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Barb Time-travels...

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‘Damn, is everybody pissed off at me?’ I wonder as Tree storms off.

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I lay down to get some sleep. I must have slept longer than I thought I had. The guards Ulrika and Tree enter my cell. Tree cuffs my hands and Ulrika cuts my long brown hair short telling me it will make it easier to shave my head. I leave my cell for the last time. I ask if I get a last meal noting I am hungry. Coldly Tree says “Tough shit, Barb. We don’t want you choking on your puke while your tight little slow fries!”


I am brought to the death row barber’s cell where Ulrika used scissors to cut my hair to rough patches while guards sneak cell phone pictures of my humiliation during my last hours of life.


Ulrika explains I am the first women on death row since the ‘60’s and the first to be executed since ’59 at the prison, adding I am something of a celebrity. That’s so comfort. She then uses electric shears to leave my scalp just with stubble before starting to lather my head to shave me smooth as a cue ball.


I ask her if this is necessary and she says “Miss Moore I don’t know what you said to Judge Admi but he didn’t take kindly to it and ordered only a quarter of the voltage and amperage that would normally be used. I don’t know how long you will feel it but the first jolt isn’t going to scramble your brain.”

“First jolt” I ask.

She sighs and says “He also order the circuit on for 10 seconds the off for 20 before repeating. I’ll not be surprised if you don’t last- and feel- as many four rounds.”

“That’s two minutes!” I cry.

“I know, Barb, just hold still and let me get this done. It will help for the electrodes to have clean contact with your skin” Ulrika explains.

“So I’m going to have electrodes on or in my pussy?” I ask horrified as I watch Tree shave my pubic mound clean while taking extra liberties with my labia and clit.


“Nah, I just have to be in the death chamber with you and I hate the smell of burning hair” Tree says. He really needs to work on his ‘bedside manners’ I think but he does know what he is doing with his fingers. The dirty old man made me come twice!

I am led to the death chamber but before I go in Ulrika and Tree have me sit on a metal folding chair explaining we have to wait until the witnesses are seated. Tree offers me a cigarette and I refuse saying I quit when I turned twenty. He hands me a blue and white pack of Madame Wu’s and says “Now is a good time to start again. Smoke them as fast as you can. It takes an hour to get you strapped in and wired up. It will have kicked in by then.”

“Is it…”

“Just smoke ‘em, Barb, while you can.”


I must admit they are very smooth and I soon feel much more relaxed than I should right now. I ask why it takes an hour to set me in a chair and Tree just says “Bureaucracy!”

A woman comes out and says to me “It’s time.”

Thank god for the Madame Wu’s and that they have a firm grip on my arms. I don’t think I could have stood much less walk into the room.


Behind the thick glass windows on one side are the official witnesses and on the other side there are rows of empty chairs for family and friends. Above the metal door I had entered from is an 18” analog clock. On either side of the door are two cameras with red LED lights on indicting they are recording. It really does take 45 minutes to prepare me to be electrocuted. After the straps are fastened around my mid-calves securing my ankles in two half-circles cut in a horizontal piece of wood thick straps bind my forearms to the chair’s armrests and two more are cinched around my torso just above and below my breasts that sport tumescent nipples in the 65°F air in the room. Ulrika slathers cold dielectric grease around my head above my eyes and just over my ears.

Ulrika wipes more on my right calf before strapping a thick heavy piece of copper to my leg. Next she places a heavy metal and leather cap to my head and tightens four copper screws that painfully secures the cap to my skull. She waves Tree back, presses a red button and speaks into an intercom saying only “Test.”

My body bucks against the straps as electricity course over and though my body! (It was 5 seconds at 110 volts and 15 amps –Ed.)

I slump against the thick leather straps and Ulrika says “Sorry, Barb, but we haven’t used ‘the chair’ in a while. We had to make sure we have through current.”

I look at the clock and see it is 23:51 and ask “What do I do until a minute after midnight?”

She smiles and says “You wait!” before she steps out the opening and slams the metal door shut with a dull thud. I am alone with Tree and the electric chair relentlessly embracing my body. I watch the red second hand crawl around the clock’s dial. I become aware I have pissed and the cleft of my tight little is packed with my excrement pinned against the seat. The minute hand snaps to 24:00 and suddenly the red second hand races around the dial! It and the minute hand converges at24:01 and my body strains against the straps as somewhere a switch is thrown!





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Intense. I have been executed so many different ways on CF, but never electrocuted before now. :eek:

How do I feel about that? Well, I really am not sure. :confused:

The thing I dislike the most is having my head shaved. That is not the least bit erotic to think about. I like my hair!!!! :rolleyes:

The thing I like the most? Well, unmmmm ... Let me get back to you on that :rolleyes:

A long and elaborately written and illustrated misadventure by Tree. I never know what he will come up with next, but I note Here that he is expanding his horizons, inventing new perils for me, and plumbing the depths of my thoughts and feelings, while managing at the same time to humiliate me, slip in the "T" word and mention my tight little. ;)
A repost with the pictures...

Damn, is everybody pissed off at me?’ I wonder as Tree storms off.

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I lay down to get some sleep. I must have slept longer than I thought I had. The guards Ulrika and Tree enter my cell. Tree cuffs my hands and Ulrika cuts my long brown hair short telling me it will make it easier to shave my head. I leave my cell for the last time. I ask if I get a last meal noting I am hungry. Coldly Tree says “Tough shit, Barb. We don’t want you choking on your puke while your tight little slow fries!”


I am brought to the death row barber’s cell where Ulrika used scissors to cut my hair to rough patches while guards sneak cell phone pictures of my humiliation during my last hours of life.


Ulrika explains I am the first women on death row since the ‘60’s and the first to be executed since ’59 at the prison, adding I am something of a celebrity. That’s so comfort. She then uses electric shears to leave my scalp just with stubble before starting to lather my head to shave me smooth as a cue ball.


I ask her if this is necessary and she says “Miss Moore I don’t know what you said to Judge Admi but he didn’t take kindly to it and ordered only a quarter of the voltage and amperage that would normally be used. I don’t know how long you will feel it but the first jolt isn’t going to scramble your brain.”

“First jolt” I ask.

She sighs and says “He also order the circuit on for 10 seconds the off for 20 before repeating. I’ll not be surprised if you don’t last- and feel- as many four rounds.”

“That’s two minutes!” I cry.

“I know, Barb, just hold still and let me get this done. It will help for the electrodes to have clean contact with your skin” Ulrika explains.

“So I’m going to have electrodes on or in my pussy?” I ask horrified as I watch Tree shave my pubic mound clean while taking extra liberties with my labia and clit.


“Nah, I just have to be in the death chamber with you and I hate the smell of burning hair” Tree says. He really needs to work on his ‘bedside manners’ I think but he does know what he is doing with his fingers. The dirty old man made me come twice!

I am led to the death chamber but before I go in Ulrika and Tree have me sit on a metal folding chair explaining we have to wait until the witnesses are seated. Tree offers me a cigarette and I refuse saying I quit when I turned twenty. He hands me a blue and white pack of Madame Wu’s and says “Now is a good time to start again. Smoke them as fast as you can. It takes an hour to get you strapped in and wired up. It will have kicked in by then.”

“Is it…”

“Just smoke ‘em, Barb, while you can.”


I must admit they are very smooth and I soon feel much more relaxed than I should right now. I ask why it takes an hour to set me in a chair and Tree just says “Bureaucracy!”

A woman comes out and says to me “It’s time.”

Thank god for the Madame Wu’s and that they have a firm grip on my arms. I don’t think I could have stood much less walk into the room.


Behind the thick glass windows on one side are the official witnesses and on the other side there are rows of empty chairs for family and friends. Above the metal door I had entered from is an 18” analog clock. On either side of the door are two cameras with red LED lights on indicting they are recording. It really does take 45 minutes to prepare me to be electrocuted. After the straps are fastened around my mid-calves securing my ankles in two half-circles cut in a horizontal piece of wood thick straps bind my forearms to the chair’s armrests and two more are cinched around my torso just above and below my breasts that sport tumescent nipples in the 65°F air in the room. Ulrika slathers cold dielectric grease around my head above my eyes and just over my ears.

Ulrika wipes more on my right calf before strapping a thick heavy piece of copper to my leg. Next she places a heavy metal and leather cap to my head and tightens four copper screws that painfully secures the cap to my skull. She waves Tree back, presses a red button and speaks into an intercom saying only “Test.”

My body bucks against the straps as electricity course over and though my body! (It was 5 seconds at 110 volts and 15 amps –Ed.)

I slump against the thick leather straps and Ulrika says “Sorry, Barb, but we haven’t used ‘the chair’ in a while. We had to make sure we have through current.”

I look at the clock and see it is 23:51 and ask “What do I do until a minute after midnight?”

She smiles and says “You wait!” before she steps out the opening and slams the metal door shut with a dull thud. I am alone with Tree and the electric chair relentlessly embracing my body. I watch the red second hand crawl around the clock’s dial. I become aware I have pissed and the cleft of my tight little is packed with my excrement pinned against the seat. The minute hand snaps to 24:00 and suddenly the red second hand races around the dial! It and the minute hand converges at24:01 and my body strains against the straps as somewhere a switch is thrown!





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I awake to the clatter of a guard’s Billy-club running across the bars of my cell. He barks “Wake up, ‘dead cunt walking’; you have a visitor.”

The matron unlocks the cell door and a third guard leads my naked Siss to the door. They pause while the handcuffs binding my lover’s wrist behind her back are removed. My god she is the vision of an angel!

They roughly push her into my cell and the barred door clangs shut behind her and we are locked inside. Fuck the damn cameras- we embrace and kiss passionately. Last night’s nightmare fade but never leaves my head completely.

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How could it? Neither of us knows what time it is but shortly after midnight I will be dead. Life means a lot to me right now! My mind soaks in her touch, the feel of her skin, her scent and mine, her sweat voice soothes my last hours, and the sight of her body is more than I can believe. Her visit is a bittersweet one. I love her visit while I know she is the last visitor I will ever have before I die strapped in the electric chair.

Siss tells me she bought me an outfit for my execution. She says it is a demure black dress with a black jacket, silk stockings, and shoes. I protest saying I have been naked before guards for who knows long so why should I give a crap what I wear. Siss says “Barb, for me, please show a bit of dignity!”

I am not much in the mood to please anyone right now but I am not in any position to protest. She has to leave me and soon the guards come for me. It can’t be midnight already! I know testified so I wouldn’t grow old in prison but now I am somewhere less than two hours than being dead and growing old has more charm with each passing minute.

Dead!!! I’m not a teenager but crap I am still a young woman! They guards toss me a sweaty denim shirt and cum-stained dark grey knit running shorts. I at first refuse the clothes but the matron says to me “Listen, cunt, put it on. You are going to walk past more than a dozen men on death row. I don’t need a riot because you. If you don’t want me to ‘Taser’ you will put that on.”

I put them on. The damn shirt stinks of sweat… goddamn, they have washed it. Again to no avail I protest that Siss brought me a dress and they tell me I’ll get to wear it but I am told to get my ass in gear. I really do leave my cell for the last time!

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I am brought into a side room and am allowed to dump the scuzzy clothing. The dress is black strapless thing and hosiery is totally divine silk stockings. I put the shining black leather stilettos on and pull on the jacket Siss bought me. The matron Jane Tree and some guy grab me to take me to the chair.

Fuck… ‘forty’ looks good all of a sudden…

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They have a firm grip on my arms. It's a damn good thing they do... My bravado left and so seems my legs...


I awake to the clatter of a guard’s Billy-club running across the bars of my cell. He barks “Wake up, ‘dead cunt walking’; you have a visitor.”

The matron unlocks the cell door and a third guard leads my naked Siss to the door. They pause while the handcuffs binding my lover’s wrist behind her back are removed. My god she is the vision of an angel!

They roughly push her into my cell and the barred door clangs shut behind her and we are locked inside. Fuck the damn cameras- we embrace and kiss passionately. Last night’s nightmare fade but never leaves my head completely.

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How could it? Neither of us knows what time it is but shortly after midnight I will be dead. Life means a lot to me right now! My mind soaks in her touch, the feel of her skin, her scent and mine, her sweat voice soothes my last hours, and the sight of her body is more than I can believe. Her visit is a bittersweet one. I love her visit while I know she is the last visitor I will ever have before I die strapped in the electric chair.

Siss tells me she bought me an outfit for my execution. She says it is a demure black dress with a black jacket, silk stockings, and shoes. I protest saying I have been naked before guards for who knows long so why should I give a crap what I wear. Siss says “Barb, for me, please show a bit of dignity!”

I am not much in the mood to please anyone right now but I am not in any position to protest. She has to leave me and soon the guards come for me. It can’t be midnight already! I know testified so I wouldn’t grow old in prison but now I am somewhere less than two hours than being dead and growing old has more charm with each passing minute.

Dead!!! I’m not a teenager but crap I am still a young woman! They guards toss me a sweaty denim shirt and cum-stained dark grey knit running shorts. I at first refuse the clothes but the matron says to me “Listen, cunt, put it on. You are going to walk past more than a dozen men on death row. I don’t need a riot because you. If you don’t want me to ‘Taser’ you will put that on.”

I put them on. The damn shirt stinks of sweat… goddamn, they have washed it. Again to no avail I protest that Siss brought me a dress and they tell me I’ll get to wear it but I am told to get my ass in gear. I really do leave my cell for the last time!

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I am brought into a side room and am allowed to dump the scuzzy clothing. The dress is black strapless thing and hosiery is totally divine silk stockings. I put the shining black leather stilettos on and pull on the jacket Siss bought me. The matron Jane Tree and some guy grab me to take me to the chair.

Fuck… ‘forty’ looks good all of a sudden…

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They have a firm grip on my arms. It's a damn good thing they do... My bravado left and so seems my legs...



Tree PMed me late last night to say he was working hard, typing like crazy. I told him to take his time, I expected a masterpiece. He delivered. Nice writing Tree. ;)

And for the record everyone, I am a very long way from 40. :p:D ... that is if I can find a way out of this predicament. :rolleyes::eek::p
Tree PMed me late last night to say he was working hard, typing like crazy. I told him to take his time, I expected a masterpiece. He delivered. Nice writing Tree. ;)

And for the record everyone, I am a very long way from 40. :p:D ... that is if I can find a way out of this predicament. :rolleyes::eek::p

Indeed, thank you Tree, excellent ! And for you Barb, no matter your age, you're our favorite Crux Pin-up ! ;)
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I thought for sure my hair would be shorn from my head before I am brought to the electric chair.

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The matron explains that I have angered Judge Admi and he has no interest in have a good clean current running through my head before she adds “You don’t recognize me, do you?”

In a daze I shake my head ‘no’ and she says “Tree might not give a shit you killed our sister but I certainly do!”

My eyes widen and I whisper “Jane Tree?”


I thought for sure my hair would be shorn from my head before I am brought to the electric chair.

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The matron explains that I have angered Judge Admi and he has no interest in have a good clean current running through my head before she adds “You don’t recognize me, do you?”

In a daze I shake my head ‘no’ and she says “Tree might not give a shit you killed our sister but I certainly do!”

My eyes widen and I whisper “Jane Tree?”



Poor Barb. She's got such nice hair. What an humiliation... :rolleyes:
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