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111jack's Dungeon Pics

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Please Mel :oops:
Anyway i solve many problems, so yes today we have also the "Prison Camp" :D
Let's Begin

"Move bitches, take me to labor camp"

"Emma you are slow look at how fat you are !!
"Fat workers are slow, from today till i change my mind your meals will be a slice of bread and water"

"Here is our rebel !! "
"I know they are heavy slut Natasha haha, but i want, you move them all"

"That's your new mess hall , sluts happy !"
"This way i can Keep an eye on you, your slop will be ready in a matter of minutes"

Model House
"You will stay here all day, time to burn fat girls"
"No food and exercise ! "
"Dr please just a some sugar we are starving"

"Ok my beautiful dolls make me a nice pose"
"Nataly Michelle you still look a bit fat, Charlize you look great tomorow we have a photoshot on the pool"

In the evening
"Hunger, hunger i need food "
""Vanessa what are you doing, Dr Linda !! come here please"

"Claudia I sedated her"
"Dr. Linda she looks so emaciated are you sure of what you are doing ?"
"It was just an hunger crisis nothing to worry about"
"I worry Doctor ! this are my girls, i don't want they become sick !"


The above pics are located at Imgur. Here are the thumbnails


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Hi jack,
The Imgur site looks interesting. I got one of the thumbnails out of order...sorry:(
Hi jack,
The Imgur site looks interesting. I got one of the thumbnails out of order...sorry:(
I think you wrong somethings , the pics are half resolution of the orginal
Tu put them in order i don't have a clue :p and i even don't get how you did that :D
By the way you should chek resolution see it' 500x375 it means it cut in half all images :(
Hello Fellows :D

Let's jump in today story !

Prison Camp
"Natasha we will enjoy the sun all day long ! stand still and of cours forget your lunch"

"Emma move !! do you want to skip lunch !"

"Here Emma enjoy you bread and you are luky that is not stale"


Model House
"Girls today you will rest in you room"
"Miss Claudia can we have something to eat please, we are famished"
"Annette Vanessa i know that, but you are boney model we can't feed youm, please try to relax"

"Ok Fabien take some shoot to Charlise, my angel girl "
"Charlize please make a sexy pose"

"Ok let's try another !"

"See Claudia the problem is this girls are everyday more skynny"
"That's my last photo shoot look at how concave is her stomach"
"Fabien i got that my girls are doing them best "

In Dr Linda clinic
"Gilrs i just spoke to Claudia you can't get out of this room for now !"
"But i'm generous you Doughnut you can share it !"

"Please Amber just a few crumbs !!"

I hope you guys please notice this

And this that is a real modle Anna from met-art web site

Ok boys and girls !
I'm trying to improve as you know, without spending one euro:p
I often tried to make work a software that is Luxrender, but to render an image it takes around 20 hours.
So i spent many hours in finding a way of putting lights, and reducing render time, trying to have the best results.
Using the render engine inside the program, you saw the resoluts, some wrong some acceptable.

Today i found a lot of material, but this means testing it and learning it, and changing many things.
The result could be this, thanks to a software called OctaneRender.

I can't guarantee i will succeed anyway i want to try, so i need some time.

Anyway back to our story :D
I need to end a scene i made yesterday

In Dr. Linda Clinic.
"Dr. Linda i'm more famished than yesterday, after eating the donut"
"Amber , what is the name of this room ?? "Famine Room"
"Do you girls think i will give you something to eat for real ?"
"The donut whas simply a chemical misture of our pill, you basically ingested something that will make you feel the real famine , your stomach it's working trying to digest something, but it's totally empty "

cor, wow, that's gorgeous Jack! :)
I can't guarantee my dear :(
And by the way in the "Model House" girls will starve :D, and in work camp one or two dependig on my mode :p , will become really thin !!
Sorry Guys
There is no way i can reach that level unless i use Pixar hardware :p !!
If you don't mind i will go on trying to do my best with what i have .

Anyway i have new things for my library and must make some order before going on.

The Octanerender looks amazing!!. Please organize your files and make sure you back up your files. It is so easy to leave things until tomorrow!!
The Octanerender looks amazing!!. Please organize your files and make sure you back up your files. It is so easy to leave things until tomorrow!!
I'm sorry Mel :(
My hardware can't handle it, it's for professional.
And anyway it works well only with outside lighting...
By the way i have still improvement margins, the only way o do some things it's by doing one render in around 20 hours, or having the right equipement.
However i spent all day testing, new kinds of lights to improve the images.
Main problem is that i may see skin detalis perferctly, but only by rendering an huge image , that become impossible to post.
I have found a combination of lights and rendered, Amber model, she looks amazing if you zoom on the image the skin looks real.

That's almost the best i can do with zero euros :p in around 20 minutes ( lights setting not included )

I read better the post about octanerender

To make this image:
Skin Texiture lights are from a program that costs : 279 € + A PC with 2 video cards only one of them costs : 1.200 € then the Pc a Dell with all elements for a ridiculs cost of : 4,800 € :eek: then thriple screen : 340€ x3
Total 5.480 € no software only the hardware.:confused:
Can someone lend to a poor italian, without a government from two years, around 7.000 € please :p

we could lend you a government, Jack :D
Hahah we are already paying it ! :p
I saw a graph, our "non government" costs to us, the sum of German, British, Spanish, French governments, we could be an empire ! :D
Dear Mel
I saw you did a great job with "The Archive" thanks so very much !
I still have many ideas but i need some time
I thought to make like this if you agree.
I made scenes then post the update, so instead of having every day a story, i will do some days whitout updates
This way the story is still day by day, but i can improve quality, for exemple if i make a scene i can add more things because i don't need to care at render time and finish all
What do you think ?

Dear Mel
I saw you did a great job with "The Archive" thanks so very much !
I still have many ideas but i need some time
I thought to make like this if you agree.
I made scenes then post the update, so instead of having every day a story, i will do some days whitout updates
This way the story is still day by day, but i can improve quality, for exemple if i make a scene i can add more things because i don't need to care at render time and finish all
What do you think ?

do it........................I'm sure mel will told you the same
Dear Mel
I saw you did a great job with "The Archive" thanks so very much !
I still have many ideas but i need some time
I thought to make like this if you agree.
I made scenes then post the update, so instead of having every day a story, i will do some days whitout updates
This way the story is still day by day, but i can improve quality, for exemple if i make a scene i can add more things because i don't need to care at render time and finish all
What do you think ?


I think that is an excellent idea jack...and don't forget to get some rest time in there!!
Hello Guys !
I'm sorry but i can go on only with "Model House"
When i start to think at prison Camp my mind become, white i have many ideas but i'm not able t transform them in scenes.
Model House instead is more easy..
Anyway today story.

"Fabien let me intrduce you Gemma, she live with others 20 models of my agency, in a residence , they don't need my supervision.
"She is nice Claudia, but i'm here for them, i have a project to show you"
"Ok Let's talk in my office"

"Claudia here is the deal, we have Charize and Aspen that are great for magazine"
"But we need two more girls, then we can start my project."
"Fabien what is that project ?"
"Natural skinny girls"
"What you mean ? Annette and Vanessa are starving , there isn't anything of natural in this"
"I know but think at it, when we will have Amber and Nyssa, we will spread the news , the gossip magazine will be intrest in knowing how this girls can be so thin in a natural way"

"Can you see Claudia
The girl in the pictures is part of the project, she is naturally thin she recive billions of call a day for posing"
"So i should starve my girls and then, we pretend that they are naturally thin ?"
"Yes Claudia imagine, when the media will discover four Natually thin models"
"Ok let's do this !"

"Linda Amber is not losing weight weight as i expected"
"Her tummy has to be a lot more concave"
"I Know Claudia look at Nyssa she is perfectly emaciated but Amber has a differnt metabolism"
"I suggest to go to extreme, it's a natural thing many people do it"
"We will make her ingest a worm, "Tenia" in medicine, this worm will eat all she ingest living her deprived of every substance, and he will also absorb all fat cells in Amber"
"Because we put Amber on my fasting therapy, she will become emaciated very quickly, the side effect it's that she will be famished as hell"
"Dr.linda this sound so harsh"
"Claudia it's simple, , you can bring her at home in an hour we will then remove the tenia whit a simple chemical solution, when you think she is enought emaciated"

"Anette, Vanessa you have three days of fasting ahead, i suggest you to get back in your room, so you are not tempted to eat"

Hello Guys !
I'm sorry but i can go on only with "Model House"

No apologies necessary Jack, what you present to us is amply good enough. Anyway the creative process is often not straight forwards, ideas have lurked in my mind for years at a time before getting a try out on the page.

The story is a bit gruesome but then look at Clive Barker and Stephen King they make a fortune from gruesome and you ideas do hold the attention. You are doing well with your story, don't feel you need to present something every day or even week but go where your ideas take you :)
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