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111jack's Dungeon Pics

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Italian arm-waving is very advanced :D

That's absolutley great :D
That part of Italian I do know... But that is why Italian women are silent when crucified- they can not wave their arms:eek:
Dear T
That's a huge problem , but guess what, we usually don't listen to women :p, when they talk it's like a background sound a kind of radio.:D

Usually they are complaining on everything, starting from the weather, hair, shoes, and all possible things that don't interest to men.:D

So probably your girls on the cross, are complaining because it's cold, them hair are a mess, lipstick and mascara are ruined and the perfume is not what they like :p

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Tree's Italian grandad at bottom,
right of centre! :)

(an amazing photo,
wonderful slice of social history!)​
y're completely right and that's why i had this photographs preserved
y're completely right and that's why i had this photographs preserved
There is a thing that makes a huge difference.
Historically all italians emigrated was from south italy, mostly was from sicily.
You may notice them mustaches.
North italy where i live, it's another world completly, it's like to compare Ireland to U.K.
Language it's totally different also accents, they was and still are very poor and culture was really low, this unfortunatly was or is still the typical stereotype image of italians.
In movies , we always are mafia, bad guys , or poor dumbs like Roky Balboa.
The realty is totally differt, north, italians are differnt, it's another culture and even phiscally we look different.
Only south italians migrated, while north Italians rebuild everything after WW2, cars companies, chemical , oil Agip, computers Olivetti, Barilla and so on..

This always created a social problem.
When a south italian came to north, just make mess they feel the king of the place not guests, so they go on doing the same they do in south, shooting on the streets, not respecting any law, and we are just stupid because we pay taxes for them.
Not all are like this i have great friends from South italy and i have been there many times, but many north Italians would love to have Italy split in two parts.

One thing is for sure a real Italian Gentleman feels italian and can be from south or north.
Rules are the same, first save the children women then yourself.
All women are mothers of our sons, they have a huge consideration, we venerate them we love them all , we depend on them and we know that, we should even being born without them.

Then of courls we like to make Jokes :D
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NYC_Mulberry Italian

Admi does another unauthorized picture, this of Tree's family reunion.

As 111Jack pointed out my grandparents all immigrated from Italy. Maternal side was from Rome and Sicily, paternal was from the northwest and northeast top of the country.

My paternal grandfather brought my grandmother to the US she was so pissed she refused to speak English, even though both spoke 5 or 6 languages. Neither graduated from elementary school...

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North where i live :
Anyway , still don't have a clue of how to put togheter my scenes probably to many options :(

Have patience with yourself the creative process is not a linear one, it follows not strict progression A-B or sticks to any timetable. In time it will come to you how you want things to look.

We have all been impressed by your work in the past, you sometimes judge yourself much too harshly. :p

We will wait.
Admi does another unauthorized picture, this of Tree's family reunion.

As 111Jack pointed out my grandparents all immigrated from Italy. Maternal side was from Rome and Sicily, paternal was from the northwest and northeast top of the country.

My paternal grandfather brought my grandmother to the US she was so pissed she refused to speak English, even though both spoke 5 or 6 languages. Neither graduated from elementary school...

Dear T
Italy is really a very young republic founded only 152 years ago.
The history before unification it's the key to understand differences and people migrations flows
We was full of different kingdoms, that's why the areas you mentioned are the most common areas.
South : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_the_Two_Sicilies
West : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Sardinia

The main period of immigration

Mulberry Street, along which New York City's Little Italy is centered. Lower East Side, circa 1900.
The Italian unification in 1861 caused economic conditions to considerably worsen for many in southern Italy and Sicily. Heavy taxes and other economic measures imposed on the South made the situation virtually impossible for many tenant farmers, and small business and land owners. Multitudes chose to emigrate rather than try to eke out a meager living. Often, the father and older sons would go first, leaving the mother and the rest of the family behind until the male members could afford their passage.

From 1880 to 1920, an estimated 4 million Italian immigrants arrived in the United States, the majority from 1900 to 1914. Once in America, the immigrants faced great challenges. Often with no knowledge of the English language and with little education, many of the immigrants were compelled to accept the poorest paying and most undesirable jobs, and were frequently exploited by the middlemen who acted as intermediaries between them and the prospective employers.[17] Many sought housing in the older sections of the large northeastern cities in which they settled, which became known as "Little Italies", often in overcrowded substandard tenements. About a third of the immigrants, so-called "birds of passage", intended to stay in the United States for only a limited time, followed by a return to Italy with enough in savings to re-establish themselves there.[18] While many did return to Italy, others chose to stay, or were prevented from returning by the outbreak of World War I.

The Italian male immigrants in the Little Italies were most often employed in manual labor, heavily involved in public works, such as the construction of roads, sewers, subways and bridges being carried out at the time in the northeastern cities. The women most frequently worked as seamstresses in the garment industry or in their homes. Many established small businesses in the Little Italies to satisfy the day-to-day needs of fellow immigrants. In spite of the economic hardship of the immigrants, civil and social life flourished in the Italian American neighborhoods of the large northeastern cities. Italian theater, band concerts, choral recitals, puppet shows, mutual-aid societies, and social clubs were available to the immigrants.[19] An important event, the "festa", became for many an important connection to the traditions of their ancestral villages in Italy and Sicily. The festa involved an elaborate procession through the streets in honor of a patron saint or the Virgin Mary in which a large statue was carried by a team of men, with musicians marching behind. Followed by food, fireworks and general merriment, the festa became an important occasion that helped give the immigrants a sense of unity and common identity. To assist the immigrants in the Little Italies, who were overwhelmingly Catholic, Pope Leo XIII dispatched a contingent of priests, nuns and brothers of the Missionaries of St. Charles Borromeo. Among these was Sister Francesca Cabrini, who founded schools, hospitals and orphanages and who, after her death, was declared the first American saint. Hundreds of parishes were founded by the St. Charles missionaries to serve the needs of the Italian communities.

The destinations of many of the Italian immigrants were not only the large cities of the East Coast, but also more remote regions of the country, such as Florida and California. They were drawn there by opportunities in agriculture, mining, railroad construction, lumbering and other activities underway at the time. Many of the immigrants had contracted to work in these areas of the country as a condition for payment of their passage. In many cases, especially in the South, the immigrants were subject to economic exploitation, hostility and sometimes even violence.[20] Many of the Italian laborers who went to these areas were later joined by wives and children, which resulted in the establishment of permanent Italian American settlements in diverse parts of the country.

In time, the Italian immigrants and their descendants adjusted to life in their adopted country, and began making contributions to mainstream American life and culture. Many of the immigrants had brought with them specialized skills and knowledge, and an entrepreneurial spirit. A significant number of business innovations were brought about by Italian Americans. Amadeo Giannini originated the concept of branch banking to serve the Italian American community in San Francisco. He founded the Bank of Italy, which later became the Bank of America. His bank was also instrumental in providing financing to the film industry developing on the west coast at that time. Other companies founded by Italian Americans – such as Ghirardelli Chocolate Company, Progresso, Planters Peanuts, Contadina, Chef Boyardee, Italian Swiss Colony wines and Jacuzzi – became nationally known brand names in time. An Italian immigrant, Italo Marciony (Marcioni), is credited with inventing the earliest version of an ice cream cone in 1898. Another Italian immigrant, Giuseppe Bellanca, brought with him in 1912 an advanced aircraft design, which he began producing. It was Charles Lindbergh's first choice for his flight across the Atlantic, but other factors ruled this out; however, one of Bellanca's planes, piloted by Cesare Sabelli and George Pond, made one of the first non-stop trans-Atlantic flights in 1934.[21]

Following in the footsteps of Constantino Brumidi, other Italians and their descendants helped create Washington’s impressive monuments. An Italian immigrant, Attilio Piccirilli, and his five brothers carved the Lincoln Memorial, which they began in 1911 and completed in 1922. Italian construction workers helped build Washington's Union Station, considered one of the most beautiful in the country, which was begun in 1905 and completed in 1908. The six statues that decorate the station's facade were sculpted by Andrew Bernasconi between 1909 and 1911. Two Italian American master stone carvers, Roger Morigi and Vincent Palumbo, spent decades creating the sculptural works that embellish Washington National Cathedral.[22]

Italian Americans became involved in entertainment and sports. Rudolph Valentino was one of the first great film icons. Dixieland jazz music had a number of important Italian American innovators, the most famous being Nick LaRocca of New Orleans, whose quintet made the first jazz recording in 1917. The first Italian American professional baseball player, Ping Bodie (Giuseppe Pezzole), began playing for the Chicago White Sox in 1912. Ralph DePalma won the Indianapolis 500 in 1915.

Italian Americans became increasingly involved in politics, government and the labor movement. Andrew Longino was elected Governor of Mississippi in 1900. Charles Bonaparte was Secretary of the Navy and later Attorney General in the Theodore Roosevelt administration, and founded the Federal Bureau of Investigation.[23] Fiorello LaGuardia was elected from New York in 1916 to serve in the US Congress, and was Mayor of New York City from 1934 to 1945. Italian Americans, such as Arturo Giovannitti, Carlo Tresca and Joseph Ettor were at the forefront in fighting for worker's rights in industries such as the mining, textiles and garment industries.

from wikipedia:beer:found by dd hansi:p
he completely left out how Italians organized crime in the US...



...or that the IMF was founded by an Italian...
You completly make me lose the subject of my 3D story what was about :D school time ? history channel ?? :p
Done ;)
Piacenza Italy, is just 30 minute south from Milan.
And guess, we use different, Language, we eat diffent things, Italy is like this, every small place close or far, has something differnt :D
In my town you can see roman walls, but monuments are not so beautiful, we have instead wonderful landscapes and four rivers with valleys, and we are on the biggest italian river "Fiume Po"
Also many beautiful villages, this is the village where i live, that's "The Rocca Pallavicino di Monticelli D'ongina"
Inside there are two museum and i worked there as a Guide
Looks ugly but has been restored.
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