Revenge on the general's wife.
An episode from the time when the People's Republic of Esterian was formed.
During the coup against the existing government, Fredenstein and his soldiers were almost defeated by a battalion loyal to the government.
The opposing general used armored vehicles equipped with flamethrowers. Many soldiers met a gruesome death from the fire.
Only by tactically clever actions Fredenstein's soldiers were able to destroy the battalion loyal to the government. Afterwards, the parliament was captured and Fredenstein installed himself as president.
The general left his soldiers, wife and daughter to their fate and fled to the neighboring democracy.
In the picture you can see Fredenstein's revenge on the general's family.
On the right of the picture, the general's wife is the one being tortured with a flamethrower. The woman in the middle is the bodyguard of the general's wife. An elite soldier. She, for not joining the coup, is brutally tortured with a blowtorch. On the stairs you can see the daughter who will be tortured next.
On the right side of the picture you can see two soldiers who survived the flamethrower attack alive. They enthusiastically cheer on the torturers and suggest which body parts of the women should be burned next.
The torture of the women is filmed and shown to the surviving soldiers for their satisfaction.
Because the torture was carried out slowly, with long pauses between each fire attack, the women's ordeal lasted approximately five hours.
The Extreme Film Company has already proposed to digitally process the thirty-year-old footage and sell it in the usual way to the perverted citizens of the neighboring democracies for hard currency.
From this image I generated another image.
Title: 'You better talk'
In this image, I took other filters in post-processing and made the wound a little different.
I will publish the image soon.