Here we are !
I didn't imagine i would had so much work splitting the story, anyway i hope to be quite close to be able to manage everything
Now to today story.
First off all i have to make a preamble.
These two girls.
Valeria Lukyanova
Olga Oleynick
They spent billions in surgery to look like Barbie dolls and they are real girls.
Here are Google image search : https://www.google.it/search?q=valeria lukyanova&safe=off&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=7o8fUr7sJ5Ov4QSA74GwAg&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1664&bih=1024
https://www.google.it/search?safe=off&biw=1664&bih=1024&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=olga oleynik&oq=olga ol&gs_l=img.3.0.0l3j0i24l7.38592.40722.0.42070.
End of preamble.
Here we are in the "Models House"
"See this girls Valeria Lukyanova and Olga Oleynik are making billions whit photo shoots"
"I transformed you in dolls as you asked, now is time to pay back, you have to slim down if you want to make money"
"Abmer i wait you in my office"
"Ok Amber can see how fat you are ?, that's your diet plan :
Water fasting plus a multivitamin pill a day, the pill is designed to give you all you need, whit only one side effect it will make you feel very hungry"
"Here are my new girls ! Nyssa you look great with new hair cut.
How are you doing ? your tummy start to look nice !!
"We are famished Miss Claudia, Lemon Juice fast it's quite hard"
"Ok girls this is not a punishment. it's a lesson.
In model business , it's more the time you will spend staring and smelling at food, than when you eat, you have to get used to it"
You can drool here, but never in front of a customer"
"Good evening Amber i'm going to throw away this ham, want to smell it ?
You have to get used to it, you will not have a crumb of food, for a while, my dear."
During the night
Nyssa: "Charlise i'm so hungry my stomach it's so empty."
Charlize : "i Know mine too but Miss Claudia said we will have a shoot on the stage tomorrow i can't wait !"
Back in the boot camp !
Mistress Gia is totally mad at girls !
"Girls Yesterday you was lazy like, today the same , where do you think you are !! "
P.D I don't count them anymore because of "Model House" twist.
I didn't imagine i would had so much work splitting the story, anyway i hope to be quite close to be able to manage everything
Now to today story.
First off all i have to make a preamble.
These two girls.
Valeria Lukyanova
Olga Oleynick
They spent billions in surgery to look like Barbie dolls and they are real girls.
Here are Google image search : https://www.google.it/search?q=valeria lukyanova&safe=off&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=7o8fUr7sJ5Ov4QSA74GwAg&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1664&bih=1024
https://www.google.it/search?safe=off&biw=1664&bih=1024&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=olga oleynik&oq=olga ol&gs_l=img.3.0.0l3j0i24l7.38592.40722.0.42070.
End of preamble.
Here we are in the "Models House"
"See this girls Valeria Lukyanova and Olga Oleynik are making billions whit photo shoots"
"I transformed you in dolls as you asked, now is time to pay back, you have to slim down if you want to make money"
"Abmer i wait you in my office"
"Ok Amber can see how fat you are ?, that's your diet plan :
Water fasting plus a multivitamin pill a day, the pill is designed to give you all you need, whit only one side effect it will make you feel very hungry"
"Here are my new girls ! Nyssa you look great with new hair cut.
How are you doing ? your tummy start to look nice !!
"We are famished Miss Claudia, Lemon Juice fast it's quite hard"
"Ok girls this is not a punishment. it's a lesson.
In model business , it's more the time you will spend staring and smelling at food, than when you eat, you have to get used to it"
You can drool here, but never in front of a customer"
"Good evening Amber i'm going to throw away this ham, want to smell it ?
You have to get used to it, you will not have a crumb of food, for a while, my dear."
During the night
Nyssa: "Charlise i'm so hungry my stomach it's so empty."
Charlize : "i Know mine too but Miss Claudia said we will have a shoot on the stage tomorrow i can't wait !"
Back in the boot camp !
Mistress Gia is totally mad at girls !
"Girls Yesterday you was lazy like, today the same , where do you think you are !! "
P.D I don't count them anymore because of "Model House" twist.