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Bartnel's Inferno

Go to CruxDreams.com
There's a point I must clarify:
I was perfectly aware I was breaking the rules.
I don't complain about the punishment.
I think I had to inform also here ;)

GOOD New: the censored images and animations will progressively be submitted in my RENDEROTICA gallery
Even more GOOD NEW: animations that were published as little animated gif in DA are now visible as bigger and longer VIDEO CLIPS at RENDEROTICA.

Please, don't hesitate to visit and comment in my Renderotica gallery. I'll be happy and encouraged to publish more :jump1:
(a few crux clips may even be added if success happens)

NB: I though a crucifixion image was a good idea to illustrate a suspension ;)

NB2: My 2 latest RENDEROTICA animation submissions were deleted at DA. Do you consider this one as PORNOGRAPHIC ?
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Well yes as it focuses on the sexual experience.
Would call it soft porn as you don't focus on the interaction between the sexual organs:p
So mildly pornogrphic.. DA deleting it doent surprise me.
They are too hard trying to pacify their puritan users/investors/whatever.

I like the animation, its very good, wish I could do animations like that in Daz studio.

Glad you post at Renderotica where you are less likely to be censored:)
Like Wragg said, I don't bother much with DA. They are in such a sweat to be perceived as "mainstream" that there's very little of interest there any more. They don't even realize that they're just adding fuel to the flames that will sooner or later send their website up in smoke. They depend on visits in order to make money from advertising, and if enough people stop visiting, they'll be left with their precious mainstream rating and minuscule advertising revenue.

I, for one, always look for new posts under the Bartnel's Inferno subject here on CruxForums. Your creations are absolutely at the top of the line of 3D Artists, and I just wish those who don't care for our subjects to just leave us alone.
Hear, hear! I agree 100%
There's a point I must clarify:
I was perfectly aware I was breaking the rules.
I don't complain about the punishment.
I think I had to inform also here ;)

GOOD New: the censored images and animations will progressively be submitted in my RENDEROTICA gallery
Even more GOOD NEW: animations that were published as little animated gif in DA are now visible as bigger and longer VIDEO CLIPS at RENDEROTICA.

Please, don't hesitate to visit and comment in my Renderotica gallery. I'll be happy and encouraged to publish more :jump1:
(a few crux clips may even be added if success happens)

NB: I though a crucifixion image was a good idea to illustrate a suspension ;)

NB2: My 2 latest RENDEROTICA animation submissions were deleted at DA. Do you consider this one as PORNOGRAPHIC ?
I got suspended on Pinterest a few months ago. They say you can appeal but I wrote twice complaining and never got a response. The situation is the same there. They aren't clear about what they consider obscenity. Every three months or so I'd get a notice that they had deleted a picture. They always said I had gotten it from elsewhere on Pinterest. They never showed which picture it was, so you couldn't get an idea of what they considered obscene. I spent days over the last 3, 4 years accumulating recipes I thought looked really good, shots of natural phenomena and photos of 40 or 50 of my favorite actresses over the last several decades. I; a little annoyed with them.
A scourging first maybe? Would love to see an entire animation using these excellent images.

I actually have an animation project about this serie... but a complete animation project (I already completed only 2 ones) tooks a tremendous amount of work and time and I couldn't find enough time to do it this year :roto2palm:

@maypo : I didn't waste any time to complain , some other I know at DA did it without result!

@crumera : thank you :smile: I am thinking about it : my "dangerous" stuff will probably go to Renderotica ... unfortunately, people there don't usually comment and there's much less interaction between members than Deviant Art
More "pornographic" stuff added in my RENDEROTICA gallery
(I continue to publish there what was erased at DA... 15 at the same time means a long task to do)

What @crumera wrote question me... except maybe a few glimpses, most of what I publish could be considered (in my country, France) as "erotic" content, but not pornographic?
I'm talking here about what I can see in movies...
Maybe rules are actually different in other countries?
Or things are changing: what was considered 20 years ago as "erotic" is now viewed as "pornographic"?
It's all about context and perception.
Without the context many nude scenes can be seen as pornographic.
Especially when the prudeness of for example DA is increasing for whatever reason.
I like your stuff dont get me wrong, but with the eyes of puritan USA advertisement. many more things fall under the porn description.
Yes thats local stuff but DA and many websites will take the US as a main target for income etc.
So that prudish attitude will influence DA to delete stuff, which in itself can be viewed as erotic in other countries.

I guess that if DA was a Arab oriented site even a bare woman's leg would be seen as pornographic and deleted.

IMO your work is perectly acceptable in a DA enveiroment, if marked as erotic and 18+ content.
So people are able to hide these things, but US compagnies tend to be prudes sooner or later.
Remeber the Yahoo groups massacre?
Even though they were abiding with the rules they closed groups that abided with those rules as being marked 18+
Full accounts(including emailaccounts) of moderators and owners of those groups arbitrarily deleted for "rules violation"

Pure madness IMO.
But very easy to understand if you look at target markets and their sensibilities.
the bigger they become the more financial pressure is applied to get in line with the puritan rules.

For me porn- and erotic content are just artificial divisions. they depend on the eye of the beholder.
Quite a lot of the stuff I post here is soft or even hard porn (IMO at least), and I would not want it to be shown outside the "safety" of this community, like on DA For example.
The stuff I post here certainly isnt mainstream so I dont x-post it on mainstream sites.

I'm sure my account would be deleted within hours on DA if I did.
I deeply sympathise with Bartnel and the censorship that he is encountering, I have an enormous amount of renders and pictures on file, given in absolute confidence, for me to write meaningful text and stories to accompany them and I wouldn't dare to publish them.
I only wish I could afford to purchase Bartnel's complete videos, I have managed to buy a few pictures series from him but that's all.
Thanks a lot for your answers, everybody :buenrollo:

What appears strange to me that 14 in the 15 deleted deviations were old , some of them even more than 6 months old ?!?
The person who reported them (I was online to see things happen :eek: ) did it within minutes !!! ... and he/she stopped suddenly after reaching 15 reports!
He/she could have reported 30 or 50 deviations (some of them were good candidates, even more than those that were reported)

It appears so weird to me !!! :bash::rocket::sniper::smash2:

It already happened in the past but not more than 1 or 2 at the same time. And I usually had 2 or 3 days to edit/replace the stuff before deletion (I saved some works that way)
But this time, deletion and suspension happened only a few hours after reports! What could I do?
I can't help thinking of a deliberate (and malvolent) action to throw me away ... not sure the ACTUAL motive is moral or puritanism.
I know a certain artist at DA (and elsewhere) who CANNOT bear images of interracial sexual intercourse. He already tried to threaten me to report some of my deviations.
(he is not the author of this attack, I'm pretty sure)
Bartnel, I’ve been catching up on this thread, and you certainly have my sympathies. And I thank you for your Renderotica link, but at same time must expose my shallow character by wishing Shirley from 35 weeks ago had got a lot more busy with the fellow's phallus.

Handcuffed. :rolleyes: :babeando:


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