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Your Favorite Female Body Type On The Cross

What is your favorite female body type on the cross?

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Yes, there isn't a single body type or form that is universally attractive (even though Hollywood and the media sometimes would like us to believe so:rolleyes:). Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as they say, and features are often enhanced by body language and glimpses of personality in addition to just plain physical attributes. A smile or particular look, for example, can make someone's eyes take on a special attractive quality, or simply the way someone wears their hair can be very attractive to one onlooker and maybe not so much to another. Even the way we walk or move can have special appeal, and what we wear or don't wear can make a difference too. Almost anything can catch the eye and be an attraction to the right person looking. I agree with Siss that a toned body is generally more attractive, as the opposite taken to the extreme can be off putting (although to some degree this may be culturally determined). I also would second Siss' contention that women tend to check out women a lot more than guys may realize.;)
You're right about a certain body type or form not being the universal when it comes to attractiveness. As for muscularity it seems that society tolerates a lot more muscularity in men than they do in women. This is shown by a lot of people thinking that muscular women are ugly. Some event think they are freaks.

Which brings me to another point. Some people say that women shouldn't be muscular because, in the case of heterosexual men, they are genetically programmed to reject these types of women. I don't believe that it is so programmed than men can't learn to love muscular women. And evolutionary psychology may tell us why certain beliefs, especially about the sexes, came about but they don't tell us whether these beliefs are moral or right.
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You're right about a certain body type or form not being the universal when it comes to attractiveness. As for muscularity it seems that society tolerates a lot more muscularity in men than they do in women. This is shown by a lot of people thinking that muscular women are ugly. Some event think they are freaks.

Which brings me to another point. Some people say that women shouldn't be muscular because, in the case of heterosexual men, they are genetically programmed to reject these types of women. I don't believe that it is so programmed than men can't learn to love muscular women. And evolutionary psychology may tell us why certain beliefs, especially about the sexes, came about but they don't tell us whether these beliefs are moral or right.
Of we're not muscular we fall over like boneless dogs! Being fit is good.... I like to feel fit and strong and it takes work and i get an amazing buzz from the work... And the club gym is where all my freinds are too... Sure we talk about our bodies and like looking at each other but mainly we like feeling good.,, its nice!
Of we're not muscular we fall over like boneless dogs! Being fit is good.... I like to feel fit and strong and it takes work and i get an amazing buzz from the work... And the club gym is where all my freinds are too... Sure we talk about our bodies and like looking at each other but mainly we like feeling good.,, its nice!
When I say muscular it means having one's muscles developed so as to have more defined, and hopefully stronger, muscles than the average person.
For developed, muscular arms there is one group of female athletes you should look for. They are the javelin throwers. Here are Christina Obergfoll and Barbora Spotakova.
14th+IAAF+World+Athletics+Championships+Moscow+qosHQ4AL0EJl.jpg spotakova.jpg
Notice the arms. In the case of Obergfoll she is so fine that her husband took her last name when they got married.
Oh, don't worry, I saw your old profile picture, and the next few you had as well.

Back to the topic, I don't think the extremes of each bodytype fat, muscular, and skinny (obese, swole, and emaciated) look good, but that a balance of true beauty is found in the middle. A muscular girls who's not massive. A curvy girl who doesn't have flabby folds. A thin girl who doesn't look like she starved herself to get that bodytype. It's not so much about the extremes that I care about, it's about what bodytype you tend toward.
Well fucking said MP5. I couldn't honestly respond to this poll because the issue of what is attractive is so... Sublime. To add to this convo, everyone has something that is attractive about them, but there are personal limits to consider. For me, what is attractive is generally a well balanced girl. Too skinny, reminds me of my literaly anorexic fashion model sister which makes my heart just sink. Too big, tells me there are issues with fitness that would bother me. Someone with simple curves is ideal. Also, the ridiculous stereotypes that all men like big breasts and big butts drive me nuts. Bigger doesn't always mean better... Just like cock size.

On a cross, I am very attracted to seeing the belly pulse as the woman struggles to breathe. I am attracted to the exposed sex. The exposed breasts. There are parts of it that are inherently erotic.
But big cocks are more filling...

I too think that exposed breasts and a strained heaving diaphragm are attractive on a cross.

Haha I was basically trying to tie those stereotypes together. Not saying they're bad either. But I think you get the point.

*wink wink, nudge nudge, Say no more!
I'll agree that very muscular women, and men, are not the best body types a person can have. For that matter very skinny people don't have the best body type. But that doesn't mean that a woman can't develop her muscles, especially if she wants to be strong.

I also have issue with you saying that women in the gym wanting to look like women. I got news for them. They are women no matter how muscular they are. I think you mean they want to look feminine. Which begs the question of what is feminine. Is it the feminine to attract men, mostly the masculine type? If so then they would rather look feminine than to repel men by being muscular. And many, if not most men, are afraid of being near muscular women because they don't want their masculinity to be in question.

I ask you this since you are an athlete. Have you felt like you can't go for it, such as lifting more weights to be stronger, because you want to remain feminine?

The rarity of women with well-defined muscularity makes these women appealing, to me and others, because they aren't bound by societal definitions of femininity.

What men never understand is we make ourselves look the way we do (toned, dressed, whatever) to impress other women, not the men.

You can be both athletic and (to use your word) feminine.

Being a woman is more than having a vagina and breasts (that seems to be something you're not understanding). What do you think the word 'dyke' designates (I can use that I'm bi and in a lesbian relationship) it isn't a term of endearment (even in the gay community) it is a term for a woman who is being "guy-like".

The problem with our conversation is that you want to set the rules on what it means to be a woman. A LOT of women try to be men (ever work for a female executive who tries to out-guy the guys?).

If you want to say having a natural vagina, breasts, ovaries and no "Y" chromosone makes you biologically a female, I'll concede that point.

It doesn't make you a woman.


And actually the most attractive thing on anybody is their personality.

One of my guy friends said something pretty funny at a party once when there was a debate going on about the attractiveness of a girl across the room. He said to the other guys "If we all liked the same woman, she'd be very busy and you dopes would be very loney (it took me a minute to catch the dig at his buddies)."

That is the wonderfulness of humans we each find something different interesting or attractive.

There is an argument made that biology (the drive to reproduce and sustain the species) makes certain body types generally more attractive. And of course changes in our body chemistry limits both our sexual drive and our ability to reproduce as we get older.

So if I was a cave woman, I'd (bilogically speaking) probably find a average sized runner body type more appealing than Arnold. Imagine having to feed that monster and while he could catch anything with in arm reach he probably couldn't run down a meal for the family.

Where as the runner body type wouldn't hog all the food and will be able to adequately provide for my offspring.

So my bilogical drive would push me towards the runner.

Being a wealth technologically advanced civilization we can indulge in the freedom of finding non-optimal body types attractive because we no longer depend on our ability to compete in the natural world for our existance.

That's also why we get fatter each generation. Our technology allows the physically unable to compete to survive. Imagine your most out of shape friend trying to keep up with the group as we trekked across the veld chasing a herd of deer.


And actually the most attractive thing on anybody is their personality.

One of my guy friends said something pretty funny at a party once when there was a debate going on about the attractiveness of a girl across the room. He said to the other guys "If we all liked the same woman, she'd be very busy and you dopes would be very loney (it took me a minute to catch the dig at his buddies)."

That is the wonderfulness of humans we each find something different interesting or attractive.

There is an argument made that biology (the drive to reproduce and sustain the species) makes certain body types generally more attractive. And of course changes in our body chemistry limits both our sexual drive and our ability to reproduce as we get older.

So if I was a cave woman, I'd (bilogically speaking) probably find a average sized runner body type more appealing than Arnold. Imagine having to feed that monster and while he could catch anything with in arm reach he probably couldn't run down a meal for the family.

Where as the runner body type wouldn't hog all the food and will be able to adequately provide for my offspring.

So my bilogical drive would push me towards the runner.

Being a wealth technologically advanced civilization we can indulge in the freedom of finding non-optimal body types attractive because we no longer depend on our ability to compete in the natural world for our existance.

That's also why we get fatter each generation. Our technology allows the physically unable to compete to survive. Imagine your most out of shape friend trying to keep up with the group as we trekked across the veld chasing a herd of deer.


Very well done Willow love your honesty
I too see slim as the most optimal to a degree. In perhaps twenty years, I can see PT being mandatory in schools not as some Orwellian controlling effort, but as a reasonable response to a real danger. Although a little muscle goes a long way hanging by ones arms, so I hope these future generations appreciate the pull up.
My doctors say I need to gain weight and quit drinking so much water...

...my knees say I could never catch you in the wild, Willow, without resorting to a weapon...

Tree fears he has thought too much...

Well fucking said MP5. I couldn't honestly respond to this poll because the issue of what is attractive is so... Sublime. To add to this convo, everyone has something that is attractive about them, but there are personal limits to consider. For me, what is attractive is generally a well balanced girl. Too skinny, reminds me of my literaly anorexic fashion model sister which makes my heart just sink. Too big, tells me there are issues with fitness that would bother me. Someone with simple curves is ideal. Also, the ridiculous stereotypes that all men like big breasts and big butts drive me nuts. Bigger doesn't always mean better... Just like cock size.
On a cross, I am very attracted to seeing the belly pulse as the woman struggles to breathe. I am attracted to the exposed sex. The exposed breasts. There are parts of it that are inherently erotic.

But big cocks are more filling...

I too think that exposed breasts and a strained heaving diaphragm are attractive on a cross.

"someone with simple curves is ideal" - yes, I can go with that

On the cock size thing, a question for the ladies. Do you find a crucified man's genitals attractive, or beautiful, or arousing, or fascinating? Is it a turn on to see him exposed on a cross? Is it less interesting than strong thighs and a tight torso? Is size of any interest, or is a naked cock something you like to see on a crucified man whatever the size?
Men are simple, we like to see the curves, the breasts, the pudenda. We find them beautiful, arousing. Is the reverse the case?
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