I loved this series. It was gratifying that apparently, since her clothes were retrieved, the gentleman returned to check up on her frozen corpse.
Yes, more of this please.small excursion to ancient Rome, possibly expand this into a story a la Saturday afternoon at the arena ( a trip for the whole family)View attachment 1196928View attachment 1196929View attachment 1196930View attachment 1196931View attachment 1196932
Owh, I think about how she managed to carry her pillar and patibulum onto this hill ))))))))...and finally, a little bit surealism
View attachment 1196970View attachment 1196971View attachment 1196972
gerd your stories are getting better and better the icy cold in the landscape... the haze when they breathe...the snow on his coat...the glitter of snow and ice... the reflections... I felt in real the frosty cold from the girl at the moment he took away her clothes...I would go crazy if I was forced to get into this water ice hole... Gerd this is a masterpiece!!!!!
pure goosebumps!!! if you have more pictures would be a wish come true
Wow... amazing work...and finally, a little bit surealism
View attachment 1196970View attachment 1196971View attachment 1196972
Please only English in the Forum!真的是太了不起了,人物形象逼真,让人有一种身临其境的感觉。
an icicle, of courseWhat is that for her pussy?
View attachment 1199095
To much future for me, i like more tradition old pictures, how like your last post.