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Whipped Women

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How convenient and interesting subject, considering I was searching ’whipping machine’ to find a proper place for a post, which may interest some people in this forum.

I just made a whipping machine prototype, not because I need one, but because I had big ass industrial servo motor laying around unused, and I happened to have SW practically ready being made for another project.

This subject has been interested me quite a while, so I used couple evenings to whip something up. The results were as promising as they were scary.

For those who don’t know what servo motors are, that one can turn 4000rpm, accelerate into full speed in small fraction of turn and it knows it’s position in less than 1:10 degree precision. It can also stop as fast as gain speed.

So, I did a software, where I can set starting position, end position and draw arbitrary curve to control acceleration over the entire move length.

After testing it without a load and finding out it seemed to work fine, I attached an old fiberglass fishing rod into it and made the test. Fortunately I bolted it safely on my workbench in my garage, because with the settings which seemed OK with just an axel, that one meter rod made three quarter of turn, which seemed to be close to no time, making terrible swishing sound, leaving jiggling for over ten seconds after being stopped.

Next I tested it on styrofoam padding, which came with my tv. It split into half where the rod hit.

Of course I had to crank it up to see what it can do, and as a result, the fishing rod immediately broke from the base.

Obviously this particular motor is pretty much overkill for this purpose and would cost over 1000€, unless you prefer additional excitement and fear from the doubt if you messed up the place of decimal dot when setting the speed multiplier. Good moment to think about it is laying naked on your whipping bench with your ass up and the rod aiming at it and the automatic latches locking around your wrists, to be released only when your punishment is complete.

Anyway, smaller Chinese versions of similar motor can be purchased from the Internet around 100-200€ price, having physical limitations in strength, which would leave some flesh in a top of the bone even a case of ‘accidental’ misconfiguration.

As an engineer, I can’t stop thinking about possibilities what this type of machine could have. With AI in control, and force sensor in attachment point, it should quite easily learn to use different whips and control the ‘whipping’ motion and force of the impact. Pure rotation motion sets some limits how a whip can be used, but with quick tests, this should work well enough with right length solid handle. Practical machine would also need a way to shit the impact point and alter the angle, but that could be done with smaller and cheaper motors, with EXTREME precision.

Besides the control of the instrument, there could be another layer of AI, responsible for the complete punishment. Where to hit, how hard and how many times. What I like in AI, it’s never totally predictable. There are so called corner cases, where it does something unexpected, totally different what it normally do. It would add nice spice on the process.

It’s typical for an AI to need lots of teaching data, so large number of ‘volunteers’ would be needed to classify their whippings lash by lash with proper parameters like amount of pain, severity of the welt it made, the thrill factor of the lash, how long the pain lasted, etc. Also, there should be detailed profile from the punishee, like a gender, age, spanking experience, pain tolerance, durability of the skin and tendency to turn on by pain.

With right and accurate data, this kind of machine should be quite capable of delivering exactly the punishment the punishee needs or deserves.

Of course this is nothing what a skilled master couldn’t do, but you don’t always have one waiting on your closet.

Any thoughts what this type of machine would bring to you, should I kick up a side project?

If not made to listen your sounds, the machine would give you a merciless whipping no matter how hard you cry and what you do. Only limit is how high you dare to crank the strength, or maybe the randomizer, which can alter how hard you actually get it.
It should be possible to attach some device to the whipee's body where it doesn't impede the lash, that monitors her physical condition, so the flogging can be modified if there's any risk of loss of consciousness - or of her being too comfortable and relaxed!
It should be possible to attach some device to the whipee's body where it doesn't impede the lash, that monitors her physical condition, so the flogging can be modified if there's any risk of loss of consciousness - or of her being too comfortable and relaxed!
There’s many things what can be done. Measuring heart rate, skin electric conductivity, body movement, screams, breathing and strength being applied to restraints are easy ones.

However, in practice, making a machine that can push people near their pain limit without human supervision is not wise and even with all possible sensors, would be very difficult to make safe in all situations. It would need lot more than just engineering and assumptions.

So, in this ‘project’, possibility to build the machine is real, but some aspects needs to be left in fantasy only category.
There’s many things what can be done. Measuring heart rate, skin electric conductivity, body movement, screams, breathing and strength being applied to restraints are easy ones.

However, in practice, making a machine that can push people near their pain limit without human supervision is not wise and even with all possible sensors, would be very difficult to make safe in all situations. It would need lot more than just engineering and assumptions.

So, in this ‘project’, possibility to build the machine is real, but some aspects needs to be left in fantasy only category.
I offer to take the part of John Henry, the steel-driving man, who proved that he could beat the machine (or in this case beat the victim better than the machine). I still prefer the nasty imaginations and productions of our artists/photographers whose best efforts are so much more stimulating than the dozens of AI images of nude women with blood splashed on them to suggest that bad things have been done to them. I get it that eventually AI might be able to produce things that approximate Quoom or Roberts or Artur or many others--once it is consistently able to put 5 fingers and toes on its images. That will be swell, I guess. Even to see an AI image with realistic whip marks curving across a sweet breast would be a great improvement.
I offer to take the part of John Henry, the steel-driving man, who proved that he could beat the machine (or in this case beat the victim better than the machine). I still prefer the nasty imaginations and productions of our artists/photographers whose best efforts are so much more stimulating than the dozens of AI images of nude women with blood splashed on them to suggest that bad things have been done to them. I get it that eventually AI might be able to produce things that approximate Quoom or Roberts or Artur or many others--once it is consistently able to put 5 fingers and toes on its images. That will be swell, I guess. Even to see an AI image with realistic whip marks curving across a sweet breast would be a great improvement.
I genuinely respect everything you're saying but also I am HOWLING at the imagery of a man falling down dead from exertion after racing a computer to photoshop titties :risas3::risas3::risas3:
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