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She couldn’t hold still so that had to hang her. Next model, please. Thank you. Now try to hold still. You saw what happened to your predecessor!

TheHangingTree School of Fine Art

So one might say this is an example of what happens if you receive a moving violation. That makes me wonder if the male models get charged guilty if they stiffen while in pose? Hmmm....

The last one has a unique pose along with the shadow that portrays a model that could produce a wonderful piece of art. Also the one sitting with her fist under her chin makes you create a piece of art that keeps you thinking about her and yourself. It could go on for who knows how long which I enjoy.

Would a female David be accepted as great art?

davidia_by_kamagape-dc6ahkv.jpg I somehow think that this much exposed female genitalia would be condemned! But even David as carved doesn't have that much to brag about. Still, guys get their junk carved in stone all over the place while statues of nude women are always so demurely keeping their legs closed.
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