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Woman crucified by women

Go to CruxDreams.com

Meanwhile I'm totally exhausted.
And the boys have to carry me,
at first one after the other
(pictures 146 and 147),
and then with combined effort.
(picture 148)

Then I'm brought to the next hospital.
Here the best specialists take care of me.
(pictures 149 and 150)

And due to the optimal care
I soon recover from my horrible experiences.
(picture 151)

And after some helpful sleep
(picture 152)
my state is better than ever.

Just one question remains:
Will I ever learn anything ... ???
(picture 153 indicates an answer)


Thanks a lot to
aTrox, Bozzly, Fantasmo, Hansi and Kodos
for the successful rescue :) :) :)


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and now flushing tooooooooooooooooo:eek:
And now I need a cigarette ...
The famous "cigarette after..." ;)
When I saw the knight I was a bit concerned, and it seems that my reputation as a gun slinger is being reinforced here, but always glad to rescue...

and I must say, "combined carrying" look like the most appealing way ;) :D :D :D (well, either... ;) )
Messaline is coming back. Have you liked the end of this first story?
I need to learn...
Never mind, I bring some pics, for the eyes of men...? and women,perhaps...?

tnsn006.jpg very nice indeed? sn015.jpg could be me ?

so sn011.jpg offered...

Sweet Messaline:rolleyes:
Later,please, cause I'm tired: I go to sleep with .....................my dreams.............
Sweet messaline flower3
And now I need a cigarette ...

Im glad this turned out better than our last failed attempt to save Eulalia from THT and the IMF but she may be ok, after some inital rough treatment from the nuns she's been resting comfortably for about a week now in what was decribed as a very nice room with plenty of food and drink, also Connie had made some attempt to break her out and I think Melissa and Julie want her back at the Coffee Shop (huge backlog of grinding)
Im glad this turned out better than our last failed attempt to save Eulalia from THT and the IMF but she may be ok, after some inital rough treatment from the nuns she's been resting comfortably for about a week now in what was decribed as a very nice room with plenty of food and drink, also Connie had made some attempt to break her out and I think Melissa and Julie want her back at the Coffee Shop (huge backlog of grinding)
and what about me?
I missed my beloved bard-slave dearly:rolleyes: but the story and her punishment by the nunns and THT isn't ended
Waooo! I've had a good night, with many nightmares (dreams for me:)) cause
I love them!!!
Thanks to Bozzy,Fantasmo,Julia and admihoek for their likes.
Three cheers Julia: your "story" was fantastique!! Another one?...

flower1to be continued...
Back to my horrible fate:
My execution continues ...

I'm still alive.
But soon I will reach the end.

All of my companions have expired.
And I feel so horribly alone.
(picture 111)

One of the executioners wants to cheer me up.
So she tells me about her new shoes.
(picture 112

But I have other sorrows.
So I'm not interested anymore
because the agony becomes more and more overwhelmingly.
(picture 113)

A nun appears at my cross.
Perhaps she wants to discuss theologic questions.
But my enthusiasm is rather limited.
(picture 114)

It's too late for senseful talks:
I just scream and scream.
(picture 115)

And more and more sadness and despair are overwhelming me.
For my whole life I have loved to dream. But now I'm not able to dream anymore.
I'm broken.
(picture 116)

There were so much things which I had yet planned, for instance
learning English
or being a bit nicer to Hansi.
But now it's too late.

There is so much to regret.
I cry.

And soon I will end like my poor companions.
(picture 117)

And what will follow?
I'm horribly afraid. I have doubts whether they would accept me in heaven.
And in this case eternity could become rather unpleasant.
(picture 118 illustrates the danger)

Furthermore the terrible thirst also increases.
(picture 119)

I feel the last remains of my strength leaving me.
The end is near.

I close my eyes
and it becomes dark ...
(picture 120)

to be continued
at the end you're so


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