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Barb Time-travels...

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Joe Friday: I don't care what undercover rock you crawled out from, there's a dress code for detectives in Robbery-Homicide. Section 3-605. 10. 20. 22. 24. 26. 50. 70. 80. It specifies: clean shirt, short hair, tie, pressed trousers, sports jacket or suit, and leather shoes, preferably with a high shine on them.
Joe Friday: I don't care what undercover rock you crawled out from, there's a dress code for detectives in Robbery-Homicide. Section 3-605. 10. 20. 22. 24. 26. 50. 70. 80. It specifies: clean shirt, short hair, tie, pressed trousers, sports jacket or suit, and leather shoes, preferably with a high shine on them.

And did Harry Morgan ever meet the code?
Joe Friday: I don't care what undercover rock you crawled out from, there's a dress code for detectives in Robbery-Homicide. Section 3-605. 10. 20. 22. 24. 26. 50. 70. 80. It specifies: clean shirt, short hair, tie, pressed trousers, sports jacket or suit, and leather shoes, preferably with a high shine on them.
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That's right, Siss. Now strip and sit down. Security has tightened up here and we have to see your gorgeous body be sure you aren't armed or bringing contraband to Miss Moore...

Joe Friday
The LA Department of Parking Enforcement sends eight agents out to inspect the mortally wounded parking meter that Tree planted a 9 mm slug into. Later dozens officers from the LA Police Department, the LA County Sheriff’s Department, the California Highway Patrol, the FBI, the ATF, and the US Justice department congregate around the parking to try to determine if whoever shot it committed a ‘hate crime’ because of the meter’s color…


Giggle snort! Funny!!!:D
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That's right, Siss. Now strip and sit down. Security has tightened up here and we have to see your gorgeous body be sure you aren't armed or bringing contraband to Miss Moore...

Joe Friday

Contraband???? All I asked for was a pie to put my fingers in :rolleyes:
Sentencing day…

Official I am condemned to death. Judge Admi tells me I am to fry die strapped in electric chair. I was sort of looking forward to being hanged and while with my testimony in court was to insure I would not grow old in prison and I knew I would get the death penalty but hearing the words ‘Miss Barbara Moore, you have been found guilty of the cold-blooded premeditated murder of Joan Tree. I hereby sentence you to death by electrocution. You do have the right to appeal your sentence’ still causes my knees to wobble. I am alone at the defense table as Tree is furious at me for what I did at the trial. I hate to say it I could have used even him here at this moment! My blood pressure spikes and my ears are ringing. Slowly I become aware that the blue-nosed Judge Admi has a red nose from anger and he’s banging the gavel demanding to know if I wished to appeal my sentence. Nearly absently I shake my ‘no’. Judge Admi thunders “Miss Moore, a wag of your head is not court record. Unless you state ‘I, Barbara Moore’, wave all my rights to appeal my conviction and sentence’ the ACLU is waiting outside those doors ready to file appeal after appeal and by the time you get the chair you will be older than if you would have taken my plea bargain! Even then your sentence will be reduced to life in prison without parole. What will it be, Miss Moore?”

I am ready to puke but I compose myself and lean to the microphone on the table and say “I, Barbara Moore’, wave all my rights to appeal my conviction and sentence. I willfully killed Joan Tree and would- and if released- kill Siss. I ask that my sentence is carried out as expeditiously as possible, your honor.”

He bangs the gavel and says “Tomorrow night at 12:01 AM you shall suffer death by electrocution.”

“Thank you your honor for the swift and merciful execution” I reply.

“You overestimate my kindness, cunt! Joan Tree was a good easy fuck!” Judge Admi snaps.

I wonder what that means. Before I am led from the courtroom Judge Admi is talking on his phone. “Listen, Rodent, Barb fries tomorrow night. Make sure your cameras and microphones are working in the death chamber!”

If I was wearing anything I would have shit my kinis….


I am wondering where they plan to attach the electrodes. :eek::eek::eek:
I am wondering where they plan to attach the electrodes. :eek::eek::eek:
You will see all too soon... Next chapter- Barb won't like this...

“Look Tree, tomorrow night my ‘tight little’ is going to be zapped. What the fuck do you want; an apology for keeping your win-loss perfect?” I ask.

“I wouldn’t dream of getting one.” he replies then adds “Besides, you ain’t getting ‘zapped’.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know what you said to the judge but I would say ‘slow frying your bacon’ would be a bit more accurate” Tree says as he flicks his cigarette butt through the bars and walks away…

-Barb… puking in the stainless steel toilet…

You will see all too soon... Next chapter- Barb won't like this...

“Look Tree, tomorrow night my ‘tight little’ is going to be zapped. What the fuck do you want; an apology for keeping your win-loss perfect?” I ask.

“I wouldn’t dream of getting one.” he replies then adds “Besides, you ain’t getting ‘zapped’.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know what you said to the judge but I would say ‘slow frying your bacon’ would be a bit more accurate” Tree says as he flicks his cigarette butt through the bars and walks away…

-Barb… puking in the stainless steel toilet…

Oh shit :eek::eek:
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