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When Apostate Met Helmut

  • Thread starter The Fallen Angel
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The Fallen Angel

In this pic, kindly sent by our time traveler Polly Perkins , you can see general Apostate greeting Emperor Helmut on the occasion of his (Helmut) 50 th birthday. Apostate lined the route with 50 crucified Christian virgins. Tree has already cast doubt (In a different thread) on whether they were all truly virgins. Hans put forward the suggestion that since Apostate and Helmut were both present at the party then perhaps Tree may have a point. I simply don't know.Apostate greets Helmut.jpg
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Wow, that is a nice image, I would have loved that gift for my 50th Birthday, but then I would have never made it to the party! I would have stayed on the road just enjoying the scenery.
In this pic, kindly sent by our time traveler Polly Perkins , you can see general Apostate greeting Emperor Helmut on the occasion of his (Helmut) 50 th birthday. Apostate lined the route with 50 crucified Christian virgins. Tree has already cast doubt (In a different thread) on whether they were all truly virgins. Hans put forward the suggestion that since Apostate and Helmut were both present at the party then perhaps Tree may have a point. I simply don't know.

As general in charge of the proceedings, I can guarantee none of these wretched ladies went to the cross undefiled.

Melissa, this is a way cool image. Thanks, hugely.
In this pic, kindly sent by our time traveler Polly Perkins , you can see general Apostate greeting Emperor Helmut on the occasion of his (Helmut) 50 th birthday. Apostate lined the route with 50 crucified Christian virgins. Tree has already cast doubt (In a different thread) on whether they were all truly virgins. Hans put forward the suggestion that since Apostate and Helmut were both present at the party then perhaps Tree may have a point. I simply don't know.
Apostate is right. I remember distinctly, even though the picture was taken 26 years ago, none of them went to their crosses as virgins.
By the way that's a very good pix.
Apostate is right. I remember distinctly, even though the picture was taken 26 years ago, none of them went to their crosses as virgins.
By the way that's a very good pix.
only 26 years ago?...................................thought you older.............:D
that's exactly what was meant by me............................ only 76 now?:D
What!!...NONE went to the cross as virgins!!. You must have been very busy that day...perhaps it was something in the wine?
What!!...NONE went to the cross as virgins!!. You must have been very busy that day...perhaps it was something in the wine?
They were only 50 and didn't need viagra for their actions
What!!...NONE went to the cross as virgins!!. You must have been very busy that day...perhaps it was something in the wine?
Tree helped...


...tree will not waste a perfectly good virgin...
Really pleased that the main characters liked the pic. It is an old Roman road. Didn't realise until the last minute when it was pointed out to me...there were spotlights on the ground illuminating the walls!
What!!...NONE went to the cross as virgins!!. You must have been very busy that day...perhaps it was something in the wine?


Dear Melissa, recall that the Romans never executed virgins. Their gods would be pissed off.

I leave it to your imagination what happened to the young ladies in your image.
By the by, where did you get that image of that centurion? It really does look like me, the way I looked 10 years ago.

My beard has gone gray since then.
By the by, where did you get that image of that centurion? It really does look like me, the way I looked 10 years ago.

My beard has gone gray since then.

The image came from typing in Rooman Reenactors in Google..I'll post it when I can find it. I know it looks like you because you sent me your pic sat in a comfortable chair in your living room ages ago (Don't worry I won't post it!). I said we should do a pic as the other one looks like what I imagine Helmut looked like. You could always dye your beard...or wouldn't M'Lady approve?
In this pic, kindly sent by our time traveler Polly Perkins , you can see general Apostate greeting Emperor Helmut on the occasion of his (Helmut) 50 th birthday. Apostate lined the route with 50 crucified Christian virgins. Tree has already cast doubt (In a different thread) on whether they were all truly virgins. Hans put forward the suggestion that since Apostate and Helmut were both present at the party then perhaps Tree may have a point. I simply don't know.
Not like when Harry met Sally!
The image came from typing in Rooman Reenactors in Google..I'll post it when I can find it. I know it looks like you because you sent me your pic sat in a comfortable chair in your living room ages ago (Don't worry I won't post it!). I said we should do a pic as the other one looks like what I imagine Helmut looked like. You could always dye your beard...or wouldn't M'Lady approve?

My brother in law dyed his graying beard, and was, really, not making this up, pulled off the checking line on an international flight.

Dude! I want my flying fucking car! I'm sick to death of flying!!!!!
My brother in law dyed his graying beard, and was, really, not making this up, pulled off the checking line on an international flight.

Dude! I want my flying fucking car! I'm sick to death of flying!!!!!

I hope he sued the airline for sex discrimination!!...unless of course he was a dead ringer for Osama!. I've attached the original pic.


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