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Altered States - New Story By Jedakk

Go to CruxDreams.com
Chapter 11: Whipped on the Cross
I screamed when the first stroke of the whip struck my right breast. Gods, the pain! It was like having a red-hot nail driven into it, burning pain that radiated from the deep reddish-purple swelling where the whip hit me, throbbing! On top of that, the shock of it made me jerk and pull against the nails before I had a chance to catch myself. I managed to grab what breath I could, and let it out in a moan.

“Not as much fun when it’s being done to you, is it?” Licinus asked, laughing at my shocked reaction.

I stared at him. I’d been terrified when he was tying me up, the way he’d tied Amara the day before, knowing what it meant. I didn’t realize how badly that damned sedile would hurt when he jerked the ropes tight and jammed it into the top of my butt crack.

I screamed again, saw stars when the next stroke left a purple welt on my breast, this one on the other side of my nipple. Gods, it was worse than twice as painful!

The rope around my hips ran only a couple of inches above the top of my pussy in front, cut into the sides of my hips, it was so tight. It took most of the weight off of my arms, so I could get short, gasping breaths. Not as much as I wanted, but enough to keep most of the panic down.

There was no way I could shift my hips at all, not in any direction, like they were in a vise! My pussy was a stationary target for his whip, no doubt about it. And my breasts, nothing I could do, nothing at all.

“Owwwoooo! Ow! Ow!” Another stroke, circling my nipple! Shit that hurts!

And then he’d pulled my knees out to the sides and tied them, no way to protect myself. I’d see it coming and nothing, nothing I could do to avoid it. There was that thing I’d heard somebody say in that weird dream,

'Cause once you're mine, once you're mine
There's no going back

My head was swimming with the agony and lack of breath.

Can’t ever go back, that’s for sure. I’ll die on this cross today. Gods, my wrists are throbbing, the nails pulling at my wounds, so tired! Before he tied me I was just hanging and suffering for so long before I could find the strength to raise myself. Hardly worth it, couldn’t stay up more than a few seconds it seemed like before my legs would give out. Tried to sit on the sedile, but my pussy is so bruised from two days of it I could hardly stand that either.

So much pain, the cross is all about pain, never-ending pain.

And this is what I wanted. I had to have it, to die on my own terms. It will end tonight.


“So is your pussy dripping yet?” Licinus asked, laughing as he drew his whip back for the next stroke.

Somehow, I knew what was coming before the stroke came. I heard the crack of the whip just before I felt it strike my right nipple, and I was screaming and screaming, and my vision began to darken.

I must have fainted. My right breast was on fire, my nipple was swollen and purple. And I knew he wasn’t finished with that one yet. He might even pop that nipple again several times until it finally exploded in a spatter of blood.

My pussy would be worse.

“Now what in hell do you suppose that’s about?” I asked. cat had been moaning and babbling for no reason that we could see, then she gave out an agonized scream that got us all on our feet.

“No idea!” Doc said. “My God, the pain! It spiked way up, and now… it’s dissipating, but not all the way back to where it was. Her pulse rate is way up, respiration too. Something is happening to her, something in her reality, not in ours.

“And her fear, she’s scared shitless, and that ramped up for minutes before, then shot up in the seconds before that spike of pain. Whatever it was, she saw it coming! And it’s happening again!”

cat shrieked again just then, making us all jump.

“Shit!” I said, “What do we do?”

“We watch her, we monitor her,” Doc said, “we have everything ready if we have to get her down in a hurry. We do that if we have to.”

“Doc, she wanted this so badly!” I said, “If she doesn’t get her twenty-four hours no matter what the reason is, she’s going to drive me nuts to do this all over again!”

Another scream left us shaken.

“Got some news for you,” Doc said, “if she gets her twenty-four hours this time, she’ll want to do two days, then three days, on and on. She’s insatiable, somebody said.”

“I have an idea,” Andrew said. Doc and I turned to look at him.

“It’ll probably sound silly,” he said.

“What the hell, Andrew, nobody else even has a silly idea!” Doc said. “What do you think?”

“Well, everything looks ok, but her vitals, brain activity, everything, cycles up and down in ways we can’t account for from what we’re observing. I’ve been thinking about that and I have a theory.” Andrew replied.

cat screamed again, and once again we all jumped.

“I don’t know if I can stand this guys!” Jim said. He looked scared and shaken, but then so did the rest of us. “I might… I might have to step out, just for a minute!”

I nodded my understanding to him. “You do whatever you need to, Jim, we’ve got this. Just like anytime you leave, tag your backup, that’s Dave, and let him know.”

“Let me see your tablet, Doc,” Andrew said. Doc handed it to him. Andrew scrolled through several screens then pointed to something on one of the earlier ones. “Now look at her brain scan graph and, here, let’s superimpose her vitals on that, too, from the first hour she was on the cross.

“Everything cycles up and down, and it all tracks, like you’d expect if she was actively raising and lowering on the cross. And see these wide cycles? Those correlate with the video of her raising and lowering on the cross in real time.”

“That’s true…” Doc said, studying the graph. “But these others…”

“Yeah,” Andrew said, “these others don’t correlate with anything we can see. But look at the shape of them, about the same peak levels, but they rise and fall in a much shorter period of time. Like they’re compressed. And you see two or three of these narrow ones, that have a short duration, in between the longer ones, the ones that fit with what we can see.”

“Right,” I said, “so you have an idea why?”

“You ever see that movie ‘Inception’?” He asked, still staring at the tablet’s screen, looking at the graphs.

“Sure! The one with Leonardo Dicaprio, where all this stuff was happening in their dreams, and they were able to control it somehow? Link up with each other?”

“Yeah, that’s the one,” Andrew replied. “That’s what’s known as ‘Lucid Dreaming’, where you recognize that you’re in a dream and you’re able to control it like that.”

“Holy shit!” Doc said. “Holy shit, that makes sense! That fits!”

I was struggling to relate that movie to cat. “What fits?”

Andrew said, “If you remember, when they went into their dreams, dreams within dreams, and so on, their perception of time sped up. Things that they perceived as taking an hour, for example, in reality were compressed into a few minutes. It’s called time dilation.”

“So wait a minute,” I said, “you think maybe cat is experiencing her alternate reality at a faster rate than our true reality?”

Andrew nodded, “I think that’s the reason everything cycles up and down in these tight loops that we’re seeing. That would also explain why we see her respiration distress ramp up during the periods between these cycles. See? It goes up to a point, then her fear spikes. She’s panicking there because she feels like she can’t breathe.”

Andrew continued, “In the reality her mind sees, she’s struggling to raise herself, fighting to hold herself up, then having to lower herself, which would drive her heart rate up, keep it up for a bit, then let it taper off when she was hanging passively.”

“Shit!” Doc said, doing the calculation, “Three times as fast…”

“Yeah,” Andrew said, “That’s what I’d estimate. All of this stuff is happening about three times as fast as what we see her doing physically.”

“Damn, Andrew, good thinking!” Doc said, “I should have seen that!”

“So, let me get this straight, you think she’s experienced three times as much time on the cross as what we’ve seen her go through here?” I said. “But it’s almost three a.m., so she’s been on the cross now for twenty hours or so, which means…”

Doc looked at me. “Which means that she’s been nailed to a cross in her alternate reality for two and a half days,” he said.

I gaped at him, confused, trying to grasp what he was saying and what it meant.

“I may be wrong,” Andrew shrugged.

“But if you’re right…” I said, “if you’re right, what does it mean? We can see her right there, and Doc, her vitals and her brain scans say she’s ok…”

“Her body’s ok,” Doc said, looking at cat with concern, “her brain is working ok, but what about her mind?”

I realized what he meant. “People died on a Roman cross in two or three days, sometimes more… In her reality, does she believe she’s on the point of death?”

Everybody looked at each other.

“I can’t say what she believes, but she sure doesn’t act like she’s on the point of death. Not if she’s screaming like that,” Doc said. “If she was that far gone, she’d be literally too exhausted to scream any more, much less scream powerfully the way she’s been doing.”

As if to reinforce the point, we all jumped yet again as cat let out yet another loud, blood-curdling scream, followed by several screams one after another. Whatever was happening to her, it really hurt.

“Whatever that is, her mind has to be creating it. It’s her fantasy playing out,” Doc said, “her body isn’t actually being injured, but I can see that her brain is registering a hell of a lot of pain!”

I looked around at the rest of our group. Quite a few of them were missing, and the rest had a frazzled look, their endurance wearing thin. I didn’t think any of them had simply left without letting anyone know. They were probably all outside at the showers and otherwise unwinding before they returned.

“So if her time is running three times as fast as ours, does that mean that we’re only seeing a third of what she’s experiencing right now?” I wondered, knowing that there was no answer to that.

“She’s being tortured right now,” Doc said. “Look at the way her butt cheeks are clenched! That’s a reaction to something someone is doing to her, probably some kind of sexual torture.”

“I was a little sleepy earlier,” I said, “but I’m sure not now. God almighty, these screams are hard to take! Ok, this is her fantasy. If we can, we ought to let it play out. Let’s watch her, make sure she’s got plenty to drink as usual. It’s only four more hours.”

“Or twelve…” Andrew said.
They're smart, they worked it out.

But all they thought they had to do was maintain her body in a fair condition for 24hr. They hadn't thought of her mind. They're not psychiatrists or neural experts, so it's mostly guesswork. If I was Joe, I wouldn't want cat with an OK body but mind-dead (I've no idea what that means but it must be possible).

I think if I were Joe, I'd get her down, regardless of her possible wrath. But will her mind ever come back? Is she stuck in Rome? Even when they take the blindfold off, her brain still has to process the visual images of the real world, and if it is stuck processing the fantasy images????

You've taken what could have been a simple BDSM group 'play-crux' and turned it into a psychological thriller-mystery.
The more I read and think, the more interesting it gets. We have two stories in one, two very different experiences of the cross. One, punishment unto death, the woman Maia is tortured and endures agony and indignity for day after day, unendurable yet unavoidable. Her suffering just goes on, and yet perversely she craves it.
Meanwhile Cat, in what appears to be reality, has been suffering her own cross for almost 24 hours. Her friends witness something far beyond what they expected, beyond a heavy bdsm session and into something more extreme. They are watching a woman who believes she is truly suffering crucifixion and eventual death, and humiliation and sexual degradation far beyond what they have inflicted. What can they be thinking, what effcet is it having on them?
And what effect is it having on her?
They're smart, they worked it out.

But all they thought they had to do was maintain her body in a fair condition for 24hr. They hadn't thought of her mind. They're not psychiatrists or neural experts, so it's mostly guesswork. If I was Joe, I wouldn't want cat with an OK body but mind-dead (I've no idea what that means but it must be possible).

I think if I were Joe, I'd get her down, regardless of her possible wrath. But will her mind ever come back? Is she stuck in Rome? Even when they take the blindfold off, her brain still has to process the visual images of the real world, and if it is stuck processing the fantasy images????

You've taken what could have been a simple BDSM group 'play-crux' and turned it into a psychological thriller-mystery.

Those are all questions we won't have answered until after she's taken down and wakes up - or not. She's so completely lost in Maia's personality that she's not likely to just bounce back to reality easily.

And yes, I think if I were in Joe's place I'd take her down right now! But my characters don't often do what I'd do myself! ;)
They hadn't thought of her mind. They're not psychiatrists or neural experts, so it's mostly guesswork.

I originally created Doc's character as an orthopedic surgeon because I thought that would be the most useful to have around to treat the injuries they might run into in crux play. Later, I wondered if I should have gone back and made him a neurosurgeon or something, someone who was expert in interpreting those brain scans. He's better than any of the other characters at such things, but someone with more expertise might have seen sooner what those time-based graphs were actually showing.

And then I wouldn't have a story! Oh well.
They're smart, they worked it out.

But all they thought they had to do was maintain her body in a fair condition for 24hr. They hadn't thought of her mind. They're not psychiatrists or neural experts, so it's mostly guesswork. If I was Joe, I wouldn't want cat with an OK body but mind-dead (I've no idea what that means but it must be possible).

I think if I were Joe, I'd get her down, regardless of her possible wrath. But will her mind ever come back? Is she stuck in Rome? Even when they take the blindfold off, her brain still has to process the visual images of the real world, and if it is stuck processing the fantasy images????

You've taken what could have been a simple BDSM group 'play-crux' and turned it into a psychological thriller-mystery.
I'm with you there. There is a risk that she can't do another alternate 12 hours, I think, and Joe might get back a live but empty body.

And yes, I think if I were in Joe's place I'd take her down right now! But my characters don't often do what I'd do myself! ;)
Joe is depending on Doc to reassure him it's okay, and doesn't want to disappoint Cat. That could be dangerous.:eek:

The alternating storyline between Cat/Maia and Joe is extremely effective in building suspense and tension. I feel quite worried.:)
Chapter 11: Whipped on the Cross
I screamed when the first stroke of the whip struck my right breast. Gods, the pain! It was like having a red-hot nail driven into it, burning pain that radiated from the deep reddish-purple swelling where the whip hit me, throbbing! On top of that, the shock of it made me jerk and pull against the nails before I had a chance to catch myself. I managed to grab what breath I could, and let it out in a moan.

“Not as much fun when it’s being done to you, is it?” Licinus asked, laughing at my shocked reaction.

I stared at him. I’d been terrified when he was tying me up, the way he’d tied Amara the day before, knowing what it meant. I didn’t realize how badly that damned sedile would hurt when he jerked the ropes tight and jammed it into the top of my butt crack.

I screamed again, saw stars when the next stroke left a purple welt on my breast, this one on the other side of my nipple. Gods, it was worse than twice as painful!

The rope around my hips ran only a couple of inches above the top of my pussy in front, cut into the sides of my hips, it was so tight. It took most of the weight off of my arms, so I could get short, gasping breaths. Not as much as I wanted, but enough to keep most of the panic down.

There was no way I could shift my hips at all, not in any direction, like they were in a vise! My pussy was a stationary target for his whip, no doubt about it. And my breasts, nothing I could do, nothing at all.

“Owwwoooo! Ow! Ow!” Another stroke, circling my nipple! Shit that hurts!

And then he’d pulled my knees out to the sides and tied them, no way to protect myself. I’d see it coming and nothing, nothing I could do to avoid it. There was that thing I’d heard somebody say in that weird dream,

'Cause once you're mine, once you're mine
There's no going back

My head was swimming with the agony and lack of breath.

Can’t ever go back, that’s for sure. I’ll die on this cross today. Gods, my wrists are throbbing, the nails pulling at my wounds, so tired! Before he tied me I was just hanging and suffering for so long before I could find the strength to raise myself. Hardly worth it, couldn’t stay up more than a few seconds it seemed like before my legs would give out. Tried to sit on the sedile, but my pussy is so bruised from two days of it I could hardly stand that either.

So much pain, the cross is all about pain, never-ending pain.

And this is what I wanted. I had to have it, to die on my own terms. It will end tonight.


“So is your pussy dripping yet?” Licinus asked, laughing as he drew his whip back for the next stroke.

Somehow, I knew what was coming before the stroke came. I heard the crack of the whip just before I felt it strike my right nipple, and I was screaming and screaming, and my vision began to darken.

I must have fainted. My right breast was on fire, my nipple was swollen and purple. And I knew he wasn’t finished with that one yet. He might even pop that nipple again several times until it finally exploded in a spatter of blood.

My pussy would be worse.

“Now what in hell do you suppose that’s about?” I asked. cat had been moaning and babbling for no reason that we could see, then she gave out an agonized scream that got us all on our feet.

“No idea!” Doc said. “My God, the pain! It spiked way up, and now… it’s dissipating, but not all the way back to where it was. Her pulse rate is way up, respiration too. Something is happening to her, something in her reality, not in ours.

“And her fear, she’s scared shitless, and that ramped up for minutes before, then shot up in the seconds before that spike of pain. Whatever it was, she saw it coming! And it’s happening again!”

cat shrieked again just then, making us all jump.

“Shit!” I said, “What do we do?”

“We watch her, we monitor her,” Doc said, “we have everything ready if we have to get her down in a hurry. We do that if we have to.”

“Doc, she wanted this so badly!” I said, “If she doesn’t get her twenty-four hours no matter what the reason is, she’s going to drive me nuts to do this all over again!”

Another scream left us shaken.

“Got some news for you,” Doc said, “if she gets her twenty-four hours this time, she’ll want to do two days, then three days, on and on. She’s insatiable, somebody said.”

“I have an idea,” Andrew said. Doc and I turned to look at him.

“It’ll probably sound silly,” he said.

“What the hell, Andrew, nobody else even has a silly idea!” Doc said. “What do you think?”

“Well, everything looks ok, but her vitals, brain activity, everything, cycles up and down in ways we can’t account for from what we’re observing. I’ve been thinking about that and I have a theory.” Andrew replied.

cat screamed again, and once again we all jumped.

“I don’t know if I can stand this guys!” Jim said. He looked scared and shaken, but then so did the rest of us. “I might… I might have to step out, just for a minute!”

I nodded my understanding to him. “You do whatever you need to, Jim, we’ve got this. Just like anytime you leave, tag your backup, that’s Dave, and let him know.”

“Let me see your tablet, Doc,” Andrew said. Doc handed it to him. Andrew scrolled through several screens then pointed to something on one of the earlier ones. “Now look at her brain scan graph and, here, let’s superimpose her vitals on that, too, from the first hour she was on the cross.

“Everything cycles up and down, and it all tracks, like you’d expect if she was actively raising and lowering on the cross. And see these wide cycles? Those correlate with the video of her raising and lowering on the cross in real time.”

“That’s true…” Doc said, studying the graph. “But these others…”

“Yeah,” Andrew said, “these others don’t correlate with anything we can see. But look at the shape of them, about the same peak levels, but they rise and fall in a much shorter period of time. Like they’re compressed. And you see two or three of these narrow ones, that have a short duration, in between the longer ones, the ones that fit with what we can see.”

“Right,” I said, “so you have an idea why?”

“You ever see that movie ‘Inception’?” He asked, still staring at the tablet’s screen, looking at the graphs.

“Sure! The one with Leonardo Dicaprio, where all this stuff was happening in their dreams, and they were able to control it somehow? Link up with each other?”

“Yeah, that’s the one,” Andrew replied. “That’s what’s known as ‘Lucid Dreaming’, where you recognize that you’re in a dream and you’re able to control it like that.”

“Holy shit!” Doc said. “Holy shit, that makes sense! That fits!”

I was struggling to relate that movie to cat. “What fits?”

Andrew said, “If you remember, when they went into their dreams, dreams within dreams, and so on, their perception of time sped up. Things that they perceived as taking an hour, for example, in reality were compressed into a few minutes. It’s called time dilation.”

“So wait a minute,” I said, “you think maybe cat is experiencing her alternate reality at a faster rate than our true reality?”

Andrew nodded, “I think that’s the reason everything cycles up and down in these tight loops that we’re seeing. That would also explain why we see her respiration distress ramp up during the periods between these cycles. See? It goes up to a point, then her fear spikes. She’s panicking there because she feels like she can’t breathe.”

Andrew continued, “In the reality her mind sees, she’s struggling to raise herself, fighting to hold herself up, then having to lower herself, which would drive her heart rate up, keep it up for a bit, then let it taper off when she was hanging passively.”

“Shit!” Doc said, doing the calculation, “Three times as fast…”

“Yeah,” Andrew said, “That’s what I’d estimate. All of this stuff is happening about three times as fast as what we see her doing physically.”

“Damn, Andrew, good thinking!” Doc said, “I should have seen that!”

“So, let me get this straight, you think she’s experienced three times as much time on the cross as what we’ve seen her go through here?” I said. “But it’s almost three a.m., so she’s been on the cross now for twenty hours or so, which means…”

Doc looked at me. “Which means that she’s been nailed to a cross in her alternate reality for two and a half days,” he said.

I gaped at him, confused, trying to grasp what he was saying and what it meant.

“I may be wrong,” Andrew shrugged.

“But if you’re right…” I said, “if you’re right, what does it mean? We can see her right there, and Doc, her vitals and her brain scans say she’s ok…”

“Her body’s ok,” Doc said, looking at cat with concern, “her brain is working ok, but what about her mind?”

I realized what he meant. “People died on a Roman cross in two or three days, sometimes more… In her reality, does she believe she’s on the point of death?”

Everybody looked at each other.

“I can’t say what she believes, but she sure doesn’t act like she’s on the point of death. Not if she’s screaming like that,” Doc said. “If she was that far gone, she’d be literally too exhausted to scream any more, much less scream powerfully the way she’s been doing.”

As if to reinforce the point, we all jumped yet again as cat let out yet another loud, blood-curdling scream, followed by several screams one after another. Whatever was happening to her, it really hurt.

“Whatever that is, her mind has to be creating it. It’s her fantasy playing out,” Doc said, “her body isn’t actually being injured, but I can see that her brain is registering a hell of a lot of pain!”

I looked around at the rest of our group. Quite a few of them were missing, and the rest had a frazzled look, their endurance wearing thin. I didn’t think any of them had simply left without letting anyone know. They were probably all outside at the showers and otherwise unwinding before they returned.

“So if her time is running three times as fast as ours, does that mean that we’re only seeing a third of what she’s experiencing right now?” I wondered, knowing that there was no answer to that.

“She’s being tortured right now,” Doc said. “Look at the way her butt cheeks are clenched! That’s a reaction to something someone is doing to her, probably some kind of sexual torture.”

“I was a little sleepy earlier,” I said, “but I’m sure not now. God almighty, these screams are hard to take! Ok, this is her fantasy. If we can, we ought to let it play out. Let’s watch her, make sure she’s got plenty to drink as usual. It’s only four more hours.”

“Or twelve…” Andrew said.
Very good story... A more convoluted write than my worst (that is really high praise!) and most be difficult to the two threads straight yet merged...

Very good story... A more convoluted write than my worst (that is really high praise!) and most be difficult to the two threads straight yet merged...


Yeah, I suppose it is a bit convoluted! That's my way of trying to create a story that's interesting and challenging. There are several routes this story could have taken and still could take. I didn't want people figuring out the end of the story before they'd finished the first chapter!
Now Joe, Doc and the others finally understand that there probably is time dilation going on between reality as they see it and cat's altered state of consciousness. The example that was given from the movie "Inception" is something that people who claim to be able to control their dreams say that they experience.

But is cat experiencing something that her mind is creating? Or is this something different entirely?

In the meantime, it's the third day of Maia's crucifixion. Now that she's weak and not giving enough of a show, the carnifex has his helper Licinus whip her, slowly and agonizingly. She's tied so that her hips can't move, and her knees are pulled opem so that she's completely exposed and helpless to avoid the whip as it's aimed at her tenderest parts.

She knows that when this is over, the last of her strength will be gone and she will die.
I heard the crows on Amara’s cross, tearing at her dead body, and willed myself not to look. I couldn’t help but see, of course, and smell. After all, her cross was next to mine. Sometimes the crows had even landed on my patibulum and checked to see if I was alive before fluttering over to the nightmare that was Amara’s body.

But they were avoiding me now. My agonized screams were frightening them off.

I finally risked a glance and looked away quickly. The crows had taken her eyes, lips, ears and nose first, the pieces they could tear off easily, leaving a meaty grinning skull where her face had been. And her breasts… Fucking crows, I hated them.

Licinus stuck the sponge in my face and I seized it desperately with my lips, sucking the posca out of it until he pulled it away, gave me some more, then took it away completely.

“Enough drinking for you!” he said. “Your tits are done. Time to start between your legs there.”

Licinus turned to the group of onlookers who had been watching him whip me and said, “Yes, I’m finally going to get to the part you’ve all been after me to do! I’m going to whip her cunnus now!

By breasts were a burning mass of throbbing red and purple welts and oozing cuts. Now he was going to do the same to my pussy, which was already so deeply bruised that it was sore to the touch from two and a half days of that damned sedile.

That fucking piece of shit, damned son of a bitch sedile! After suffering on this cross for so long I didn’t have any choice, it was the only way to get enough air! And the son of a bitch damned fucking cocksucker who made it designed it so there’s only one way to ride it, and that’s with its edge jammed up into my pussy.

And fuck me, I don’t have enough strength left to ease my sore pussy down onto it gently, no, I pretty much just have to drop onto it, which is like having a knife stuck up me. After he whips me down there, how will I be able to bear the pain at all?

Then it will be time for me to die.

The thought came to me, and I knew it was true. Without the sedile, I wouldn’t be able to breathe enough to live, and I’d slowly strangle to death. I’d seen Amara die that way yesterday, choking, struggling for breath for hours before her body gave up. Today it would be me.

Good, I thought. I need to know what it feels like, all of it. Even dying.

Licinus stooped a little to see, put his hands between my legs and started doing things to me down there. The touch of his fingers on my pussy lips sent a shiver up me and made me gasp. They were sore, but even more sensitive because of that.

I could feel him pull my already-stretched outer lips apart further, opening up my folds to be sure everything that could be exposed to the whip would be. I could only imagine, since I’d only seen my pussy in a mirror or in pictures.

“She’s really slippery! I think she likes being whipped!” He called out to the crowd. There was laughter at that.

He was pinching my inner lips, pulling them down, pulling them apart, opening them up like he did with Amara.

“Let’s see if we can get some of that pink spread out here,” he said as he probed with a finger to find the opening to my vagina, then slid his finger toward the front between my inner lips to separate and spread them. “Or maybe red and purple. Pretty much what the girls do to themselves with that sedile. What do we have here?”

He’d found the ring in my clit. He pulled on it, stretching my clit out, and it was sore too from days of rubbing and catching on the edge of the sedile. I clenched my butt cheeks, trying to push down, follow my clit, take the tension off of it.

“Owww! Don’t pull it, damn it that hurts! Owwww!”

“It’s supposed to!” He laughed, and there was laughter and comments from the crowd who were close enough to hear.

I heard that before in my dream, I thought.

“I’ll cut this little ring out later, once you’re done! Might be worth a denarius or two. Right now it makes a good handle I can use to stretch your clit out here and skin this hood back some so I can see more of it, give it the attention it deserves with the whip.

“Yours is bigger than most I see! Or is it just swollen because you liked that tit whipping I gave you? It’ll make a nice target when its time comes!” He laughed. “But not right away. I’m going to save that and let you think about it for a while!”

My heart was pounding with fear, anticipating this new agony on top of all that I’d already suffered. Licinus was taking his stance in front of me, a little to my right so he could swing the whip straight up between my wide-spread thighs. I heard something splattering on the ground and realized that I had lost my bladder.

He flicked the whip up under me and I felt its popper brush my bruised inner lips. A thrill ran up me and I moaned. My butt cheeks clenched, preparing for the stroke of the whip. I was trembling, conscious of the murmurs from the expectant crowd, unable to take my eyes off of the whip.

“No, please don’t…” I heard myself begging, sounding like a little girl, as I watched him take the whip back, underhanded. Then I sucked in my breath and watched mutely as his arm started forward. His wrist flicked upward and the whip uncoiled toward me like a striking snake.

It felt like every muscle in my body had been tense, straining, arms pulling against the nails in my wrists, legs pushing down against the nails in my feet trying to pull away but the ropes kept my hips fixed in place like bands of iron. I heard the crack of the popper between my legs and felt the knife of burning agony in the opening of my vagina. I screamed, drew a breath and screamed again and again. The pain was incredible, stinging, burning, throbbing.

“Now that was just to soften it up for later!” Licinus said, grinning.

I blinked back the tears of pain, heard the onlookers laughing at me.

“This is really hard, sitting here listening to her scream like that and not doing anything about it,” I said.

“I know, my nerves are really getting frayed too,” Andrew said. “Sounds like she’s in hell! What could be happening to her? I mean, what is she experiencing?”

“Whatever it is, it really hurts,” Doc said. “and she’s terrified of it. They – whoever she believes is doing it – is doing it over and over. There’s fear, and then that spikes way up just before the pain comes. She sees it coming.”

“Damn!” I said, “I have this helpless feeling, wanting to protect her, save her, but from whom?”

“It’s her fantasy!” Andrew said, “I just have to wonder, was that always there, just waiting for an opportunity like this for it to emerge? No, I know there’s no answer to that.”

“The other thing,” Doc said, “is that there’s no longer the kind of phantom cyclic pattern we were seeing in her vitals or her brain activity.”

“So what does that mean?” Andrew asked, frowning.

“My guess is that she doesn’t think she’s having to raise herself to breathe, even though we can see her doing it here. And yes, I can kind of make out some changes in heart rate and respiration that coincide with those, but there’s an awful lot of other stuff going on.”

“Could she just be sitting on the sedile for a long time?” I asked. “In her fantasy, I mean, could that be why she doesn’t need to raise herself?”

“Yeah, I suppose,” Doc said. “I don’t see how she could bear the pain of that for more than a few minutes. Whatever’s going on now has been happening for almost an hour already. According to Andrew’s theory, that might mean three hours of her time. The only way she’d stay on that damned diabolical torture seat of yours for that long is if she was tied there.”

“True,” I said, thinking. “Well, what if she’s tied somehow where she can’t move, and the ropes take the stress off of her arms enough so she can continue to breathe?”

Doc nodded his agreement.

Andrew said, “So maybe she’s tied up to hold her still while they torture her?”

A light bulb came on in my head about then. “The first time she did this, when she was in the dark by herself, she said the guard was going to whip her tits. That was part of her fantasy, so maybe that’s what’s being done to her now,” I said.

Doc started paging back through the graphs of her vital signs on his tablet. “Ok, here’s where she starts with these agonized screams. See her fear? It’s already up high, then it goes way up, pure panic. A few seconds and then her pain shoots way up and she screams. After that, there’s a series of spikes, panic and pain, and screams over about twenty minutes. Which could be like an hour for her. Then there are no spikes like that for about five minutes. And then it’s like it starts up again, and looks just like that first set for another twenty minutes or so before it drops off again. See?”

“Two tits,” I said.

“God almighty, so he took maybe an hour each to whip her tits?” Jim asked. “How can you fit an hour’s worth of whip strokes into one tit?”

“You take your time, because you have plenty of it, and you really enjoy inflicting pain. Hell, maybe it’s your business to punish. You use a single tail so you can target it precisely and control it, and you hit the same places over and over,” I said, staring at cat.

“Shit!” Jim said.

“Now look at this,” Doc said. “Here she was squirming and sounded like she was begging, although I couldn’t make out her words. Her fear was rising, and then she urinated some, but I think that was out of panic. Her bladder wasn’t full or there would have been more.”

“So in her reality, something was about to happen to her that literally scared the piss out of her,” I said.

“Yes,” Doc said, “that’s what I think. Now look here, seconds later her pain spiked through the roof and stayed up there before it started to come down. And at precisely that same time, she screamed like a banshee, like it really hurt. I mean this is a fifteen on the subjective pain scale where childbirth is eight and ten means you’re about to faint, even worse than what was being done to her before. I’ll give you one guess what part of a woman is more sensitive than her tits.”

“Her pussy,” Andrew said. “He’s whipping her pussy!”

cat screamed wildly at the top of her lungs, loud and long, a scream of pure agony, took a breath and screamed again and again.

Fainted again. Gods I hurt so much… My breasts, my pussy on fire… I was moaning in agony, the nails in my wrists, I’d been hanging for so long. The ropes took most of my weight, let me breathe, but the wounds in my wrists, tormented for almost three days now, throbbing.

Has it been only three days? I don’t know any more. Can’t think… There’s only pain…

Licinus was waiting for me to come back.

“Drink!” He said, holding the dripping sponge against my lips. It was an effort to turn my head, suck on the sponge. I was so weak now. I couldn’t suck all I wanted, just couldn’t.

I looked out over the crowd of onlookers there to see me suffer. There were men and women both there. They were grinning at me, the naked, tortured slave dying on her cross, up here for everyone to see, an example of the punishment you get if you’re a disobedient slave.

But they don’t know that this is what I wanted, I thought. What I needed more than anything. There’s no going back.

I groaned in agony, gritting my teeth against the pain as Licinus once more reached between my legs and stretched my inner lips down, spreading my folds open again. My swollen and bruised folds, certainly cut in places by the whip. I could see blood spatters on the insides of my thighs. The last thing he did was pull on my clit.

Probably his target this time, I thought. What else was there?

The whip had struck everything else down there several times, tracking along the length of my outer pussy lips, started with the dimple at the top of my pussy crack in front and went underneath, along my inner lips, around the opening to my vagina, then targeted it squarely, the same with my asshole. I had no idea how many times the agony had made me faint. My throat was sore and hoarse from screaming. Just his touch anywhere down there was anguish, and now he was going to hit me down there again with the whip. And there was nothing I could do about it.

I watched wearily as Licinus took his stance in front of my cross.

“Please, no more, please…” I was begging and I couldn’t help it even though I knew the next stroke was coming sure as sunset.

He flicked the whip under me, measuring his distance. The brush of the whip’s popper on my pussy was searing pain, making me grimace and moan. He drew the whip back, brought it forward, flicked his wrist. Once again I watched in horror as the striking snake of the whip came toward me, unable to move, unable to escape. Its popper cracked underneath the front of my pussy, slapping my clit like molten lead, stinging, burning.

I screamed in agony, over and over until there was blessed darkness.

“Glad to see you’re back with us,” Licinus said as I came back to my senses. “I have something for you!”

Before I could even bring my tear-filled eyes back into focus he delivered another stroke of the whip that landed squarely on my burning, throbbing clit again. The pain was unimaginable and once again I screamed, my whole body shuddering and shaking with the agony until I fainted again.

I fought to stay in the darkness, not to come back to the light and pain, but the darkness wouldn’t let me stay.

“You’ll be food for crows soon,” Licinus said as he untied the ropes holding my legs apart, then the one around my hips.

My legs, tied open for hours, gradually sagged together. But I found that my pussy was so bruised and swollen that I couldn’t bear to close my thighs. I hung by my wrists and knew what it meant when they said that the cross would wring the last drop of your strength out of you. The last drop of mine was gone now. There was no possibility that I could raise myself to breathe again. I’d be dead soon.

At least I hoped so.
Yeah, I suppose it is a bit convoluted! That's my way of trying to create a story that's interesting and challenging. There are several routes this story could have taken and still could take. I didn't want people figuring out the end of the story before they'd finished the first chapter!
Of all the stories I written I have only two that have I have found 'continuity' issues when late in the story something does not agree with what I wrote early. No one else noted it but it annoyed me I did it... it dates back to a high school film study class I took in 1973 when I first saw "Bullitt" and during the chase the Charger loses 7 hubcaps, Steve McQueen shifts his Mustang more times than it has gears, and both cars pass the same blue VW Beetle 4 times... I was the only one that caught it...

Yours is a difficult one to write!!!

Of all the stories I written I have only two that have I have found 'continuity' issues when late in the story something does not agree with what I wrote early. No one else noted it but it annoyed me I did it... it dates back to a high school film study class I took in 1973 when I first saw "Bullitt" and during the chase the Charger loses 7 hubcaps, Steve McQueen shifts his Mustang more times than it has gears, and both cars pass the same blue VW Beetle 4 times... I was the only one that caught it...

Yours is a difficult one to write!!!


Yeah, I remember that chase scene well! It was famous for all of those hubcaps, no doubt the reason your teacher chose to show it. With all of those mistakes, that chase scene was the best anyone had ever seen up to that point and the yardstick for others after it.

I can't write anything without going back and revising and rewriting it multiple times, so I'd never post a single chapter unless the whole thing was done already. It's just so easy to end up with something late in the story that really needed to be mentioned and set up way back near the beginning.

And even now I'm making changes in the final chapters of this story. There's something I had cat telling about that I realized would be much better if Joe described the way cat was doing it. There was another thing that cat mentions late in the story that I ended up moving back earlier and making into a scene of its own. And I really like that scene, too. It ties the story together and brings closure.
This next chapter is titled "The Death of a Slave." Crucified for three days and whipped on the cross, Maia hangs on the cross, barely able to struggle for another breath, until she finally breathes her last and sinks into darkness.

Meanwhile, Joe, Doc and the others let cat remain on the cross in the dungeon until the last possible moment before taking her down and attempting to resuscitate her. But can cat survive, or have they gone too far?
Chapter 12: The Death of a Slave
“She hasn’t screamed for about an hour now,” I said. “I don’t know if that’s good or bad.”

“She hasn’t raised herself for a long time either,” Doc said. “Not here, anyway. And hell, not there either as far as I can tell. I mean, I can see from her brain scans that she’s experiencing growing panic from restricted breathing, her breathing is rapid and shallow, and then there’s something in her vitals like the spikes we’d see when she was raising herself, only much smaller.

“What do you suppose is going on?” I asked.

“I think she’s barely pushing up,” Doc said, “just enough to get a little air, and that’s all she can do. Her pain is still way up there. Oxygen saturation is ninety-five percent, a little low but no danger.”

“About thirty minutes until her twenty-four hours are up,” I said, nodding at the timer.

“Could be an hour and a half on her time scale,” Doc said.

Slow strangulation is a horrible way to die. I watched Amara die that way, slowly, and not painlessly, not an escape from suffering, not at all. She suffered until she fainted for the last time and then she kept choking for a long time, her body fighting for another breath until it couldn’t fight any more.

I kept forcing one breath out so I could take another, so hard and I was so tired, so much pain. It was dark, sun must have set.

Please let it be over soon, I prayed.

I’d been hanging for so long, fighting for the next breath, feeling the panic rising but nothing I could do about it. Trying to calm myself, not let the panic take me, not like Amara.

But it finally did.

I was struggling, fighting weakly, had to have air! I pushed down with leg muscles that felt like water, useless. The same with my arms, no way to rise. I felt like I was drowning, needing to reach the surface, to get air, but the surface was out of my reach, and there was no air.

I came back to consciousness, still on the cross, the agony still there. I tried to keep my breathing under control, tried not to need more than I could have.

But it wasn’t enough, and the panic seized me again and I was fighting with no strength left for that surface that was out of reach, drowning, no air.

And I came back to consciousness again, did it all over again and again and again like water boarding torture, not really strangling, just never quite enough air, horrible, very, very slow, agonizing, terrifying, never-ending constant panic.

This is what it’s actually like to die on the cross, I thought. Yes, now you finally know. It’s fucking awful.

“Time!” Doc said. “Thank God!”

“Wait a minute Doc,” I said. “How is she doing?”

“What do you mean? She made it!” Doc looked at me in disbelief.

“I’ve been thinking, which I know is dangerous,” I said, “but here’s the thing. What she really wants to know is what it’s like to die on the cross.”

“Ok, yeah, she’s said that before…” He replied cautiously.

“She’s said it a lot, actually. And no one had any idea about this time dilation thing with this altered state, but it looks like that’s probably the way it is.”

“Yeah, but damn, Joe, she may have experienced almost three days nailed to a Roman cross already. No one’s ever lived through that!”

“Yeah, Doc, all of them died on the cross, no matter how long that took. And that’s what she really wants to experience. She wants to know, really know, what it feels like to actually die on a Roman cross.”

“But Joe…” Doc said, trying to form his argument.

“Here’s the thing,” I went on, “If she’s really close, and we stop her too soon, she’s going to want to do this all over again, and all the way next time.”

Doc looked at me for a minute, thinking.

“Shit, Joe, think about what we’ve done already! We’ve nailed a woman to a cross and sat back and watched her suffer for a full day. This altered state thing, we have no clue! Her body is doing things that we can only theorize about for reasons that aren’t apparent at all. And then there’s the time dilation thing! When we realize things have gone south, it may already be too late!”

“We can have her off that cross in thirty seconds if it goes to the edge. You know that, Doc. And you have the emergency stuff, oxygen, paddles, BVM, hell, Andrew is an ER nurse.”

“Dammit! Ok, if I say stop, you have to go into action, and I mean right then, Joe!”

“We will,” I said. “Now, how is she doing?”

“Heart rate has been going rapid and steady for periods of about five minutes or so, respiration too, then there’ll be a sudden rise in heart rate and rapid breathing, then it all drops for a couple of minutes, then comes back to where it was.

“Now the bMRI graph shows that she’s fainting, waking up, fainting again in a few minutes in time with what we’re seeing from her vitals. If there’s a multiple of three for the time dilation like we think, then she’s experiencing about fifteen minutes of consciousness before she faints again.

“When she wakes, you can see from the bMRI graph that her visual input ramps up to something like normal, pain goes from zero while she’s out to above ten right away. Her pain is literally off the scale, as we talked about before.

“Now this line on the graph shows her response to restricted breathing. In about a minute, her time, she’s fighting to get enough air. Her fear rises slowly, probably because she’s trying to fight it back, but then it spikes upward all of a sudden. I think she’s slowly strangling and she can’t control her fear.

“What I think that means is, that in her version of reality, she’s hanging exhausted and in agony and doesn’t have the strength to raise herself when she thinks she has to breathe. After fifteen minutes or so, she panics and struggles, can’t raise herself, hyperventilates and faints. Everything settles down and she wakes up and does it all again.”

“God almighty!” I said. “Do you think you can tell when she’s done, I mean when she’s unconscious and not coming out of it?”

“I can tell when she loses consciousness, of course, and I know how long she’s been remaining unconscious before she comes back, a little longer each time. If her O2 saturation starts declining, it means her body’s too weak to breathe enough for her to wake up. I’ve got an alarm set if that should happen. When it happens.

“And here’s the thing, Joe: Her body can breathe fine, raise itself just fine right now. This is all her mind making her body do what it believes fits with what she’s experiencing in her altered state of consciousness.”

I nodded. “How long do you think?”

“Not long. Minutes probably, she can’t last much longer in that state.”

“Ok.” I turned to the others. “Jim, Ron, Dave, let’s get our stuff out and get ready to get her down. Andrew, you’re with Doc, better get the emergency stuff ready.”

All of us took our places around the cross, Doc and Andrew up close where they could watch her closely. Jim handed me one of the two small bolt cutters. We watched cat and waited.

I hung with my chin resting on my chest, too weak to lift my head any longer. My mind was screaming at me that I wasn’t getting enough air, but I couldn’t make anything work anymore. It was like there was only a tiny spark of life left in me, and that was going out.

I closed my eyes and sank into darkness.

“She’s been out for twenty seconds, about a minute her time, longer than before…” Doc said, his eyes shifting between his tablet and staring at cat.

She hung limply by her wrists, chin on her chest. Her rib cage was expanded, lungs full, which made her abdomen look sunken. There was only the smallest pulsing of her abdomen to indicate that she was still breathing.

The seconds ticked by, but they had before and she’d woken up. Everyone was on edge, anxious, ready to spring into action.

“Her heart rate is dropping,” Doc said. “O2 saturation is declining, no respiration detected! Andrew! What are you seeing? Is she breathing?”

Andrew said, “No! Breathing is stopped! Her lips, she’s going cyanotic! Get her down now!”

Jim and I immediately reached up, pushed the steel washers back against cat’s palms and snipped the heads off of the nails in her hands, Andrew got her by the waist and lifted her, and Jim and I held her arms while Dave and Ron used razor-sharp box cutters to slice straight through the wraps of rope holding her wrists, cutting them along the top of the patibulum.

When the ropes fell away, Jim and I carefully pulled her hands off over the stubs of the nails and eased her forward so she hung limply over Andrew’s shoulder. I heard her take a gasping breath. Her foot ropes were already off by the time Jim and I turned to clip the heads off of the nails in her feet.

We carefully pulled her feet off of the nails, then I took her off of Andrew’s shoulder and got her under the arms so he could get her feet, and we laid her on the pad we had ready for her on the floor. I heard her take several more breaths, easier now. All of it took about fifteen seconds. We backed off and let Doc get in with Andrew to work.

In a few seconds more, Andrew had an oxygen mask on her and Doc was checking her heart with a stethoscope. Blood oozed from the wounds in her hands and feet now that the nails were removed.

“Heart sounds ok. Breathing is coming up and her color’s coming back,” Doc said. “Let’s elevate her feet,” he said, nodding to me.

I already had one of the lawn chairs ready. I set that in place and put her feet up in it. Now for the part we were still worried about. Andrew started removing her blindfold and eye patches. Underneath, her eyes were closed.

Doc took a deep breath, pulled an eyelid open and swept his mini LED flashlight’s beam across it, looking for pupil reaction.

“Pupil response is normal,” he said. “I think she’s just unconscious still, not comatose. Might take a minute for her to come back. Let’s see.”

It took about two long, tense minutes before we heard her moan. Even then, her eyelids stayed closed, but we could see her eyes moving, appearing as though she was looking around but refusing to open her eyes.

“Brain activity patterns look like a dream state. She’s not back yet,” Doc said. “I don’t think she can maintain the altered state without the blackout eye patches though. And we need to get her out of here, away from the smells, sounds and heat, those are all supporting it.”

“I’ve got her,” I said. I reached down and picked her up easily. She hardly weighed anything. I carried her out, still naked, into the outer part of the basement and laid her on an old army cot we had set up for this purpose. Jim switched off the sound effects and his stink generator, everyone happily brought their chairs out of the fallout shelter and we closed the door to contain the smell.

We stood around and waited, watching. Doc and Andrew worked over her, cleaning and bandaging her wounds. Doc worked her fingers and felt the tendons slide back and forth, checking for damage. Andrew placed a cannula in her left arm and started IV fluids.
well... I am worn out after that!!!:very_hot::beer::clapping:

Yeah, at this point Maia/cat has suffered for three days on the cross, until she is utterly exhausted and has taken her last breath. Joe, Doc and the others have been focused on cat and trying to figure out things they don't understand for 24 hours straight. And then there was that flurry of activity getting her down, going through all of the emergency stuff to get her back.

The question now is, will cat come back? And if she opens her eyes and there's someone there behind those eyes, will it be cat?

About twelve pages left to wrap up the story.
Yeah, at this point Maia/cat has suffered for three days on the cross, until she is utterly exhausted and has taken her last breath. Joe, Doc and the others have been focused on cat and trying to figure out things they don't understand for 24 hours straight. And then there was that flurry of activity getting her down, going through all of the emergency stuff to get her back.

The question now is, will cat come back? And if she opens her eyes and there's someone there behind those eyes, will it be cat?

About twelve pages left to wrap up the story.
I touched on that in Barb's last 'Time Travel'... Tough decision...
Chapter 12: The Death of a Slave
“She hasn’t screamed for about an hour now,” I said. “I don’t know if that’s good or bad.”

“She hasn’t raised herself for a long time either,” Doc said. “Not here, anyway. And hell, not there either as far as I can tell. I mean, I can see from her brain scans that she’s experiencing growing panic from restricted breathing, her breathing is rapid and shallow, and then there’s something in her vitals like the spikes we’d see when she was raising herself, only much smaller.

“What do you suppose is going on?” I asked.

“I think she’s barely pushing up,” Doc said, “just enough to get a little air, and that’s all she can do. Her pain is still way up there. Oxygen saturation is ninety-five percent, a little low but no danger.”

“About thirty minutes until her twenty-four hours are up,” I said, nodding at the timer.

“Could be an hour and a half on her time scale,” Doc said.

Slow strangulation is a horrible way to die. I watched Amara die that way, slowly, and not painlessly, not an escape from suffering, not at all. She suffered until she fainted for the last time and then she kept choking for a long time, her body fighting for another breath until it couldn’t fight any more.

I kept forcing one breath out so I could take another, so hard and I was so tired, so much pain. It was dark, sun must have set.

Please let it be over soon, I prayed.

I’d been hanging for so long, fighting for the next breath, feeling the panic rising but nothing I could do about it. Trying to calm myself, not let the panic take me, not like Amara.

But it finally did.

I was struggling, fighting weakly, had to have air! I pushed down with leg muscles that felt like water, useless. The same with my arms, no way to rise. I felt like I was drowning, needing to reach the surface, to get air, but the surface was out of my reach, and there was no air.

I came back to consciousness, still on the cross, the agony still there. I tried to keep my breathing under control, tried not to need more than I could have.

But it wasn’t enough, and the panic seized me again and I was fighting with no strength left for that surface that was out of reach, drowning, no air.

And I came back to consciousness again, did it all over again and again and again like water boarding torture, not really strangling, just never quite enough air, horrible, very, very slow, agonizing, terrifying, never-ending constant panic.

This is what it’s actually like to die on the cross, I thought. Yes, now you finally know. It’s fucking awful.

“Time!” Doc said. “Thank God!”

“Wait a minute Doc,” I said. “How is she doing?”

“What do you mean? She made it!” Doc looked at me in disbelief.

“I’ve been thinking, which I know is dangerous,” I said, “but here’s the thing. What she really wants to know is what it’s like to die on the cross.”

“Ok, yeah, she’s said that before…” He replied cautiously.

“She’s said it a lot, actually. And no one had any idea about this time dilation thing with this altered state, but it looks like that’s probably the way it is.”

“Yeah, but damn, Joe, she may have experienced almost three days nailed to a Roman cross already. No one’s ever lived through that!”

“Yeah, Doc, all of them died on the cross, no matter how long that took. And that’s what she really wants to experience. She wants to know, really know, what it feels like to actually die on a Roman cross.”

“But Joe…” Doc said, trying to form his argument.

“Here’s the thing,” I went on, “If she’s really close, and we stop her too soon, she’s going to want to do this all over again, and all the way next time.”

Doc looked at me for a minute, thinking.

“Shit, Joe, think about what we’ve done already! We’ve nailed a woman to a cross and sat back and watched her suffer for a full day. This altered state thing, we have no clue! Her body is doing things that we can only theorize about for reasons that aren’t apparent at all. And then there’s the time dilation thing! When we realize things have gone south, it may already be too late!”

“We can have her off that cross in thirty seconds if it goes to the edge. You know that, Doc. And you have the emergency stuff, oxygen, paddles, BVM, hell, Andrew is an ER nurse.”

“Dammit! Ok, if I say stop, you have to go into action, and I mean right then, Joe!”

“We will,” I said. “Now, how is she doing?”

“Heart rate has been going rapid and steady for periods of about five minutes or so, respiration too, then there’ll be a sudden rise in heart rate and rapid breathing, then it all drops for a couple of minutes, then comes back to where it was.

“Now the bMRI graph shows that she’s fainting, waking up, fainting again in a few minutes in time with what we’re seeing from her vitals. If there’s a multiple of three for the time dilation like we think, then she’s experiencing about fifteen minutes of consciousness before she faints again.

“When she wakes, you can see from the bMRI graph that her visual input ramps up to something like normal, pain goes from zero while she’s out to above ten right away. Her pain is literally off the scale, as we talked about before.

“Now this line on the graph shows her response to restricted breathing. In about a minute, her time, she’s fighting to get enough air. Her fear rises slowly, probably because she’s trying to fight it back, but then it spikes upward all of a sudden. I think she’s slowly strangling and she can’t control her fear.

“What I think that means is, that in her version of reality, she’s hanging exhausted and in agony and doesn’t have the strength to raise herself when she thinks she has to breathe. After fifteen minutes or so, she panics and struggles, can’t raise herself, hyperventilates and faints. Everything settles down and she wakes up and does it all again.”

“God almighty!” I said. “Do you think you can tell when she’s done, I mean when she’s unconscious and not coming out of it?”

“I can tell when she loses consciousness, of course, and I know how long she’s been remaining unconscious before she comes back, a little longer each time. If her O2 saturation starts declining, it means her body’s too weak to breathe enough for her to wake up. I’ve got an alarm set if that should happen. When it happens.

“And here’s the thing, Joe: Her body can breathe fine, raise itself just fine right now. This is all her mind making her body do what it believes fits with what she’s experiencing in her altered state of consciousness.”

I nodded. “How long do you think?”

“Not long. Minutes probably, she can’t last much longer in that state.”

“Ok.” I turned to the others. “Jim, Ron, Dave, let’s get our stuff out and get ready to get her down. Andrew, you’re with Doc, better get the emergency stuff ready.”

All of us took our places around the cross, Doc and Andrew up close where they could watch her closely. Jim handed me one of the two small bolt cutters. We watched cat and waited.

I hung with my chin resting on my chest, too weak to lift my head any longer. My mind was screaming at me that I wasn’t getting enough air, but I couldn’t make anything work anymore. It was like there was only a tiny spark of life left in me, and that was going out.

I closed my eyes and sank into darkness.

“She’s been out for twenty seconds, about a minute her time, longer than before…” Doc said, his eyes shifting between his tablet and staring at cat.

She hung limply by her wrists, chin on her chest. Her rib cage was expanded, lungs full, which made her abdomen look sunken. There was only the smallest pulsing of her abdomen to indicate that she was still breathing.

The seconds ticked by, but they had before and she’d woken up. Everyone was on edge, anxious, ready to spring into action.

“Her heart rate is dropping,” Doc said. “O2 saturation is declining, no respiration detected! Andrew! What are you seeing? Is she breathing?”

Andrew said, “No! Breathing is stopped! Her lips, she’s going cyanotic! Get her down now!”

Jim and I immediately reached up, pushed the steel washers back against cat’s palms and snipped the heads off of the nails in her hands, Andrew got her by the waist and lifted her, and Jim and I held her arms while Dave and Ron used razor-sharp box cutters to slice straight through the wraps of rope holding her wrists, cutting them along the top of the patibulum.

When the ropes fell away, Jim and I carefully pulled her hands off over the stubs of the nails and eased her forward so she hung limply over Andrew’s shoulder. I heard her take a gasping breath. Her foot ropes were already off by the time Jim and I turned to clip the heads off of the nails in her feet.

We carefully pulled her feet off of the nails, then I took her off of Andrew’s shoulder and got her under the arms so he could get her feet, and we laid her on the pad we had ready for her on the floor. I heard her take several more breaths, easier now. All of it took about fifteen seconds. We backed off and let Doc get in with Andrew to work.

In a few seconds more, Andrew had an oxygen mask on her and Doc was checking her heart with a stethoscope. Blood oozed from the wounds in her hands and feet now that the nails were removed.

“Heart sounds ok. Breathing is coming up and her color’s coming back,” Doc said. “Let’s elevate her feet,” he said, nodding to me.

I already had one of the lawn chairs ready. I set that in place and put her feet up in it. Now for the part we were still worried about. Andrew started removing her blindfold and eye patches. Underneath, her eyes were closed.

Doc took a deep breath, pulled an eyelid open and swept his mini LED flashlight’s beam across it, looking for pupil reaction.

“Pupil response is normal,” he said. “I think she’s just unconscious still, not comatose. Might take a minute for her to come back. Let’s see.”

It took about two long, tense minutes before we heard her moan. Even then, her eyelids stayed closed, but we could see her eyes moving, appearing as though she was looking around but refusing to open her eyes.

“Brain activity patterns look like a dream state. She’s not back yet,” Doc said. “I don’t think she can maintain the altered state without the blackout eye patches though. And we need to get her out of here, away from the smells, sounds and heat, those are all supporting it.”

“I’ve got her,” I said. I reached down and picked her up easily. She hardly weighed anything. I carried her out, still naked, into the outer part of the basement and laid her on an old army cot we had set up for this purpose. Jim switched off the sound effects and his stink generator, everyone happily brought their chairs out of the fallout shelter and we closed the door to contain the smell.

We stood around and waited, watching. Doc and Andrew worked over her, cleaning and bandaging her wounds. Doc worked her fingers and felt the tendons slide back and forth, checking for damage. Andrew placed a cannula in her left arm and started IV fluids.
Very stark account of the asphyxiation process, from both viewpoints. Brings home the horrible nature of crucifixion.
Very stark account of the asphyxiation process, from both viewpoints. Brings home the horrible nature of crucifixion.

That's one thing this story enabled me to do that I never could contrive to tell about otherwise. Because Maia/cat actually tells what she felt right up to the end, I can describe my interpretation of what I think happened when a crucifixion victim became too weak to raise herself up on the cross any longer.

Most of the time, we think that they reach that point and it's over quickly, but I don't think they actually had to raise themselves high to breathe. Raising themselves high would have taken the pressure off of the nails in their wrists, and straightening their legs would have reduced the muscular effort required to stay raised.

But looking at what was going on with the breathing muscles, I think all that would have been required would have been to lift themselves a little to take the stress off of their arms somewhat. Breathing doesn't just shut off because you're hanging by your arms, it just becomes more difficult because the breathing muscles have to work against stresses that aren't normally there. That eventually exhausts them and then breathing is compromised.

So Maia, even though she is too weak to raise herself high, still has enough strength for hours to be able to push up just a little, just enough to take a few desperate, panicked breaths. She feels like she's being strangled for all of that time, and Doc is able to read that panic in cat's brain scans, right up to the end when he can see that cat - in reality - is not breathing on her own any longer.
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