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Being a Single Sadistic Male SUCKS!

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Ladies, you're my type of weird if you'd be DELIGHTED to get STUNG BY A JELLYFISH! What body part specifically, not super important. I know the nettle is popular for similar reasons: acute physical pain.

Not real picky about the exact "flavor", but I'm not into the whole dom/sub thing, I just want to enjoy the HURT! I want to feel her squirm as she says "OW" from me gently guiding her nude back into a sticker bush. I also like the idea of holding her underwater long enough for her to start involuntarily fighting for air!

What sucks, though, is the saying "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take", because I'm mega depressed over missing 100% of the shots I *DO* take! Just about everywhere I go, best-case is "friendzone", and what I need is clearly "more than friends". Tried every dating site I can think of, and I admit I could use some independence (I'm 32 but I'm still living like I was when I was 16, for both good and bad it's like I'm forever 16).

Is there any help for me? I need leads, not advice.
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Ladies, you're my type of weird if you'd be DELIGHTED to get STUNG BY A JELLYFISH! What body part specifically, not super important. I know the nettle is popular for similar reasons: acute physical pain.

Not real picky about the exact "flavor", but I'm not into the whole dom/sub thing, I just want to enjoy the HURT! I want to feel her squirm as she says "OW" from me gently guiding her nude back into a sticker bush. I also like the idea of holding her underwater long enough for her to start involuntarily fighting for air!

What sucks, though, is the saying "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take", because I'm mega depressed over missing 100% of the shots I *DO* take! Just about everywhere I go, best-case is "friendzone", and what I need is clearly "more than friends". Tried every dating site I can think of, and I admit I could use some mom io (I'm 32 but I'm still living like I was when I was 16, for both good and bad it's like I'm forever 16).

Is there any help for me? I need leads, not advice.u
It's a tough sell when you say you only want to "Bring the hurt." BDSM is very much about building trust 1st and foremost. A submissive is putting their health and safety into your hands.
In my own case my late partner and I had a healthy, loving relationship into which BDSM was gradually introduced.
My new lady friend just got her 1st and a very mild spanking after she was naughty and removed the battery from my car remote...if she pranks me again I may introduce her to a slave collar that's stashed away...I will of course tell her how sexy she looks wearing it as I bring her to orgasm.
Small steps.
Safe play.
Mutual pleasure.
Ladies, you're my type of weird if you'd be DELIGHTED to get STUNG BY A JELLYFISH! What body part specifically, not super important. I know the nettle is popular for similar reasons: acute physical pain.

Not real picky about the exact "flavor", but I'm not into the whole dom/sub thing, I just want to enjoy the HURT! I want to feel her squirm as she says "OW" from me gently guiding her nude back into a sticker bush. I also like the idea of holding her underwater long enough for her to start involuntarily fighting for air!

What sucks, though, is the saying "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take", because I'm mega depressed over missing 100% of the shots I *DO* take! Just about everywhere I go, best-case is "friendzone", and what I need is clearly "more than friends". Tried every dating site I can think of, and I admit I could use some independence (I'm 32 but I'm still living like I was when I was 16, for both good and bad it's like I'm forever 16).

Is there any help for me? I need leads, not advice.
I'm familiar with this. My situation is perhaps even worse. All my life I have had great difficulty developing relationships with women. That is, even ordinary relationships. What can we say about BDSM... Everything works against me: my appearance, my character, even my hobbies and interests) And as if this were not enough, I am also a foot fetishist and sadist)) It would seem that what could go wrong ?)
The most banal and stupid advice: “be yourself.” But I was convinced a long time ago that it doesn’t work at all.
If I listen to metal, read Lovecraft, and go into the woods to watch antlions hunt, I'm a "weird guy."
If I say that pain excites me, I am a “psychopath and maniac.”
Well, somehow I still live with all this. But every year it becomes somehow harder. Accordingly, I have never had a masochistic partner... Search on specialized sites? Perhaps, but I have become too distrustful of people...
I'm familiar with this. My situation is perhaps even worse. All my life I have had great difficulty developing relationships with women. That is, even ordinary relationships. What can we say about BDSM... Everything works against me: my appearance, my character, even my hobbies and interests) And as if this were not enough, I am also a foot fetishist and sadist)) It would seem that what could go wrong ?)
The most banal and stupid advice: “be yourself.” But I was convinced a long time ago that it doesn’t work at all.
If I listen to metal, read Lovecraft, and go into the woods to watch antlions hunt, I'm a "weird guy."
If I say that pain excites me, I am a “psychopath and maniac.”
Well, somehow I still live with all this. But every year it becomes somehow harder. Accordingly, I have never had a masochistic partner... Search on specialized sites? Perhaps, but I have become too distrustful of people...
You definitely get me. :Saeufer:
You definitely get me. :Saeufer:
It's nice to hear)
Yes, it's very difficult to find a like-minded person if your hobbies and preferences are even slightly different from the generally accepted ones. All this talk about how "everyone should be respected" and "all desires should be respected" in most cases is just empty talk.
Sometimes I'm simply amazed at how cautiously people react to hobbies that differ from the "usual" ones. And I'm not even talking about BDSM))
It's nice to hear)
Yes, it's very difficult to find a like-minded person if your hobbies and preferences are even slightly different from the generally accepted ones. All this talk about how "everyone should be respected" and "all desires should be respected" in most cases is just empty talk.
Sometimes I'm simply amazed at how cautiously people react to hobbies that differ from the "usual" ones. And I'm not even talking about BDSM))
The empty talk is one thing, but what agitates me personally is the way people block others with impunity, even over a mere disagreement. We see it all over social media, a culture designed to be cloistered and refuse to try new things. Plus, all that "Be kind OR ELSE" mantra that feels like an unwritten law nowadays has me concerned it's generating a vibe of toxic positivity, which is arguably just as bad as the most vulgar cultures of very specific forum boards on the Internet.
You say that you need leads, not advice. I cannot give you any leads, so the only thing that I can give you is advice. As far as I know, there is no magic pill. Meeting women for kinky fun is just like meeting women for vanilla fun. You have to go out there and get good at flirting and connecting with women. Or you could do dating apps, but I have no success from those so I have no advice to give in that direction. One thing I will say is that for you as a man, things might be a lot better than you might think. It might be your thoughts about reality holding you back. Don't get me wrong, if you are severely physically unattractive, like if you are really really short or really fat or something, it's obviously harder. Success in finding women is. roughly speaking, about your raw physical attractiveness multiplied by your mental skill at turning women on multiplied by how often you are in situations where you meet women. If you're average-looking then the only thing holding you back is mental.

I'm an average-height guy with a boring career. I have an above-average face I'd say, but I'm no male model. I'm not fat, but I have a bit of a belly because of drinking, age, and lack of exercise. Despite that, I've had amazing sex with three women in the last month. Women are remarkably forgiving about these kinds of things, they're not as sexually dominated by the visual sense as men are. By the way, any women reading this, please correct me if I'm wrong about that :) ! That's just my impression based on my experience as a man.

Women feel a greater need for safety in a sexual interaction than men do because men are physically much stronger on average and they also commit like 90% of all violent crime. If you can connect with a woman in a way that makes her feel that she is safe around you, and you can turn her on mentally, you are golden. Safety is not just physical, by the way. It is also important to be discreet. Women should feel that no matter what happens between you and her, you will not go blabbing about it to other people.

As a man who wants to have kinky fun with women, you should probably give women the sense that you are safe to be around, you are discreet, she has zero to lose by having some good times with you and a lot of things to win from it. Obviously, many women fuck genuinely dangerous guys who turn them on. But if you're fundamentally a nice guy and not a sociopath, don't try to copy those guys too much. I would say, don't so much try to change your fundamental personality, instead focus on unlocking the raw sexual power of your fundamental personality. If you're a nice guy like I am, then your advantages are that you can be genuinely intimate with women and not a dipshit. Many women really enjoy being with a nice, intimate guy who treats them rough in bed with both people's full consent and permission. When I say nice, I don't mean some doormat, I mean a guy who genuinely wants the best for others but is strong and not a push-over.

There is no magic pill other than being a celebrity rock star type of person who just has to show up at a place and women throw themselves at him. Women are people, and a lot of them want some good kinky fun. They're out there. There's no magic charisma potion, no secret formula. Well, other than being a celebrity, but if you're not a celebrity you can still get laid a lot and have some amazing times. You have to just go out and talk to women. If you're not already, learn to be sexually unabashed in conversations. Not as in, talking about kinky sex five seconds after you meet a woman, although some would go for that, but more that you should be totally unashamed about your kinks and feel free discussing them if the conversation goes in that direction or you bring it in that direction. Be a sexual being in public, do not hide all of your desires behind some wall. Most women are more open to talking about sex than the average guy is. Doesn't mean you should start a conversation by talking about sex, but my point is that women aren't some gentle naive creatures who need to be coaxed into being interested in sex. Women are tough in a lot of ways and many of them are horny as fuck. Go make them happy.
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Ladies, you're my type of weird if you'd be DELIGHTED to get STUNG BY A JELLYFISH! What body part specifically, not super important. I know the nettle is popular for similar reasons: acute physical pain.

Not real picky about the exact "flavor", but I'm not into the whole dom/sub thing, I just want to enjoy the HURT! I want to feel her squirm as she says "OW" from me gently guiding her nude back into a sticker bush. I also like the idea of holding her underwater long enough for her to start involuntarily fighting for air!

What sucks, though, is the saying "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take", because I'm mega depressed over missing 100% of the shots I *DO* take! Just about everywhere I go, best-case is "friendzone", and what I need is clearly "more than friends". Tried every dating site I can think of, and I admit I could use some independence (I'm 32 but I'm still living like I was when I was 16, for both good and bad it's like I'm forever 16).

Is there any help for me? I need leads, not advice.
Join a local BDSM Club. You will meet likeminded people and who knows what might happen. It isn't a dating club but you you never know.
Or you could do dating apps, but I have no success from those so I have no advice to give in that direction.
It's really almost useless. I've been using the dating app for a little over a year. In that time, I've only had one date, which didn't go anywhere. The app constantly tries to ask for money, and the number of bots has increased significantly in the last six months. Oddly enough, almost all the women I've messaged have flatly refused to meet. I get the impression that they just want virtual conversations, and nothing more. Why? I can't really understand...
Despite that, I've had amazing sex with three women in the last month.
I want to clarify, if it's not a secret) Ordinary sex, or what we're all talking about here?
It's really almost useless. I've been using the dating app for a little over a year. In that time, I've only had one date, which didn't go anywhere. The app constantly tries to ask for money, and the number of bots has increased significantly in the last six months. Oddly enough, almost all the women I've messaged have flatly refused to meet. I get the impression that they just want virtual conversations, and nothing more. Why? I can't really understand...

I want to clarify, if it's not a secret) Ordinary sex, or what we're all talking about here?

Various levels of kinky sex, nothing too hard but all involving a bit of BDSM roleplaying and spanking. To be precise, it's not like I've been averaging 3 girls a month for a while, although it would be nice if I would going forward. I've been working on getting my sexual comfort and projection back after a long dry spell, and so my recent run of good times is the best I've done in a long while. But there is such a thing as sexual momentum, and I would like to keep it going. One of the nice things is that I am much more comfortable in bed in general and also with my kinks more specifically now than I was before my dry spell, so I am enjoying sex a lot more than I used to.
Women should feel that no matter what happens between you and her, you will not go blabbing about it to other people.
Actually, it works both ways. Personally, I am very afraid that a woman will tell her friends and acquaintances about me. Including about my strange inclinations. People are very biased about this. I live in a relatively small city, so I am afraid that complete strangers might find out about this.
Actually, it works both ways. Personally, I am very afraid that a woman will tell her friends and acquaintances about me. Including about my strange inclinations. People are very biased about this. I live in a relatively small city, so I am afraid that complete strangers might find out about this.
Have you considered attending a BDSM Munch which is an opportunity for people with a BDSM liking/interest, to meet in a relaxed and accepting environment?
Have you considered attending a BDSM Munch which is an opportunity for people with a BDSM liking/interest, to meet in a relaxed and accepting environment?
It's a bit hard to explain... In short, I don't live in the EU or America, so it's going to be much harder for me to find such a place. Only if I go to a big city or even a capital for that matter. But to go or fly thousands of kilometers just to find a BDSM club... well, I'm not ready for that yet.
I'm still hesitating on this issue. But I understand that in the end it will all come down to the following: either I'll do it, coming to terms with the fact that I'll be communicating with people I'm seeing in person for the first time in... a very piquant setting, so to speak; or I won't be able to make up my mind, and it will all remain a fantasy. After all, I've been living with this fetish for 20 years now, and it's still all purely theoretical. Maybe I don't really need to make it come true.
Also, I occasionally think that trying to do this in person, or even just watching, might end up being a huge disappointment for me. Like in the "expectation/reality" memes. Maybe some fantasies are better left just that: fantasies.
You say that you need leads, not advice. I cannot give you any leads, so the only thing that I can give you is advice. As far as I know, there is no magic pill. Meeting women for kinky fun is just like meeting women for vanilla fun. You have to go out there and get good at flirting and connecting with women. Or you could do dating apps, but I have no success from those so I have no advice to give in that direction. One thing I will say is that for you as a man, things might be a lot better than you might think. It might be your thoughts about reality holding you back. Don't get me wrong, if you are severely physically unattractive, like if you are really really short or really fat or something, it's obviously harder. Success in finding women is. roughly speaking, about your raw physical attractiveness multiplied by your mental skill at turning women on multiplied by how often you are in situations where you meet women. If you're average-looking then the only thing holding you back is mental.

I'm an average-height guy with a boring career. I have an above-average face I'd say, but I'm no male model. I'm not fat, but I have a bit of a belly because of drinking, age, and lack of exercise. Despite that, I've had amazing sex with three women in the last month. Women are remarkably forgiving about these kinds of things, they're not as sexually dominated by the visual sense as men are. By the way, any women reading this, please correct me if I'm wrong about that :) ! That's just my impression based on my experience as a man.

Women feel a greater need for safety in a sexual interaction than men do because men are physically much stronger on average and they also commit like 90% of all violent crime. If you can connect with a woman in a way that makes her feel that she is safe around you, and you can turn her on mentally, you are golden. Safety is not just physical, by the way. It is also important to be discreet. Women should feel that no matter what happens between you and her, you will not go blabbing about it to other people.

As a man who wants to have kinky fun with women, you should probably give women the sense that you are safe to be around, you are discreet, she has zero to lose by having some good times with you and a lot of things to win from it. Obviously, many women fuck genuinely dangerous guys who turn them on. But if you're fundamentally a nice guy and not a sociopath, don't try to copy those guys too much. I would say, don't so much try to change your fundamental personality, instead focus on unlocking the raw sexual power of your fundamental personality. If you're a nice guy like I am, then your advantages are that you can be genuinely intimate with women and not a dipshit. Many women really enjoy being with a nice, intimate guy who treats them rough in bed with both people's full consent and permission. When I say nice, I don't mean some doormat, I mean a guy who genuinely wants the best for others but is strong and not a push-over.

There is no magic pill other than being a celebrity rock star type of person who just has to show up at a place and women throw themselves at him. Women are people, and a lot of them want some good kinky fun. They're out there. There's no magic charisma potion, no secret formula. Well, other than being a celebrity, but if you're not a celebrity you can still get laid a lot and have some amazing times. You have to just go out and talk to women. If you're not already, learn to be sexually unabashed in conversations. Not as in, talking about kinky sex five seconds after you meet a woman, although some would go for that, but more that you should be totally unashamed about your kinks and feel free discussing them if the conversation goes in that direction or you bring it in that direction. Be a sexual being in public, do not hide all of your desires behind some wall. Most women are more open to talking about sex than the average guy is. Doesn't mean you should start a conversation by talking about sex, but my point is that women aren't some gentle naive creatures who need to be coaxed into being interested in sex. Women are tough in a lot of ways and many of them are horny as fuck. Go make them happy.
Excellent post and pretty spot on. My partner passed away in February and it was a bit daunting to dive back into the pool. But it has gone well....there are lots of great ladies out there.
I've done my share of mourning but I have a life to live and love to give.
And my new lady friend is having some fun exploring a bit of BDSM.
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