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Alice Kiss - Crux Legend

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Well, Bob, what can I say? I'm all embarrassed! :oops:

It's true, though, cfs brings together artists and authors in a unique mix of creative energy. Add in an actress like Alice and you have crux TNT!

There isn't much to add to what you have so eloquently said, except that your Judea Capta series, featuring Alice, will always remain right up there with the greats, and it cannot help but set the little grey cells going. Once again, thank you for sharing her with us!

As for Alice Barabbas, well, we'll see. It's just a bit of an experiment, and I very much fear that my idle daubs do no justice to poor Alice!
Thanks Wragg. I hope to add more pictures to 'Ivdaea Capta' one day.
And as a debut in the field, I consider that 'Alice Barabbas' is shaping up extremely well.
I suspect you will learn so much from the process that you will want to do it again... and again. :)
Nice work Bob. But why oh why couldn't you have posted this last week - Wednesday was Anzac Day!
There's a lot of scope in that Alice story for POW/internee crux, too, those Japanese you know!

Anyone read On The Beach or seen the film? I can't see them making it the same way these days, it's a grim story with a very grim end, appropriate to the postwar fears of nuclear annihilation.
I have read the book and seen the movie! Not bedside reading!
Crux Trek - A Taste of Crucifixion

Jollyrei's highly entertaining sci-fi adventure, 'Crux Trek - A Taste of Crucifixion' entered the forum archive as a PDF on 24 January 2018, although the launch of the story thread predated this by two months. Alice appears on Jolly's cover, which is a manipulated collage illustrating some highlights from the story. Thus the starship 'Enterprise' is renamed as the 'CFS Cunnilingus', a yellow Ford Mustang represents the ship's shuttle craft, piloted by the unqualified Ensign Barbara Moore (with a little help from Siss) and the three crucified girls represent Lieutenant Commander Eulalia, Yeoman Messaline and a native Cruxian named Melia.


The triple crucifixion shows Arkady's Raimonda flanked by Makar models Alice and Inga. Raimonda is well known as Messa's photo manipulated alter ego, and Alice has appeared as Eulalia in at least two previous stories, so I interpret Inga as the representation of Melia. In fact, Jollyrei links Eulalia and Alice, albeit as separate individuals, in a direct reference in Chapter 1 -
“Have I ever told you about Alice?” Bobinder asked Eulalia. “She was very physically expressive and…” Eulalia let out a loud groan and her whole body twitched and stiffened.

The crux element of Jolly's cover design is conceptual, since the crucifixions actually take place on the surface of the planet in the background. The scene of the three crosses is compressed, so that they almost form a single structure. The figures are subtly blended into the background, with slight transparency, allowing the constellations to shine through the bodies. Relative scale is unimportant. Only Inga presents any compromise in this respect, but a commendable degree of consistency has been achieved in the colour and tone balance between figures from diverse sources.

Since 'Crux Trek' predates Wragg's 'For the Love of Alicia', I have congratulated Jolly on achieving a first in referencing Alice in a Cruxforums story and including her in the cover illustration.

However, this is not a story about Alice, and her appearance is incidental to the plot. The solitary reference and the cover illustration mark the full extent of her involvement in the PDF version of the story. This contains twelve chapters, although the story thread runs to 26 pages, most of which constitute comments by members, many of whom are featured in the action.

Consequently the thread contains numerous illustrations above and beyond those directly illustrating the story.
As a Star Trek parody, it seemed appropriate for the ship's Doctor Bobinder to be represented by the late DeForest Kelley, and so my own comments and illustrations made the most of this opportunity. A significant sub plot describes the effects of a holodeck malfunction, which sees hologram characters leaking out and reappearing in various parts of the ship. In an early thread contribution, the first such intrusions into Dr. Bobinder's cabin are Cupid and Psyche from the 1891 painting by Annie Swynnerton, in response to Jolly's line -
"Dr Bobinder please stand by for preliminary psyche evaluation."

Hence my comment -
'Aye aye, Commander - Cupid and Psyche are getting it on in my cabin right now - any chance of fixing that leak on the Holodeck?'

crux trek Cupid and Psyche Annie Swynnerton 1891.jpg

Not satisfied with this initial intrusion, my subsequent comment has Captain Wragg trying to placate Dr. Bobinder regarding the problems of accommodating the hologram figures which are gradually filling his cabin -
'Sorry Bob, we just don't have any spare cabins.
Besides, they're holograms - they don't take up any space.
Just try to ignore them - don't get distracted...'

The hologram of Alice, studying the computer screen with the ship's officers, appears courtesy of Femjoy, from Valery Anzilov's Crimean series, 'Sea Breeze.' The Eulalia connection lingers in this scene, since the same pose was previously used to illustrate Eul in her own story, 'Lassie-Hunting in the Northern Forest.' I could not resist the character interaction in which Alice mimicks the doctor's pose and expression.

Messaline contributed even further delightful confusion to the scene by inserting the character of Commander Rodent (her favourite squirrel) perched on Alice's shoulder and announcing his arrival with the words, 'Hum - Hello!'

Crux Trek holograms in MO's cabin.jpgCrux Trek Holograms in MO's cabin Messa's modification.jpgcrux trek source SB 013.jpg

Another plot device by Jollyrei concerns the use of a crux elixir, to which Dr. Bobinder hopes to find an antidote. Quoting from the story -
“Look,” said Bobinder, “if we’re all done here for the moment, I managed to get some of that Cruxian tonic they give the crucifixion victims to make them feel pleasure and orgasm to death. I want to analyse it and see what I can find out about it. Maybe make an antidote.”

Naturally, I could not resist expanding Jolly's text in order to introduce a further encounter between the ship's doctor and the hologram of Alice, still occupying his cabin -
“Look,” said Bobinder, "You understand this analysis may take some time - I will have to make some tests... in my cabin... you know, the one where all the holograms hang out... okay."

Crux Trek Analysis MO's Cabin.jpgcrux trek source Sea Breeze 016.jpg

Again the portrait of Alice is taken from Valery Anzilov's 'Sea Breeze' shoot for Femjoy. Quite how she reacts to the doctor's attentions here is left open to speculation. As for the story itself, no more spoilers - it is well worth reading in its entirety in either the PDF or the thread -


In a slightly obscure reference, spanning centuries and galaxies, in For the Love of Alicia, Alicia's brother Bobinder is heard to exclaim, "I'm a warrior, not a doctor!"
Quite true, Wragg. My character seems to retain little consistency between story threads.
Professional background, relationships and even my appearance - all these things are dynamic! :D
I thought that this one might be a bit more dramatic with a roman soldier on horse back appearing in the background!


  • ftloa Madiosi-2018-046-Alicia2.jpg
    ftloa Madiosi-2018-046-Alicia2.jpg
    1 MB · Views: 294
“Look,” said Bobinder, “if we’re all done here for the moment, I managed to get some of that Cruxian tonic they give the crucifixion victims to make them feel pleasure and orgasm to death. I want to analyse it and see what I can find out about it. Maybe make an antidote.”

Oh ! I hope well that never you could find an antidote !!! I do so much "one" with my cross !:rolleyes:


  • Messaline Crucified 001red (4).jpg
    Messaline Crucified 001red (4).jpg
    84.9 KB · Views: 297
But why only Messa is nailed to her cross ? Only her could pretend to reach the great wonderful last orgasm before the death ?:D:rolleyes:
An interesting question, Messa. In the story, all three are nailed, but in the original picture sources, they are all roped.
Either Jolly has deleted the ropes and added the nails, or used a nailed/manipulated version of the Arkady image.
Perhaps he can clarify this for us? :)
Happy Birthday Alice

Alice in Eydtkuhnen 1a.jpg

13 May 2018 - 30 years old today.
This scene from 'Barbarossanova' employs a portrait taken by Peter Chupurov for Amour Angels in 2007.

This thread was started in celebration of Alice's 29th birthday, and today marks its first anniversary.
Thanks to everyone for contributing and making the thread such an enjoyable experience.

By way of a celebration, this link opens a four-minute video showing scenes from the Crimean sessions, dating from about the time of Alice's nineteenth birthday in May 2007 -


The conclusion of Wragg's remarkable illustrated crux story, 'Alice Barabbas', has been posted with perfect timing to coincide with Alice's birthday -

Not only that, but Madiosi has just submitted the e-book of this latest Alice story to the forum archive -

I look forward to reviewing 'Alice Barabbas' in this thread. :)
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Thanks to everyone for contributing and making the thread such an enjoyable experience
And thanks to you for starting it and making it one of the most interesting threads on the site!

Here's to Alice! Happy 30th, dear girl! :beer:
Members' Birthdays 3

Over the past year, Alice has continued to make regular appearances in our 'Members' Birthdays' thread.
Many of the portraits are from the Crimean coastal sessions, in which Alice poses on the rocks below Mount Koshka. These pictures were taken in the area between Diva Rock and Swan's Rock, a short distance from the coastal town of Simeiz.

Melissa received birthday greetings with a picture from the 'Sea Breeze' series (#1) whilst Pia was presented with a cheerful smile and flowing locks from the 'Low Tide' shoot (#2.) Kadar Laszlo received a full length, reclining Alice, from 'Element' (#3) and both ImageMaker and Jollyrei received greetings with raised arms from the series entitled, 'Droplets on my Skin' (#4,#5.) Tricia also received an outstretched arms pose, in a still from Valery Anzilov's 'Cliff Hanger' video (#5.) Thus all four photo series, as well as the video from the coastal sessions are represented here.

Alice was in and out of the sea during the shooting, and so these series are among the only ones in which she wears no makeup whatsoever. So notwithstanding her shaven areas and the navel jewel, we observe her in a completely natural state, complete with the redness of sunburn forming on her arms. The only other session without makeup, which I can currently recall, is the one for Cruxdreams.

Continuing with Valery Anzilov's pictures, Siss received a cheerful portrait from 'Astronomy Class' (#7) taken in bright sunlight near the summit of Gora Koshka. At this point, Alice is wearing the deep pink lipstick which characterises her Crimean series filmed in locations away from the sea. Femjoy published Anzilov's work in eight photo series plus the video during 2007 - 2008.

Two further series for Femjoy were produced as a result of an indoor lez/duo session, although I have not identified the photographer for these. One of these series, entitled, 'In Action' yielded the wonderful portrait of a laughing Alice, which I manipulated onto a sepia background collage of Makar's 'Crux Forest' images (#8) the result being presented in honour of the closely timed birthdays of Mp5stab, tanatos and yupar.

Happy Birthday Melissa fjseabreeze.jpghbPia2017 alice-fjlowtide.jpgHappy Birthday Kadar Laszlo elempsrotn.jpghbIM Who said I was subtle dromskn.jpghbjolly2018dromskn.jpgHBTricia cliffhanger.jpghbsiss2018astroclpsdet.jpghb Mp5stab-tanatos-yupar-Crux Forest fjinactn.jpg
Members' Birthdays 4

Another screen shot from Femjoy's 'Cliff Hanger' formed the basis of a filtered sepia portrait of Alice at Diva Rock (#1) presented in honour of SkatingJesus' birthday. On my own birthday, Eulalia presented me with a Valery Anzilov picture from 'Freedom' (#2) showing Alice reclining among the rocks on the Ay Petri plateau. The dramatic landscape is punctuated by the stunning deep reds and yellows of the mountain peonies, which Eul identified as indigenous to Ay Petri. Flowering in May, they date the picture to within days of Alice's nineteenth birthday. 'Freedom' was Femjoy's first publication featuring Alice, and was released on 4 June 2007.

Phlebas presented me with my manipulation, 'Espoir apres Puvis de Chavannes' (#3) from my pre-Photoshop days. This uses a composite figure of Alice derived from the Crimean coastal series, with a face from Rylsky's 'Pietra'. It is my first non-crux manip of Alice.

Another Rylsky portrait from 'Phantom' (#4) provided birthday greetings to Rotrex, whilst Vadim Rigin's 'Break' yielded the enquiring look over the shoulder with the instantly identifiable tattoo (#5) for Sympazero's birthday. The Femjoy lez/duo session which produced 'In Action' (referred to in the previous post) also provided the series, 'Synchro', from which the contemplative double portrait (#6) was taken for Messa's birthday. Femjoy always presented Alice as 'Ondine', and her blonde friend as 'Yana', although most of these models use a variety of names, and Yana appears with different studios as 'Erica'.

Naraku's birthday prompted a detail close-up from Rylsky's 'Tiempo' (#7) with its highly identifiable yellow background. I love the enquiring expression in this one - the pink eye shadow complements the lipstick, and you can count the mascaraed eye lashes.

Phlebas presented me with another of my manipulations to address the deficit of Alice crux images in 'Members' Birthdays'. The first appearance of 'Ivdaea Capta 22' (#8) based on an Amour Angels picture by Peter Chupurov, coincided with Phlebas' own birthday last year. By way of thanks for the greetings I received, I revealed one of my most audacious Alice manips, purporting to show the two of us celebrating (#9.) In fact this is the second time we have appeared together, the first being in an illustration to Wragg's story, 'For the Love of Alicia', which is reviewed in a previous post in this thread.

hbSJ Alice Kiss at Diva Rock 2.jpghbbdr18fj-freedom-Alice and Peonies, Ay Petra.jpghbcambdr18 espoir_apres_puvis_de_chavannes_2_by_bobnearled.jpghbRotrex rylskyphantom.jpg

hb sym18-break-rigin-41669479_0049-det.jpgHappy Birthday Messa 2018sync-det3.jpghbnaraku MetArt_Tiempo_Alice-Kiss_high_0058.jpghbcambdr18 Alice HBP PS 4.jpghbcam50pcrdctnhb20bndr18.jpg
Members' Birthdays 4

Another screen shot from Femjoy's 'Cliff Hanger' formed the basis of a filtered sepia portrait of Alice at Diva Rock (#1) presented in honour of SkatingJesus' birthday. On my own birthday, Eulalia presented me with a Valery Anzilov picture from 'Freedom' (#2) showing Alice reclining among the rocks on the Ay Petri plateau. The dramatic landscape is punctuated by the stunning deep reds and yellows of the mountain peonies, which Eul identified as indigenous to Ay Petri. Flowering in May, they date the picture to within days of Alice's nineteenth birthday. 'Freedom' was Femjoy's first publication featuring Alice, and was released on 4 June 2007.

Phlebas presented me with my manipulation, 'Espoir apres Puvis de Chavannes' (#3) from my pre-Photoshop days. This uses a composite figure of Alice derived from the Crimean coastal series, with a face from Rylsky's 'Pietra'. It is my first non-crux manip of Alice.

Another Rylsky portrait from 'Phantom' (#4) provided birthday greetings to Rotrex, whilst Vadim Rigin's 'Break' yielded the enquiring look over the shoulder with the instantly identifiable tattoo (#5) for Sympazero's birthday. The Femjoy lez/duo session which produced 'In Action' (referred to in the previous post) also provided the series, 'Synchro', from which the contemplative double portrait (#6) was taken for Messa's birthday. Femjoy always presented Alice as 'Ondine', and her blonde friend as 'Yana', although most of these models use a variety of names, and Yana appears with different studios as 'Erica'.

Naraku's birthday prompted a detail close-up from Rylsky's 'Tiempo' (#7) with its highly identifiable yellow background. I love the enquiring expression in this one - the pink eye shadow complements the lipstick, and you can count the mascaraed eye lashes.

Phlebas presented me with another of my manipulations to address the deficit of Alice crux images in 'Members' Birthdays'. The first appearance of 'Ivdaea Capta 22' (#8) based on an Amour Angels picture by Peter Chupurov, coincided with Phlebas' own birthday last year. By way of thanks for the greetings I received, I revealed one of my most audacious Alice manips, purporting to show the two of us celebrating (#9.) In fact this is the second time we have appeared together, the first being in an illustration to Wragg's story, 'For the Love of Alicia', which is reviewed in a previous post in this thread.

she´s still cute
Members' Birthdays 4

Another screen shot from Femjoy's 'Cliff Hanger' formed the basis of a filtered sepia portrait of Alice at Diva Rock (#1) presented in honour of SkatingJesus' birthday. On my own birthday, Eulalia presented me with a Valery Anzilov picture from 'Freedom' (#2) showing Alice reclining among the rocks on the Ay Petri plateau. The dramatic landscape is punctuated by the stunning deep reds and yellows of the mountain peonies, which Eul identified as indigenous to Ay Petri. Flowering in May, they date the picture to within days of Alice's nineteenth birthday. 'Freedom' was Femjoy's first publication featuring Alice, and was released on 4 June 2007.

Phlebas presented me with my manipulation, 'Espoir apres Puvis de Chavannes' (#3) from my pre-Photoshop days. This uses a composite figure of Alice derived from the Crimean coastal series, with a face from Rylsky's 'Pietra'. It is my first non-crux manip of Alice.

Another Rylsky portrait from 'Phantom' (#4) provided birthday greetings to Rotrex, whilst Vadim Rigin's 'Break' yielded the enquiring look over the shoulder with the instantly identifiable tattoo (#5) for Sympazero's birthday. The Femjoy lez/duo session which produced 'In Action' (referred to in the previous post) also provided the series, 'Synchro', from which the contemplative double portrait (#6) was taken for Messa's birthday. Femjoy always presented Alice as 'Ondine', and her blonde friend as 'Yana', although most of these models use a variety of names, and Yana appears with different studios as 'Erica'.

Naraku's birthday prompted a detail close-up from Rylsky's 'Tiempo' (#7) with its highly identifiable yellow background. I love the enquiring expression in this one - the pink eye shadow complements the lipstick, and you can count the mascaraed eye lashes.

Phlebas presented me with another of my manipulations to address the deficit of Alice crux images in 'Members' Birthdays'. The first appearance of 'Ivdaea Capta 22' (#8) based on an Amour Angels picture by Peter Chupurov, coincided with Phlebas' own birthday last year. By way of thanks for the greetings I received, I revealed one of my most audacious Alice manips, purporting to show the two of us celebrating (#9.) In fact this is the second time we have appeared together, the first being in an illustration to Wragg's story, 'For the Love of Alicia', which is reviewed in a previous post in this thread.

Glad to be of assistance, Bob.

You know, looking at that Alice crux pic that you reposted, it really is quite a remarkable work. Apart from the undoubted technical excellence, it is an astoundingly good match of expression and pose, her slender body stretched out, her expression a mix of grimace and determination with a hint of despair, her pretty face matted with hair which she has absolutely no control over. She looks at us as if to say "I endure, but if you would like to help me out then please feel free!"

The boating pic is just plain fun :)
For the Love of Alicia 4

In the 'Ivdaea Capta' series of photo manipulations, Alice is generally identified by the name, 'Alicia' on her titulus -

Ivdaea Capta 14z 25pc.jpgIvdaea Capta 5a-25pc.jpg

This strategy came about because, whilst she remains recognisable in the manips, unlike Makar's work, this is not a crux series for which she posed in reality. To date, my sources have come from her sessions for Femjoy, who presented her, not as Alice, but as 'Ondine'. Notwithstanding the variety of names she actually used in her modelling career, she is consistently identifiable, and the Latinized form of 'Alicia' for the Roman crux scenes, is simply a variation which acknowledges her true identity. Obviously, she never used this name with any studio.

Back in 2015, when I was planning the first of these 'Alicia' manipulations, new photo series of Alice were still being released. The fact that in publication terms, she was still a current model (albeit not having posed for a series since 2008) gave me a further reason for employing a name which she did not use herself, just to provide some respectful distance from the real Alice. In fact her last published photos appeared on 2 July 2015, as part of Rylsky's 'Backstage Vol 15'. By releasing 'Ivdaea Capta' later the same year, I was unwittingly providing a continuum for the publication of new Alice material.

When I presented my series on DeviantArt, I could not have forseen the influence it would have on a story by Wragg, which appeared more than two years later. Wragg's title, 'For the Love of Alicia' acknowledges the name I had inscribed on the titulus in my pictures, and so it became the obviously recognisable name of her character in the story. But, of course, Alicia is a fictional character - or is she?

Cruxdreams Models CW 21-32.JPG

The site, Crucified-Women.net provides a list of 'Our Most Erotic Crux Models', presenting 56 thumbnail portraits of, 'Girls From Cruxdreams'. Admittedly, there are several naming errors in the list. For example, Inga is named as 'Lola', and Lola as 'Inga', Ulia and Mila also have their names transposed, Oxana appears three times - each time with a different name - and so it goes on. If you click on the portrait of Alice, it opens the full Makar picture, which identifies her as, 'Alicia' -


Given that her only session for Cruxdreams is entitled, 'Alice and Koshka in the Crux Forest', there is arguably no cause for confusion regarding the name she used on the contract. And she is indisputably named as, 'Alice' on the Cruxdreams models list -

Cruxdreams Models Shortlist.JPG

But perhaps inadvertently, as a result of her recent fictional appearances, she is now so firmly associated with the identity of Alicia, that she and the name have become inseparable. :D
I have to say that 'Alicia' is much more evocative a name than the simple 'Alice', and 'Ondine' does nothing for me.

You won't be finding any Ondines in my stories any time soon.

Your Alicia from Ivdea Capta is almost as important a figure in Crux Literature as Jedakk's Sabina. Don't underestimate her impact, Bob.
I have to say that 'Alicia' is much more evocative a name than the simple 'Alice', and 'Ondine' does nothing for me.

You won't be finding any Ondines in my stories any time soon.

Your Alicia from Ivdea Capta is almost as important a figure in Crux Literature as Jedakk's Sabina. Don't underestimate her impact, Bob.
Thanks Wragg, that is high praise indeed, and perhaps we should both take a little credit for the high profile of Alicia.

I may be completely wrong, but I suspect the name, 'Ondine' derives from an alphabetical naming system for Femjoy's models. Certainly, Femjoy published sixteen photo series by Valery Anzilov throughout June, July and August 2007, and the featured models include, Nonna (3 sets), Olena (2 sets), Olivia (5 sets), Ondine (3 sets) and Ornella (2 sets). On the other hand, it might be a coincidence, since Aida, Armida, Rhea and Sambella also appeared in Anzilov's Femjoy publications during the same period (some of the series were duo sets.) However, I suspect that Alice may have had little choice in the matter.

I think the fact that she is continually reinvented as a Cruxforums character says much, not only about the generous quantity of images available for manipulation, but also about her enduring qualities of sex appeal and inspiration. Thank you, Alice... Alicia... Alisa... :D

m7b Tatler alisa.jpg
Further work by Heliogabalus which appears in this thread for the first time - three more filtered manipulations using a 'Crux Forest' source image in a variety of interpretations.

#1. 'Alice in springtime' presents a colourful scene with brilliant sunshine highlighting the blossoming trees. The background evokes an oil painting with its woven canvas texture. Alice is placed appropriately in the foreground shadows, since she is not illuminated by direct sunlight.

#2. 'Alice in the dunes' portrays the same crucified figure, now dominated by a rising landscape in ambient lighting. There is something slightly supernatural in her appearance, surrounded by a misty aura. This device serves to highlight her form against the neutral colouring of the background, which would otherwise merge with the similar tones of her figure, risking a loss of definition. It has become characteristic of Heliogabalus' style to place Alice to one side of the picture, and in this scene her location is consistent with the practical considerations of carrying out a crucifixion on relatively level ground.

#3. 'Alice in the Forest' makes a direct reference to the Cruxdreams session both in terms of the title, and the fact that the filtered image is recognisably a Makar still from the 'Crux Forest', the original subject and background being preserved together. Heliogabalus has reversed the image and desaturated the background, leaving only occasional hints of beige colour, whilst treating Alice's flesh tones to a slightly warmer shade. Interestingly, this kind of selective colour highlighting in a predominantly monochrome image, is something with which Makar himself experimented.

The resulting picture evokes a winter scene after a moderate snowfall in the forest. The contrast with Alice's warmer colour temperature seems transient, as she cools in the apparently frozen surroundings.

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I like the spring time with Alice. It makes her stound out more.
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