Gerd, you are very talented, but erotiscim and BDSM are not not a contest where the winner is the most gory and bloody.
It's not my responsability to tell what is the limit tolerated, if there is one, on this forum but, without any moral judgment, the pure gore is not so esthetic and erotic, nor source of of imagination for the onlloker. Quite frankly, I don't like the last pictures of the woman sawn in half, that's not erotic nor frigthening,, just a quick death and a mess of blood and bones.
I prefer by far more scenarized , constructed and frightening long deaths.
And why don't you publish here full stories ? For instance, I don't think you have posted the full ligchi story (anyway, I can't find the whole story on this thread) ? This one was gory, but very well done, with a slow progression.
And you haven't finished the Agony story, not very gory but quite frightening and based on interesting ideas.
These are two examples.
Please come back to full build scenarii and works, don't dissipate yourself in ephemere updates, some of them very good, and others less. That's my opinion.