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Barb Time-travels...

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Here is another twist on time-travel.

Physicists finally found a way to send matter, then people, back in time. The government was very happy to hear this. It seized control of time travel technology and made it a government monopoly. It then used time-travel to relieve prison overcrowding.

Hot women between the ages of 18 and 60 and of a wide variety of body shapes were sentenced to Time Exile in lieu of life imprisonment or 25 years.

Lauren was a hot forty year-old redhead convicted of fraud. She had embezzled countless victims of their life savings. She was sentenced to Time Exile. She was taken to a federal facility, stripped and strip searched. Then she felt a needle jab into her right ass cheek. Then she began to feel really, really drowsy...she vaguely felt herself being led away by the arms, put into a dark room, and the door being closed.

Slowly, she regained more consciousness. She saw the dark room had a door and that the door had a handle. She manipulated the handle and opened the door.

She saw a breathtaking blonde, not more than thirty, in the fancy medieval garb of a noblewoman, before her. The sight was so overwhelming that she did not see, until it was too late, the two sets of hands grab her arms and force her down on her bare knees. Then one hand grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head up until she was looking up at the breathtaking blonde in fancy medieval garb.

The blonde spoke.

"My name is Countess Elizabeth Battery. You have been sentenced to be my sex slave for the rest of your life."

Every day, Lauren was forced to perform cunnilingus on the countess and to take the countess' cum all over her face and tits while the countess' girlfriends fondled her tits and ass and fisted her pussy and asshole. The "easy" parts of her days were when the countess had her bound to a Saint Andrew's Cross for the countess and the countess' girlfriends' amusements.

Her worst days were when the countess was in a bad mood. Those were the "liquid fire" days. The countess' court alchemist had come up with a potion that, on contact with human skin, gave that human skin the sensation it was being burned by a red hot poker. The alchemist was so good that this "liquid fire" left no physical mark, much less physically injured, human skin. "Liquid fire" was a boon to the countess on her bad days. Having her servants pour it all over the naked flesh of her Time Exile slaves, who were bound spreadeagled and naked, and then observing as her naked Time Exile slaves screamed and thrashed impotently for hours on end made the countess cum like a supernova every time!
Miss Barbara Moore time-traveled to France, and arrived as a guest of Marie Antoinette at Tuileries Palace, where Marie was under house arrest. Barb arrived in proper period attire August 8, 1792. She and Marie hit off and Marie was flattered that the Americans would be interested in her story. Unfortunately two days later revolutionaries stormed the palace. The royal family managed to flee but Barb was caught in the round-up.

Despite her protestations she had just arrived and was not a member of the royal court her ornate dress spoke louder than her words. She would be tried and condemned to death by guillotine at the Place de la Revolution. Late afternoon Barb was loaded in a trundle cart and paraded thru the mob. Fear and dread welled within her as crowd grew louder and more unruly the closer she came to the platform and the tall looming guillotine. With wobbly legs she climbed the steep steps. At the top a revolutionary guard pulled the dress from Barb’s shoulders and down her body until her ample breasts are exposed to the mob. Only the tight waist kept the dress from falling to the platform.

Barb fell to her knees in despair. She stared a moment at the open lunette disbelieving what was about to happen. She lowered her.
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Her wrists were pulled behind her, crossed, and then bound with coarse hemp. She was hoisted to her feet and the dress was pulled past her hips. Barb was paraded naked around the platform to rancorous jeers and her dress was tossed to a woman in the crowd. As frightening and humiliating as it was the end of her display was terrifying as bascule had been raised to facilitate strapping her to it. The straps were cinched so tight they almost winded Barb but she had enough scream “Please don’t do this!” as the bascule was tilted down and rolled forward.

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Her head passed over the lower half of the bloodstained lunette. Seconds late the top half was lowered and locked. Her hair had been in a loose bun on top of her head but all the jostling knocked it free. A stained basket was placed under her head and the blade was released.

To the crowd it looks fast but Barb would feel blade vibrate the guillotine as the blade rattled down its track. Having severed countless spines it was not particularly sharp but the heavy mouton it was attached to would insure its violent passage through her neck.

Her head hit the bottom of the basket at the same time the blade crashed against its stops. A hand reached in the basket, grabbed her hair and hoisted her head to display to the cheering mob. Barb’s last thought was “God damn that hurt.”

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Back at THT Laboratories it is late afternoon Gunner says to Dr. Tree “I thought Barb was to come back this morning.”

Tree says “Damn I was supposed to do that this morning. Hell, I doubt she’ll bitch having one more exciting evening in Paris!”

The End

I'm jealous

“Joan? Joan, where are you?” Siss called out.

“In the basement” a woman’s voice calls out. It was familiar but certainly different from what Joan usually sounds like. ‘Maybe she has something kinky in mind’ Siss thinks as she trots down the steps to her basement. Siss calls out “Where are you… BARB? What have you done?”

“What the fuck does it look like I’ve done? I shot Joan Tree. God damn, I’m in the rented obsolete prison about to be crucified and you can’t wait to fuck Joan! I ought to shoot you too except I want some hot sex before you call the cops!”

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Hmm… what’s this all about???

Siss and Barb do indeed have hot sex but Siss says “OK, you used the Time Machine set on ‘Parallel Universe’ and you are still in LA waiting for the Crux games but if you set it to go back I’m left with Joan Tree with a bullet through her heart in my basement and even they think I am sincere instead of frying I spend most of my life in a sanitarium for the criminally insane. Give me your wrists… There…”

“Damn Siss I didn’t set it! I forgot to! No one knows I’m here and LA!”

“I can’t take that chance! I know you can’t go back until after 12 hours and I needed the cops here before you disappear! Is that too tight?” Siss asks.

“No, it’s fine” Barb says.

“Then I’ll have to do this tighter” Siss says maliciously playful as she squeezes the second cuff on Barb’s wrist.

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I really didn’t reset the Time Machine. I forgot. In my cell there is a copy of the latest Crux Chronicle. Damn, I made the cover!!! I tried to plead guilty but because this is a capital offense I have to stand trial. Fuck, I just want them to string me up and be done with this but somehow manage to keep my mouth shut to avoid a mental evaluation.

I refuse the hearing on my arraignment accepting the charges against me. They ask me if I have or can afford an attorney. I tell the assholes I won’t afford an attorney! They tell me I will be assigned a ‘public defender’ and I say “Look, I took the bitch to the basement at gunpoint and shot her in the heart at point-blank range. I don’t need an attorney!”

I waive my right to a jury trial, putting my fate in the hands of the stern but fair and just Judge Admi. My ‘public defender’ is a guy named Tree. His record in winning capital case is exactly opposite of the death sentences Judge Admi hands down.

I find it strange Tree is defending me as I shot his sister dead. He tells me to shut up that he’s his best chance for a successful appeal…


To be fair, Tree puts up a pretty good defense. Judge Admi may have even believed his theory that Siss killed his sister until I said from the defense table “Honorable Judge Admi, I knew where Joan Tree kept her gun. I took her to the basement and pressed the gun between her tits and blew her heart out her back and watched her eyes' last twitches as she bled out her back.”

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Tree shakes his head and says “I could have won this.”

“I didn’t want you to. Who would have thought you had a prayer” I reply.

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I almost feel sorry for him… what is he? …Zero and 5000 in court?


hc 036.jpg I this a manip or did you really find an actual pic of Siss treating me this badly?

I really didn’t reset the Time Machine. I forgot. In my cell there is a copy of the latest Crux Chronicle. Damn, I made the cover!!! I tried to plead guilty but because this is a capital offense I have to stand trial. Fuck, I just want them to string me up and be done with this but somehow manage to keep my mouth shut to avoid a mental evaluation.

I refuse the hearing on my arraignment accepting the charges against me. They ask me if I have or can afford an attorney. I tell the assholes I won’t afford an attorney! They tell me I will be assigned a ‘public defender’ and I say “Look, I took the bitch to the basement at gunpoint and shot her in the heart at point-blank range. I don’t need an attorney!”

I waive my right to a jury trial, putting my fate in the hands of the stern but fair and just Judge Admi. My ‘public defender’ is a guy named Tree. His record in winning capital case is exactly opposite of the death sentences Judge Admi hands down.

I find it strange Tree is defending me as I shot his sister dead. He tells me to shut up that he’s his best chance for a successful appeal…


2e49da13e7163a8cf2152119315c9fdb.jpg This is all a bad dream, right? I will wake up and find I have won the gold in the Olympics, right? And, why would I ever plead guilty to anything? And that includes the great crash of the summer 2013!!!

To be fair, Tree puts up a pretty good defense. Judge Admi may have even believed his theory that Siss killed his sister until I said from the defense table “Honorable Judge Admi, I knew where Joan Tree kept her gun. I took her to the basement and pressed the gun between her tits and blew her heart out her back and watched her eyes last twitches as she bled out her back.”

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Tree shakes his head and says “I could have won this.”

“I didn’t want you to. Who would have thought you had a prayer” I reply.

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I almost feel sorry for him… what is he? …Zero and 5000 in court?



9lO2luOKhd.jpg Correction: zero for 5001.:rolleyes:

bar in 105 A.jpg this looks like a good argument for tougher gun laws ;)
View attachment 394582 I this a manip or did you really find an actual pic of Siss treating me this badly?

View attachment 394583 This is all a bad dream, right? I will wake up and find I have won the gold in the Olympics, right? And, why would I ever plead guilty to anything? And that includes the great crash of the summer 2013!!!
Not a manip... I think we should look at the rodent:eek:
I have no idea how this 'parallel universe' stuff works but Leonard Nimoy in the last 'Star Trek' film he was in said it was all OK.

In LA you might think it a dream but you never left... It is a parallel universe...

As for pleading guilty perhaps you want the 'nightmare' to end... maybe that mad at Siss??? ...don't ask me what women think...


Judge Admi, having had a private consultation with Barb, was inclined to offer her a conviction of second degree murder with a 30 year sentence and with good behavior she could be out in 20.

I must admit my ‘private consultation’ was entertaining and he wasn’t a bad fuck for an old man. I know he was making a generous offer but I know myself well enough with my mouth I wasn’t going to get out before 30 years and I have no desire to be some dyke's sex slave and be almost old enough for Social Security!

No, I just want to get this over with but I have to be sure I don’t just get a longer sentence! I have to be sure I get the gallows or however they ‘off’ people here. Against Tree’s protestation I take the stand in my own ‘defense’. I take the stand and the prosecutor steps up to me expecting a passionate pack of lies to save my neck. He looks at me and says “Isn’t it true you deliberately went to Siss’ Home with the intent to murder Joan Tree, a young woman in her prime, in cold blood?”

Tree objects that the question is leading and prejudicial. I raise my hand to stop him and stress “I want to answer the question! I knew Siss and Joan were there having sex. I knew where Joan kept her gun and I took it and waited for them do come out. I even checked the clip and chambered a round. Joan came out of the bedroom first. I ordered her to the basement where it was less likely the shot would be heard. That bitch even tried to tell me that the safety was on. I know on that model the ‘safety’ is the gun cannot be fired without squeezing the handle. I marched her to the back of an old chair and had her stand with the back of legs against the chair back.

“The stupid cunt was hoping I didn’t know to chamber the first round and was hoping to wrest the gun from when it didn’t fire. I pressed the barrel against her right between her tits. It was priceless to see the shock on her face when I pulled the trigger. She fell back over the chair and slid off the seat until her head and shoulders hit the floor. Even with her heart shattered by her sternum and the 9mm bullet, it took her more than minute to die. I knew the second round was a hollow point and another round would have finished her quickly but I was having too damn a good time watching her death throes. The sophisticated bitch even pissed and shit herself while she was convulsing! It was divine to watch the cunt suffer!”

The courtroom was stunned. The entire gallery was in silenced shock. After a few minutes the prosecutor composes himself then says accusingly “Yet while you murdered Joan Tree your accomplice and lover stood by and did nothing!”

“She didn’t know I was there. She snuck up and grabbed the gun from my hand. She made me strip so I could run without being noticed then hand cuffed my hands behind my back. That was her only delay in calling the fucking cops! If she hadn’t surprised me I would have gotten to watch that bitch die too!”

“Um… no further questions” the prosecutor says. “I rest my case!”

“And when I get out I’ll hunt down Siss and kill her!” I yell then to seal the deal I turn to Judge Admi and say in a voice that only he can hear “And you are a rotten fuck!”

The judge doesn’t even wait until I leave the witness stand to say “The only way you are leaving prison is in a pine box and I promise you will not have long to wait!”

I waive all my rights to appeal. I am placed in a cell in what should be an obsolete maximum security prison. I’m not due to be sentenced until a week from the trial but they brought me right to death row. Is that an omen, you think? You know, I would have never gotten out early for good behavior. The orange jumpsuit is certainly not my color and it is less than flattering to my figure and I refuse to wear it! They beat my ass with batons until it hurts to sit and lock my ankles in irons. I mock them and tell them “nice jewelry…”

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Judge Admi, having had a private consultation with Barb, was inclined to offer her a conviction of second degree murder with a 30 year sentence and with good behavior she could be out in 20.

I must admit my ‘private consultation’ was entertaining and he wasn’t a bad fuck for an old man. I know he was making a generous offer but I know myself well enough with my mouth I wasn’t going to get out before 30 years and I have no desire to be some dyke's sex slave and be almost old enough for Social Security!

No, I just want to get this over with but I have to be sure I don’t just get a longer sentence! I have to be sure I get the gallows or however they ‘off’ people here. Against Tree’s protestation I take the stand in my own ‘defense’. I take the stand and the prosecutor steps up to me expecting a passionate pack of lies to save my neck. He looks at me and says “Isn’t it true you deliberately went to Siss’ Home with the intent to murder Joan Tree, a young woman in her prime, in cold blood?”

Tree objects that the question is leading and prejudicial. I raise my hand to stop him and stress “I want to answer the question! I knew Siss and Joan were there having sex. I knew where Joan kept her gun and I took it and waited for them do come out. I even checked the clip and chambered a round. Joan came out of the bedroom first. I ordered her to the basement where it was less likely the shot would be heard. That bitch even tried to tell me that the safety was on. I know on that model the ‘safety’ is the gun cannot be fired without squeezing the handle. I marched her to the back of an old chair and had her stand with the back of legs against the chair back.

“The stupid cunt was hoping I didn’t know to chamber the first round and was hoping to wrest the gun from when it didn’t fire. I pressed the barrel against her right between her tits. It was priceless to see the shock on her face when I pulled the trigger. She fell back over the chair and slid off the seat until her head and shoulders hit the floor. Even with her heart shattered by her sternum and the 9mm bullet, it took her more than minute to die. I knew the second round was a hollow point and another round would have finished her quickly but I was having too damn a good time watching her death throes. The sophisticated bitch even pissed and shit herself while she was convulsing! It was divine to watch the cunt suffer!”

The courtroom was stunned. The entire gallery was in silenced shock. After a few minutes the prosecutor composes himself then says accusingly “Yet while you murdered Joan Tree your accomplice and lover stood by and did nothing!”

“She didn’t know I was there. She snuck up and grabbed the gun from my hand. She made me strip so I could run without being noticed then hand cuffed my hands behind my back. That was her only delay in calling the fucking cops! If she hadn’t surprised me I would have gotten to watch that bitch die too!”

“Um… no further questions” the prosecutor says. “I rest my case!”

“And when I get out I’ll hunt down Siss and kill her!” I yell then to seal the deal I turn to Judge Admi and say in a voice that only he can hear “And you are a rotten fuck!”

The judge doesn’t even wait until I leave the witness stand to say “The only way you are leaving prison is in a pine box and I promise you will not have long to wait!”

I waive all my rights to appeal. I am placed in a cell in what should be an obsolete maximum security prison. I’m not due to be sentenced until a week from the trial but they brought me right to death row. Is that an omen, you think? You know, I would have never gotten out early for good behavior. The orange jumpsuit is certainly not my color and it is less than flattering to my figure and I refuse to wear it! They beat my ass with batons until it hurts to sit and lock my ankles in irons. I mock them and tell them “nice jewelry…”

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9lO2luOKhd.jpg Tree gets in side my head and writes Barb better than Barb can write Barb! How's that for double talk .. I ought to be a lawyer, or better yet a politician... then again most politicians are lawyers ... shut up Barb, you are rambling again. In any case, I am proud of killing Joan. I have always wanted to kill that bitch. So why shouldn't I cop to it? What can happen anyway? I will be hung or crucified or worse, dragged through shit and all that ... it's my lot in life in the crazy manic world of a CF writer named Tree ... so, yeah I will mouth off to the court, mock my jailers, and if I ever get out of here, Siss and I have some unfinished business to attend to ...
View attachment 394738 Tree gets in side my head and writes Barb better than Barb can write Barb! How's that for double talk .. I ought to be a lawyer, or better yet a politician... then again most politicians are lawyers ... shut up Barb, you are rambling again. In any case, I am proud of killing Joan. I have always wanted to kill that bitch. So why shouldn't I cop to it? What can happen anyway? I will be hung or crucified or worse, dragged through shit and all that ... it's my lot in life in the crazy manic world of a CF writer named Tree ... so, yeah I will mouth off to the court, mock my jailers, and if I ever get out of here, Siss and I have some unfinished business to attend to ...
Judge Admi tells Tree that because his brilliant defense he would authorize a 'merciful' execution but he seemed perturbed at whatever Barb whispered to him at the end of the trial... We shall see...

I wonder if Barb was really going to kill Siss... We will have to explore this further... Hmm...

Sentencing day…

Official I am condemned to death. Judge Admi tells me I am to fry die strapped in electric chair. I was sort of looking forward to being hanged and while with my testimony in court was to insure I would not grow old in prison and I knew I would get the death penalty but hearing the words ‘Miss Barbara Moore, you have been found guilty of the cold-blooded premeditated murder of Joan Tree. I hereby sentence you to death by electrocution. You do have the right to appeal your sentence’ still causes my knees to wobble. I am alone at the defense table as Tree is furious at me for what I did at the trial. I hate to say it I could have used even him here at this moment! My blood pressure spikes and my ears are ringing. Slowly I become aware that the blue-nosed Judge Admi has a red nose from anger and he’s banging the gavel demanding to know if I wished to appeal my sentence. Nearly absently I shake my ‘no’. Judge Admi thunders “Miss Moore, a wag of your head is not court record. Unless you state ‘I, Barbara Moore’, wave all my rights to appeal my conviction and sentence’ the ACLU is waiting outside those doors ready to file appeal after appeal and by the time you get the chair you will be older than if you would have taken my plea bargain! Even then your sentence will be reduced to life in prison without parole. What will it be, Miss Moore?”

I am ready to puke but I compose myself and lean to the microphone on the table and say “I, Barbara Moore’, wave all my rights to appeal my conviction and sentence. I willfully killed Joan Tree and would- and if released- kill Siss. I ask that my sentence is carried out as expeditiously as possible, your honor.”

He bangs the gavel and says “Tomorrow night at 12:01 AM you shall suffer death by electrocution.”

“Thank you your honor for the swift and merciful execution” I reply.

“You overestimate my kindness, cunt! Joan Tree was a good easy fuck!” Judge Admi snaps.

I wonder what that means. Before I am led from the courtroom Judge Admi is talking on his phone. “Listen, Rodent, Barb fries tomorrow night. Make sure your cameras and microphones are working in the death chamber!”

If I was wearing anything I would have shit my kinis….


The LA Department of Parking Enforcement sends eight agents out to inspect the mortally wounded parking meter that Tree planted a 9 mm slug into. Later dozens officers from the LA Police Department, the LA County Sheriff’s Department, the California Highway Patrol, the FBI, the ATF, and the US Justice department congregate around the parking to try to determine if whoever shot it committed a ‘hate crime’ because of the meter’s color…

I got off track here; sorry…

Crap, I can tell by the walk Tree is coming to my cell! The last thing I need is a lecture from the old fart that is old enough to be my dad. He lights a cigarette and asks me “Did you get what you, Barb? I could have gotten you off with less than 10 years served. What is the rush to die?”

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“Yeah, with good behavior which is not my strong suit” I reply. “I’d have left here an old woman with no future and a past that consisted of this fucking ‘condominium’. I want this over with, Tree. How the hell are you allowed to smoke in here anyway?”

He opens his jacket and pats the Glock in the shoulder holster and says “Diplomatic immunity…”

-Barbara Moore, condemned convict

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