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After The Rebellion Of 2014

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I know what place you speak of. I have driven by it countless times, but miniature golf is not my thing unless it’s laid out like…
…. I actually do not live in Fenton proper, but a couple of miles west of there.

I have been in Eureka, but I have never seen you there.

I would like to be part of that golf course.:devil:
She read my mind :eek:

Okay it is a short book and mostly full of crayon drawings but still....spooky

But yes I can see that for once I would not mind not being able to sink a putt in twenty-one let alone one :very_hot:

You are probably just the right height to see a few hole-in-ones:rolleyes:
can slip through bars and climb or wriggle over, under or through most obstacles and comes with a variety of attachments all with vibrate function ;)

comes with patented "flick" tail, no doubt:rolleyes:

I think Blaire will need more than a few furry flicks to ward off the effects of a horny dart
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