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Condemnation: Burned at the Stake (to the Pole or Crucified)

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After his fake abjuration...during a night of torture to stop suffering.
Questioned again; she mentioned the names of two other girls with her during the Sabbath.
Confession obtained by deception a play on words...and the promise of being spared from being Condemned to the Stake.
The Holy Inquisition; he wanted to be Condemned to the Stake more women...hearing more women's voices screaming in the Flames.
Today; only three...The same fate is ready to reach others like them; innocents accused...


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After his fake abjuration...during a night of torture to stop suffering.
Questioned again; she mentioned the names of two other girls with her during the Sabbath.
Confession obtained by deception a play on words...and the promise of being spared from being Condemned to the Stake.
The Holy Inquisition; he wanted to be Condemned to the Stake more women...hearing more women's voices screaming in the Flames.
Today; only three...The same fate is ready to reach others like them; innocents accused...
The Judge promised them that, if they confessed, he would not sentence them to burn.
He kept his word.
When they were brought into court for sentencing, there was a different judge sitting at the bench.
Tree can't find where this was originally posted but there was a comment she should be naked...
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but thought that it was a good idea...

Emma was a woman of low moral values but had resisted the lewd advances of the married parson. She was found guilty of being a witch and condemned to be burned to death. A crowd of villagers came to see Emma burned at the stake...
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The parson staked kindling around her naked body as the executioner patiently waited to light the pyre. The parson said "You should be honored we are burning you instead of hanging you by your neck. The flames will purge the sins from your body before they consume you!"
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One is not sure Emma agreed with the parson as the flames licked her flesh!
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This is why his fantasy is in the ancient past, when the fabrics would have been natural and would burn cleanly off instead of melt. :p
The real question is do you want to watch her clothing burn before you can see her naked flesh...
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...or watch her tits shake as she is tied to the post while Archbishop Wragg is giving her the last rites???
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Considered too beautiful, a fascinating creature of the devil...she was dressed in Sambenito...she was sentenced to be Burned at the Stake.
She on the pyre; she can try to show courage, but the Flames rise...they are close to his skin and everything starts to burn around her


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Arrested, pounded and promptly executed in the square...without trial...
"Your mouth is stopped to prevent, to your heresies to come out... But you can let out your groans of pain when this Flaming Torch...lights the pyre of your Atrocious and deserved Condemnation.
Burned at the Stake because she was a heretic...There are others like you on this square... soon they will be in your place after you.


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INQUISITOR "I;..Holy and Supreme Inquisitor, I'm here in this place; To pronounce a sentence...And witness the Death Sentence of a Heretica relapses.
He relapses in his beliefs in which he renounces the existence of God.
His red hair is a clear sign of belonging to the underworld...His heretical ideas conspire against the church and for crimes of heresy,as for witchcraft
the coercive sentence for this woman is to be Burned at the Stake...!
WITCH " For you it wasn't enough..Torture and Humiliate my girl body...it is necessary to pass a death sentence; in which I must be Burned at the Stake.
You have chosen a beautiful place...I owe you gratitude? in addition to the submission of all these days in which I was a prisoner of the Holy Inquisition...!?"
INQUISITOR "I represent the authority of the church. The Executioner is the secular arm charged with killing witches, and heretics like you.
Your red hair is like heresy...!"
WITCH " You are a lying churchman a cruel murderer...now a pervert he demonstrates it with his excited penis...because soon he can see me Burned Alive in the Flames...I curse you and I have more courage than you to climb innocently on the pyre...!"
INQUISITOR " Go to the stake Heretic witch with red hair... Executioner; she chains her to the post and BURN HER ALIVE..!."
" Move up the pyre and lean your back against the pole...You are a damned heretic to be Burned...You know I have the freedom to decide to
strangle yourself before lighting the Fire; but I will never do it for you...!"
WITCH "Do your duty slave of the Inquisitor...I am afraid of suffering in the Flames...but I face them alive... suffocate yourself...murderer...!"
EXECUTIONER I'll roast you slowly and I listen to your screams...while you beg for my mercy...!"
INQUISITOR "Executioner...light the Flames at the Pyre ...And you; Damned Heretic...BURN...ALIVE...!!!"

WITCH "I am surrounded by Flames...I can't resist for long without screaming... And I can't pray to anyone;because I don't believe in the existence of God
and in a soul saved...I'm just a meat woman...!"


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These four women are Heretics...caught bringing people together to go against the church.
a conspiracy: against this Holy Inquisition...which now condemns them to be Burned at the Stake...together in the Flames.
The religious person reads their names and their sentence...The last one to hear her name is the youngest woman.
Arrested and cruelly tortured to extort the names of the other three women...Only one; she has the look of a repeat offender... the others are resigned.
Young women 20 years old, 22 years old, 26 years old, 18 years old ...they prepare their body to be Burned at the stake


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That young girl; she is my secret lover of the Inquisitor and she is also their daughter,fruit of our adulterous relationship from years ago.
She doesn't know the truth...I heard from her...her of having received an insult from you.
With the power granted; Condemned to be Burned at the Stake...her because she understands that she is ready to reveal the secret.
She must only Burn and scream... if she tries to talk now...orders her to tie their daughter to the Stake with her.
If she in the Flames she shouts the truth...after being tortured and raped ...she will be Burned at the Stake.

The woman to protect her daughter, is silent...and she submits to Death in the Flames.
She prays that in the future…that evil church man, let her live...submitted, but not a next Victim at the Stake of the Holy Inquisition.


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