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Bloody Golgotha++

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Claudia has been nailed for a whole day. The first of others.

She sees a soldier carrying a long spear with a wet sponge, to prolong her life on the cross during the night that is coming.

She drinks desperately.

She looks at the crowd shouting at her feet rejoicing her atrocious agony.

She is suffering for them and for us.

cludia one day.jpg

( editing already posted in C.O. thread )
Claudia was a warrior. She didn't want to fall to her knees under the barbed flagellum lacerations.

Executioners then tore her skin and flesh blow by blow until her back was completely skinned.

It is useless to describe in this chronicle the violence to which her body was subjected, The image speaks for itself.


( editing already posted in C.O. thread, original by @Condemned One )
Gabriella, you preached peace among peoples.

The Power and the people, brutalized by Power, did not let you continue. They captured you.

The crowd shouting demanded a public death so that everyone could rejoice in your suffering.
The Power chose three people to whip you in the square tied to a low wooden block.
A blacksmith, a carpenter and a butcher took turns flaying you with hooked flagellums.
When they pulled away from you, they were breathing heavily from the effort.

The Power now takes care of you. To mock you they covered you in a purple robe and placed a crown of thorns on your head.

As you bleed from entire body, naked and soaked in blood, you hear the sound of the wood patibulum falling a few steps away from you.

The Power is now preparing your real punishment. You look, through the tears and the blood that drips down your face at the soldiers, the ropes, the wood and a donkey. It drags you to Golgotha.

GS goddess.jpg

( editing already posted in C.O. thread, original by @Condemned One )
Gabriella, you preached peace among peoples.

The Power and the people, brutalized by Power, did not let you continue. They captured you.

The crowd shouting demanded a public death so that everyone could rejoice in your suffering.
The Power chose three people to whip you in the square tied to a low wooden block.
A blacksmith, a carpenter and a butcher took turns flaying you with hooked flagellums.
When they pulled away from you, they were breathing heavily from the effort.

The Power now takes care of you. To mock you they covered you in a purple robe and placed a crown of thorns on your head.

As you bleed from entire body, naked and soaked in blood, you hear the sound of the wood patibulum falling a few steps away from you.

The Power is now preparing your real punishment. You look, through the tears and the blood that drips down your face at the soldiers, the ropes, the wood and a donkey. It drags you to Golgotha.

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( editing already posted in C.O. thread, original by @Condemned One )
I really love this one - the purple bruises really add to the look of being beaten.
Hey, I like your bloody Golgotha modifications very much. Can you make some more of this style using my fotos? For example from my Barabbas storyline?
Hey, I like your bloody Golgotha modifications very much. Can you make some more of this style using my fotos? For example from my Barabbas storyline?
Hi Briccone, I have already edited some your pictures. Do you remember ? You was so kind to send me by email your HD files.
Maybe I had another avatar.... Anyway some other your pictures are in my "she-must-have-realistic-marks-of-torture-on-her-body-during-her-last-trip" to do list.:devil-flip:
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You ate extremely welcome. I liked your modifications an stories very much. Did you see my Barabbas thread?
You ate extremely welcome. I liked your modifications an stories very much. Did you see my Barabbas thread?

Yes of course. Your pictures and models are so original. I choose a pair of them for my graphic tablet work.

Surely the woman on the cross and one of her carrying the patibulum. By curiosity, how many chilos roughly the huge piece of wood weights.

I suppose actually the wood scratches painful her shoulder. Nice.
The Crowd captured Alexandria and dragged her to the feet of Power.
The Power asked "Woman, who is your God?"
She replied "The only and true God is Lord H"
The Power shouted "Heresy, the only and true God is Lord Z", then addressing the Crowd, do with this heretic whore what you want, she is yours”.
The Crowd tortured and raped Alexandria for three days and three nights long.
Eventually, on the fourth day, they nailed her to a cross, impaling her on a large stick.
The Crowd thought that Lord Z, the only true God, smiles slightly looking at Alexandria’s atrocius sufferings.

DL 11.jpg

( editing already posted in C.O. thread, original by @Condemned One )
The chief executioner shouted:

"Pull up this animal and prepare the nails and the crown of thorns.
Come on, my arm is tired from tearing the skin off these animals.

And once the ladders have been prepared, we'll put the
cornu under her like the other one"

Power ordered us let them live in agony as long as possible"

"Prepare also vinegar to let them drink and salt , a lot of salt the crowd like when they scream as beasts"

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Hi @Danillegs , I’ve been away and couldn’t wait to find your pictures again. I adore this very cruel scourging pose, and just wish I was in her place! Then vinegar to drink? Not piss???

Mmm and salt for my wounds to make sure I scream for the crowd? How very thoughtful!
Hi @Danillegs , I’ve been away and couldn’t wait to find your pictures again. I adore this very cruel scourging pose, and just wish I was in her place! Then vinegar to drink? Not piss???

Mmm and salt for my wounds to make sure I scream for the crowd? How very thoughtful!
Well coming back to forum @Loinclothslave.

Thank you, I'm happy you like.

"Vinegar" is to add sufference to her, "piss" is to humiliate her and at same time hydratate her to prolong her agony.:devil-flip:

....and welcome your fantasy about your screaming :devil:
The Power arrested Claudia and dragged her, naked and with chains and ropes, to a public square surrounded by a large Crowd.

Power said "This woman tells around that the Others are like us"

Crowd " The Others are our enemy and the Power defends us from those beasts"

Claudia " Instead love them and you and them live in peace"

Crowd " Bloody whore you are one of the Others"

Power "what do we do with her ?"

Crowd " Crucified...crucified".

A woman of the Crowd "Before the cross let me skin her alive with my scourge"

Power "Yes, go and do to her what you want"

Power - with itself - "love and peace, shit, and where would we end up?"

test78 Claudia T.jpg

( editing already posted in C.O. thread, original by @Condemned One )
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