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Your Favorite Female Body Type On The Cross

What is your favorite female body type on the cross?

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OK fair enough ralmcg - here you go - enjoy :)

View attachment 68595
This was a tough one to do, having to significantly cut and paste both arms and one of the legs. Doesn't look too bad I guess, but honestly, this type of body still does nothing to arouse me...
and this one is pissed off
pissed off.jpg
I am flabbergasted over some people who say that muscular women, especially very muscular women, are men. For one thing they do not show any parts associated with men, such as a penis and testes. They have vaginas and breasts, albeit for some women they don't appear to have breasts because of flat chests. I would say that they appear to be traditional masculine but they are still women. At least Darkprincess69 acknowledges that muscular women are women even if they are not her cup of tea and I thank her for it.
I'm flattered to see you're using my manip as your avatar now :)
It's been awhile since this topic has been responded to and some things have changed, like my avatar. I still believe that the muscular woman is a sight to behold. Here's a picture of one recently found.
It is called "nude by Chistian Peter".
I am flabbergasted over some people who say that muscular women, especially very muscular women, are men. For one thing they do not show any parts associated with men, such as a penis and testes. They have vaginas and breasts, albeit for some women they don't appear to have breasts because of flat chests. I would say that they appear to be traditional masculine but they are still women. At least Darkprincess69 acknowledges that muscular women are women even if they are not her cup of tea and I thank her for it.

Well you shouldn't be as overly musclar women (just like overly musclar men) aren't appealing to the vast majority of people. Go into any gym in America and you'll find the women want to be toned and not have a lot of fat but they still want to look like women.

Not a guy without a penis.

Getting overly muscular for a women also causes hormonal problems (such as missing or abnormal periods).

And it can also lead to you failing a sexual gentic id test (as did four women recently kicked off the Iranian National soccer team. And we won't even talk about how many communist atheletes failed gender tests).

It isn't necessarily the exterior parts (every heard of man-boobs) that create your gender identify. It is also the chemical balance in the body and this gets very out of whack for overly muscular women.

I'd say that Lucy Lawless in her prime probably set the outer boundries for how muscular a women should be. Much past that point and you, as a woman, start to appeal to the fetish crowd, not the majority of the men in the room.

Been a athelete all my life and I never ever wanted to look like Arnold. Been bi-sexual for a long time and I find both too skinny women and overly muscular women sexually unappealing.

On the flip side I don't find male body builders attractive (and I was surprised how physically weak they are) at all.



Just my two cents
Well you shouldn't be as overly musclar women (just like overly musclar men) aren't appealing to the vast majority of people. Go into any gym in America and you'll find the women want to be toned and not have a lot of fat but they still want to look like women.

Not a guy without a penis.

Getting overly muscular for a women also causes hormonal problems (such as missing or abnormal periods).

And it can also lead to you failing a sexual gentic id test (as did four women recently kicked off the Iranian National soccer team. And we won't even talk about how many communist atheletes failed gender tests).

It isn't necessarily the exterior parts (every heard of man-boobs) that create your gender identify. It is also the chemical balance in the body and this gets very out of whack for overly muscular women.

I'd say that Lucy Lawless in her prime probably set the outer boundries for how muscular a women should be. Much past that point and you, as a woman, start to appeal to the fetish crowd, not the majority of the men in the room.

Been a athelete all my life and I never ever wanted to look like Arnold. Been bi-sexual for a long time and I find both too skinny women and overly muscular women sexually unappealing.

On the flip side I don't find male body builders attractive (and I was surprised how physically weak they are) at all.



Just my two cents
I'll agree that very muscular women, and men, are not the best body types a person can have. For that matter very skinny people don't have the best body type. But that doesn't mean that a woman can't develop her muscles, especially if she wants to be strong.

I also have issue with you saying that women in the gym wanting to look like women. I got news for them. They are women no matter how muscular they are. I think you mean they want to look feminine. Which begs the question of what is feminine. Is it the feminine to attract men, mostly the masculine type? If so then they would rather look feminine than to repel men by being muscular. And many, if not most men, are afraid of being near muscular women because they don't want their masculinity to be in question.

I ask you this since you are an athlete. Have you felt like you can't go for it, such as lifting more weights to be stronger, because you want to remain feminine?

The rarity of women with well-defined muscularity makes these women appealing, to me and others, because they aren't bound by societal definitions of femininity.
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Not a guy without a penis.

Getting overly muscular for a women also causes hormonal problems (such as missing or abnormal periods).

And it can also lead to you failing a sexual gentic id test (as did four women recently kicked off the Iranian National soccer team. And we won't even talk about how many communist atheletes failed gender tests).

Sexual Hormonal test none of them magically developed a Y chromosome in any of their cells.

As to the whole guy without a penis thing the fact is that men are just women without vaginas. I was recently idly talking with a friend and the subject of cooking wrasse came up. Wrasse are a moderately interesting fish in that they are all born female and then at a later point in their lives some of them become male. Humans are the same, we are all conceived female some of us then become male under the influence of our chromosomes and some few don't quite make the switch and end up a bit of both.

I also have issue with you saying that women in the gym wanting to look like women. I got news for them. They are women no matter how muscular they are. I think you mean they want to look feminine. Which begs the question of what is feminine. Is it the feminine to attract men, mostly the masculine type? If so then they would rather look feminine than to repel men by being muscular. And many, if not most men, are afraid of being near muscular women because they don't want their masculinity to be in question.

I think you are missing the point of the more well thought out contention of Willowfall's argument. Fitness, especially physical fitness is attractive in a mate and lesbians often find exactly the same stimuli attractive in a woman as heterosexual men do.

But fitness is not a case of more is better but rather the optimum is better and the optimum is not always more. As Williowfall pointed out a lot of bodybuilders are in fact surprisingly weak. This tends to be because they over emphasise pumping iron at the expense of power training and cardiovascular fitness. Their muscles are large but not strong and the support systems are not in place.

Thus overly large muscles do not confer a survival advantage and for those who ascribe to the theory that notions of attractiveness have an underlying genetic selection root, are not attractive. Even if you subscribe to the theory that cultural norms dictate attractiveness then again overly muscular builds on both men and women tend to fall down as they are frequnetly associated with narcissism in many cultures.
Sexual Hormonal test none of them magically developed a Y chromosome in any of their cells.

As to the whole guy without a penis thing the fact is that men are just women without vaginas. I was recently idly talking with a friend and the subject of cooking wrasse came up. Wrasse are a moderately interesting fish in that they are all born female and then at a later point in their lives some of them become male. Humans are the same, we are all conceived female some of us then become male under the influence of our chromosomes and some few don't quite make the switch and end up a bit of both.

I think you are missing the point of the more well thought out contention of Willowfall's argument. Fitness, especially physical fitness is attractive in a mate and lesbians often find exactly the same stimuli attractive in a woman as heterosexual men do.

But fitness is not a case of more is better but rather the optimum is better and the optimum is not always more. As Williowfall pointed out a lot of bodybuilders are in fact surprisingly weak. This tends to be because they over emphasise pumping iron at the expense of power training and cardiovascular fitness. Their muscles are large but not strong and the support systems are not in place.

Thus overly large muscles do not confer a survival advantage and for those who ascribe to the theory that notions of attractiveness have an underlying genetic selection root, are not attractive. Even if you subscribe to the theory that cultural norms dictate attractiveness then again overly muscular builds on both men and women tend to fall down as they are frequnetly associated with narcissism in many cultures.
I will agree with you that more muscles are not necessarily better. However I do think that those who do strength training, especially multi-event athletes, will get some muscularity. Case in point, Jessica Ennis.
Ennis Javelin.jpg
Notice her muscular build, even if it's not massive.

I do believe there is a cultural imperative for women to be fit but not too fit. And for a lot of women instead of "I will develop my physical body to the best of its abilities.", it's "I will exercise but only enough to catch a feller since he doesn't like well-developed women."
I think a toned body is an attractive body. Male or Female, it doesn't matter.

As to what catches my eye, it could be any number of things. Rarely do I have a jaw dropping OMG moment. Although it has happened.

One more thing, I do think that women tend to check out other women more than guys check out other guys. This isn't a lesbian thing, it's just natural to study the
Thank you for being flattered. It combines the theme of this message board, crucifixion, with my love of nude muscular women.
mp5stab, my avatar has changed since I posted that message. It's no longer a muscular woman on the cross.
I think a toned body is an attractive body. Male or Female, it doesn't matter.

As to what catches my eye, it could be any number of things. Rarely do I have a jaw dropping OMG moment. Although it has happened.

One more thing, I do think that women tend to check out other women more than guys check out other guys. This isn't a lesbian thing, it's just natural to study the
Rowers are niceflower1We like weights and ergs... Yummy!
I think a toned body is an attractive body. Male or Female, it doesn't matter.

As to what catches my eye, it could be any number of things. Rarely do I have a jaw dropping OMG moment. Although it has happened.

One more thing, I do think that women tend to check out other women more than guys check out other guys. This isn't a lesbian thing, it's just natural to study the

Yes, there isn't a single body type or form that is universally attractive (even though Hollywood and the media sometimes would like us to believe so:rolleyes:). Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as they say, and features are often enhanced by body language and glimpses of personality in addition to just plain physical attributes. A smile or particular look, for example, can make someone's eyes take on a special attractive quality, or simply the way someone wears their hair can be very attractive to one onlooker and maybe not so much to another. Even the way we walk or move can have special appeal, and what we wear or don't wear can make a difference too. Almost anything can catch the eye and be an attraction to the right person looking. I agree with Siss that a toned body is generally more attractive, as the opposite taken to the extreme can be off putting (although to some degree this may be culturally determined). I also would second Siss' contention that women tend to check out women a lot more than guys may realize.;)
Yes, there isn't a single body type or form that is universally attractive (even though Hollywood and the media sometimes would like us to believe so:rolleyes:). Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as they say, and features are often enhanced by body language and glimpses of personality in addition to just plain physical attributes. A smile or particular look, for example, can make someone's eyes take on a special attractive quality, or simply the way someone wears their hair can be very attractive to one onlooker and maybe not so much to another. Even the way we walk or move can have special appeal, and what we wear or don't wear can make a difference too. Almost anything can catch the eye and be an attraction to the right person looking. I agree with Siss that a toned body is generally more attractive, as the opposite taken to the extreme can be off putting (although to some degree this may be culturally determined). I also would second Siss' contention that women tend to check out women a lot more than guys may realize.;)
It's all true!
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