Script for an 'Erotic Torture Porn Movie'.
Title: "Poor Marlise"
I have always had the desire to create a comic. My problem is that I don't have the stamina to work out a complex storyline with more than 50 pages with a continuous plot.
Now I think I have found a way for me to create something similar to a comic, namely a film script with scene descriptions, dialogues and of course with scene pictures. There only single scenes are described.
The 'EXTREME FILM COMPANY' based in the People's Republic of Esterian (dictatorship) shoots torture porn on behalf of the dictator Fredenstein. They actually do nothing but film the brutal interrogations of political prisoners and edit them together. These film sequences are then sold in the surrounding "decadent democracies" (original Fredenstein) for hard currency. A huge business.
In the credits of all films it is always claimed that all violent scenes are posed and have been shot with a very high technical effort, but in consumer circles it has long since become known that the scenes are real. It is assumed that the rumors were deliberately circulated by the secret service of the dictatorship in the democracies. This explains the high price of the individual films. 500 $ and more.
On suggestion of the dictator now a somewhat more fastidious film is to be turned. (If that is at all possible.) J Culturally, the project is accompanied by the Minister of Culture. The Interior Minister is providing actors from the inexhaustible pool of his prisons. A complete unknown, a certain Artur-AE, has been hired as "Writer and Production Designer".
The cover for the script has already been completed and approved by the ministries concerned.
When the work is finished I would like to offer it for sale or distribution. From the proceeds I would like to buy content and hardware for the creation of 3D images.
I don't know yet which possibilities there are to distribute such a comic like book, but that is secondary at the moment since I don't have it yet. When it is finished, I will look further and offer it for distribution. Maybe one or the other member can give me tips for a distribution.
In the meantime I have already built up a small fan community. On "Renderotica" my images are not unknown and are often clicked on, on "Pixiv" I have, since my entry there in October 2019, already 5,800 followers, on "Cruxforums", "Gimp" and "The Dark Spot" I am now also known. On ArtUntamed my usual images are probably rather unknown.
That was now a small market analysis or PROMO.