it would be my fate to be seen by many people, which would like to see my crucified body for their fun and satisfaction
I was impressed by point 8, it's fate
A man aged 25-30 years appears before you. Accused of blasphemy and slander against the church...
The accuser is a local businessman aged 40-50.

The first three commentators are given the power of judge.

what should we do with the accused and his accuser? (according to the topic)
A man aged 25-30 years appears before you. Accused of blasphemy and slander against the church...
The accuser is a local businessman aged 40-50.

The first three commentators are given the power of judge.

what should we do with the accused and his accuser? (according to the topic)
Unfortunately, the businessman is already too old for crucifixion and will not give that aesthetic pleasure to the audience as a young blasphemer. But if a businessman has a daughter of the right age, she should be crucified along with a blasphemer! An innocent virgin will be sacrificed in the name of faith. Of course, both will be crucified with ropes for a limited time, but after a public flogging, so that young people can repent of their sins, having experienced the shameful pain of crucifixion. Naturally, the effect will be exactly the opposite. The businessman will make sure that his faith was pharisaism, because he raised a whore ready to suck the penis of any crucified guy. Like many young girls before and after her, the businessman's daughter liked to twist her ass and shake her tits in front of guys. Making love is a natural activity for young people, but for this they should still be flogged and publicly crucified naked!
Unfortunately, the businessman is already too old for crucifixion and will not give that aesthetic pleasure to the audience as a young blasphemer. But if a businessman has a daughter of the right age, she should be crucified along with a blasphemer! An innocent virgin will be sacrificed in the name of faith. Of course, both will be crucified with ropes for a limited time, but after a public flogging, so that young people can repent of their sins, having experienced the shameful pain of crucifixion. Naturally, the effect will be exactly the opposite. The businessman will make sure that his faith was pharisaism, because he raised a whore ready to suck the penis of any crucified guy. Like many young girls before and after her, the businessman's daughter liked to twist her ass and shake her tits in front of guys. Making love is a natural activity for young people, but for this they should still be flogged and publicly crucified naked!
Please. Never say an old man is too old for crucifixion, and will not give aesthetic pleasure. It is your taste, and a common, but (luckily) everyone has a different taste. As for me, the summit of erotic and aesthetic pleasure is an old bearded man on a cross. The older the better, and indeed, for me, 50 years is young. For me, a young twink is not really my cup of tea, but anyone who likes it, just fine.

And apart from that, knowing there are enough men, old and young, who love seniors, crucified or not, gives a better feeling if you're a senior yourself than having to hear you are not aesthetic.

With arms wide open,
Please. Never say an old man is too old for crucifixion, and will not give aesthetic pleasure. It is your taste, and a common, but (luckily) everyone has a different taste. As for me, the summit of erotic and aesthetic pleasure is an old bearded man on a cross. The older the better, and indeed, for me, 50 years is young. For me, a young twink is not really my cup of tea, but anyone who likes it, just fine.

And apart from that, knowing there are enough men, old and young, who love seniors, crucified or not, gives a better feeling if you're a senior yourself than having to hear you are not aesthetic.

With arms wide open,
Beauty is a subjective assessment of objective fitness. In relation to sexual partners, this is the ability to produce healthy offspring. Men are able to impregnate women for longer than women get pregnant. However, young women rather want to see older men as protectors and patrons, and therefore it is necessary to respect the dignity of the father of the family. But if a young woman has got herself an equally young lover as a live dildo, then the sinful couple should be humiliated by a non-traumatic crucifixion at the will of her husband. Fucking someone else's wife, the lover gave his ass to another man. This is fair and does not offend anyone: the guy and the girl received shameful entertainment and punishment for them, and the father of the family gave pleasure to his young wife with a sex toy in the form of a young slave.
Unfortunately, the businessman is already too old for crucifixion and will not give that aesthetic pleasure to the audience as a young blasphemer. But if a businessman has a daughter of the right age, she should be crucified along with a blasphemer! An innocent virgin will be sacrificed in the name of faith. Of course, both will be crucified with ropes for a limited time, but after a public flogging, so that young people can repent of their sins, having experienced the shameful pain of crucifixion. Naturally, the effect will be exactly the opposite. The businessman will make sure that his faith was pharisaism, because he raised a whore ready to suck the penis of any crucified guy. Like many young girls before and after her, the businessman's daughter liked to twist her ass and shake her tits in front of guys. Making love is a natural activity for young people, but for this they should still be flogged and publicly crucified naked!
Just figure out what the blasphemy was. The guy told me that Jesus was not nailed to the cross, but only tied. Pilate was an ancient humanist. He did not want deaths that Rome did not need. Therefore, he ordered the flogging and disgrace of an innocent but harmless preacher, hanging him naked on a cross next to the whore Mary Magdalene and the rapist Gestas. After all, sexual crimes undermine a barbaric religion, rapists and whores do not need to be killed, but they can be tortured and shamed. The shameful and painful crucifixion lasted until sunset. Centurion Longinus did not pierce anyone with a spear, but simply cut the ropes. There was no death, which means there was no resurrection. Jesus and Mary just spent the night in a cave with Dismas and his mistress. Since the sermons lost their credibility after the shame they endured, Jesus and Mary moved to the other end of the empire in Gaul, where they lived for a long time and gave nothing to the Dinsiimervingov. And Christianity was invented by the Apostle Paul, who had just heard about this scandal in the Nazarene sect. Of course, this is heresy, because the center of faith is the Resurrection as a symbolic Salvation of all Mankind. However, faith in the Resurrection of Christ is not a fact, but a volitional act,6 not what actually happened, but what should have been. The hero of our little story two thousand years later, as it were, repeated the path of Jesus, traveling as the opposite of a charismatic preacher organizing a reconstruction of his understanding of biblical events with his own participation in the quality of proof. Gradually, a new youth subculture began to form around these performances, as non-traumatic crucifixion became a popular way to control youth rebellion with punishments for sexual promiscuity. Will this be the triumph of the Antichrist, plunging people into the abyss of vice, or the second coming, liberating them from the darkness of superstition for free love?​
Just figure out what the blasphemy was. The guy told me that Jesus was not nailed to the cross, but only tied. Pilate was an ancient humanist. He did not want deaths that Rome did not need. Therefore, he ordered the flogging and disgrace of an innocent but harmless preacher, hanging him naked on a cross next to the whore Mary Magdalene and the rapist Gestas. After all, sexual crimes undermine a barbaric religion, rapists and whores do not need to be killed, but they can be tortured and shamed. The shameful and painful crucifixion lasted until sunset. Centurion Longinus did not pierce anyone with a spear, but simply cut the ropes. There was no death, which means there was no resurrection. Jesus and Mary just spent the night in a cave with Dismas and his mistress. Since the sermons lost their credibility after the shame they endured, Jesus and Mary moved to the other end of the empire in Gaul, where they lived for a long time and gave nothing to the Dinsiimervingov. And Christianity was invented by the Apostle Paul, who had just heard about this scandal in the Nazarene sect. Of course, this is heresy, because the center of faith is the Resurrection as a symbolic Salvation of all Mankind. However, faith in the Resurrection of Christ is not a fact, but a volitional act,6 not what actually happened, but what should have been. The hero of our little story two thousand years later, as it were, repeated the path of Jesus, traveling as the opposite of a charismatic preacher organizing a reconstruction of his understanding of biblical events with his own participation in the quality of proof. Gradually, a new youth subculture began to form around these performances, as non-traumatic crucifixion became a popular way to control youth rebellion with punishments for sexual promiscuity. Will this be the triumph of the Antichrist, plunging people into the abyss of vice, or the second coming, liberating them from the darkness of superstition for free love?​
I think our situation is from the modern world, religion is being forcibly imposed on people, and our hero spoke out against this, pointing to the wealth of the priests...
The businessman, a frequent visitor to the Orthodox church, decided that he had to shut up the rebel in order to gain favor with the parishioners.
Just figure out what the blasphemy was. The guy told me that Jesus was not nailed to the cross, but only tied. Pilate was an ancient humanist. He did not want deaths that Rome did not need. Therefore, he ordered the flogging and disgrace of an innocent but harmless preacher, hanging him naked on a cross next to the whore Mary Magdalene and the rapist Gestas. After all, sexual crimes undermine a barbaric religion, rapists and whores do not need to be killed, but they can be tortured and shamed. The shameful and painful crucifixion lasted until sunset. Centurion Longinus did not pierce anyone with a spear, but simply cut the ropes. There was no death, which means there was no resurrection. Jesus and Mary just spent the night in a cave with Dismas and his mistress. Since the sermons lost their credibility after the shame they endured, Jesus and Mary moved to the other end of the empire in Gaul, where they lived for a long time and gave nothing to the Dinsiimervingov. And Christianity was invented by the Apostle Paul, who had just heard about this scandal in the Nazarene sect. Of course, this is heresy, because the center of faith is the Resurrection as a symbolic Salvation of all Mankind. However, faith in the Resurrection of Christ is not a fact, but a volitional act,6 not what actually happened, but what should have been. The hero of our little story two thousand years later, as it were, repeated the path of Jesus, traveling as the opposite of a charismatic preacher organizing a reconstruction of his understanding of biblical events with his own participation in the quality of proof. Gradually, a new youth subculture began to form around these performances, as non-traumatic crucifixion became a popular way to control youth rebellion with punishments for sexual promiscuity. Will this be the triumph of the Antichrist, plunging people into the abyss of vice, or the second coming, liberating them from the darkness of superstition for free love?​
A modern crucifixion could develop independently from the actual hapening at Golgatha, while exposing the genitals and being fucked up the ass (if it happened, we do not know, I will ask him in Paradise) might be a problem in some societies, but in our progressive and also gay-sex-friendly society this is a normal thing for all males. I even recommend it mainly for heterosexuals, then if you put your erected penis into your spouse, and not allowing to put something similar into you, what are you then?

So a non-lethal crucifixion can become a normal and traditional habitude, for example which all grown-up have to do in front of their families and friends.
Just figure out what the blasphemy was. The guy told me that Jesus was not nailed to the cross, but only tied. Pilate was an ancient humanist. He did not want deaths that Rome did not need. Therefore, he ordered the flogging and disgrace of an innocent but harmless preacher, hanging him naked on a cross next to the whore Mary Magdalene and the rapist Gestas. After all, sexual crimes undermine a barbaric religion, rapists and whores do not need to be killed, but they can be tortured and shamed. The shameful and painful crucifixion lasted until sunset. Centurion Longinus did not pierce anyone with a spear, but simply cut the ropes. There was no death, which means there was no resurrection. Jesus and Mary just spent the night in a cave with Dismas and his mistress. Since the sermons lost their credibility after the shame they endured, Jesus and Mary moved to the other end of the empire in Gaul, where they lived for a long time and gave nothing to the Dinsiimervingov. And Christianity was invented by the Apostle Paul, who had just heard about this scandal in the Nazarene sect. Of course, this is heresy, because the center of faith is the Resurrection as a symbolic Salvation of all Mankind. However, faith in the Resurrection of Christ is not a fact, but a volitional act,6 not what actually happened, but what should have been. The hero of our little story two thousand years later, as it were, repeated the path of Jesus, traveling as the opposite of a charismatic preacher organizing a reconstruction of his understanding of biblical events with his own participation in the quality of proof. Gradually, a new youth subculture began to form around these performances, as non-traumatic crucifixion became a popular way to control youth rebellion with punishments for sexual promiscuity. Will this be the triumph of the Antichrist, plunging people into the abyss of vice, or the second coming, liberating them from the darkness of superstition for free love?​
I must say that this is the cleverest thing I've ever read on this website!
I think our situation is from the modern world, religion is being forcibly imposed on people, and our hero spoke out against this, pointing to the wealth of the priests...
The businessman, a frequent visitor to the Orthodox church, decided that he had to shut up the rebel in order to gain favor with the parishioners.
It is even more interesting to make a female justice of the peace the antagonist of this story. A hot MILF portrays piety by being a cougar preying on young men. The outrageous true story of Jesus and Mary Magdalene gave her the idea for an election campaign. She proposed to decriminalize minor crimes: theft in supermarkets, rape without harm to health and crimes against morality. By replacing imprisonment with corporal punishment, she wanted to attract both left and right voters at the same time. The left should have liked the idea of decriminalizing youth offenses, and the right should have liked the decisive fight against immorality. In fact, her husband, the co-owner of a local branch of a supermarket chain, thus organized a scheme for reducing the tax burden for the retail chain. Expired goods were allowed to be stolen and they were written off as losses. As a bonus, the wife got the opportunity to arrange a legal sex show with strong young guys. The most piquant thing is that the characters came up with this whole combination lying in the same bed as a threesome. The woman seduced the protagonist of the story, threatening that she would treat him like Jesus from his story, but the young man was not at all afraid of this, which further inflamed the woman's lust. The irony of fate was that the husband shared his wife's passion for young guys. However, our hero, as a character in Pasolini's film "Theorem", managed to turn the hypocrisy of a bourgeois family into a semblance of virtue. He also seduced the daughter of a businessman, the stepdaughter of a female judge. The girl was a student journalist and exposed the machinations of her father and stepmother. For this, both he and she had to be crucified under the new law, which provoked another black riot, during which a female judge was also raped and crucified. But everything ended well. The poor received free benefits. Sexual festivals of corporal punishment for young people began to be held in the city. A corrupt female judge was not elected anywhere, but her law was passed by direct vote, and she herself found a dream robot, becoming something like a city mistress. Peace with God was established in the businessman's soul, because he realized how easy it is to distribute riches to the suffering that cannot belong to one, including his beautiful wife, and therefore the boys and girls whom his wife easily sent to the cross never refused to bestow their love on him.
Being crucified what would you allow?
  1. Flogging: A) yes B) no
  2. Displayment: a) Lioncloth b) nude (limb dick) c) nude (erection, would even take viagra for that) d) whatever
  3. Audition: a) Only friends. b) Whoever passes by
  4. Team: a) crucified alone b) crucified in a group
  5. Rape: a) no way. b) raped by males before crucifixion
  6. Cross: a) Ropes. b) Nails c) just standing
  7. Cornu: a) no. b) small butt plug. c) oversized, with the danger of sphincter damage
  8. Fotos/Videos: a) yes. b) no

Me would be: 1B, 2C, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6A, 7C, 8B
1. flogging, yes yes yes, naked. in front of hundreds of horny onlookers taking delight in my suffering,
each crack of the whip... the thrashing body.... the agony...
2. * loincloth at first, but in a bloodthirsty frenzy, the scourger, the tormenter, reveling in my pain and humiliation rips off the loincloth revealing my nakedness. the body submits all to be seen and ridiculed: penis, buttocks, the back and chest still bare - not a stitch of clothing or dignity; just pure shame and degredation - and pain from each lash. worse and worse each blow.
let the punishment continue!

*nobody wears loincloths in this day and age. instead,
a pair of tighty whitey underwear briefs, with one scissor-stroke of the left hip form fitting male undergarment and one to the right, the scourger rips the underwear clean from the body, laughing and tosses it asunder. a naked body, newly humiliated and ready for more brutal lashes of the bullwhip on any and every part of the exposed body.... whip hard every lash!

with my underwear ripped off so indignantly, i am reminded of many of my sins. the times i reveled in the accidental revelation of women's delicate private garments as seen from under their skirts. so innocently going about their way and finding their selves accidentally exposing hidden personal treasurers not meant for a prying eyes. I have seen the inner sanctuaries of so many female martyrs. sacrificed dignity. panties seen. white, and clean and brilliantly shining temptations of flesh covered by delicate fabrics. the last vestiges of dignity stolen.
3. anyone and everyone.
4. crucified alone. spectators are all given complimentary bullwhips and scorpions to flagellate the suffering body, crucified on the cross.
5. rape. up to the discretion of the overseer.
6. ropes and nails.
7. up to the discretion of the overseer.
8. videos/photos. absolutely.
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