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Barb Time-travels...

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Miss Barbara Moore time-traveled to France, and arrived as a guest of Marie Antoinette at Tuileries Palace, where Marie was under house arrest. Barb arrived in proper period attire August 8, 1792. She and Marie hit off and Marie was flattered that the Americans would be interested in her story. Unfortunately two days later revolutionaries stormed the palace. The royal family managed to flee but Barb was caught in the round-up.

Despite her protestations she had just arrived and was not a member of the royal court her ornate dress spoke louder than her words. She would be tried and condemned to death by guillotine at the Place de la Revolution. Late afternoon Barb was loaded in a trundle cart and paraded thru the mob. Fear and dread welled within her as crowd grew louder and more unruly the closer she came to the platform and the tall looming guillotine. With wobbly legs she climbed the steep steps. At the top a revolutionary guard pulled the dress from Barb’s shoulders and down her body until her ample breasts are exposed to the mob. Only the tight waist kept the dress from falling to the platform.

Barb fell to her knees in despair. She stared a moment at the open lunette disbelieving what was about to happen. She lowered her.

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Her wrists were pulled behind her, crossed, and then bound with coarse hemp. She was hoisted to her feet and the dress was pulled past her hips. Barb was paraded naked around the platform to rancorous jeers and her dress was tossed to a woman in the crowd. As frightening and humiliating as it was the end of her display was terrifying as bascule had been raised to facilitate strapping her to it. The straps were cinched so tight they almost winded Barb but she had enough scream “Please don’t do this!” as the bascule was tilted down and rolled forward.

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Her head passed over the lower half of the bloodstained lunette. Seconds late the top half was lowered and locked. Her hair had been in a loose bun on top of her head but all the jostling knocked it free. A stained basket was placed under her head and the blade was released.

To the crowd it looks fast but Barb would feel blade vibrate the guillotine as the blade rattled down its track. Having severed countless spines it was not particularly sharp but the heavy mouton it was attached to would insure its violent passage through her neck.

Her head hit the bottom of the basket at the same time the blade crashed against its stops. A hand reached in the basket, grabbed her hair and hoisted her head to display to the cheering mob. Barb’s last thought was “God damn that hurt.”

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Back at THT Laboratories it is late afternoon Gunner says to Dr. Tree “I thought Barb was to come back this morning.”

Tree says “Damn I was supposed to do that this morning. Hell, I doubt she’ll bitch having one more exciting evening in Paris!”

The End

Miss Barbara Moore time-traveled to France, and arrived as a guest of Marie Antoinette at Tuileries Palace, where Marie was under house arrest. Barb arrived in proper period attire August 8, 1792. She and Marie hit off and Marie was flattered that the Americans would be interested in her story. Unfortunately two days later revolutionaries stormed the palace. The royal family managed to flee but Barb was caught in the round-up.

Despite her protestations she had just arrived and was not a member of the royal court her ornate dress spoke louder than her words. She would be tried and condemned to death by guillotine at the Place de la Revolution. Late afternoon Barb was loaded in a trundle cart and paraded thru the mob. Fear and dread welled within her as crowd grew louder and more unruly the closer she came to the platform and the tall looming guillotine. With wobbly legs she climbed the steep steps. At the top a revolutionary guard pulled the dress from Barb’s shoulders and down her body until her ample breasts are exposed to the mob. Only the tight waist kept the dress from falling to the platform.

Barb fell to her knees in despair. She stared a moment at the open lunette disbelieving what was about to happen. She lowered her.

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Her wrists were pulled behind her, crossed, and then bound with coarse hemp. She was hoisted to her feet and the dress was pulled past her hips. Barb was paraded naked around the platform to rancorous jeers and her dress was tossed to a woman in the crowd. As frightening and humiliating as it was the end of her display was terrifying as bascule had been raised to facilitate strapping her to it. The straps were cinched so tight they almost winded Barb but she had enough scream “Please don’t do this!” as the bascule was tilted down and rolled forward.

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Her head passed over the lower half of the bloodstained lunette. Seconds late the top half was lowered and locked. Her hair had been in a loose bun on top of her head but all the jostling knocked it free. A stained basket was placed under her head and the blade was released.

To the crowd it looks fast but Barb would feel blade vibrate the guillotine as the blade rattled down its track. Having severed countless spines it was not particularly sharp but the heavy mouton it was attached to would insure its violent passage through her neck.

Her head hit the bottom of the basket at the same time the blade crashed against its stops. A hand reached in the basket, grabbed her hair and hoisted her head to display to the cheering mob. Barb’s last thought was “God damn that hurt.”

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Back at THT Laboratories it is late afternoon Gunner says to Dr. Tree “I thought Barb was to come back this morning.”

Tree says “Damn I was supposed to do that this morning. Hell, I doubt she’ll bitch having one more exciting evening in Paris!”

The End


Nude-Shaved-Brunette-Babe-Caps-7.jpg Shit! And I paid a lot for that dress too. :confused:

So, Marie Antoinette said "let them eat cake". Not to be outdone, I said "let them wear my dress"(Well, what did you expect of a "blue state liberal" like me?:cool:).

But the crowd said instead "let's see the American bitch die naked!" (The French only care about one thing;)).

The only good thing is that the blade was sharp:)
Are you crazy, Tree ? Do you wish a diplomatic incident between France and USA ? !:eek::D

I'm quickly going with Mr de la Fayette to help you to be delivered from the English rule ...:devil:
So, this mistake will be repared ...:)

Are you crazy, Tree ? Do you wish a diplomatic incident between France and USA ? !:eek::D

I'm quickly going with Mr de la Fayette to help you to be delivered from the English rule ...:devil:
So, this mistake will be repared ...:)

The_Sleepers_or_Sleep.jpg So glad I was able to rendezvous with the glamorous French revolutionary Messaline in her Paris salon before the rabble stormed in and took me off to the guillotine! She taught me a few things about love that I did not know. Take my head, I have no regrets. I have lived! ;)
View attachment 391744
But the crowd said instead "let's see the American bitch die naked!" (The French only care about one thing;)).

The only good thing is that the blade was sharp:)

They have good taste, Barb, and the blade was only 'sharp enough'. Without the heavy mouton it may have stopped at a bone in your neck!:confused::eek:
Her wrists were pulled behind her, crossed, and then bound with coarse hemp. She was hoisted to her feet and the dress was pulled past her hips. Barb was paraded naked around the platform to rancorous jeers and her dress was tossed to a woman in the crowd. As frightening and humiliating as it was the end of her display was terrifying as bascule had been raised to facilitate strapping her to it. The straps were cinched so tight they almost winded Barb but she had enough scream “Please don’t do this!” as the bascule was tilted down and rolled forward.

La prochaine! (Next!):rolleyes:
"Ah, ça ira, ça ira, ça ira....!":devil:
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