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Zcruxx Art

Go to CruxDreams.com
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nah first one was a test, second crucifixion is for real :D
OFC she hopes she will be taken down again.. but is in for a disappointment that will remain with her for a lifetime :smilie-devil::smilie-devil::smilie-devil:
That was all beautiful paintings of crucified women. The whole damn reason we made those rules was to ensure we had enough bandwidth to keep hosting EXACTLY this sort of thing! Can you at least go through the effort of adding them back in as external links? His work deserves to be seen in the highest resolutions, to really appreciate the details.
Monty is correct. The limits were updated on Nov 6th 2022.
"2. Image sizes no larger than 400Kb.
Exceptions. PNGs in the CMCK thread (Crucifixion Manipulation Construction Kit) and original work by member artists where the limit will be 2 Mb. Any image hosted externally. See below for helpful information on how to downsize large images to meet this standard."
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