I know it's not
exactly "women torturing women", but I think it's close enough:
Women who have other women tortured or raped. Torture by proxy, so to speak, but they set the tone and are present in the scene, directing what should be done.
So, in the picture above, for example, I always thought of two women of the higher nobility (on the right) who are having a member of the lower nobility convicted of treason tortured (on the left). While the male torturer makes suggestions, it is the two women who say what happens - where, in this case, the hot iron should be applied to. Perhaps the woman on the far right in the picture is just about to suggest to the other woman that it's time to get down to
real business and to let the hot iron be pulled through the slit of the traitor, from back to front, slowly ...
Or, in this picture, it is easy to imagine a woman who has finally had
enough of a professional rival. Or of a woman who has perhaps (also) stolen a boyfriend from her. She keeps the woman at bay with a gun, while a man she is friends with rapes that woman brutally in her pussy. "This is what you deserve", she says coldly to her rival. And asks her: "Was it worth it, bitch?". Then, she yells to her male friend: "Fuck her harder! Let her feel it properly ...".